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rilng to Our sales reports: a lot of gimbolda have been hay iis Rei Dwart Mseadine. This Is going to have to Atop Our magaaine caters fir the more intetligeat readers out there, Very mich like} curse! Infact No pay de we wid io. lower ourselves ta the pathietieand childish level bf 8 gimbal Seif yowsee a uimbold altempting to buy a copy of Red Dwarf Magazlitc, plcase stop théur, I-you don't] wel scream and Acres wintll we Fe sick FUTURE ECHORS!* = PART 2 This latte Becond pario{ ouradaptating of thesecond Bhidodeo! Red Dwarf on TV" Pityi’'s nal oh our second. PAGE really, bul You can'thaye.everything in life RED ANY GOOD BOOKS LAT! No, It's not amisprint, honest! HIRT COMPETITION ‘Your chariceto win the shinsolfalt backs ALY CALLING... Everyone's favourite sunerinteiligent computor is off ‘Gein: witfy her own thoughts on chess, jigsaws and Dave Listor's underpants: EPISODE GUIDE = SERIES IT Part 4 of our much-{oved guid and no missing c [wea hope) THE RED DWARPINTERVIEW:— CRAIG CHARLES. Everything you over wanted te Know about mspitiin ballerGraig-sie Chateo:ste, but Worn ptraid io. ask: Ha (G88 gldat about Liverpodt winning the FA Cup, (hotigh Hachise We spoks tc himwollbelars the tinal THE RED DWARF FUN PAGE ‘Mora intellectual mind-bendars tar the nigh ly cearctral amoeg yt ALL THINGS KRYTEN BEAUTIFUL Amachanbid's View at lite aboatd the Red Dwar in tha 8) Whours, TWO-WAY OUIZ, We have the questions; but do you have the answers’ AGE RIMMER, SPACE ADVENTURER: Universes saved and kispers srrioked whlle-t}-wait What-a guy! HOLLY-GRAMS- More madd messages from our mallpod PLUS. iS often represented in mathematical equations by the symbol + vitor: Mike Butcher Feature writers: Stove Lyons, Chis Howarth and Stave Noble Featureamtists: CariFintandGienn Fe Photographs: Mike Vaughan and hs Fidhoy Design: Elta Fal ‘Typesetting: Centrepoint Future Echoes" comicstrip based on orignalscripts by Rab Grant anet Doug Mayer, with arwerkby Jan Coverarwork: Colin Haware Cover design: StevaCurlay Thanks to: Rab Grant, Doug Naylor Graig Charles, Chris Barrie lobert Liewetiyn, Danny Jn. Harte Hayridge, Norman Love ‘Kate Cotton, John Cummins and Albertine pet slime maxi, ‘Subseriptions: UK — ©1000 pee year {+p FREE), Cheques oniy please ‘payable to FLEETWAY EDITIONS LIMITED) fo the accross blow (mark- ‘edclearly- RED OWARF SUBSCRIP. TIONS). Please specily the issue you ‘wish your subscription to bagin with. ‘Overseas subscrintion rates on request Advertising details: Michael Quavter ‘Tolaphono: O71 388.3171 Gare eer tees] Rob Grantand Doug Nayior 1992 Allrights reserved. [SSN 0965-5603 Published and disteibvied by Fledtway: Ecltions Limited An Egmont Company. dea Fleor. Greater London House, Hampstead Rsaa, London NW 700, Printed in Englands ¢D> FLEeeTWAY ‘DITIONS 2000 AD on sale every Saturday 50p. Judge Dredd the Megazine out fortnightly "99% of ll things are shit!” (or Is it 120%, | havea shill mermory). I this. is true man who i zt I i f {get yOu Out oF the red and into the black ‘The challenge is, haw’? What about this? Why nat use a newly Invented time 16 travel back in time 10 1m & ‘major historical event as it ‘appens (I'm ‘beginning 10 sound lke Jimmy Savi). This thay do. Thy gop back to watch REAL discovery of America by the i ® RED ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY? Vikings... only the: Vikings con't show uup. Or rather, when they do they're not ‘exactly The kind of Vikings we thought they were! Harrison's wring style is almost conver- saltonal at mes and there are no really big words init (80 evan American wrest! ing fans an road It). When | fist read TECHNICOLOR tne cover featured a ln crew tying 10 escape trom a heed of dinosaurs (don't ask’). For the “80s, however, Orbithave been more than i= Dressed with tho success artist Josh Ki- by had found with a sores of comedy fantasy book covers. He has. therelors, provided the current slightly outof-lace aver to TECHNICOLOA but don't let that put you of. I's « damn good book Very funny. Good