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A Non-Geek’'s A-to-Z Guide to the Introduction Defining the Internet of Things sn easy When is defined in terms of make size, some focus onthe potential revenue (tin the illons while eters focus onthe number of potential hings” (in thebillons) Some deinions focus onthe exponental growth of sensors, excluding smartphones, tables and desizop comptes, while others only consider device with an IP address Whether these defintonsandfoecaets are accurte orn tcanboe downvight confusing. How would you define the Internet of Things (or asitis commonly called)? youwereto ak 20 people, you would mestlkelyend upwith 21 diferent defnions, including your: And guess what? Thats OK fs notimpartan that weal gree on ingle defntion Whatsimportantsthat we understand the content or frame of reference which the Itemet of Things kein decussed. ‘good eatein pointis"big data” When the term stared to become popular in 2017, almost every are, research report interview and panel dscusion forthe next teu yeuts began witha definton of big data Was itnecessary te define each ime? Yes, And stil Because author and speakers are responsible for providing the proper context for readers andliteners— especially when tinvelves complexterms ie big data and the Internet of Things Different Ways to View loT Wile you won'tfind canonical definon of loTin thi guide, it sil interesting tnete how diferent organizations describe it Here are afew + aTisabourextending the power ofthe ntemet beyond, ‘computers and smartphones to awhoe range of ther things processes and enironments (oT frAl) + ot isthe extension ofintemet connectivity ito physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded wih electronics, internat connectvty and other forms of hardware (euch a eneor), ‘hese devices can communicate and interact with other over the intemet and they ean be remotely monitored and convoled. (tkipedio) + aT refers to avast number of "things" that are connected to the Intemet so they can share data with ther things -loTspplesUons, connected deveesindustl machines and more. Intemet- connected devices use bultin sensors to collect data ands some cases acton it (SAS) ‘These descriptions highlight o's common vats - connect, "things" and data (orinfrmation)- while giving us a good sense ofthe verendous impact IoThas on feat we know t About This Guide “This AtoZ guide includes 101 common terms related to the Itemet of “Things Ks notan exhaustive totems, given thatleTiseveling so que boutrathera quick go resource forthe anyone who wantsto get handle on thisvac oT ecosystem Eventhough hie guide isfrthe nongeaktdows include some technical torms-butthey are explained sans technical "gook speak” Wie ako wantto help you understand how aterm maybe connectedto'3 larger dizcuson The indexeon the next page will help you wth hat groupe the terms by category such as"analer oF ‘connacviy” cotati’ easerto lel grasp group of related terms (and theirbroader coterie) Each catagory lo as colored ion to rapresrt-aereughout the shida eachtem staged wh the rlvent extagen Far nampa, 3) indice altermsin th "wiles clean TAKE A DEEPER DIVE on the Internet of Things Click the links to check out our in-depth pages and learn pees Peace aut enter tenner eee eee ean aees enh cee Ceuta tees (a) ANALYTICS Advanced gore ieee nb ig data wpe Deserve ana Pharm Prelcveanaigis Precip arbre Seong ras APPLICATIONS Connected customer Connected factory Connected vehicle Smarty Smaregtid Smaithomne ARTIFICIAL InreLLigeNce fecvarecte Sowrn route eae oeseeces mao eins peneter ZB 2D CAPABILITIES Automation igtal ansoron Legacy Optimization Realtime Smart Ubiquitous COMPUTING Cloud computing Edge computing Fog computing Graphics processing units (GPUs) tid compuring Incegraton etal realty VR) Yorabyte CONNECTIVITY Botnet Geolencing rs Intemetof Everything (ie) Interoperability Mis Network Protocal Proximity network FID Standards DATA Data ake Data sreaming coat Piney Oualy Security m DIGITAL ‘CURRENCY Bitcon Blockchain Coyptocumency Digtal camency Eterm a INDUSTRIES: Heath care Instill Manufactaring Real Telecommunictins Tearapertton tities cid a THINGS Drone Mobile device uantfied set Sensor Things Wearables Xeaffee »\ WIRELESS acuE 6 Bhutoth Mesh networking Wires Zabee Zwave he 101 TERMS in Alphabetical Order 4GiTE ON\) cctrtisaighspendwines network On able devs, conven peer tin 100MB/ecrd en stator) dens ponds ae lost \CR/ncond, ) 5 OY) Scisthe next generaton of mobile networks beyond LTE SG supports more users allo data ina gvendanshy vermis raking speeds faster 5G ie needed to handle expanded network volimes du tothe enormous growth ofloT devices. ADVANCED ALGORITHMS ‘An algorithm's