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Level CSII Module 4 Task 1 Class

Worksheet Student(s) Date

Programming in Visual Basic environment

Let’s get to know the developing environment

Would you like to be programmers? Well, Microsoft Visual Basic Express is an easy development tool which
gives you the opportunity to do many useful things. So how about we get to know this developing

Let’s practice! More specifically you have to:

Find and open Microsoft Visual Basic.

Open an existing project. There is a subfolder in the My Documents
folder, named “DW. CSII.4.1_my first program.” There is a file inside
named “my first program.” Find this file and open it.

As you can see, there are two open tabs. The first one includes a form named “Form1” and the second one the
corresponding code. These forms include some elements which are called controls. Look at the form carefully
and then fill in the table below with some characteristics of each control.

Button Control

Name property: ……………………. Text property: …………………………… Back color: ………………..

Label Control

Name property: .…………………… Text property: …………………………… Border Style: ……………….

Text box Control

Name property: …………………… Text property: …………………………… Font: …………………………..

Now it’s time to make some changes to the form. More specifically you have to:

Change the title of the program’s window to “My project”

Change the name property of button to “Hello”
Change the date of the Date Time Picker control to the correct date
Add the control Picture box from the toolbox. Then input the file “DW. CSII.4.1_Visual basic” as an
image, which is located in the “Pictures” folder.

© Binary Logic SA 2018. PHOTOCOPIABLE . Last update: 24/1/20 - Page 1 of 2

Level CSII Module 4 Task 1 Class
Worksheet Student(s) Date

Let’s test your program

Now it’s time to test your program. More specifically you have to:
Save your project with a name of your choice.
Click the Start Debugging button to test your program.
In the program’s window that appears, click the “Hello” button so that the label’s text changes to “My
first program.”
But how did the label’s text change?
Remember that a Button is a clickable control that allows you to specify program instructions to be run when a
user clicks the button.

So we gave instructions to the Button to display a text

field on the label. If you want, open the code of the
button in order to ascertain it.
Then, make the appropriate changes in order to display the message “my first program” when you
click the button, only to the Textbox text.

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