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HW 3 – CVEN 633-600 Instructor: Dr. P.


Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CVEN 633 – Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Fall 2019 – Homework 3

Assigned: Sunday, September 15

Due: Friday, September 20 (10:00am)

Study the posted notes and the corresponding sections from your textbook and solve
the following problems. Present your work in accordance with the posted HW
Preparation Guidelines.

Problem 1 (2 points)

1. What do the mean and deviatoric stress tensors represent? Please explain briefly!

2. What are the two most important required characteristics/properties of a strain measure?
Please explain briefly!

Problem 2 (4 points)
Consider the unit cube shown. Assume that some applied loading
results in the following displacement field

u  Ax2 x3eˆ1  Ax1 x3eˆ2  Ax1 x2 eˆ3 where  x1 , x2 , x3  are the
coordinates at the original undeformed configuration, and A is a
1. Compute the elements of the Green’s strain tensor and the
infinitesimal strain tensor.
2. Assuming A = 0.25 and using MATLAB (or other
software), plot the deformed shape of the cube. Include also the original cube on the same
plot, but with dashed lines. To perform the plot, use the points at the eight corners of the
cube. (You will need the MATLAB command plot3). Include your code in the solution
of this problem.

HW 3 – CVEN 633-600 Instructor: Dr. P. Sideris

Problem 3 (4 points)
The following displacement field for pure twist of a circular
shaft of length ℓ and radius r can be expressed in terms of the
rate of twist β (a constant) as follows:
u1  x1 , x2 , x3   x1 cos   x3   x2 sin   x3   x1

u2  x1 , x2 , x3   x1 sin   x3   x2 cos   x3   x2

u3  x1 , x2 , x3   0
where  x1 , x2 , x3  are the coordinates at the original
undeformed configuration, and A is a constant.
1. Compute the elements of the Green’s strain tensor and
the infinitesimal strain tensor as function of the
arbitrary location  x1 , x2 , x3  .
2. The dark line shown had an original geometric locus of

r  0eˆ1  reˆ2  x3eˆ3 . What is the new geometric locus of
this line?


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