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Paragraph/Provision Important Notes
(1) Advantage of public position Requisites  Public position is inherent:
1. Public official bribery, indirect bribery
2. Use influence, prestige, and
ascendancy which such office
gives him as a means by which
he realized his purpose
(2) Contempt of or insult to the Requisites  Public authority (PA) – an
public authorities 1. Public authority must be person directly vested with
Nature: generic engaged in the performance of jurisdiction, whether as an
Basis: greater criminal perversity his official duty individual or as a member of
by offender’s lack of respect 2. Public authority must not be the some court of gov’t-owned or –
person against whom the controlled corp., board, or
crime is committed commission
3. The offender knows him to be  Person in authority = PA
a public authority  Agent ≠ PA
(3) Disregard of rank, age, sex, or Requisite – deliberate intent to  This aggravating circumstances  Rank + 14(1) = yes
dwelling of offended party offend/ insult the rank, age, or sex are not applicable to cases  Age: gap of at least 15yrs
Nature: generic and specific (apply Requisites (Dwelling) attendant of  Mistook sex ≠ aggravating
only to crimes against persons or 1. Dwelling of the offended negligence or careless,  Dwelling – place of abode where
honor, not against property) party passion or obfuscation, the op resides and which
Basis: greater criminal perversity 2. No provocation on the op immediate vindication (?), or satisfies the requirements of his
on personal circumstances and 3. Specific evidence of those with sufficient provocation domestic life
place of situs criminis disregarding the respect of law (op) because of the lack of intent  Sanctity of privacy – for dwelling
Common element: respect in another’s dwelling  Can be considered separately  Op and offender, same dwelling
against the offender if they ≠ not aggravating
concur in the same case Xpn: house and store, op
provoked, occupants (?)
(4) Abuse of confidence or Requisites (ac)  There should be direct
obvious ungratefulness 1. Op trust the offender relationship and trust
Nature (ac): generic; qualifying on 2. Abused of trust  Confidence must be immediate
crimes of qualified theft, qualified 3. Offender took advantage of and personal
seduction, malversation, estafa the trust  Ungratefulness must be obvious,
Nature (ou): generic Requisites (ou) [J.Tang] manifest, and clear
Basis: greater perversity of the 1. Generosity received by the
ways and means employed offender
2. Extent of such generosity to
the offender
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(5) Palace of the CE, or in his  Incompatible with negligence,  President personally saw the  Reyes: PA must be in the
presence, or where public p/o, and sp crime = aggravating exercise of their functions;
authorities are engaged in the ∴ deliberate intent required  President saw the crime by Amurao: PA need not be in the
discharge of their duties, or in a  Palace – Malacanang Palace coincidence ≠ aggravating exercise of their functions. Only
place dedicated to religious  Public authorities are not  Offender need not have the the place is material
worship required to be in the exercise of knowledge that the CE was  Place of religious worship (prw)
Nature: generic their functions present or near the situs criminis – place where religious
Basis: place deserves respect  Lawn ≠ palace for it to be considered aggrav ceremonies are regularly hold
 Presidential mansion ≠ palace  Cemetery chapels ≠ prw
(6) Nighttime, uninhabited place, Requisites  All three are incompatible w p/o  Uninhabited place – one where
or by band 1. When it facilitated the & sp ∴ deliberate intent required there are no houses at all;
Nature: generic commission of the crime  Nighttime – dusk -> dawn; or distant from the town; WON in
(objective test) sunset -> sunrise the situs criminis, there was
2. Sought by the offender to  It is not enough that it is reasonable possibility of the op
ensure the commission of the nighttime, what is material is the receiving some help
crime (subjective test) darkness of the night  Band – defined by law as more
3. Offender took advantage such  Nighttime inapplicable to than 3 armed malefactors
circumstance for purpose of accidental mtgs, chance  Armed – anything that can kill a
impunity encounters, spurs of the moment person (ie. guns, knives)
(7) Calamity or misfortune (c/m) Requisites  Incompatible with negligence or  Conflagration -