ideas. And it has. an ending! Piers Anthony's Book has an ensing ‘sar of, H ends in:the sonse that i stops. ‘But there is stl lots more to come. What [want to racammend is book one of his INCARNATIONS OF IMMORTALITY series (which currently runs. to sie books}. Volume one, ON A PALE HORSE (Grafton Books, £3.50), sets up the aetion, It introduces Death, ils him olf and passes the job on to our hapless “hero” Zane, Now to this line: of work ‘Zane takes a while to got usd to sisal ing souls, riding hi death's norse Mortis {which can transtorm Into & eupar-fast fying ca’). and meeting the other incar- nations of immortality ‘Zane's world is a bit different to ours. in- ‘stead of science winning the intellectual argument in the 18h century, which resulted in the rise of the scientiic inter: rotation of realty, magic made a ‘number af discoveries for Itsell. Thus, ‘scienice and magic share the reality of Zane’s world, Trains, televisions and traffic lights exist in the same world as fying earpets, Satan and powertul gemsiones. Infact, Satan even uses (Gigantic advertising boards 10 get his ‘massage across! Noodiess to say, Zane gots: himsatt in- volved with the coming baltie against the forees of evil and Satan in particular. Botora that, however, he encounters dozens of hilarious and thought- Provoking situations Brought about by ‘One of science-fantasy's. great original thinkers. Youcan read HORSE as a one off book and ignore the rest of ne series if you wish, FE would be rather a waste though, because you would not find out how the story ends, Do yoursal! a favour and give the above books a try. The mixture of ideas, col- ourful style and funny situations is Perfect for the average Qwartar (but I'm Rol 80 certain about those Fiedcies...)& ARE YOU WORTHY OF If you think so, then you're gonna have fo smagging well prove it] We have 40 Red Dwar T-shirts to give: away, courtesy of those quite splendid fellows ial BMS Mail Order. But lowin one is nasimple matieral answering a few questions, or doing a spotthe: difference puzzle. This will really tax your brain as you will have to imagine you are none otherthan the Inquisitor himself! Look at the following list of world-tamous celebrities: WILMA FLINTSTONE NORMAN WISDOM KRISTINE KOCHANSKI JUDGE DREOD VERA DUCKWORTH DUANE DIBBLY Gotany opinions aboutany of them? The Inquisitor ‘would have, that's for sure. So we want you to pick ‘one of the people off the list and give us his verdict on just that one person. Using no more than 50 words, tell uswhether the Inquisitor would deem that person ‘worthy offife, andthen give us a brief summary ofthe reasons why. Think you can handle that? Then you may be on your way tobeing the proud owner of either an Inquisitor T-shirt or Red Owarl Crew T-shirt. (We ,getto choose which one, though. You cansstate your preference between the two shirts, but you may not get the one you want, even if you do win. Life's like that.) There are 20 of each T-shirt, go the 40 best entries ‘will win one and the very best entries will see print in an upcoming issue of Red Dwari Magazine. Finally, and this will seem obvious to 99.9% of you readers ‘out there (but it is possible that a breakfast TV presenter may try to enter), make sure you include your full name and address with your entry. Honest, some goits do forget this kind of thing! Send your entry to: RED DWARF T-SHIRT COMP. Fleetway Editions Limited 3rd Floor Greater London House Hampstead Road London NW1 7QQ RULES Emplayees of Fleetway Editions Limited and BMS Mail Order Limited maynotenter Entries postmarked aftr 13th August 1992 ‘wil not be considered, The editor's dacision is final, no cor. espondence will be entered into, Winnors will be notified shortly afer the closing dale and a list of winners wil be published in 8 future issue of Flad war! Magazine, rerchandise is availabe tom: ORDER LIMITED P.0.Box t0 London SwA93TW The results of our second Caption Competition (from issue 3) will appear next issue. éLYIHS-L 4YVMG Ga V7

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