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G6 800K 7 24 2ence5 248 vw 1700546 * Ve _Space Above Line For Official Use Only Prepared By and Retura Tor | Grantor: Grantee Butler Snow LLP Jackson Commons, LLC | Ashley Sanders & Seiferth Holdings, LLC ‘tin: Reed 7 Nunnelee 1707 N. Waterfront Phony. | 204 Mickey Gilley Ave MMS Bar No 104265 Wie, KS 67206 Ferriday, LA 71338 Suite 1400 Gio 685-5341 E81) 4h FCOR 1020 Highland Coton Parkway Ridgeland, MS 39157 (601) 948-5711 Indexing Instructions to the Chancery Clerk of Hinds County, Mississippi: NW Y%and NE of Section 12 and SW 4 and SE % of Section 1, TSN, RW SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), cash in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of all of which is hereby acknowledged, Jackson Commons, LLC, a Mi spi limited liability company (the “Grantor”), does hereby sell, convey and warrant specially unto Ashley Sanders & Seiferth Holdings, LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company (the “Grantee”), the property lying and being situated in Hinds County, Mississippi, and being more particularly described on A attached hereto (the Property”). Grantor has paid the 2019 ad valorem taxes. Grantee assumes taxes for 2020 and subsequent years ‘The Property is conveyed subject to, and there is excepted from the special warranty of this conveyance, (a) all easements, covenants, restrictions and matters of record, (b) unpaid taxes and assessments not yet due and payable, (c) zoning ordinances, and (4) all matters visible upon a physical inspection or by an accurate ALTA survey. Grantee shall not transfer all or any part of the Property for a period of three years from the date of this Special Warranty Deed without the Grantor’s written consent, which the Grantor may grant or withhold in its absolute discretion. Such consent, if granted, shall be in writing and in recordable form referencing this Special Warranty Deed. 50656295.v1 500K 72.4 2msce5 249 ‘The undersigned is signing this instrument to be effective as of December Jt, 2019, although actually executed on the date set forth in the acknowledgement below. JACKSON COMMONS, LLC By: West Jackson, LLC, a Kansas limited liability company, its sole member Qa By: Name, [sets 202) Boy Title: Meubec ene ye STATE OF 4 Ane AS county or Sbdgosvel— R Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the said county and state, on this _3¢“—day of December 2019, within my jurisdiction, the within named omas uw). ber fieesye/Who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persot whose namé’ is shbscribed in the above and. foregoing instrument. and acknowledged that he executed the same in his representative capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, and as the act and deed of the persons or entities upon behalf of which he ‘acted, executed the above and foregoing instrument, after first having been duly authorized so to & cen ALG NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: — (aat-1f [AFFIX NOTARIAL SEAL] iy poet pres Gee? "xenon 2200 50686295.v1 800K 724 25 259 wexHRr “4” ‘TRACT ONE SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘A certain lot of parcel of land lying and being situsted in the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi, being known as the Metrocenter Mal, nd being more particularly Adesecibed as follows, to-wit Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Sovihwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Missiseipp, run South 88 degrees 28 minutes 52 seconds Eat for & distance of 298.6 fect to point; ran thence North 00 degxece 15 minutes 30 seconds East for a distnce of 438: fest ‘o 43/4" pipe on the Southern R.O.W. of US. Highway 60, this being the actul Point of Begining, run thence South $9 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East for a distance of 446.792 fect slong the Soathem RO.W. of US. Highway 80 to a point which is the intersection ofthe South ROW. of US. Highway 80 and the ‘Westedly R.O.W. of Itertate 220; run thence South 51 degrees 44 minutes $5 seconds Bast 353.547 feet along the westerly R.O.W. line of Interstate Highway 220 to a point; run thence South 30 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds Bast for 2 distance of 344,682 feet along the westely Interstate 220 RLO.W. toa point; min thence Sout 11 degres O4 minuts $1 seconds Best fora distance of 460.266 fect slong the westem R.O.W. lin of Intestate Highway 220 toa point; run thence South 26 degrees 26 minutes 28 seconds East of 301.455 feet toa point on the westely ROW. tne of lterstate Highway 220; run theace South 01 degrees 20 minutes 42 seconds Bast for a stance of 434.06 feet loug the westem R.O.W. line of Interstate Highway 220 wo a point, run thence South 21 degcoes 47 miuntes 4 seconds West for a distance of 511,699 feet along the ‘West ROW line of Intestate Highway 720 toa point; run thence North 88 degrecs 29 minutes 08 seconds West for a distance of 571.980 feet along the Northem Boundary of Lynch Suect ‘Extension as