Nature: qualifying 1. There is a c/m at the time the carelessness, p/o, and sp
Basis: adds to the suffering by crime was committed ∴ deliberate intent required
taking advantage of the misfortune 2. Deliberately sought to facilitate  Inapplicable to accidental mtgs,
to despoil them the commission of crime chance encounters, spurs of the
3. Took advantage of the occasion moment
(8) Aid of armed men or persons Requisites  2-3 men = aam; 4 men = band  Persons who insure or afford
Nature: qualifying 1. Armed  Casual presence of aam ≠ impunity; should have or be in a
Basis: means and ways of 2. Took part  Direct/indirect participation = position to afford impunity
committing the crime 3. Availed or relied  Moral/psychological aid = Judge = yes
 Conspiracy ≠ aam as aggravat’g Employee, sec, mistress = no
(9) Recidivism Requisites  Recidivist – one who, at the time  Incompatible with p/o, and sp,
Nature: generic 1. Offender, on trial for an offense of his trial for one crime, shall and spur of the moment
Basis: inclination to crimes 2. Offender, previously convicted have been previously convicted  Pardon does not obliterate the
by final judgment of another by final judgment of another fact that the accused was a
crime crime embraced in the same title recidivist
3. Both first and second offenses of the RPC  Time or period between offenses
are embraced in the same is immaterial
title of RPC  Violation of special penal laws ≠
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(9) Recidivism  At the time of his trial – including Final conviction Recidivist vs Quasi-recidivist
the rendering of judgment 1. Prescribed without motion for  1 and 2nd
 1st crime =
-continuation-  At the trial – arraignment > reconsideration – perfecting an crime = RPC/SPL
judgment announced appeal from judgment of RPC felonies 2nd crime =
 Quasi-recidivist – person who conviction: 15days from RPC only
shall commit felony after having promulgation of judgment  Generic  Special
been convicted by final judgment 2. Sentence – totally/partially  Can be offset  Cannot be
before beginning to serve such served offset
sentence or while serving such 3. Accused, waived right to appeal
sentence 4. Accused applied for probation
(10) Reiteracion or habituality Requisites  If only one offense, present must be Recedivism vs Reiteracion
Nature: generic 1. Offender, on trial for an offense punishable by equal or greater  Final  Final
Basis: inclination to crimes 2. Offender, previously served penalty judgment is judgment +
 2 crime is punishable by spl ≠
sentence for another offense to
enough sentence
which the law attaches: reiteracion ∴ Articles 13,14, 15 are
Equal or greater penalty, or served
not applicable to spl crimes
2 or more crimes with lighter  Habitual delinquency – when a  1st, 2nd crime =  1st, 2nd crime =
penalty than the new offense person within 10years from the date RPC RPC or not
3. Offender, convicted for the new of release or last conviction of the  Always taken  Not always an
offense crimes of serious or less serious considered in aggravating
Four forms of repetition physical injuries, robbery, theft, terms of circumstance
1. Recidivism estafa, or falsification, found guilty penalty to be
2. Reiteracion rd
for as 3 time or oftener. A habitual imposed
3. Habitual delinquency/ multi- delinquent shall suffer additional
recidivism penalty
4. Quasi-recidivism
(11) Consideration of price, Elements  Aggravating circumstance  Evident premeditation and prp
reward, promise (prp) 1. PRP must be the sole equally against the offeror and are not incompatible ∴ maybe
Nature: qualifying; generic if it motivating factor in the the acceptor appreciated together
concurs with qualifying circ. commission of the crime  Price need not be in money only
Basis: greater moral depravity on 2. Principal  It is not necessary that the prp
the part of the offeror and the a. By inducement – offeror has actually been received
acceptor b. By direct participation –
(12) By means of inundation,  Distinction:  Inherent and not an aggravating
fire,…, or by the use of any other 14(7) – refers to the occasion of circumstance on the ff:
artifice involving great waste and a calamity or misfortune when  Fire – arson
ruin the crime was committed  Derailment of locomotive -
damage to means of
Nature: qualifying 14(12) – refers to the means
Basis: means and ways employed employed in the commission of  Explosion (w/o intent to kill) –
