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CLASS Ix Biology English Medium CONTENTS Model Paper Month . Cell its Structure and Functions April/June . Plant Tissues July 31-58 . Animal Tissues July 59-90 |. Plasma Membrane August 91-111 Diversity in Living Organisms ‘August 112-155 . Sense Organs September 156-191 . Animal Behaviour October 192-210 . Challenges in Improving Agricultural Products November 211-243 . Adaptations in Different Ecosystems December 244-274 ). Soil Pollution January 275 - 302 |. Bio-geochemical Cycles February 303 - 324 Answers 325 - 328 GENERAL SCIENCE : paper - 1 (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE) (English Medium) Time : 2.45 Mts.] aaa (Max, Marks : 40 Instructions : The question paper comprises of Three sections. All questions are compulsory. 3. Internal choice to the question under Section Ill 4__15 minutes of time is exclusively allotted to read and understand the question paper. Time :2 Hrs] |[PART-A [Marks :30 SECTION -1 NOTE: 1) Answer all the questions 2) Each question carries ONE mark. Name the protein, which gives red colour to blood What happens if cells are not permeable ? Name the chemical substance used in cheek cell lab activity. . Ravi decided not to use plastic bags. What alternative methods will you suggest ? SECTION - Il NOTE : 1) Answer all the questions. 5x2=10 2) Each question carries TWO marks. 3) Answer each question in 4 to 5 sentences. 5. Write about the names and functions of any 4 plant cell organelles in the tabular form. Name of the cell organelle | Functions {MODEL PAPER) 6. The fields of Ramaiah and Somaiah are in the same area. Both cultivated the cotton crop. Ramaiah got good crop yield than Somaiah. Guess the reasons for low crop yield ‘of Somaiah. " Observe the given diagram : he, b) Write the names of the parts A & B. B c) Name the granular structure in the cytoplasm, aS 8. There is an ecosystem, where industrial sewage occurs. Arrange the following living organisms in various trophic levels as per the persistent. (Biomagnification). Grass, Fish, Sheep, Grass hopper, Phytoplankton, Prawn, Crow, Frog, Larval forms. Tertiary consumers Secondary consumers Primary consumers Producers 9. Natural pest controlling methods are useful for Biodiversity. Comment on it. SECTION - Il NOTE : 1) Answer all the following questions. 2) Each question carries FOUR marks 3) Attempt any one in each question. 10. Describe the nucleus of cell with the help of a well labelled diagram. (OR) Give reasons for the following. a) During severe cough / cold we lose taste of food. Why ? b) Removal of wax often from ear leads to ear infection. Why ? . Explain the difficult types of modifications in plants that grow in Deserts ? (OR) Which human activities emit gases that lead to Ozone depletion. What measures you suggest to control the emission of these gases ? 9 BIOLOGY (EM) ¥ Mega Study Material TZ —— pro er 12. Rajesh conducted an experiment to know the movement of substances using potato and sugar solution. ‘a) What is the objective of Rajesh’s experiment ? b) Write the materials required by Rajesh to conduct this experiment. ©) Where does the level of solution increase ? ) What is your observation in this experiment ? (OR) Write how did you conduct the experiment in your class room to observe the mer- istematic cells in Onion roots. What did you find out from the experiment ? You have observed various characteristics of plants in your school, such as venation, root system and cotyledons, tabulate the details based in observations. S.No. | Name of the Plant Venation Root System | Cotyledons 1 2 3. 4 eR, Texiles G° Construction & \ 3 Demand Piasict 5% Organic Waste 22% Composite materials Observe the above diagram, answer the following questions. 1) Name the pollutant which pollutes the soil the most. ii) Write the biodegradable materials given in the figure. lil) What will happen if the usage of plastic increased ? iv) What metals pollute the soil, due to the excessive usage of Super Phosphate fertilisers in cultivation ? ‘9® BIOLOGY (E.M.) Mega Study Material GENERAL SCIENCE : paper - it (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE) (English Medium) Time : 30 Mts.) ‘Academic Standard | ASI 1,5, 10, 11 Question Numbers 14:19,21-24 Max. Marks Allotted | 16 Marks obtained Grade Instructions : 1. Answer all the questions. 