now in we by the City of Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, to a point; ren thence North 88 degrees 32 minntes 00 seconds West fora distance of 100.009 fet aloag the Nerthem boundary of Lynch Steet Extesion to a point run thence North 88 degrees 32 minutes 16 seconds West for a distance of 407.720 fect along the Northern Boundary of Lynch Steet Extension to a poin; thence North 00 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East 344.539 Tee; thence slong a circular curve to the righ, delta angle = 0} degress 30 minutes 14 seconds, radius = 572.0247 fect and are length = 15,015 feet, chord bearing and distance North $3 degrees 56 wwinutes 57 seconds West, 15.015 feet thence North $3 degrees 11 inintes 50 seconds West, ‘386.611 fect t© & point on the Seotion line separating the Southwest Quarter of tbe Southeast ‘Quarter, Section 1, Township 5 Noct, Range 1 West aad Northwest Quastes of Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 5 Nérth, Range 1 West, ram thence North 89 degrees 00 rintes 37 seconds West and along te Section line separating Section 1 and Section 12,for 8 distance of 438,288 wo a point being the Southeast comer of Lot 10, Block "B of Farningtst HLeights Subdivision, Part2, as ploted in Plat Book 9 at Page 31, Hinds County, Mississippi um thence Non 89 degrees 00 minutes 23 seconds West fora distance of 70.0 fest a point being the Southwest comer of Lot 10, Block "B" of said Famingtoa Heights Subdivision; run thence Nach 00 degrees 29 thinates 47 seconds East for a distance of 160.248 feet-to a point being the Northwest comer of Lot 10, Block "B" of suid Farmington Heights Subdivision, also being on the Southam Boundary of Whiteball Aveave in Farmington Heights Subdivision; rx thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds Bast fora distance of 70.0 feet to a point on said 30656295.¥1 Southern Boundary of Whitball Avenue run thence Nox OD nates 29 Minus 47 seconds ast fora dance of SOD fect 4 pat being on the Norther Boundary of sid Whitzball ‘Avene; rua ence No 89 degrees 00 mimes 23 seconds Wet fora distao> of 1700 feet {long the Nortem Boundary of aid Whitehall Avenoe toa print being the Southwest commer of Lot, Block °D" of said Furmingio Height Subdviion; rn theace North 00 degrees 29 ‘minute 47 seconds ast fora distance of 1500 feet tos point being the Northwest comer of Lot £, Block "D" of said Farmingion Heights Subdivision ran theoce Sou 89 degrecs 00 inns 23 onde East for dane of 1500 fet toa point being the Noxteast comer of Lat 8, Bock “SD? of said Funuington Heights Sabivision; un thence Nor 0 depres 29 minutes 47 sexonds | ast for a diane of 534360 feta poat being the Nonbeast corner of Lat , Block "D" of aid Fumnnglon Heights Subdivision un thence North 89 degrees OS minutes 38 seconds West fora distanes of 130.0 fet to a point being the Northwest eoract of Lot 1, Block "D" of said | Funnington Heights Subevisions an thence North OO deqres 29 minutes 47 seconds Rat for 2 i distance of 50.0 feet to a point being onthe Northec Dousdry of Firfax Avenoe being in said Famnington Heighs Subdivision, ran thence South 89 degrezs OS minutes 38 seconds East for | @Setance of 500 fee to pont ran hence North 0 depres 54 minutes 22 seconds East for 8 \ | ee Bonk 724 Qonse5 254 | | CExanee of 135.0 feet oe pin an tence North 69 depen 5 minutes 38 seconds West for « SSxanee0f 300.0 feet pia un tence North 79 dep 1 minutes 38 seconds West for & Gintance of $3.25 fet opin un tence North 52 dens 20 minutes 38 seconds Wat for & Gixtenes of {18.20 feet to pointon te chord ofa crear exe marking th Easra ROW. of Robinson Roa! in Hinds Couuty, sid curve having a Delt Angle of 8 depres 29 nates 44 feconds, aang of2914°79 fet and tn re eng of 43.193 fet ra tence Non 34 degrees TS mines 2 seconds East fr edits of 431787 fet lng the sei ced of aid carve to a point on the Easier ROLW. Boundary of Robinson Row; ron teace North 30 dees 03 Frinues 32 seconds Bast for distance of 414.685 feet along the Ease RO.W. line of Robinson Road tthe B,C. of nearve having a Delta angle of 15 degiees Of mints #2 seconds, traits of 13824 fst and an at Ing of 368.802 ft ron thence North 37 degess 35 ‘nines 53 seconds East for a distance of 362.753 fect slong the choc of said carve ta pont on the Souther ROW. line of US. Highway 80 atthe ntaecdon Robinson Row run teoce South 87 degrees 05 minctes OL seconds Exstfor a dxtncs of 151.415 fet slong the Soutbecly ROW. lic of US, Highway 80 to point ran tence South 59 degree 48 minutes 30 seconds ast fora disene of 830.60 fet slong the Southera ROW. of US. Highway 80 to point, ‘which point iste Point of Beganng LERSS AND EXCEPT FROM THE FOREGOING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, Tact “At, Tract ‘Tract "C", Tract "D", Parcels 1A, IB, 1C, 2, 3.4, 5, 5A, 6, 7, and 9 more particularly described a fallows: ‘SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘TRACT "A" ‘SEARS ROEBUCK AND COMPANY, | Commence at the Northwest comer of the Soutbwest Quarter af