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Waqar Cheema Advocate ​5/10/2019

High Court
13-H,Shah Jamal

Legal Notice
I write on behalf of my client Adv.Ahmed Hamza resident Hakimabad ,Khanewal to serve upon you
legal notice for defamation on the following legal grounds.
That my client is a respectable citizen of this country. He is enjoying a very good reputation,
command and great respect amongst the family, friends, colleagues and locality as well as community.
My client is having great respect, dignity and prestige in the area and also having blot-less career
throughout his life.
That due to the said averments which you (Tariq Jamil) made in the said report not only
communicated to the parties to the suit, which is now a public document, the reputation of my client
as well as his family has been damaged in such that there could not be repaired. The credibility built
by my client during span of time is shattered due to writing the false, frivolous, fictitious and baseless
allegations against my client.
That due to the said averments which you (Tariq Jamil) made in the said report not only
communicated to the parties to the suit, which is now a public document, the reputation of my client
as well as his family has been damaged in such that there could not be repaired. The credibility built
by my client during span of time is shattered due to writing the false, frivolous, fictitious and baseless
allegations against my client.That the defamatory statement/ averments which you made in the report,
which is submitted before the Civil Judge, Lahore, is having a tendency to injure the reputation of my
client i.e. to lower him in the estimation of others and to bring him in in obliquity contempt and
ridicule. To Which my client also reserves the right to file a suit for defamation and damages.That my
client is demanding special damages on account of mental torture, agony, financial loss and injury
inflicted to his reputation, honor due to the statement / averments, which you have made before the
Civil Judge, Lahore as well the detail of the same are mentioned as under:

General Damages

Injury/ loss to reputation as a person ​ 100,000/-

Mental torture and physical agony ​ = 100,000/-
Loss in family honour: = 75,000/-
Legal Assistance
Legal assistance & General ​ = 25,000/-
GRAND TOTAL ​ = 300,000/- (as general and special compensation)

A copy of instant legal notice for defamation is retained in my office for further necessary


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