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Name: Pablo Espinoza Class: 8-3

Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of being physically attractive

Everyone knows that life is better and easier for beautiful people. They

are always being watched by the rest, things are forgiven more and they are

treated better. But not everything is rosy, there are several disadvantages such

as envy and stereotypes that beautiful people are less intelligent

First, and foremost benefit of being physically attractive is people are

more condescending and friendlier compare with people less attractive. This is

because of the fact that people are more receptive by beauty and connect more

quickly with attractive persons. For example, if an attractive person asks a

favor, has more possibilities that other people return favor.

The primary drawback of being physically attractive is many people are

envious of this type of person because most of people are insecure. People

will stare at you, then look away when you look at them. People focus a lot on

your look and not so much on your personality. Attractive girls are usually

stereotyped as promiscuous due to the large number of boys interested in

In conclusion, there are many advantages of being physically attractive,

for example, people are more condescending and friendlier, things are

forgiven more and they are treated better. There are few disadvantages many

people are envious of this type of person and stereotypes that beautiful

people are less intelligent.

Writing Rubric - B1- B2 (Levels 5-8)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

May display accurate
Uses accurate and Uses mostly accurate Displays a limited
but limited range of
appropriate and appropriate range of syntactic
syntactic structures
grammatical grammatical structures and
and vocabulary for
Language structures and structures and vocabulary (problems
the level (problems
Use vocabulary related to vocabulary related to with basic grammar
with basic grammar
(Grammar & the task for the level the task for the level structures and
structures and
Vocabulary) with minimum errors with some errors; spelling errors) for
spelling errors).
that do not interfere however, they do not the level. Errors
Errors may interfere
with text interfere with text interfere with text
with text
comprehension. comprehension. comprehension.
Effective and
Few errors in the use Many errors in the It doesn’t show use of
appropriate use of
Punctuation of punctuation, use of punctuation punctuation and
capitalization. and capitalization. capitalization rules.
The essay is
The essay is mostly somewhat organized
Effectively develops
well organized and but lacks some
an essay (includes an
developed (includes elements of a Limited development
Organization an introduction with paragraph (unclear (vague ideas, lack of
(Developmen supporting thesis statement, unity, irrelevant
paragraphs, and a
t, unity, and paragraphs - somewhat developed information, and
conclusion). The
coherence) examples/details-, examples and details, confusing
paragraph is well
and a conclusion) but includes some explanations).
organized and has
shows some lack of irrelevant
unity and cohesion. information not
related to topic).
Address the task Somewhat addresses
Limited development
well, although some the topic and task
Effectively address in response to the
points may not be with some unclear
Task the topic and task. topic and task. The
fully elaborated. points. The number
Development Number of words number of words is
Does not reach the of words reaches
according to the task less than 40% of what
number of words about 50% of what
assigned. was assigned for the
according to the task was assigned for the
assigned. task.
TOTAL 2.5 - 2.00 1.9 - 1.5 1.4 - 1.00 0.9 - 0.5

A grade of 0 (zero) is assigned when the student doesn’t write anything or when the text presented has been
plagiarized (copied).

Grade: ______/10

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