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F3 SEMUA Welding and use .. (NSCL 22/1294/5).

The atmosphere in the tank

A burn may occur. Place sterile What would happen if. Rectification would
A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate. 5 years What are the average total. 56
A Cargo Ship Equipment. 5 years with What are the duties of a master if a. All the other
A casually sudenlly. Loose What are the duties. Notify
A contractor is hired to install new "Secure area, passwords, a firewall and What are the functions of a flag They have responsibility for setting
A diabetic.Sugar lump What are the functions. They have responsibility for setting
A faint. Tell the person to sit down and lean what are the prerequisites for for a CBA. That the CBA expressly
A person slowly.Insulin. What can be the result. It could
A severe blow.Difficulty What can lead to Wilful
A strain occurs. Rest, Ice what do crew. They all have opportunity
A transactional leader is. Does deals with people in order What do you call. Ice method
Abdominal thuerst. Stand behind What does it mean in relation.that the seaman ACT applies in full
According to the text, which of the.Leadership and management have some What does STCW deal. STCW deals with minimum recommendation of education
After checked. 12-16 What does the the abbreviation ABC. Air breathing circulation
All necessary information. Procured before What governs the disposal. MARPOL regulations
An alien crewmember with a D-1 permit leaves the .Immigration service What Individual or Group. Able
An emergency situation. The fastest What is a "passenger" . Every person other than the Captain
An oil record book. Bunkering What is a transformational. A leader who inspires the workers
Any ship of 10.000. either What is an endorsment. A document, which
Are there any exceptions. Yes, transit What is an IED. A homemade bomb
Are there any. Yes, transit passage What is full form of VRP Vessel Response Plan
As per solas regulation. Every week What is Hypothermia.Body temperature below 35C
As with heat. Hand or body What is one of the Dangerous. Hypotermia
Asthma is a distressing.Nervous What is post-heroic leadership. A theory which states that there
At least, how often shall life boats Every month What is Skinner's A-B-C. Antecedents-behaviour-consequences
At what number of crew. Minimun eight What is SOPEP. A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
Berapa tahunkan berlakunya DOC .5 th What is the alcohol content 0,04 %
Can an agreement. The company What is the first sign. Suedden
Chemical burns.Remove What is the glass ceiling. A barrier which prevents
Contingency theory is based. Shapes their leadership style What is the maximum oil content 30 litres per
Do you confirm that. Yes What is the period of validity of the SMC. 5
Due to exposure. 30.5°C What is the purpose of a Medico Message.Call an hospital
During a bomb. Do not touch What is the purpose of the ship security plan. Protect
During abandon ship exercise H o w t o c o m m u n i c a t e u s i n g What is the social construction. What counts as good leadership
During test an. The main supply What is the top priority. Safety of ship and crew
During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2. Check the main valve What is transformational. A leader who inspires theworkers
Every inflatable liferaft. 12 What must be done if the Oil Discharge. All of the mentioned
Exemption to serve a master. The norwegian maritime directorate What rules and regulations are. Both STCW
For a ship operating or. Unannounced drills What shall the master do upon. Verify
For how long is the health certificate. One year What will you serve seafarers. Warm
For how long shall a ship log book. For at least 2/3 What would happen if. Rectification would be
For what period of time is. 1 - 2 years When a vessel violates. Any one involved
For which of the following ship. For all listed vessels When considering how to deal. Consult MARPOL
For which ships is the SOLAS For all vessels. When handling drug. Where skin
From the list below, which is among To transit with maximum when is a visitor. On 123
How do the human body.The human body When reasonable and practicable Every month
How does the norwegian maritime directorat.through stapled When should a crew member joining As soon as possible
How frequent should reports. Annually Where do you find minimum In the SOLAS convention and its ann
How is safety management certificate. Ship owner has document Where is OPA-90. Within 200 nm of
How many annexes. We find 5 annexes Where is the Safety Certificates. In the Captain's office
How often are "abandon ship" drills Once every month Where should the placard you. Both in a conspicuous
How often must the Emergency Steering. Monthly with signature of person Where will you normally find. Ship's Office
How often must the emergency. Every 3 Which following is not a type of team?.Individual
How often shall crew members Once every month Which IMO convention takes care. The STCW 78/95
How often shall each member of Once every month Which international convention. SOLAS
How often should the lifeboat wire. Turned every 30 months Which muscle is the most. The heart
How often should the lifeboat. Turned at intervals Which of following items shall be Instruction in the use of radio life-saving
How shall accidents and health. By all appliances
How will you treat a seasick person. Leave Which of the Following is not a Type of Team. Individual
Ideal leaders according to a survey. Cooperative Which of the following items Checking that passengers and crew
