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11/18/2019 RURAL_MARKETING(BBBHM643B)-1574098470168.





Total Teaching Hours For Semester :

60 No of Lecture
Hours/Week : 4

Max Marks :

Course Description and Course Objectives:

To understand the importance of Rural Markets, Sensitize to the needs and behavior of consumers and channels, Utilize the
understanding on peculiarities of rural markets, channels and competition in marketing decision making

Course Outcomes

Students will be able to understand issues in Rural Marketing and characteristics of Rural Markets, Non Conventional methods of
Reaching Rural Markets and developing Marketing Strategy for Rural Markets



Definition, scope of rural marketing, their evolution over period of time and Demographic pattern of Rural Market concepts, and
components of rural markets, classification of rural markets, rural vs. urban markets. Need for rural marketing, types of rural
customers, Evolution of Rural Marketing: Pre-1960s, 1960-1990 and 1990 – Present Rural Market Structure, Size of Rural Market,
FMCG Market and Durable Market, Literacy Levels, Expenditure Pattern, Factors affecting Rural Consumer Behaviour



Rise of Consumerism, Consumer Buying Process, Opinion Leadership Process, Diffusion of Innovation, Brand Loyalty, Growing
connectivity in rural India, role of rural women& rural youth.

Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning,  Segmentation- Heterogeneity in Rural,    Prerequisites for Effective Segmentation, Degrees
of Segmentation, Basis of Segmentation and Approaches to Rural Segmentation- Targeting- Evaluation and Selection of Segments,
Coverage of Segments, Positioning- Identifying the positioning Concept, Selecting the positioning Concept, Developing the Concept,
Communicating the Concept, Urban vs. rural marketing. Rural consumer behaviour – buyer characteristics, decision process, and
behaviour patterns, evaluation procedure, brand loyality, innovation adoption



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Product Strategy Introduction, Marketing Mix Challenges, Product concepts classification-Five Levels Products, Classification of
Products, Rural Product Categories – Fast moving Consumer goods, Consumer Durables, Agriculture Goods, Services, New
Product Development Consumer Adoption Process, Product life cycle, Product Mix, Branding in Rural India- Brand building in
Rural India, Brand Spectrum in Rural, Brand Loyalty Vs Stickiness, Fake Brands : Lookalikes, Spell-alikes, Duplicates



Pricing Strategy / Pricing Objectives, Pricing Methods, Accessing Rural Markets, Coverage Status in Rural Markets, Channels of
Distribution, Evolution of Rural Distribution Systems- Wholesaling, Rural Retail System, Vans, Rural Mobile Traders: The last Mile
Distribution, Haats/Shandies, Public Distribution System, Co-operative Societies Behavior of the Channel, Prevalent Rural
Distribution Models



Distribution Models of FMCG Companies, Distribution Model of Durable Companies, Distribution of fake products, Emerging
Distribution Models- Corporate –SHG Linkage, Satellite Distribution, Syndicated Distribution, ITC’s Distribution Model, Petrol
pumps and Extension counters, Barefoot agents, Agricultural agents, Agricultural input dealers, Ideal distribution model for Rural



Challenges in Rural Communication, A view of Communication Process, Developing Effective- Profiling the Target Audience,
Determining communication objectives, designing the message, selecting the communication channels, deciding the promotion mix,
Creating advertisement for rural audiences rural media- Mass media

Non- Conventional Media, melas, Haats, Interactive games, folk media, puppet shows, POP displays, Personalised media, Rural
Media: The importance of the two-step flow of communication Media Typology, The Media Model, Media innovation



Tata Motors “Project Neev”, Tata KisanSansar, HPCL Rasoi Ghar- Community Kitchen, Dabur “Project Buniyad”, ICT in Rural
Distribution.Project i - Shakti – HUL. Project e-Choupal - ITC



Development banking – social banking – banking structure: commercial banks, cooperative, RRBS constraints in credit delivery
system - NABARD and rural development –Innovative Credit Delivery Systems, Micro Finance, Financial Products in Rural Area



New Panchayati Raj System – NGOs in rural development – Information technology and village development –Village Resource
Centres, e-governance – people’s participation in ruraldevelopment – participatory planning / micro level planning.


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Growth of population – Poverty –feminization of poverty – gender and development – HDI – HPI poverty alleviation measures
strategies and programmes of rural development under Five Year Plans, new economic reforms and rural development, social safety
nets for poor – Land related issues, water related issues Infrastructure Centred issues; Health, education, sanitation, drinking water,
rural connectivity, housing – depletion of natural resources – ground water management. Case study- Evolution of Paani Foundation
in Maharashtra villages.

