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Background of the Study

"Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has


Research pave the way to progress. The importance of this subject is seen through

the progress in many things in a society. Many things are invented and was followed by

innovation or development. Research work is a work concerning research into or

investigation into a subject topic and more, particularly in sciences. Research is a careful

study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something (Merriam

Dictionary). In the main time research is a study regarding a particular concern or a

problem using scientific methods. It is the inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control

the observed phenomenon (Questionpro) And as defined research finds solution to the

problem of the society, by simply studying the case, and finding solution that will answer

the problem. The purpose of research is to inform action. On further explanation, good

research utilizes methodologies that can be replicated, produces results that are

examinable by peers, and creates knowledge that can be applied to real world situations.

Researchers work as a team to enhance our knowledge of how to best address the world’s

problem (Uniteforsight)

A previous study conducted by La Salle University students shows that the item

which contributed a very great extent to the difficulty of the students in their research

study is to get a hold on the cooperation of their respondents. All student-researchers who

served as the respondents of this study found it as very difficult item. There were only

four or equivalent to 2 groups out of 6 groups were able to finish and submitted their

required research output on time. Statistically, only 33% of the respondents successfully

met the required research output. This means that the 66% found it difficult to finish their

research paper. (Bocar 2011)

Moreover, finance has been identified as one of the major challenges to educational

achievement and development for both individuals and the society at large. Thus, it calls

for financial needs. Financial need means that the financial capacity of both the student and

the student’s family to contribute to the cost of the student’s education is not adequate to

meet the total cost of education (Oregon Laws). Financial necessities are hard to cope up

knowing that we live on poor families. The question of this study is to ask whether you or

the researchers is having a hard time dealing the financial cost of conducting research paper.

In contrast, emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s

circumstances, needs or relationships with others (Google). Emotions are an intrinsic part

of our biological make-up. Emotion are the outlook of a certain event whether you are

having a hard time dealing with the events of your life. It is important to have emotional

intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a

broad collection of individual skills. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware,

control and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously

and empathetically.

This research will study about how researchers understand or feels on undertaking

research and how it affects financial and emotional aspects of students at SNPOSA (Samar

National Pilot Opportunity School of Agriculture) senior high students.

As we begin to dig more deeply into the issue of effect, it would be useful to be more

precise about what effects means in this context. With this study, we focus our attention on

defining and elaborating exactly what we mean by "the effects of research works to the

financial and emotional aspects of students.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of research work to the financial

and emotional aspects of students. Especially, these statements answer the following


General Questions:

1. How does research works affect the students well-being?

2.What are the effects of research work to the financial and emotional aspects of


Specific Questions:

1.What did the students feel in conducting a research paper?

2.What are the effects of research paper to the financial aspects of students?

Significance of the Study

The following people are to be benefited:


Student will be able to give their outlook in conducting research. It can be bad or in a

good way. Hence, we also give importance to what the researchers feel.


Teachers will be able to know on what the students feels in conducting research.

It will help them to guide the researchers respectively.


Parents will be able to know that some money students ask for, are used in

educational purposes. Moreover, in compliance of the research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted to identify the Effects of Research Work to the

Financial and Emotional Aspects of the senior high students of Samar National Pilot

Opportunity School of Agriculture. Specifically, the Grade 12 students.

The coverage of this study will focus on.

• Elaborating the effects of research to the Financial and emotional aspects of students

• To conduct the study of what student feels in creating research paper.

• To determine the effects of research paper to the financial aspect of students.

Definition of Terms

Inquiry - examination into facts or principles; research.

Extent - the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or

included. in something

Financial capacity - the range on how your able to provide the basic needs.

Instinctive - relating to or based on instinct; based on feelings or desires that do not

come from thinking or learning.

Intrinsic - belonging to the essential nature of a thing; occurring as a natural part of


Judiciously - having or showing good judgment.

Conceptual Framework

Financial and
Research Work
Aspects of

This describes how research work affect the financial and emotional aspects of

students with the first box on the left as the independent variable and the right box where

the direction of the arrow points, is the dependent variable. On the other hand, the arrow is

the cause or the bridge that indicates how research affects the emotional and financial

aspects of students.



“You can’t do anything else until you figure out the basic focus of your topic”.

Research subject is one of the tough subjects to encounter. It requires knowledge,

cooperation and patience. Students are having a hard time dealing with research, because

they don't have enough knowledge about the topic. Usually students rely on the topic

provided by the past researchers. Then just go through with the topic to further enhance it.

First time research is really tough it will prove your leadership capability on how will you

be able to reach your limit. This is where you will be able to cope up with your time and

make it meaningful by studying the research you provided and also for you to passed the

necessary grade.

Research is a step by step collection analysis and interpretation of data to answer a

problem or to solve a problem. It is necessary to follow the scientific steps in conducting

ones research.

In conducting research, researchers must preserve a time to complete each stage of

activity. Researchers must be meticulous and should work on library in such number of

weeks and hours, they need to set some time than what was scheduled because there are

some things that consumes much time, than what the researchers expected problems the

researchers will encounter (Trimmer,1992) that will lead to emotional stress. Hence, this

study is conducted to investigate the most difficult items of all the problem that the student-

researchers of Samar National Pilot Opportunity School of Agriculture specifically the

Grade 12 students about the hardships they encountered during the school year 2018-2019.

According to Logan, any time a problem may occur on the cognitive capacity that interfer

academic pursuits. The solution to this problem depends on the cause of it, the cause of the

problem should be determined. But in certain cases, the best solution is to deal with the

problem, rather than determining the cause.