the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and ron South 150.991 feet: ‘hence Bast, 185.954 feet to the Point of Beginning; From the Point of Beginning ran Soot S4 degrees 12 minutes 55 scconds West, 826.583 feet; 50656295.v1 800K 724 QpneS 259 thence North 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds West 150.442 fect; thence North 00 degrees 29 minutes 47 seconds Bast, 31.646 feet; thence along a circular curve to the left (Delta Angle = 34 degrees 40 minutes 52 seconds, Radius = 438.7605 feet, Arc Leagth = 265.582 feet) a chord bearing North 16 degrees 50 minutes 38 seconds West, 261.546 feet; theuce North 34 degrees 11 sinutes 05 seconds West, 35.950 feet; thence along a curve to the right (Delta Angle = 156 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds, Radius = 435.7983 fect, Arc Length = 1192.85 feet) a chord beating North 44 degrees 13 Mites 45 seconds East, 853.837 fect; thence Sooth $7 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds East, 238.048 feet; thence South 32 degrees 38 minutes 35 seconds West, 220.018 feet; thence South 35 degrees $7 minutes 0S seconds East 304.333 fest to the Point of Bogianing, said parcel being situated in the Northwest Quaster of the Southeast Quarter and in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and in the Notheast Quarter of the Southwest (Quarter and in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 Noth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and containing 153504 acres (688,662.357 Square Feet). ‘SURVEY DESCRIPTION TRACT "3" GAYFERS Commence atthe Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section {, Township 5 Non, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and ran South 83.753 feet Bence East 209.966 fect to the Point of Beginning, From the Point of Beginning ron South 35 degrecs 47 minutes 05 seconds East, 263.417 feet, thence South 54 degrees 12 minotes 55 seconds West, 139.250 feet; thence South 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds East, 243.167 feet; thence North 54 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds East, 139.250 feet; thence South 35 degrees 47 minutes OS seconds Hast, 143.147 feet; thence South 54 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds West, 20.000 fect; teace South 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds Best, 178,000 feet: thence North 54 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds East, 428.540 feet, thence North 09 degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds West, 201.430 fet; thence along a cixcular curve to the left (Delta Angle = 77 degrees 53 minutes 44 seconds, Redius = 527.5863 feet, Arc Length = 117.272 feet) a chord bearing North 48 degrees 11 minutes 53 seconds West, 663.294 fect, thence South 54 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds West, 355.937 feet to the Point of Beginning, said parcel being situsted in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 Noth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and containing 10.3085 acres. (449,038.13 square feet.) TRACT "c” ‘SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘McRAE'S A parcel of land being situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Towaship 5 North, Range 1 West and in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section 12, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, being more particularly described as follows: . Commence atthe Northwest carser of the Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quaster of Section 1, Township 5 Nocth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and ran South 1049.0976 feet thence Bast 325.5026 fet tothe Point of Beginning 50658295.¥1 50656295.¥1 800K 72425253 From the Point of Beginning run South 54 deprees 12 simates $5. soconts West, 45.000 feet; thence South 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds East, 31.333 feet; Uuenee South 54 dewrees 12 rmigutes 5$ seoonds West, 116250 fect thence South 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 seconds East, ‘572.241 fees theace South 68 degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds Hast, 289.826 fot; thence long & circular curve tothe left Della Angle = 100 degrees 43 minutes 46 secouds, Radius = 308.9071 feet, Ac Length = 543.077 feet) a chord bearing North 41 degrees 06 minates 51 seco East, “475791 feat, tence North 09 degrees 15 minates 02 seconds West, 566.554 fee; thence Seu '54 dogeece 12 cnimutes 55 seconds West, 394.415 feet thence North 35 degress 47 minnics 05 ‘seconds West, 164.393 fect uence South 54 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds West, 391.500 fect fo the Point of Beginning, sid parcel being situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarer of Section 1, Townrhip 5 Noth, Range 1 West and in the Nocthwest Quarter of the ‘Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Towuehip 5 Nov, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi ‘and containing 13.0802 sores. (569,773,638 