Essential References:

Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural Marketing (2nd  edi), Pearson Education

Krishnamoorthy, R (2011). Rural Marketing (3rd Edi), Himalaya Publishing House

Recommended References:

Allen R.K, (2005). Bringing new technology to market (1st edi). Prentice Hall Publication.

Dogra (2007). Rural Marketing (7th edi), Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Gopalswamy T.P (2009). Rural Marketing (3rd edi),  Vikas Publishing house.

Krishnamacharyulu C.G. (2011). Cases in Rural Marketing. (2nd edi). Pearson Education.

Mathur, U.C. (2008). Rural Marketing (1st edi). Excel books.

Prahlad C.K (2005). Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid. Wharton School Publishing.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 -  20 Marks

CIA 2 - Mid semester exam - 25 Marks

CIA 3 -  20 Marks

End semester exam - 30 Marks

Attendance - 5 Marks


Semester VI Class BBA H

Course Code BBHM643 B Course title Rural Marketing
Hours 60 Hours per week 04
Faculty name Contact details
Mr. Praveen Babu P
Attendance shall be taken within the first five minutes of commencement of the session. Late coming is not
Notebook specific for the subject must be carried for every class hour.
Class policies and Participation in discussions during class is encouraged.
guidelines Assignments submitted after the due date shall not be valued.
CIA presentation schedule must be strictly adhered. Absentees without prior permission will be marked zero.
Creating nuisance in the class and unofficial usage of mobile phones lead to suspension for the maximum of
period of four hours.
Rural marketing facilitates the students to understandthe importance of Rural Markets, Sensitize to the needs and behaviour of
Course Description consumers and channels, Utilize the understanding on peculiarities of rural markets, channels and competition in marketing
decision making

To learn the rural market structure, size and potentials.

To understand and learn the strategies of rural marketing pertaining to segmentation, positioning and targeting.
To enrich the knowledge for rural marketing mix components and brand building endeavours
Course Objectives
To study the requirement of designing distribution network and communication system in specific to rural
To understand the need of financial services for boosting the rural marketing growth of durable products

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Learning Outcomes for At the end of the course the student will be able to:
the Course understand issues in Rural Marketing and characteristics of Rural Markets, Non-Conventional methods of
Reaching Rural Markets and Developing Marketing Strategy for Rural Markets


Pedagogy (teaching learning

Unit/ Module details Week (starting Hours per methods used)/ activities and or Resource/ Reference details
and end dates) week
class trips/ dates for assessment
I -Introduction to Rural Markets
Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Definition, scope of rural marketing, Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
their evolution over period of time and (5/11/19 to PPT, Videos, Lecture, Q&A and Education
Demographic pattern of Rural Market 9/11/19) 4
concepts, and components of rural Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
markets, classification of rural Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
markets, rural vs. urban markets. Himalaya Publishing House

I -Introduction to Rural Markets

Need for rural marketing, types of Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
rural customers, Evolution of Rural Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Marketing: Pre-1960s, 1960-1990 and (11/11/19 to Education
4 PPT, Lecture, Q&A and
1990 Present Rural Market Structure, 16/11/19) Discussion
Size of Rural Market, FMCG Market Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
and Durable Market, Literacy Levels, Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Expenditure Pattern, Factors affecting Himalaya Publishing House
Rural Consumer Behaviour,

II- Rural Market & STP

Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Rise of Consumerism, Consumer Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Buying Process, Opinion Leadership (18/11/19 to Education
Process, Diffusion of Innovation, 25/11/19)
Brand Loyalty, Growing connectivity Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
in rural India, role of rural women& Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
rural youth. Himalaya Publishing House

II- Rural Market & STP

Segmenting, Targeting and
Positioning, Segmentation-
Heterogeneity in Rural,Prerequisites
for Effective Segmentation, Degrees
of Segmentation, Basis of
Segmentation and Approaches to Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Rural Segmentation- Targeting- Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Evaluation and Selection of Segments, (25/11/19 to PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
Coverage of Segments, Positioning- 3/12/19) 4 Discussion
Identifying the positioning Concept, Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
Selecting the positioning Concept, Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Developing the Concept, Himalaya Publishing House
Communicating the Concept, Urban
vs. rural marketing. Rural consumer
behaviour buyer characteristics,
decision process, and behaviour
patterns, evaluation procedure, brand
loyalty, innovation adoption

