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Note Page 576 ARUNACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, 2007 GENERAL ENGLISH Time _: 3Hours Full Marks : 100 1. Answer all the questions “The figures in the right hand mar _ White an essay, in about 500 words, on any one of the folowing (20) (a) India of your Dream’ (bo) The Role of Media in Democracy (c) Industry in Arunachal Pradesh (d) Science and Civilization Write a letter to the Chairman of the municipal corporation asking him to improve the poor sanitary condition of your town, (10) Read the following passage and answer the questions that foliow There are many reasons or causes for the electoral failure of the third parties. The Democrats and the Republicans, after many years on the scene, have entrenched themselves and are able to build up habits of partition loyalty among the citizens. For them nothing succeeds like success, even as for minor parties nothing fails like failure. They are organizationally weak ‘and cannot raise even a part of the funds they need to wage their campaigns on a reasonable scale, Electoral laws in most states are stacked against the new entrants. The third parties cannot even get on the ballot unless they provide proof of popular support by collecting the requisite number of signatures of eligible voters. If their popular votes falls below the legal minimum prescribed in a state, their names are automatically struck off the ballot paper in that state. Furthermore, the third parties ironically demand in return for theit operational political ineffectiveness a very high degree of commitment from the people. Only a small number of people become dedicated supporters of these parties and are willing and able to give them a great deal of their time, energy and source. In contrast, the two major parties demand nothing but a vote, a small campaign contribution and at the most an occasional appearance at a rally or meeting Despite their endemic electoral failure, there is no dearth of third parties in the American Poltical arena. At any given time as many as a dozen political parties put up their presidential candidates in the quadrennial race. If we ignore for analytical purpose such curiosities as the Prohibition party. Vegetarian Party, Universal Party and Liberation Party and so on, the third Parties can usefully be divided into three categories — the secessionist parties, parties of ‘economic protest, and the doctrinaires parties. The first two are usually short-lived but electorally more significant. They have had impact on the destinies or relative strengths of the two major parties. The doctrinaire parties, on the other hand, are electorally more insignificant. But they usually exist over long stretches of time. Their following is narrow in size, but it is made up by the strong and persistent ideological commitment of the faithful few. The populist party and the Progressive party are significant examples of parties of economic protest. Among the ‘secessionist parties one can cite the Dixiecrats of 1948 as a good example. The Socialist Party of Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas, the Socialist Labour Party of the 1960s and the communist Party of the United States since late 1920s are examples of doctrinaire or ideological ‘eft’ parties. ‘Questions: (a) (i) What are the causes for the electoral failure of the third parties? (i) Why are the Democrats and the republicans organizationally weak? (ii) What have the third to do to get on the ballot? (iv) In how many categories can third parties be divided? (¥) Which parties are examples of economic protest? BK (b) (co) 4 Page 577 Pick out from the above passage the synonyms of 1555 (i) required (ji) moreover (ii) qualified (iv) class (v)_—_ unrelenting Pick out five phrasal verbs from the passage and write their meanings. 1x8=5 Write a paragraph on any one of the following, [19] (2) A friend in need is friend indeec () The pen is mightier than the sword. (©) Pride goes before 2 fai Doas directed 2x7=14 (@) Wediscussed the matter in the inzeting (change the voice) (0) He wrote me a letter. ‘change ints a negative sentence) (©) This is the 000k (filin the biank with adjective clause) (@) Delhi is the biggest city of India. (change into comparative degree) (e) know French (add a question tag) (He said to me, “Why did you not appear in the examination?” (change into indirect speech) (@) The teacher said to me, “Work hard, if you want to pass the examination this year.” (change into indirect speech) Fill in the blank with appropriate prepositions: 1x4=4 (2) Thatman, who deals__1__ cotton goods, has dealt fairly _2__his customers. (b) The magistrate compiied 3 their request and issued a summons _4 him. Correct any five of the following: 4x55 @) My office requires at least ten furnitures. (©) My father is taking breakfast everyday at 8 a.m. (©) _ Neither of the two bcoks are useful to me. (@) He will go ifhis father will come. (e) The students of this college are more disciplined than other colleges (itis | who is responsibie for his failure (@) He as well as you were present in the meeting, Use any five of the following phrases in sentences: 4x55 Beck and call; null and void; flesh and blood: Beat about the bush; look into; put up with Write a précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title: 104212 itis a matter of general agreement that the war has had a chilling effect upon those litte every-day civlties of behaviour that sweeten the general air. We must get those civilties bac’ if we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other, We cannot get them back by invoking the law. The policeman is a necessary symbol and the law is a necessary institution for a society that is still somewhat lower than the angles. But the law can only protect us against material attack. Nor will the lft-man's way of meeting moral affront by physical violence help us to restore the civities. | suggest to him that he would have had a more subtle and effective revenge if he had treated the gentleman who would not say “please” with elaborate politeness. He would have had the victory, not only over the boor, but over himself, and that is the victory that counts. The polite man may lose the material advantage but he always has the spiritual victory. | commend to the liftman a story of chesterfield. In his time the London streets were without the pavement of today, and the man who “took the wall’ had the criest footing. “I never give the wall to a scoundrel’, said a man who met Chesterfield one day in the street. "I always do” said Chesterfield, stepping with a bow into the road. | hope the lftman will agree that his revenge was much more sweet than if he had flung the fellow into the mud.

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