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Criminals on death row has a chance to prepare his death, make a will and make his last statement even
enjoying his/her remaining time, while some victims can never do it. Have you ever thought abput how
many criminals escape punishment and yet the victims never have a chance to do that? In argument of
this, there are two lives to think about. Too much emphasis is placed on the convicted murderer, the one
being executed, and the victiim is all forgotten.

Capital punishment is the death penalty. It is used today and was used in an ancient times to punish a
variety of offences. Death penalty is vital to protect a person right to live. The laws today are too lenient,
the penalty must be appropriate to the seriousnes of crimes, heinous crimes. Even the bible advocates
death for murder and crimes. There was a time when the catholic church actively campaigned for the
death penalty. As the qoute says " The murderer shall surely be put to death". That vengeance is where a
place anyone be at peace. During the Philippine Revolution , Manila Archbishop Bernardino Nozaleda
openly called for Filipino rebels to be exterminated by "fire, sword, wholesale executions". The 1987
Constitution abolished the death penalty, was reintroduced in 1993 and the first person to be meted the
punishment in 1998 was Leo Echegaray who was found guilty of raping his 10 year old step daughter;
and was abolished again from the time of Former-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Death penalty is
not a sudden execution for the people who commit crimes. Death penalty runs a thorough investigation
and will last for more than 20 years. Some people argue that the capital punishment tends to brutalize
and disregards society, some says penalty is legalized murder because it is like "an eye for an eye".
Executing someone is not murder, it is punishment by society for a deserving criminal. The difference
between punishment and the crime is that one is legalized and the other is not! Death penalty will
reduce the number of crime rate in the country, criminals will just be taking advantage, become bolder
and careless to commit crimes knowing that they will only be imprisoned that is why they are not scared
of repeating heinous crimes. Death penalty costs the government less. Some critics says that spending
for people who committed such heinous crime is impractical and just a waste of taxpayers.

Duterte says: How can crime be dettered if they never implemented the law? Nobody was even killed.
They say that imposing tge deatg penalty puts innocent lives at risk, but not imposing it puts more
innocent lives at risk especially if we let the heartless criminals live and kill more people. In the question
of the death penalty, we must ask ourselves which action will serve the true humanitarian purpose of
criminal law. We should weigh the death of the convicted murders against the loss of life of his victims
and the possibility of potential victims to murder.

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