III- Marketing Mix and New

Product Development for Rural
Market Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Product Strategy Introduction, (4/12/19 to PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
Marketing Mix Challenges, Product 4 Discussion
concepts classification-Five Levels 12/12/19) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
Products, Classification of Products, Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Rural Product Categories Fast moving Himalaya Publishing House
Consumer goods, Consumer Durables,
Agriculture Goods, Services
III- Marketing Mix and New
Product Development for Rural
Market Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
New Product Development Consumer PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
Adoption Process, Product life cycle, (13/12/19 to 3 Discussion
Product Mix, Branding in Rural India- 21/12/19) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
Brand building in Rural India, Brand Rural Marketing (3rdEdi),
Spectrum in Rural, Brand Loyalty Vs Himalaya Publishing House
Stickiness, Fake Brands : Lookalikes,
Spell-alikes, Duplicates

IV- Pricing Strategy & Rural (13/12/19 to 4 PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Distribution 21/12/19) Discussion Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson

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Pricing Strategy / Pricing Objectives, Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).

Pricing Methods Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Himalaya Publishing House
Introduction: Accessing Rural
Markets, Coverage Status in Rural
Markets, Channels of Distribution,

IV- Pricing Strategy & Rural

Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Evolution of Rural Distribution Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Systems- Wholesaling, Rural Retail PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
System, Vans, Rural Mobile Traders: (02/01/20 to
The last Mile Distribution, 04/01/20) 3 Discussion
Haats/Shandies, Public Distribution Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
System, Co-operative Societies Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Behavior of the Channel, Prevalent Himalaya Publishing House
Rural Distribution Models

V- Rural Distribution Models Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural

Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Distribution Models of FMCG (06/01/20 to Education
Companies, Distribution Model of 4
Durable Companies, Distribution of 11/01/20) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
fake products, Emerging Distribution Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Models- Corporate SHG Linkage Himalaya Publishing House
V- Rural Distribution Models
Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Satellite Distribution, Syndicated Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Distribution, ITCs Distribution Model, (13/01/20 to PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
Petrol pumps and Extension counters, 18/01/20) 3 Discussion
Barefoot agents, Agricultural agents, Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
Agricultural input dealers, Ideal Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
distribution model for Rural Market Himalaya Publishing House

VIRural Communication

Challenges in Rural Communication,

A view of Communication Process, Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Developing Effective- Profiling the Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Target Audience, Determining (20/01/20 to PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Education
communication objectives, designing 25/01/20) 4 Discussion
the message, selecting the Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
communication channels, deciding the Rural Marketing (3rdEdi),
promotion mix, Creating Himalaya Publishing House
advertisement for rural audiences rural
media- Mass media

VIRural Communication

Non- Conventional Media, melas, Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural

Haats, Interactive games, folk media, PPT, Lecture, Q&A and Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
puppet shows, POP displays, (27/01/20 to Discussion Education
Personalised media, Rural Media: The 01/02/20) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
importance of the two-step flow of Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
communication Media Typology, The Himalaya Publishing House
Media Model, Media innovation

VII - FMCG Innovations in Rural

Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
Tata Motors Project Neev. Tata Education
KisanSansar. HPCL RasoiGhar- (03/02/20 to 4
Community Kitchen.DaburProject 08/02/20) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
Buniyad.ICT in Rural Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Distribution.Projecti - Shakti HUL. Himalaya Publishing House
Project e-Choupal - ITC

VIII Rural Financial Services

Development banking social banking Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural

banking structure: commercial banks, Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
cooperative, RRBS constraints in (10/02/20 to Education
credit delivery system - NABARD and 15/02/20) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
rural development Innovative Credit Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Delivery Systems, Micro Finance, Himalaya Publishing House
Financial Products in Rural Area

IX- Rural Development (17/02/20 to 4 Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural

administration 22/02/20) Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
New Panchayati Raj System NGOs in
rural development Information Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
technology and village development Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Village Resource Centres, e- Himalaya Publishing House
governance peoples participation in
ruraldevelopment participatory
planning / micro level planning.

