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(Not your typical reviewer PART 2 ^_^)

Types of assertions
Assertions are usually statements that we want others to believe to be true and correct. That’s why when
we assert, we are stating something with force. There are 4 types of Assertion that one must always remember.
We have FACT (wherein it is a statement that is said together with specific evidences to support the argument),
OPINION (this is a statement that are factual in nature but it lacks supporting details or evidences),
CONVENTION (this can be also termed as an unwritten rule that everyone or a certain group of individuals agree
upon. Accounts from that of history is also considered under this type of assertion) and PREFERENCE (this is
somewhat subjective because it deals with the writer’s own choice).
Practice on these:
1. Social media is defines as the internet and mobile-based tools and devices that facilitate the integration
of technology, telecommunications and social interaction.
2. Facebook is a cooler social media platform than twitter.
3. In 2012, there were 1.4 billion users of Social media worldwide.
4. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more students interested.
5. Another name for social media is “Web 2.0” because both terms emphasize the social aspects of the
internet as avenues for communication, collaboration and creative expression.
6. Many teenagers’ present obsession with taking selfies shows they are the most narcissistic generation.
7. Social Networks are the most distracting websites in the internet.
8. In the first quarter of 2014, nearly 300 million smartphone units were sold all over the world.
9. Parents ought to enforce stricter guidelines in social media to safeguard their children’s privacy.
10. Children are learning how to operate mobile devices at increasingly younger ages; many of them have
an idea of how to use a touchscreen tablet before they are two.
Claim is usually the central point of an argument. It tries to prove the text by providing details, explanations, and
other types of evidences. We have 3 types of claims. Claim of Fact (states a quantifiable assertion or a
measurable topic. They rely on reliable sources or systematic procedures to be validated), Claim of Value (these
types of topics try to prove some values are more or less desirable compared to others) and Claim of Policy
(posts that specific actions should be chosen as solutions to a particular problem).
Practice on these:
1. National strength can only be built on character.
2. The Filipinos of the past became strong-willed, earnest, and adventurous by necessity: They had to brave
the seas, clear the forest, and erect towns and cities upon the wilderness in order to establish
3. To insure the accomplishment of this task of national spiritual reconstruction, we shall formulate and
adopt a social code that can be explained in the schools preached from the pulpits, and taught in the
streets and plazas, and in the remote corners of our land.
4. Teachers are in the best position to inculcate this social code in the youth because they are in the most
contact with them during their formative years at school.

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