the crime destruction to property
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(13) Evident premeditation (ep) Requisites  Evident premeditation – the  Incompatible with negligence or
Nature: qualifying 1. Time when the offender essence of such is that the carelessness, p/o, sp, and spurs
Basis: greater perversity as shown determined to commit the execution of the criminal act of the moment
in the offender’s tenacious crime must be preceded by cool ∴ deliberate intent required
persistence to commit the crime 2. (Time the crime was committed though and reflection upon the  Compatible with vindication
for computing the lapse of time) resolution to carry out the  Error in personae & aberratio
3. Act manifestly indicating that criminal intent during the space ictus ≠ ep (xpn: plan to kill
the offender clung to his of time sufficient to arrive at a anyone)
determination; thru overt acts calm judgment  Suppositions/presumptions ≠ ep
4. Sufficient interval of time  “Sufficient time” – reasonable  Animosities, grudgest, or hostile
between determination and opportunity to ponder and reflect posturing ≠ ep
the execution of the crime upon the consequences  An expression of hatred does
allowing him to reflect upon the  Manalinde ruling – premeditation not necessarily imply a
consequences of his act and to may exist even if there was no resolution to commit a crime
allow conscience to overcome predetermined victim (PvsAbadies)
the resolution of his will  Ep not inherent in robbery w/
(14) Craft, fraud, or disguise be  Craft – involves intellectual  Fraud is inherent in estafa
employed (cfd) trickery and cunning on the part  Wardrobe malfunction
Nature: qualifying of the offender = disguise
Basis: means employed  Fraud – insidious words or = aggravating
machinations to induce victim  Treachery absorbs cfd
 Disguise – resorting to any
device to conceal identity or to
prevent recognition
(15) Superior strength or means  Superior strength – denotes the  Deliberate intent required Band vs Superior Strength
be employed to weaken the use of excessive force out of  Alternate attack ≠ aggravating  More than 3  Offenders
defense proportion to the op’s available  Parricide ≠ superior strength armed took
Nature: qualifying means to defend himself  Superior strength is inherent in malefactor advantage of
Basis: greater criminal perversity (ie. age, size, strength) rape regardless of their collective
on the part of the offender who  Inequality of forces between  Treachery absorbs superior strength strength
deliberately uses his superior the op and the offender strength and means to weaken  Indispensable  Indispensable
strength in order to assure the the defense components: components:
commission of the crime  Means employed to weaken the at least four relative
defense should be specifically malefactors, physical might
alleged in the information all are armed not the
number nor
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(16) Treachery (alevosia)  Treachery – when the offender  Incompatible with negligence or  Treachery must be proved by
Nature: qualifying, commits any of the crimes carelessness, p/o, sp, and spurs clear and convincing evidence
specific (because it applies only to against person, employing of the moment ∴ deliberate  Treachery is never presumed
crimes against persons) means, methods, or forms in the intent required  Treachery must be present at
Basis: execution thereof which ten  Can co-exist with voluntary the inception of the attack. If
Essence: the attack is deliberate directly and specially to insure its confession, surrender, absent and the attack is
and without warning for the victim execution, without risk to himself vindication continuous, treachery, even if
to resist or escape arising from the defense which  Cannot be offset by ordinary or present at a subsequent stage,
the op might make privileged mitigating circ is not to be considered, unless, it
Requisites is present at the beginning of the
1. Op was not in a position to  Treachery absorbs14(1-8,11-15) attack
defend himself (ie. unarmed) 14(13) is absorbed in murder  Treachery must be alleged in the
2. Means, method, or form of the 14(14,15) absorbed in rape information
attack was consciously adopted  Conspiracy = treachery is
 Warned before being attacked ≠ considered against all accused
Tests in Treachery  Attacked while sleeping =
1. Sudden and expected attack?  Attacked while just waking up =
