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The differences between plant and animal cells 1

Animal cells are smaller in size with irregular or round in shape. Animal cells are 10 to 30
micrometers in size. Plant cells tend to be larger in size with rectangular or cube in shape. Plant
cells are 10 to 100 micrometers in size. Animal cells store carbohydrate glycogen as a form of
energy to be used by the plant cells. Plant cells store starches as a from of energy to be used by
the cell. Animals cells have an outer membrane with a cell wall. These membranes are thin semi-
permeable membrane that is surrounds the cytoplasm. This membrane allows certain idem in the
cell. This membrane also keeps other items out. Plant cells have membranes that are surrounds
by a cell wall. The plate cell wall is more solid and is made of cellulose. Some animal cells have
a part called Cilla. Cilla allows some animal cells to move on their own. Plant cells very rarely
contain Cilla. There is also Centrioles this allows an animal cell to aid in the division of the
animal cells. Plant cells contain no or rarely have Centrioles. In turn, “Plant cells have
Glyoxysomes which allows the plant cells to produce sugars from the starches for energy. Plant
cells contain Choroplasts since they need to perform Photosynthesis, but animal cell does not”
(Khan Acadmey, 2019).
Plant cells have plastids “Are found inside plants and some algae, which are primarily
responsible for activities related to making and storing food” (, 2019), Animals cells
contain no Plastids. Animal cells don’t make their own energy. Animals get their cell energy by
eating other organisms. Animal cells break down carbon products in a process called Respiration
that releases energy to feed the cells. Plant cells contains large Vacuole. This Vacuole in plant
cells adds to the shape to the cell through pressure contained in the Vacuole and contains
materials and waste. In some plant cells the Vacuole can be 90% of the cell. In animal cells the
Vacuole is small and contains nutrients, ions, and water. These are just a few differences
between the Plant cells and animal cells. There are many more differences between the plant
cells and animal cells from the jobs they each perform. But I’ll save that for another paper.

Khan Acadmey. (2019). Khan Acadmey. Retrieved from How do plant and animal cells differ?:
cells/a/hs-plant-vs-animal-cells-review (2019). Plastids: Definition, Structure, Types & Functions. Retrieved from

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