zolware procedure (ie, 210 ofinetructions designed to perform a spect task. Consider that lgorthns deterine what data you se in your Google search rests cor Facebook news fed, Overtime, algoritiens are modified tolimprove pevlormance elciency or acuracy Advanced algorithms ae developed and combined innew waysto analyze more oT data faster, and at muliple evels—whichis eyo identiving and predicting rae events understanding complexsystems and optimizing unique scenarios ADVANCED ANALYTICS [As SAS Chit Technology Oficor Olver Schabenberger puts "Data without analytic ie vale not yetreaized. Wherever ‘theres data, there should be analytics" Ths is especially tu ofloT data For example, advanced analyics allows companies to conduct whalif analyses and understand the impact of changing business ttegy Advanced analyte includes attics inteligence and elated technologies ke machine learing, predictive analytes, data mining, big data analy, forecasting, tex anaes, optimization and smulation. APIs ‘Pl or application programming interfaces ae portable pckager of code thatmakek pore o add Al functional to editing products and sofware packages: Thy can add Image recognition apabiles tome eeurty systems, 8A, capabities to describe loT data creste captions and headlines or call outinteresting patterns andinsights in oT data ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (Al) ‘Acsfcialinaligonco makes posse for machines leam ‘rom experience, adjust to new inputs and perform humanike tasks, Most Al examples that you hear about today rom chezeplaying computrsto sli cevng cats=rely heavy on seep laring and natural language procesing INLP} Using these technologies computers canbe tained te accomplish speci tasks by procersing large amount afloT data and recognising patterns inthat dats ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF THINGS (AloT) Alt reforsto he merging of Aland lef We can use advanced analyses and Also gain inteligence from high volumes of sivorse data thats generated by lT sensors, viens and machines. But there’ ne need collecthe dataifyou don have an aggresive planto analyze itand acton it loT and Altogether (Alo) accelerate sights that drive burns: performance. NSE Ue Eo err te ceen ey eel tes Pane ma oer Perna fee ett Tener cee ee ed eee Ere aed oes AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) AARiethe blending of itl realy and eal if. AR sppeasto ‘the senses by inzering computor-generted sounds, videos, graphics or GPS data into an exiting rah fe sting. ARie converging with oF; for example, ta from hundreds of senzotscanbe viualzed simukaneous)y, overlaying relevant nd uelulinformaton fom your environment through hesdeet AUTOMATION The automation ofdtadriven deciions and actions isan obvious rection forthe nteret of Things and Industral a). ‘Analying lth loT data willbe aha takin taf tthe ably to automate decsiors and actonebazed on thi an wil separate the lenders fom the laggards nts lo rac, BIG DATA Big dat refers to oxponentily increasing volumes, varieties and veloctes of dats wich has pushed computing stem= and processes tothe lint Big data became alltheragein 2011_What we know now that twas jurthe opening ae for hat we now ell oT data (at) BIG DATA ANALYTICS Big data analyics isa subst of advanced anaes. allows you to examine large volumes of data to uncover hidden peters, corebtions matket ends and athe insights Wah today big data technology, you can get answersto your business questions alot quicker than wth your radona I tools Ree TeCuCNmensaaelg Tg ea Cee) Seen nasees Pree Eee ed leona er fea ae ny % BITCOIN Bitcoinis a eyptocurency powered by theblockchan Unlike sgovernmentissued curences bitoin is operated by 2 decentralized author and provides lower transaction fees ‘than tational payment mechanisms. BLOCKCHAIN Blockchain isthe technology that powers btcoin Is atype of data store that stores everything of digital value. Each new vansacton i stored in ablockthat gets added toa han of exsing records, soit serves asa publcledger of allransacions Updates are validated through a public _ettcation proces Blocks of wansactons are added ina ine, ‘chronological order through cyptography, ensuring thatthe blockchan is atamper proof record of ltansactions onthe network BLUETOOTH radio broadcast communication system that allows youto exchange data over a shor estance, typically 30 fest (butitcan range from three to 300 fet). Blustoth is commen used with portable devies, many of which ae oT deviees “e BOTNET ‘Aso called 2 zombie army, a botnet isa collection of connected ‘things (basally anything with an Padres hathas boon setup forward tranamistons typically

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