Bovine Ephemeral Fever

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Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Synonyms: 3-day sickness, stiff sickness, bovine epizootic fever.

Definition: It is a benign arthropod transmitted viral disease of bovidae characterized by high rise of temperature,
stiffness, lameness, muscle tremor with spontaneous recovery within few days. Death may ensue in very limited
cases with complicated cases.
Etiology: Arthropod-borne rhabdovirus of the genus Ephemerovirus. This is a single stranded negative sense
RNA virus of 75×170nm. The virus is related to dengue fever in man. Virus remains in close association with
leukocytes-platelet association.
Susceptible Hosts: Among cattle of age 6 months to 2 years are more susceptible. The disease is not reported in
goat, sheep, pig and dog. Reservoir host other than cattle has not been identified.
Vectors: Virus is transmitted by sand fly (‫ )مہرو‬Ceratopogonidae. Culex annulirostris, Anopheles bancroftii &
A. annulipes; bitting midges Culicoides brevitarsis has been identified as a biological vector.
Mode of Transmission: Outbreak used to occur in summer season. Virus never exists in recovered animal.
Disease can be transmitted by injection of blood. Even 0.002mL of blood may produce the disease.
Pathogenesis: Virus → Host → Viraemia (2 to 10 days after entry) → Localized (in mesodermal tissues like
joints, muscles etc) → Clinical manifestations (dysponea, limb stiffness supervenes).
Epidemiology: Enzootic in tropical areas. Transmitted by insect vectors. Episodic epizootics in summer in
incursive areas probably initiated by wind-borne transmission of insect vector. High morbidity but low case
Clinical Findings: Incubation period is 2 to 10 days. Disease of cattle with fever (103 to 107 ºF), respiratory
distress, ruminal stasis, muscular shivering, stiffness, lameness, and enlargement of the peripheral lymph nodes.
Generally spontaneous recovery in 3 days and low case-fatality rate.
Clinical Pathology: Leukocytosis, hyperfibrinogenemia, hypocalcemia, elevated creatine kinase. Blocking
enzyme-linked immune-absorbent assay (ELISA) for serology.
Necropsy Findings: Serofibrinous polyserositis, pulmonary emphysema and fibrinous bronchiolitis.
Differential Diagnosis: Botulism, Parturient paresis, Pneumonia, Traumatic reticulitis.
Diagnostic Confirmation: Specific BEF viral antigen by immunofluorescence or by isolation in mice.
Treatment: This is a viral disease and has no treatment but you have to treat. Specific symptomatic treatment i.e.
analgesic, antipyretic, energy source and antibiotics used. Palliative treatment with NSAIDs such as IV or IM
flunixin meglumine @ 2.2 mg/Kg/d, ketoprofen IM @ 3 mg/Kg/d cause remission of clinical signs. Novalgin,
analgin and diclofenac sodium are of great value. All treatment continued for 3 days. Phenylbutazone may be
most effective but injection frequency is not practical and creates slaughter residue concerns. Parenteral therapy
with calcium borogluconate should be given to cows that shows signs of hypocalcemia. In field practice,
parenteral calcium therapy often helps to get a recumbent cow to her feet. Antibiotics (tetracycline) should be
given if secondary infection presists.
Control: Vaccination, supportive treatment and destroying the biological vector.
Sequlae to BEF: Milk yield drops, prone to mastitis, delay in next estrus, pneumonia due to prolonged
recumbancy, unfit for draught purpose, early exhaustion.
Field Treatment for BEF
A.) Non Steriodal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Flunixin Meglumin
Class: Banamine derivative
Indications: Pain associated with musculo-skeletal disorders and colic. Other uses are endotoxic shock, calf
diarrhea, heat stroke and opthalamic infections.
Side effects: In horses, include swelling at injection site, and sweating.

Trade Name Composition Packing Company
Loxin 50mg/mL 10 & 20 mL Selmore PH 2 mL/45 kg
Fluen 50mg/mL 10 & 20 mL Vetycare 2 mL/45 kg
Diclofenic Sodium
Class: Heteroaryl acetic acids
Notes: Getting banned due to its residual problem and Vultures death issues.

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

Dicloran 25mg/mL 3mL amp Sami

Voren 25mg/mL 3mL amp Continental
Voltral 25mg/mL 3mL amp Novartis
Class: Pyrazolidine derivative
Indications: Used extensively in horses for treatment of lameness, and for relief of pain with colic.
Actions: Causes Analgesia for mild to moderate pain, Anti-inflammatory action and Antipyretic.
Side effects: Causes GIT ulcers and bone marrow suppression.
Notes: Should be given IV.
Ruminants: 4mg/kg IV Sid

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

Butadin 2 gm/10 mL 10 & 100 mL Star

Pain Go 2 gm/10 mL 50, 100mL Leads Ph.

Phenadine 2 gm/10 mL 100mL Biorex

Elkazolidine 2 gm/10 mL Same Elko Org.

Class: Propoinic acid derivative.
Ruminants: 2.2 mg/kg, IV; 3 mg/kg, IM, sid

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

Profenid 50mg 2mL amp As recommended
Ketoject 100mg 50mL Selmore Ph. As recommended

B.) Fluid Preparations

Indications: Depressing state, hypomagnesimia, hypocalcemia.
(Calcium Borogluconate + Magnesium Hyposulphate + Dextrose + Vitamins)

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

250mg (50mg + LA=200-400ml

Bomaflex 100mL, 500mL BioRex labs
250mg) SA=15-50ml

250mg(50mg +
Calcent PMD 400mL Nawan Same as Above

250mg(50mg +
Calpho – P 500mL Selmore Ph. Same as Above

Cal. Gluconate +
Cacio PH 250 mL Fatro As recommended

Cal. Gluconate +
Milfon C 300 & 450 mL Star As recommended

Cal. Gluconate +
Mil D Forte 300 mL Star As recommended

C.) Antibiotic Therapy

Tetracycline (oxytetracycline & doxycycline)
Class: Bacteriostatic, Broad Spectrum
Mechanism: Reversibly bind to the 30S ribosome
Indications: Infections caused by tetracycline-sensitive strains; anaplasmosis, often ineffective for endocarditis,
empyema, meningitis, septic arthritis and osteomyelitis.
Antagonists: Antacids, milk, diuretics, methoxyflurane, penicillins, ferrous sulfate.
Side effects: Causes nephrotoxicity when administered at high Recommended Doses, Calcium Chelation is the
major side effect. Can affect growing bone and teeth formation (cause straining of teeth) in young animals and
some hepatotoxicity may occur at large doses.

Oxytetracycline Simple

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

Remoxin 50mg/mL 50mL & 100mL PDH

Oxy S 50mg/mL 50mL Selmore Ph.

Nawacin-50 50mg/mL 50mL & 100mL Nawan

Oxytetracycline LA

Trade Name Composition Packing Company

Oxtra LA 200mg/mL 50 & 100 mL Fetro 1mL/Kg

Oxy LA 200mg/mL 50 & 100 mL Selmore Ph. 1mL/Kg

Floxitetra LA 200mg/mL 50mL Selmore Ag. 1mL/Kg

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