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X - Rural Development Issues

Growth of population Poverty
feminization of poverty gender and
development HDI HPI poverty
alleviation measures strategies and
programmes of rural development Kashyap, P.(2012). Rural
under Five Year Plans, new economic Marketing (2ndedi), Pearson
reforms and rural development, social (24/02/20 to Education
safety nets for poor Land related 01/03/20) Krishnamoorthy, R (2011).
issues, water related issues Rural Marketing (3rd Edi),
Infrastructure Centredissues;Health, Himalaya Publishing House
education, sanitation, drinking water,
rural connectivity, housing depletion
of natural resources ground water
management. Case study- Evolution of
Paani Foundation in Maharashtra

Assessment outline:
Assessment Component Description Weightage

A group presentation on developing and exploring business feasibility

of a mobile app which enable B2B business connectivity of any rural
producer/ business to other businesses
CIA I Part-A 10%
CIA I Part-B An individual assignment on branding and developing marketing mix 10%
strategy for any non-branded rural agricultural products for urban

Mid Semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration.

CIA II Unit 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Topics covered up to Agricultural input dealers, 25%
Ideal distribution model for Rural Market)
A rural haat/shandy/mela/exhibitions visit and understand the
functioning of such markets. On completion of the visit, they will be
required to submit a detailed mini-research report based on their
CIA III experiences (mind mapping, report submission and presentation about 20%
problems faced by rural market sector, solution to ongoing barriers in
the rural market operations and exploring opportunities for growth of
businesses from rural market sectors)

End Semester Examination Written examination conducted for 2 hours duration. All units. 30%
Attendance 05%
Total 100%

Mapping: A template to map the Learning Outcomes of the course against the components of assessment is given below:

Components of assessment
Learning Outcomes of the course CIA-I CIA-I
Part -A Part -B

Students get opportunities to learn the rural market structure, size and potentials on
overall growth of business.

Enable the students understand and learn the strategies of rural marketing pertaining
to segmentation, positioning and targeting.

Students enrich the knowledge for rural marketing mix components and brand
building endeavours

Allow the students to study the requirement of designing distribution network and
communication system in specific to rural marketing

CIA I Part A (10 marks)
Assignment description:
A group presentation on developing and exploring business feasibility of a mobile app which enable B2B business connectivity of any rural
producer/ business to other businesses. The last date for submitting report is 9th December, 2019

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Learning outcomes:
Develop the competence offormulating potential B2B marketing strategy for rural market.
Learn to apply the advantages of e-commerce tools for the underprivileged rural products.
Evaluation Rubric/s:
Support for position, accuracy, Sentence structure, transition and closing paragraph are the criteria for evaluation.

CATEGORY 4 - 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks

Includes 3 or more pieces of Includes 2 or more pieces of evidence Includes 1 or few pieces of evidence
Support for Position evidence (facts, statistics, examples, (facts, statistics, examples, real-life (facts, statistics, examples, real-life
real-life experiences) that support experiences) that support the position experiences) that support the position
the position statement. statement. statement.

All supportive facts and statistics are Almost all supportive facts and Most supportive facts and statistics are
Marketing Feasibility reported accurately for marketing statistics are reported accurately for reported accurately for marketing
feasibility marketing feasibility. feasibility.
Facial expression and body language Facial expression and body language
Presentation show a strong interest and show a strong interest and Facial expression and body language
enthusiasm about the topic enthusiasm about the topic show some interest and enthusiasm
Mettle throughout the marketing mix throughout the marketing mix about the topic throughout marketing
strategy presentation, but it is not strategy presentation, but it is mix strategy presentation.
overdone. somewhat overdone.

Mapping the Learning Outcomes with components of the evaluation rubrics:

Learning Outcomes of the assignment Method of assessment Component of the evaluation rubrics
Report on detailed introduction of the product
Develop the competence of formulating The selected agricultural product attributes, 4 to 3 marks
potential B2B marketing strategy for rural marketability, and growth potentials.
market. Presentation on its potential B2B market
strategy and opportunity 4 to3marks

Enable the students to learn and apply the Synchronization of appropriate marketing mix Report on matching the product with suitable e-
advantages of e-commerce tools for the elements on the selected rural agricultural commerce elements 4-3 marks
underprivileged rural products. product

CIA -I Part B (10 marks)

An individual assignment on branding and developing marketing mix strategy for any non-branded rural agricultural products for urban market.
The last date for submitting report is 10th December, 2019.
Learning outcomes:
Develop the competence of marketing mix strategy formulation in accordance with rural market structure, affordability and buyer behaviour.
Learn the substantial branding techniques to promote the underprivileged rural agricultural products.
Evaluation Rubric/s:
Introduction, Sources, sentence length, conclusion and originality of the article are the criteria for evaluation.
Mapping the Learning Outcomes with components of the evaluation rubrics:

Learning Outcomes of the assignment Method of assessment Component of the evaluation rubrics

Develop the competence of marketing mix Appropriate marketing mix strategy for the
strategy formulation in accordance with The pervasive coverage of the marketing mix products 4 to 3 marks
rural market structure, affordability and strategy for the rural product
buyer behaviour. Effective branding elements 4 to 3 marks

The amount of right information relevant to

Learn the substantial branding techniques to industrys brand
promote the underprivileged rural Sentence length 4 to 3 marks
agricultural products .

