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& Verbos

Adjetivo Verbo
Alive - vivo To live- vivir
Asleep - dormido To sleep - dormir
Beauty- hermoso To beautify - embellecer
Sweet - dulce To sweeten - endulzar
Black - negro To blacken - ennegrecer
White - blanco To whiten - blanquear
Dark - oscuro To darken - oscurecer
Dead - muerto To die - morir
Deep - profundo To deepen - profundizar
Difficult - difícil To complicate - dificultar
Dirty - sucio To dirty - ensuciar
Clean - limpio To clean - limpiar
Fat - gordo To fatten - engordar
Full - lleno To fill - llenar
Empty - vacío To empty - vaciar
Hard - duro To harden - endurecer
Soft - blando To soften - ablandar
Sick - enfermo To Sicken - enfermar
Low - bajo To lower - bajar
Hot - caliente To heat - calentar
Long - largo To lengthen - alargar
Short - corto To shorten - acortar
Rich - rico To enrich - enriquecer
Poor - pobre To impoverish - empobrecer
Simple - simple To simplify - simplificar
Straight - derecho To straighten - enderezar
Strong - fuerte To strenghen - débil
Wide - ancho To widen - ensanchar

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