2. Op given a chance for defense?  Child of tender years = treachery
Means, deliberate and consciously
 Location of the wound,
adopted? [most impt]
Agreement to fight = just a
presumption of treachery
Rules Regarding Treachery
 Sudden attack + no intention =
1. Applicable only to crimes
no treachery
against persons
2. Means, methods, forms need
not insure accomplishment of
crime; only to insure execution
3. Mode of attack must be
consciously adopted
(17) Ignominy  Ignominy – circumstance  Applicable to crimes against  Rape, wanton robbery for
Nature: qualifying pertaining to the moral order, Chastity personal gain, and other forms
Basis: means employed which adds disgrace and Less serious phy injuries of cruelties are condemned and
Effect: the crime becomes more obloquy to the material injury Light/grave coercion the perpetration of these will be
humiliating or to put the op to caused by the crime Murder regarded as aggravating
shame  Ignominy must be alleged in the  Victim was already dead ≠ circumstances of ignominy and
information  Crime committed in a public of deliberately augmenting
place, many persons ≠ unnecessary wrongs to the
criminal objective
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(18) Unlawful entry (ue)  Unlawful entry – when an  Unlawful entry must be used as  Ue is inherent in the ff:
Nature: generic entrance is effected by a way not a means of entrance and not for Violation of domicile
Basis: means and ways employed; intended for the purpose escape Evasion of service of sentence
greater perversity displayed by the  Unlawful entrance must be  Breaking a wall = ue Trespass to dwelling
accused who defies protective alleged in the information Robbery in an
covers set up by man for his inhabited/uninhabited place
personal safety and privacy

(19) Breaking wall Requisites  Breaking wall is inherent in

Nature: generic 1. Wall, roof, floor, door, or robbery with force upon things
Basis: means and ways employed window be broken  Distinction bet. (18) and (19):
2. To effect entrance only Unlawful entry exists only when
3. Should be as a means to entrance into a bldg. is made a
commit the crime way not for the purpose of entry
(20) Aid of person under fifteen of Requisites (motor vehicle)  Involves taking advantage of the  Motorized bikes = mv
age, or by means of motor 1. Deliberately seek for the use of child’s immaturity or innocence  Motorized bike, motor not used ≠
vehicles, airships, or other similar the vehicle  Use of motor vehicle is inherent
means 2. Motor vehicle must be the in the crime of carnapping
Nature: generic; qualifying – use means used to commit the
of motor vehicles crime
Basis: greater criminal perversity
on the part of the offender as to
the means to means to facilitate
the commission of the crime
(21) Cruelty (ensanamiento)  Cruelty – when the culprit enjoys Requisites  Number of wounds is not the test
Nature: qualifying and delights in making his victim 1. Injury caused be deliberately to determine cruelty
Basis: ways employed suffer slowly, gradually, causing increased by causing another  Cruelty cannot be presumed
him unnecessary physical pain wrong  No cruelty if offender is under
in the consummation of the 2. Other wrong be unnecessary the effect of drugs that
criminal act for the execution of the purpose diminished his mental capacity
of the offender  No cruelty if intention was not to
make the victim suffer but to
Test of Cruelty conceal the corpus delicti
1. Whether the offender  No cruelty if the acts were
deliberately and sadistically committed after the victim died
augmented the wrong by  Ignominy = moral suffering
causing another wrong Cruelty = physical suffering
2. Whether the offender enjoyed
and delighted in making the op
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(Article 248, RPC) Outraging or Nature: qualifying  Outrage – to subject to gross  Scoffing must be alleged in the
scoffing at the person of the victim Effect: elevates the killing from insult information
or his corpse homicide to murder  Scoff – to show contempt by  Scoffing may be deducible from
derisive acts or language the information tho not alleged
 Scoffing ≠ no proof that act was
to insult the op
 Scoffing ≠ speculation
(RA 9165) Under the influence of Nature: qualifying
drugs Effect: homicide to murder even in
the absence of treachery
Use of an unlicensed firearm Nature: special
Effect: increase the penalty to the
maximum; no separate

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