Square Feet) ‘Rac "D" SURVEY DESCRIPTION D. HL HOLMES Commence t the Nortiwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of tue Southeast Quarter of Seaton 1, Township 5 Nort, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and nin South 602.590 fee ence East 77.614 fect tothe Point of Beginning. ‘From the Point of Beginning run South 54 depress 12 minutes 55 soconds West, 139250 feet, thence North 35 degrees 47 minutes 05 acconds West, 35.000 fee; thence South 54 degrees 12 ‘minutes $5 seconds West, 498.208 fect thence Sooth 00 degrees 29 minutes 47 seconds West, 1.930 feet; thence slong & circular eurve to te left Delta Angle = 53 degrees 41 miautes 37 seconds, Radius = 427.5573 feet, Are Length = 400.677 feet) a chord bearing and distance South 26 degiees 21 minutes 2 seconds Bast, 386.175 feet; thence South $3 degress 11 minotes 5O seconds Eas, 304443 feat: thence North 54 degrecs 12 minutes 55 seconds East, 191.546 fees, theace Sout 35 degrees 47 minues OS seconds Fas, 20.000 feet; yheuce North 54 degrees 12 ‘minutes S5 seconds Batt 280,000 feet; thence Noch 35 degrees 417 minutes O5 eeonnds West, 255,000 fect, theace North S4 degree 12-mimues 55 seconds Hast, 139.250 feet; thee: North 135 dogroes 47 minutes 05 seconds West, 203.000 fect back to the Point of Beginning, a pace! sinuted inthe Southwest Quarizr of the Southeast Quaccr and in the Southeast Quarter of dhe ‘Southwest Quacter of Section 1, Tawvnnhip S North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Missssirs and containing 9.1630 acres, (399,161,368 Square Feet) PARCEL1A SURVEY DESCRIPTION CComunence atthe Northwett corr ofthe Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 Noxth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, end rua North 39.172 fet, tieace West 790.370 feet tothe Poist of Beginning, ‘From the Point of Beginning rua slong 2 crear curve to the left, rains = 480.6318 feet, Deli ‘Angle = 05 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds and are length = 49.446 feet, a chord bearing end Gistance South 05 degrees 33 minutes 48 scconds East, 49.426 fect; thence South 83 degrecs 29 ‘minutes 47 seconds West, 5000 feet; thence slong a czcalar curve to the tight, reins = 70.000 fect, Delia Angle = 71 degrees 31 minutes 37 seconds and are length = 94.717 fees chord bearing and distance South 32 degrees 15 minaes 36 seconds West, 87.655 fect; theace South 71 800K 724 Denes 25 4 degrees OL minutes 24 soconds West, 11.447 feet; thence slong a eirealar curve tothe sight, radius = 358,270 feet, Delta Angle = 34 degrees 0S minutes O6 seconds and ar length = 213.138 fect, a chord beating and distsace South 88 degrees 03 mincles 57 seconds West, 210.009 fect; minutes 45 seconds and arc length = 130.397 feet, a chord beating and distance North 35 degrees 34 sainutes 19 seconds West, 120.399 feet; thence along a ciculnr curve to the left, radius = 2.914.818 feet, Delta Angle =02 degrees 58 minutes 23 seoonds and arc length = 151.246 fet, a chord beating and distance North 33 degrees 24 minutes 03 sevonds East, 151.229 feet; thence ‘South 56 degrees 28 minutes 09 seconds East, 219-517 fet; thence North 66 degrees 27 minutes i 100 seconds Fast, 79.850 foet back lo the Poiut of Beginning, a parce sitated inthe Northeast (Quarter of the Southwest Qoarter aad in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section L, Toomsbip 5 Noxth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing L041 acces, PARCEL IB SURVEY DESCRIPTION Commence at the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quutr ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Fosmship 5 North, Range 1 Weat, Hinds, Couaty, Misisppi, and rim North 39,172 fet tence Wet 790.570 fect to the Pont of Beginning: From the Point of Beginning nm along seixcolar cuve to the sight, radius = 480.6318 fea, Delia ‘Anple = 18 depress 29 mines 95 sccouds oud ar Ings = 155.107 fer, n chord bearing and stance North O8 degrees 38 minutes 10 secouds East, 154.435 fet hance Nort 67 degrees 13, ious 19 seconds West, 210.244 fect thence Sonth 30 degrees 03 minutes 32 vecoods Wea "T3679 fee; tbence slong a ciealc curve tothe right, aus = 7.914.818 fect, Dela Angle = OL degrees 51 minutes 23 seconds and are length = 94442 fect, a chor! bearing and cstince South 530 degrees 59 minctes 21 seconds West, 94.438 feet hence South 56 degrees 28 minutes 09 seconds East 219517 fet tenet Now 66 degrecs 27 mimes 00 seconds Bist, 79.850 feet back eo the Point of Beginning, pare stoted in th East Half ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section , Towaship 5 Noth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississipi, containing 1.028 sere. (4,759.5 square fet). PARCEL 1¢ SURVEY DESCRIPTION Conumence atthe Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township $ Nord; Range 1 West, Hinds Conny, Mississippi, and run Non 191.856 feet; tence West 767.180 fet tothe Point of Beginning: : ‘From the Point of Regianing nm North 67 degrees 13 minutes 19 seconds Wes, 210:244 feet; thence