2. Bach question carries 14 mark. 3._Choose the right answer and write in brackets 14, The genetic material of the cell is found in the A) Golgi apparatus B) Vacuole ©) Rough endoplasmic reticulum D) Nucleus Match the following. a) Chloroplast ¢ 1) Power houses b) Mitochondria ( 2) Suicide bags ©) Lysosomes ( 3) Photosynthesis A)a-3,b-2,e-1 B)a-2,b-1e-3 C)a-1,b-2,¢-3 D)a-3,b-1e-2 . Arenchyma is richly found in A) Xerophytes B) Mesophytes C) Mangrove plants D) Hydrophytes . Rahul's blood group is AB + he lost lot of blood in an accident. He needs blood transfusion. The blood group suitable to hit i8 wee ©) A)At B) Bs ) ABr D) All the above ‘9 BIOLOGY (E.M.) * Mega Study Mater ——, —___—__—_— {Hosa arn) BOD means C ) A) Basic Oxygen Demand B) Biological Oxygen Demand ©) Biological Organic Demand D) Biological Organic Density The scientific study of animal behaviour under natural conditions is ©) A) Ecology B) Ethology ©)Embryology —_D) Neuro anatomy Monocots. Phanerogams ‘Gymnosperms Find out the right answer to complete the flow chart. A) Pteridophyte B) Angiosperms ©) Cryptogams D) Bryophyta Identify the micro nutrients which are useful for plant health. i) Manganese if) Boron Phosphorous —_D) Copper A)iand ii B) i, ti and iit °) i, and iv D) All the above Read the following statements. ( 1) The animals which live in Abyssal zone have big eyes. if) The Euphotic zone have more number of animals. A) @ and (ii) are correct B) (is correct ©) Gi) is correct D) both are wrong The correct order of classification is A) Phylum, order, family, class, genus, species B) Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species © Phylum, family, class, order, genus, species D) Phylum, class, order, family, species, genus |. What happens if the platelets are absent in the blood ? A) Oxygen is not transported B) CO, is not transported ©) Blood does not clot D) Microorganism enter into the body Ifa farmer had been using insecticides for a long time, then c A) Soil fertility decreases B) Insect population decreases initially C) Insects develop resistance towards the pesticides D) All the above ‘9 BIOLOGY (E.M.) % Mega Study Material —_—_______—:mosaenven In the choice box experiment the cockroach prefers... conditions. = (+) 9) Dark conditions if) Light conditions ©) Dry conditions D) Damp conditions A) iand ili B)iandiv ©) ii and iti D) ii andiv In the experiment of preparation of semi permeable membranes wneren is used to get egg membrane. Cd A) HCI B) lodine © Caco, D) Glycerine You have collected the information about eye diseases from the doctor. Identify the disease that is related to eye. c) A)Leucoderma —_B) Glaucoma ©) Polio D) Malaria ). Ramesh collected the information that his area comes, under low rain fall. Identify the crop that is suitable to be grown in that area. Cc) A) Sugarcane B) Paddy ©) Ragi D) Wheat You have observed the specimen of earthworm in lab. It has the characters ( A) Bilaterally symmetrical triploblastic_B) True body cavity C) Has segmented body D) All the above Identify the part in the given diagram. A)Dermal tissue _B) Epidermal cells C) Guard cells D) Meristematic cells The taste we identify here is A) Bitter B) Sweet ©) Sour D) Umami ‘This part is A) Ribosome B) Lysosome ©) Protoplasm D) Cytoplasm ‘9 BIOLOGY (E.M.) # Mega Study Materi CELL ITS STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS Albert Claude The Father of Cell Biology i) Albert Claude is considered to be the father of cell biology. ii) He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology medi- cine in 1974. iti) Born in Belgium, he moved on the United States and worked at the Rockefeller institute to develop cell ‘fractionation and ultracentrifugation. Plasma membrane membrane Cell wall Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Chromoplasts Chloroplasts Leucoplasts Cisternae Vesicles R IM Kev worbs - MEANINGS AND EXPLANATIONS a Selectively permeable : The outermost layer of the cell that separates cytoplasm from the external environment. Plasma membrane allows certain substances to pass through it hence membrane it is called selectively per- meable membrane. Itis an extra layer outside the cell membrane in plant cells. Cell that do not have a nuclear membrane bound nuclear ‘material or cell without distinct nucleus. Cell contains a membrane bound nuclear material or cell with distinct nucleus. These are the coloured plastids present in only in plant cells. Chloroplasts are a type of plastids in green colour. They are of different shapes disc, oval, etc. These are colourless plastids present only in plant cells. Enclosed spaces in the cytoplasm of a cell, which get separated from the ground substance by the cytoplasmic membrane. Used for a cavity within the cytoplasm which is surrounded by a membrane. ‘9 BIOLOGY (E.M.) ¥ Mega Study Material

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