Identify 4.forming storming Which of the following items must Checking fireman's
If a person has been. Wait for Which of the following requirememnt-SOLASIII/7.1. all the life-buoys
If a person is in. Treat Which of the following signal.LAPQ4
If Master finds reason to doubt. Investigate the matter Which of the following statement. Good leadership involves
If master finds reason. investigate Which of the following statements. Leaders are thought to do things
If mouth to mouth ventilation.15 compresions Which of the following will be reported. all accident
If pollution takes place. Report to relevant authorities Which of the follwing areas may be. All alternative
If the master. The deck officer Which of these action. confirm
In case of pollution in US waters. Yes, within thirty (30) Which of these are indication. The parcel is addressed to no
In leadership trait theory. A list of key characteristics Which of these are indicators. The individual wears
In relation COTP-zones Which of these is a disadvantage. More time
In US waters "Oil Pollution Act of 1990. To prevent oil Which of these is an Advantage. Can provide
In which way .By inhaling, skin penetrating, skin absorbing and swallowing Which of these is not a principle. A great leader is only
In which way may. All mentioned Which of these is not a principle. A great leader is only
Inflatable splints are made. It is more easy Which of these types. Voyage
It is important that a compress. Swelling below Which of these weapons are widely. Gun
It is the Master's responsibility. Concerned personnel Which one of the following items Checking that life-jackets are
Manajemen yang cenderung .Crowd Management Which one of the listed All prescribed life-saving appliances
Manajemen yang mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yang:Crisis management Which one of the listed Each lifeboat shall be launched, and manoeuvred in the
MARPOL - Annex IV. Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals Which one of the listed requirements Instructions for onboard maintenance
Master of every ship. A link between the shipboard Which one of the listed requirements regarding life saving. All-material
New marpol regulation came into.100 ppm.60liter. 15ppm. 30liter Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and. At least
New MARPOL regulations came . 15 ppm Which organization or administration. Government Authorities
Noxious Liquid Substances. A category "Y" substance Which organs. The respiratory
Obdominal thrust is. Stand behind Which position is the best. Sitting
On all UMS operated vessels a. Check the detector with heat Which provisions concerning. The act relating to holydays and
On all UMS. All the mentioned regulation
On board passenger ships an abandon Every week Which security level. 3
On-board training in the use Every 3 months Which statement about IED. All IED have
Onboard training should be. It is an integral Which type of equipment. Particulate
OPA-90 is referring QI is an authorised Who are responsible for. Master, Chief
OPA-90 is referring to a. QI is an authorised individual Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ships documents. Master
Pihak-pihak mana sajakah yang tidak terlibat dalam pemberlakuan ISM code. Who is responsible for the vessel's radio. The master
Buruh Who is responsible for. The master
Prior to arrival at US.96 Who is responsible storage The shiping company and the master
Prior to ordering stores. The store inventory Who is responsible that regulatory.The master and
Proper and accurate inventory of. control the ship’s budget Who is the leader of the lifeboat Sen.Off.Deck
Proper and accurate. Control Why is it important to have good relationship. It leads
Referring to the SOLAS convention Monthly Why is it important to make weekly. To ensure
Representative of the port authorities. For ship's clearance to take place Why is it important to make. To ensure that cabins
Severe pains.Nitro glycerine Why is it important. It leads to better
Shall a special.yes, on a from Will an individual contrat. Yes, provided
Ship security plans. False Yang tidak termasuk sertifikat sesuai dengan ISM Code adalah: Oil Record Book
Shock is a manifestation.Pale or grey You are part. 5-1
Suatu manajemen kapal yang sudah berjalan dengan baik .DOC You are witnessing. The person may
Suatu proses atau sejumlah , Ship management Your vessel has been involved. The P & I Club's
Sun rays.Radiation burns.
The majority of convensions. Maritime safety,prevention of
The Master is responsible that all Within 12 hrs
The office phone, fax, telex. The Ships emergency
The passage of electrical. Stand on
The proper way to correct.Draw one line through the entry, rewrite,
The responsible person for. Master
The Roles and Responsibilities. Reinforcing.
The step of the embarcation ladder. Equally 300mm-380mm
The steps of the embarkation ladder. Equally spaced and not less than
The steps of the embarkation. 480
There are three levels. 15
This device can detect a package. Pallet scanner
This is a conventional distinction. Managers maintain
To achieve safe maritime. The IMO
To be an effective. Never judge
To help an individual into.Train them in one task at the time
To help create and manage. Actively take
To maintain good relationship. Understanding
To many, the word management suggests. Efficiency
Treatment of burns. Place
Unconscious casualties, what,why. The position ensures. As shown in figure 1
Unconscious casualties. Figure 1
Unfortunately an insect. Gently
Unfortuntely a fish hook. Push the hook
Water Jel.1530 C

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