North 30 degrees 03 minutes 32 seconds East, 229.316 feet; theace along a circular curve to the sight, radins = 70,000 fet, Delta Angle = 54 degrees 44 minutes 17 seconds and arc leugt = 66.8175 fet, a chord betring and distance South 86 degrees 21 minates 6 seconds Fsst, 64.361 eet, thence along a circular curve to the vight,radins = 467.288 feet, Delia Angle = 09 degrees ‘58 ninntes 49 seconds and are length = 81.396 fect, a chord bearing and distince Sonth $4 ogrees 00 minutes 49 recouds Bas, 81.293 feet thence along a circular curve to the right, radius ~ 70,000 fet, Delta Angle = 84 degrees 32 minstes 04 seconds and arc Jongth = 103.278 feet, a chord bearing and distance South 06 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East, 94.162 fees, thedce South 54 degrees 29 mimes 24 eeconds Bast, 5.000 fect; thence along e circular cave to the left, radius = 480.6318 fet, Della Angle = 17 degrees 37 minutes 44 seconds and arc length 50656295.v1 800K 724 2mc5 255 = 147.882 fect, a chord beating and distance South 26 degrees 41 minutes 43 seconds West, 147.299 feot back to the Point of Beginning, paccel sitated in the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quaster of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississipi, containing 1031 aees (44,9104 square fet). PARCEL 2 SURVEY DESCRIPTION Commence at the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and run North 492.787 feet, tence West 482.537 fest to the Point of Beginning; From the’ Point of Beginning run thence along a circular cave tothe left, Radius = 480.6518 {eot, Delta Angle = 10 degrees 55 minutes 53 seconds and Arc Length = 91.699 fect, a chord beating ad distance South 63 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West, 91.560 fet; thence North 31 degrees 59 minutes 57 econds West, a distance of 5.000 fee; thence long a circalar carve to the ight, Racius = 70.0 fet, Dela Angle = 75 deprees 00 minutes 52 seconds and Are Length = 91,648 fees, a chord bearing and distance North 84 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West, 85.241 feat tence Nah SF degres Ol minates 27 seconds West, 76.547 fet, thence along @ cicalar curve to the right, Radius = 115.000 fect, Delta Angle = 60 degrees 37 minotes 33 seconds and Are Length ~ 121.701 feet, a chord bearing and distazcr North 24 degrees 46 ‘minutes 20 seconde West, 116.101 fet; theace along a circular curve to the zight, Radius = 1,382.4447 feet, Delta Angle = OT depres 12 minutes 24 sceonds and Arc Length = 173.885 ‘eet, a chord bearing abd distance North 36 degrees 02 minntes 16 seconds East, 173.770 fect, thence South 33 degrees 25 mimes SI seconds Esst, 318.257 feet back to the Point of Beginning, a parcel situated in the Norbeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, “Township 5 Nocth, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, Containing 1.0291 acres (4,854.7 squace fect). PARCEL 3 SURVEY DESCRIPTION | Commence at the Northwest comer ofthe Southwest Quatro the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 Nor, Range 1 West, Hinds County, MGsissipp, and un North 492.787 fect ‘eice West 482.537 feet to the Point of Beginning: From the Point of Beginning run thence North 33 degrees 25 mimutes SI seconds West, 318257 ‘fect; thence along & circular cuve tothe sight, Radius = 1,282.4447 foet, Delta Angle = 05 degrees 28 minutes 13 seconds and Arc Length = 131.989 feet, a chord bearing and distance North 42 degrees 24 minutes 16 seconds Eat, 131.939 fet; tence South 87 degrees 05 minutes 01 seconds East, 151.415 feet; thence South S9 degrees 48 minutes 30 soconds East, 121.876 feet; thence South 06 degrees O7 minus 22 seconds West, 264.400 feet; thence along a circular curve to the left, Radius = 480.6518 fet, Delta Angle = 17 degrecs 23 minutes 44 seconds and ‘Arc Eength = 145,932 feet, @ chord bearing and distance South 77 degrees 37 minutes 57 seconds West, 145.372 feet back to the Poiat of Beginning, a parcel situated in the Norbeast Quarter of the Soutawest Quaster of Sesion 1, Township $ Nort, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 1971 acres (85,864.8 square foe) PARCEL ‘SURVEY DESCRIPTION 50656295.v1 Book 724 Qence5 256 ‘Commence atthe Nortives¢ comic oft Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1 owmati 5 Net ang Wes, Hnds Coty, Missi a rn Nah 525927 fs ileoce West, 340.546 eto the Point of Beginning ' rom the Point of Beginning, ram North OS depress 07 minute 22 seconds East, 26400 feet thence South 59 degre 48 minutes 30 secoats Hast fora dstnce of 20.00 fet theace South 2 degrees 22 mines 21 seconds West, 1757 fx thence along a crclar curve tothe lft Radius ~ 636.635 fet, Delta Angle = 9 degrees 25 minutce 4] seconds and Arc Length = 106742 feet, a chord Heating and disunce South 23 dagrees 55 mines 03 seconds West, 1041624 fect, thcoce along a eicalar curve woth right, Radius = 70.00 fet, Delia Angle = 78 degrees 30 minutes @ seconds and Avc Length 9.474 fet, a chord beaing amd stance South 57 degrees 27 minutes 28 seconds