CATEGORY 4 - 3Marks 2 Marks 1 Mark

The introduction is inviting, states the The introduction clearly states the main The introduction states the main topic, but
Introduction (Organization) main topic and previews the structure topic and previews the structure of the
of the paper. does not adequately preview the structure of
paper, but is not particularly inviting to the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the
& the reader. reader.
The conclusion is strong and leaves
Conclusion (Organization) the reader with a feeling that they
understand what the writer is The conclusion is recognizable and ties The conclusion is recognizable, but does not
\"getting at.\" up almost all the loose ends. tie up several loose ends.
Sources (Content) All sources used for quotes and facts All sources used for quotes and facts are Most sources used for quotes and facts are

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are credible and cited correctly. credible and most are cited correctly. credible and cited correctly.

Sentence Length (Sentence Every paragraph has sentences that Almost all paragraphs have sentences Some sentences vary in length.
Fluency) vary in length. that vary in length.

CIA III (20 marks)

Rural market visit description:
A rural haat/shandy/mela/exhibitions visit and understand the functioning of such markets. On completion of the visit, they will be required to
submit a detailed mini-research report based on their experiences (Rural market visit, mind mapping, report submission and presentation about
problems faced by rural market sector, solution to ongoing barriers in the rural market operations and exploring opportunities for growth of
businesses from rural market sectors)
Learning outcomes:
Learn the thorough knowledge about operations of the rural market and understand the prevailing problems both markers and consumers
Identify the possible reforms to enhance the operations of the rural market that will provide benefits to the consumers and marketers.
Evaluation Rubric/s:
Sources, amount of information, quality of information, diagram & illustration and presentation are the criteria for evaluation.
CATEGORY 5-4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Mark

All sources (information and All sources (information and All sources (information
Sources graphics) are accurately graphics) are accurately and graphics) are accurately Some sources are not
documented in the desired documented, but a few are documented, but many are accurately documented.
format. not in the desired format. not in the desired format.

All problems are addressed All problems are addressed

by comprehensive mostly by detailed All problems are addressed One or more important
Amount of questionnaire with questionnaire and scaling by questionnaire with
Information appropriate scaling techniques any other data scaling techniques any other problems were not
techniques or any other data collection methods. data collection methods
collection methods

Information clearly relates to Information clearly relates to Information clearly relates

the main topic. It includes the main topic. It provides 1- to the main topic. No details Information has little or
Quality of Information several supporting details 2 supporting details (review (review of literatures and nothing to do with the main
(review of literatures and of literatures and cases) cases) and/or examples are topic.
cases) and/or examples. and/or examples. given.

Diagrams and illustrations are Diagrams and illustrations Diagrams and illustrations Diagrams and illustrations
Diagrams & neat, accurate and add to the are accurate and add to the are neat and accurate and are not accurate OR do not
Illustrations reader\'s understanding of the reader\'s understanding of the sometimes add to the add to the reader\'s
topic. topic. reader\'s understanding of understanding of the topic.
the topic.

Facial expression and body Facial expression and body Facial expression and body
language show a strong language show a strong language show some
Presentation interest and enthusiasm about interest and enthusiasm about Facial expression and body
the topic throughout the Rural the topic throughout the interest and enthusiasm
Mettle marketing problem Rural marketing problem about the topic throughout language depict apathy or
boredom with the topic.
presentation, but it is not presentation, but it is Rural marketing problem
overdone. somewhat overdone. presentation.

Mapping the Learning Outcomes with components of the evaluation rubrics:

Learning Outcomes of the assignment Method of assessment Component of the evaluation rubrics

Learn the thorough knowledge about Sources 4 marks,

operations of the rural market and understand Sources of collecting data, Supporting evidences,
the prevailing problems both markers and statistics Amount of information- 4 marks,
consumers perspectives. Quality of information-4

Identify the possible reforms to enhance the

operations of the rural market that will Application of marketing knowledge
provide benefits to the consumers and Presentation 8 marks.
marketers. Outcome and quality of report

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