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Picasso Museum

Picasso was a painter he has 3500 picture.He was born in 1881. He

borned at Malaga.In 1881 Ataturk was borned too and some famous
peoples too so 1881 was a magical year.

Today we went to the Picasso’s museum.When we are at the school bus

i sitted with my friend Tan.We played rock,paper.sisers.We talked about
Picasso.When we was at museum first we looked at his colorful
costumes.I liked one costume and that costume was very colorful and
with shape.I liked that costume very much.Then we looked at Picasso’s
blue girl Picture.I liked blue girl Picture because in that Picture her eyes
was blue and black.In that Picture he wanted to draw his girlfriend but
he can’t did and she drawed different Picture.We didn’t ate some foods
because we spended 3 hours.Then we went to another museum that
museum about Picasso too but it was very big museum.First we went to
the first floor and we saw some pictures about war.I asked to our
teacher why this Picture about war.She said beacuse at 1901 he went to
the Paris but in Paris there was a war between USA and Paris.When he
went to the Paris he was scaried but he didn’t stop drawing pictures.1
week he stayed at Paris but then he went to Malaga again.He drawed
120 pictures in one week at Paris.He drawed pictures about wars.We
saw lots of pictures but we didn’t saw all of them because he has 3500
pictures.I liked his pictures and there were lots of children pictures
too,then i learned Picasso was loved childrens very much.I liked this
Picasso museum and 2 days later we will g oto the Ataturk’s museum.

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