West, 86.682 fet; thence Sout O5 degrees €2 minutes $5 {eons West 5.000 fet theae along wcucalac cee to the le, Radius = 480.6318 feet, Delta ‘Angle = 09 degrees 23 minsles 14 teconds and Are Length = 78.738 feta chord beacing and fistmee North 88 degrees 5B minnie 45 seconds West, 78.650 fet back tothe Point of [Bepniog, a pavcel sated in the Northeast Qua of the Southwest Quares of Section 1, ‘Township'5 North, Range 1 West, iinds County, Mississippi, containing 0.765 acres (3,913.6 sua fei). . " PARCELS SURVEY DESCRIPTION Commence at the Nothwest corner of te Southwest Quarter of the Sootheast Qiartsr nf Section 1, Township 5 North, Range | West, Hinds Connty, Mississippi, and run North 407946 feet, ‘Bence West, 13.555 fet to tbe Point of Begining: om the Point of Beginning, nun Nozth $7 degrees 21 miuutes 25 seconds West, 76.097 fect, thence North, 60 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds West, 48.077 feet; thence Nonth 26 degrees $4 minutes 34 seconds East, 5.000 feet; thence along acrcular curve tothe right, Radius = 70.000 feet, Delta Angle = 83 degrees 28 mines 09 veconds and Are Length = 101.978 fect, a choxd ‘beving and distance North 21 degrees 21 minutes 22 seconds West, 93.196 fet; thence North 23, eqgees 48 minutes 06 seconds Bast, 68.373 feet; thence along, a circular curve to the right, Radius = 70,000 feet, Della Angle = 24 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds and Arc Length = 30.432 feet, a chord baring and distance Noth 39 degrees 41 rimutes 27 seconds Bast, 30,192 fest thence South 59 degres 48 minutes 30 seconds Eust, 200,00 fect, thence South 30 deysess 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 163.582 feet to the Point of Beginning, a parcel sitaated in the ‘Notiieast Quacter of the Southwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ‘of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 0.683 acres (29,760.65 square fet) . PARCEL SA ‘SURVEY DESCRIPTION Start at the Northwest come: of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, ‘Towmship 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississipg, and ron North 407.946 feet; ‘thonce Bast 13,565 fetto the Point of Bepiosing, ‘From the Point of Beginning, nan North 30 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 163.582 feet tence South 59 degites 48 minutes 30 seconds Bast, 192-200 fees thence South 30 degrees 12 rminntes 30 seconds West, 171,811 feet; hence North 57 degroca 21 minutes 25 seconds West 50656295.¥1 : BOK 724 25257 192376 fect to the Point of Begianing, a pateel situated in the Northwest Quaster of the ‘Soutbeast Quarter of Section 1, Townsbip $ North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 0.740 acres (2,231.3 square feet). PARCEL 6 SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘Commence at the Northwest cnener ofthe Southwest Quarter of te Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississipi, and ran North 304378 feet thence Bast, 175,555 feet tothe Point of Beginning: ‘From the Poiit of Beginning run North 30 degrecs 11 minutes 30 seconds Bast, 171.811 fect: thence South 59 degrees 48 minvtes 30 seconds East, 205.418 feet; thence South 22 degrees 09 rinses 10 seconds West, 19.816 feet, thence South 30 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 3.037 feet theace along & crcolar curve to the right, Radius = 70,000 fost, Delta Angle = 92 degen 27 minstes 05 seconds and Are Length = 112.951 fet, 2 chord beasing wad distance, ‘South 76 degrees25 minutes 03 seconds West, 101,050 fect; thence South 32 degrees 38 minutes 35 seconds West, 5.000 feet; thence North 57 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West 135.105 feet pack to the Point of Beginning, a parcel situated-in the Noxthwest Quaster of the, Southeast ‘Quacer‘of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 0.807 acres (35,151 square fet). PARCELT SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘Stat at the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Misissipgs, and run North, 169.155 feet, thence Bast 500.942 feet tothe Point of Beginning: ‘From the Point of Beginning run North 22 degrees 30 minutes 29 seconds West, 40.612 feat thence North 31 degrees 29 minutes 48 seconds East, 100.176 feet; thence South 59 dogrees 48 ‘minvtes 30 geconds East, 172.000 feet; thence Soulh 51 degrees 44 minutes 55 sccouds East, 28.000 fect, theace South 22, degrecs 46 minutes 12 seconds West, 63.765 fect; thence Northwesterly along e circlar carve to the left(Delt Angle = 18 dogrecs 54 minutes 57 ‘seconds, Radius = S724197 feet and Are Length = 188.981 feot) a chord bearing Norts 77 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds West, 188.124 fect back to the Point of Beginning, a parcel Sitvated in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 Noh, ‘Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and containing 0.4326 acres; more or less NOTE: OUTPARCEL NO. 8 IS NOT EXCEPTED FROM TRACT ONE, THE DESCRIPTION OF THAT: PARCEL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING VARIOUS EXCEPTIONS WHICH APPLY ONLY TO THAT PARCEL, IS AS FOLLOWS. PARCEL NO. 8 SURVEY DESCRIPTION Commence at the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Seetion 4, Township 5 North, Range | West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and run Sonth 1680.577 feet; thence Bast, 652.565 fect to the Point of Beginning: ‘From the Point of Begiming rum South 00 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds West, 247.617 fect; thence North 88 degrees 29 mimes OB seconds West, 4.772 feet, toence North 88 degrees 32 50656295.v1 50656295.01 Bonn 724 2m0E5 258 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.009 feet; thence North 88 degrecs 32 minutes 16 seconds West, 304.168 feet; hence along a circular enrve tothe right, Radius = 24.5833 fer, Delta Angle = 88 Segeces 56 minntes 15 teconds ahd Arc Length = 38.155 feet, a chord beating sod distance North (44 dogrces 04 minules 25 seconds West, 34.439 feet; thence North 00 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East, 168,080 fect, thence along a circular curve to the right, Radius ~ 74,5833 feet Delta Angle = 105 degrees 32 minutes 42 seconds and Are Length = 137.390 feet, « chord ‘boating and distance North 53 degrees 10 mines 19 soconds East, 118.772 fet; theace long a Circular curve to the left, Radius = 572.0247 fost, Delta Angle = 14 degrees 27 minutes 55 seconds and Are Length = 144416 feet, a chord bearing and distance Sout BL degrees 17 Tnintes 19 seconds Bast, 144,033 fet; thence South 88 dogrecs 31 Mines 16 seconds East 232.939 sect back t the Point of Begimaing, a parcel situated in the Northwest Quazter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Towmebip 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 2.7043 acres. (117,797,287 square feet) PARCELS SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘Statt at the Northwest comer ofthe Southwest Quariec of the Southeast Quarter of Section Ly Towaship $ Noch, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississipgi, and ran South 1680.57 feet; thence East, 652.565 fect to the Point of Beginning: From the Point of Beginaing run South 88 degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds Bast, 67.591 feet; thence along a circular cixve tothe right, Radius of 69.5833 feet, Delta Angle = 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 secouis and Arc Length = 109.302 fee, a clird bearing and distance Sow 43 ‘degeces 31 minutes 16 seconds Bast, 98.406 feet; thence South O1 degrees 28 minutes 4 seconds “West, 103.442 feet; teuce slong acizeular curve to the right, Radius = 74.9833 feet, Della Angle ‘dcgyees O2 minutes OB seconds and Arc Length = 117.156 feet, a chord beacing end distance ‘South 46 degrees 28 minuies 44 seconds West, 105.477 foe; thence Norts 88 degrees 29 minutes (08 seconds West, 57.925 feet; tence North 00 degrees 23 minutes $7 seconds Bast 247.617 feet back to the Point of Beginning, a parcel sitmated in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast ‘Quarter of Section 12, Towaship 5 Nor, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, containing 0.6835 scses, (29,773,835 square fet). NOTE: OUTPARCEL NO. § 15 NOT EXCEPTED FROM TRACT ONE. THE DESCRIPTION OF THAT PARCEL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING VARIOUS JEXCEPTIONS WHICH APPLY ONLY TO THAT PARCEL, IS AS FOLLOWS. ‘TRACT TWO “The following described parcels of land which ate identified by Parcel numbers corresponding to those one sovey of Fe A Wargo of Desi 15, 1978; as Jast revised December 27, 1988: PARCEL "A" SURVEY DESCRIPTION ‘A certain parcel of land lying and being situated in the Noctheast Quarter of the Northwest (Quarter of Section 12, Township 5 Nor, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and being sore paticolarly described as follows: [Beginning a the Southeast comer ofthe Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quaztec of Section 1, Powaship 5 Noch, Range 1 West theace run South 89 degrees O0 minutns 37 seconds Bast, 50656295.¥1 800K 7 24 Qonne5 259 slong the South xe of Fumington Feihts, Pat 2 acondng to the plat n Mi te Oi ot the Chancery Clee at Jactsoa, Hinds Coury, Mississipi, ss now recorded in Pat Book 9 at ‘Page 31, 680.130 fet; hence South BY dogrees OO mises 25 Secon Fast 70.00 fe thease Sonta 89 degrees OO mints 37 reouds ut, 38288 ect; tence South 38 degrees 11 minntes 50 secomis Fest, 36661 feet, levee along a cicalar cave W the- tel, Delta Angle = OL deggecs 30 mimes 4 seconds, Raine = 5720247 fet and Axe Length = 15015 fet chord ‘ening South 53 degrees 56 rinutes $7 wecands East, 15.015 fen theaco Sou 00 depress 23 ‘imate 57 soconds Wet 34,539 fet ta pont onthe North sight of way Line of Lynch Stat ‘Extension, Ghee the folowing bearings and distances along the said North ght of way: North 48 dogeees 22 mous 00 seconds Wet, 148.060 fect; South 00 degres 59 mints 00 seconds ‘West 10000 fect, Nock BR degrees 22 minutes 00 seconde West, 490.16 fet, Nort Bt ogres 49 austes CD seconds West, 39.370 feet North 68 degrees 36 minctes 00 soconds ‘Yes, 392400 fect, Next $8 depres 44 minus OD sands West, 76390 fet thence leaving {hid North right of way lie ron Nowh 00 degrees 59 mimes 0 soconds East long th East ine tf Farmington Heights, Pt 1, acording to the plat om Sle in the Ofie ofthe Chancery Cle at Jackson, Hinds Com, Missy, as now recorded in Pt Book 8 a Page 19 for x stance of 35700 fest wo the Point af Begining, contining 17.174 acres. Being showa a Pucel Aof be savey of Joe A. Waggoner of 1/1/18 as ls revised 12/278 - SURVEY DESCRIPITON [ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT FROM PARCEL "A": A certain pre! of land suated in and being a part ofthe Norkeant Quite of the Norbwest Quarter of Sein 12, Township $ Now, Range 1 West Hinds Coury, Mississippi, and being more particularly descdbed by metes and ‘bounds as follows PARCEL "E" ‘From the Southeast comer ofthe Souhwest Quart of the Southwest Quarter of Sesion 1, ‘Township 5 North Range 1 Wes, ran south 89 degrees 00 minutes 37 seconds East along the South line of Fansingtos Heights, Put 2, scearding t the plat on fle in te OMe of tho Chancery Cleck at Jacaon, Hinds County, Mississippi, as now recorded ia Pat Book 9 a Page 231, a distance of 435,66 fet tothe pont of bejaning, tence can South 89 degrees OO minutes 37 seconds Eat distaoce of 1967 fee; thence run South £9 degrees 00 minutes 23 seconds Bast, $8.77 fet toa pluton the back of x cing lot carb; thence coninoe aoag be line of be back of said curb South 32 degrees 17 avies OO seconds West, distance of 44.86 fect ta point on the back of sid carb, sd point being ce beginning of a czealar exve to the right {hence continue to rm elon th line ofthe back of sid parking lot cub along said cizcler carve to the right (Delt Auge = 59 degrees SB minutes 25 seconds, Radius = 2.00 fet and Are ‘Length = 26.168 fet) + chord bearing South 62 degrees 17 miau's 00 seconds West, wcitance (of 24,99 feet to the poin of tangeacy on the bac of said packing lot cut; thence continue long ‘ack of ea packing lot carb Nout 87 degres $3 minutes 00 Wes, distance of 2425 fet & paint on the buckeof sid cub; thence run South 32 degres 17 minutes 00 seconds Wess, long the line of bite back of said ci, a distance of 208.81 feat oa pont on the back of eid carb; ‘Sense South 87 depress 43 rhinutes 00 seconds Kast, a distance of 14.43 fet to « pein onthe bck of eid cub, sid pat being the beginning of circular cave to the ight “Thence continue orn song the line ofthe back of said ext along said circular cub wth ight (Delta Angle = 119 degrees 59 inst 39 seconds, Radius = 10.00 feet and Arc Leagth = soak 724 2mme5 260 20.943 feet) a chord bearing South 27 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 17.32 feet to the point of tangency on the back of said parking lot curb; thence continne along the line of the back of said curb South 32 degrees 17 minutes 00: ‘seconds West, a distance of 192.54 feet, thence leaving back of said curb rin North 00 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds Bast, a distance of ‘408.27 feet to the Point of Beginning: Szid parcel containing 1.036 acres (45,125 square feet) Being shown as Parcel E on the survey of ‘Joe A. Waggoner of 12/15/78 as last revised 12/27/88. SURVEY DESCRIPTION ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT FROM PARCEL A: A certain parcel of land situated in end being ‘apart of the Northeast Quarter ofthe Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Hinds County, Mississippi, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds 1s follows: PARCEL "F" Beginning at the Southeast comer of the Southeast comer of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 1 West, ran South 89 degrees 00 tnigutes 37 seconds Bast along the South line of Farmington Heights, Part 2, according to the plat on file in the Office of the Chancery Clerk at Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, as now recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 31, a distmce of 433.66 feet; thence run South 00 degrees, 59 minates 00 seconds West, a distance of 408.27 fect to a point; ron thence South 32 degrees 17 rminntes 00 seconds West for a distance of 118.39 feet to the North right of way line of Lynch Street Extension; thence run North 68 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds West, along said North ight of way line of Lyach Steet Extension, a distance of 326.77 fect; thence ran North 58 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds West dlong the said Noxth right of way line of Lynch Street Extension, a distance of 76.33 fect; thence leaving the seid North right of way. line of Lynch Street Extension, run North 00 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 357.00 fect to ‘he point of beginning; said parcel containing 4.398 actes (191,586 square fect). Being shown as Parcel F of the survey of Joe A. Waggoner of 12/15/78 as last revised 12/27/88. 50656295.¥1

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