Most of the time research work is found to be a tedious and very tiring work to do;

however, teachers and students can not get away from this work because most often this is

an academic requirement.

There are several items which are considered by the student – researchers in as

problems in conducting their research. The researcher wanted to determine what item or

items the student – researchers felt most difficult.

Similarly, in conducting a research one must have the interest of doing it. It is a

very laborious task. A research study cannot be completed when there are no respondents.

Respondents are the ones to give their perception and answers on the issues in the study.

At this point the researcher must have built a friendly relationship with the respondents for

the success of the study. But there might be a problem in relating with others.

Research work requires time. It is rewarding when the goal to finish it is attained

on the target date. A researcher needs to manage time properly. In an online article, time

management is defined as the process of deciding what needs to be done and developing a

plan and/or timeframe for getting it done. Time management is about establishing routines,

setting goals, and understanding priorities (“Time Management, 2008).

Dombeck and Wells-Moran (2006) claim that time management skills boil down

to awareness, organization and commitment. One needs to become aware of and record

everything he is doing so that important things will be done on time. One also needs to

commit to keep a schedule, and not wandering off when something more momentarily

interesting occurs. They emphasized that time management and organization skills are

applicable to a wide range of life tasks one might decide to take on. As it will benefit the

person broadly in what ever he/she might do.

Some students are engaged in time consuming extra activities at the university. The

demands of academic assignments almost require students to have the time management

skills of a successful busy business executive. Unfortunately, not many students know

adequate time management.

In conducting research, The University of Cincinnati (2001) observes that

undiagnosed and untreated major emotional issues such as loss, depression, and anxiety

may cause students to feel inadequate or result in serious academic difficulties and failure.

Here are the other problems encountered by students and novice researchers in

relation with emotional aspect.

Lack of availability or access to literature needed.

This is a major problem faced during the literature review. The lack of availability

of access to Internet, ignorance of the way to search needed articles from journals and

other databases are other problems. Searching books and newspaper articles from

conventional libraries consumes a lot of time and effort. This kind of libraries,

especially which are situated away from the capital cities lack copies of new acts/ rules

published by the government. There is also timely unavailability of published data.

Almost all the research studies comprise of a section of literature review which

intends to cover the gap between past and present studies. Literature review tells the

researcher how much work and what type of work has been done by other researchers

in the past regarding present studies; this is the reason why this section is important.

But unfortunately, our researchers are unable to get appropriate review as appropriate

literature is not available or there is no access to the appropriate related literature and

without going through the literature a research work cannot enjoy success. This is a

major problem faced during the research work by researchers. That often lead to

distress because they are not able to provide concrete evidences regardless with their


The outlook of the researcher/research student

All students before being selected by the guide interact with their senior students.

They already finding difficulty with research, tells the hardships they suffer or suffered.

This changes the outlook of the students. Research is the way you take it. This is one

common way to avoid stress.

Lack of confidence to take up a new study especially explorative study.

This may be due to any of the above-mentioned reasons, also the fear of the

result and fear of not able to answer questions during presentations. One should be dare

enough to disseminate the result of the study, as it is the truth he/she has come to know

after the research process. Limitations of the study are always considered and no one

is going to blame on that, unless until the research is re-done. This leads to undertaking

of overlapping studies, as there is a want of information.

Lack of Confidence to Take Up a New Study

Research starts by selecting a new research question. Problem should be original and

researchable and must carry significance but it causes impenetrability as it’s not something

easy to find out the problem which appears new as well as significant to the population.

This is the first step in research study. To select a new topic is difficult as researchers are

unaware of how to select a topic and on the basis of what criteria they should choose it.

The process of selection starts from selecting an area of interest that particular area a

problem is selected and narrowed down. But due to lack of sufficient knowledge regarding

selection of problem, researcher wastes a great deal of time in choosing futile and worthless

research topics.

Inadequate Assistance

Researchers have to cope with the available resources as no help or guidance is

provided to them. No researcher is born with fundamental research skills but they learn

those skills from others usually from their supervisors or seniors who have gone through

the same procedures while they conducted their own research study but what happens is

that no one readily guides them. Researchers especially novice researchers run here and

there but they have to do their work without any appropriate guidance.

Huge Misleading Data on Internet

Internet is commonly believed as a network of networks where thousands of

websites are connected on server. Every person who has an access to internet can access

data available on internet. The difficulty with researchers here is that piles of huge data

are available on internet even without authentic referencing. Researchers simply take

data from internet considering it as a reliable source of data but in this case research

loses its authenticity.

Unavailability of Supervisors

Researchers work under the supervision of their supervisors. Supervisors

are responsible and are bond to provide proper assistance and guidance to researchers

as researchers themselves cannot work well. Supervisors on the other hand take it easy.

Instead of helping and guiding students they impose the responsibility on researchers.

No guidance or help is provided by supervisors. As the research study starts supervisors

usually disappear, their attitude changes, researchers are entangled between research

study and supervisor’s attitude and finally when research study is accomplished and a

researcher has conducted the whole research, his/her research work is finally rejected

by supervisor because it appears as below the standard thought of supervisor.

Difficulty in Selecting Tool

Researchers are bound to select a research tool. But they are unaware of the fact of

suitability of tools.

Inappropriate Data Analysis Techniques

Data is analyzed at the end of research work. It is an important section and requires

concentration and time. But researchers are unaware of data analysis techniques.

Usually data is analyzed through the usage of SPSS in Social Sciences quantitative

research but researchers, even most of the supervisors, do not know how to use it. For

the given purpose, researchers seek help from other people who on payment analyse

the data. Hence, data analysis in this way cannot provide satisfactory results.

Records are not Provided by Authorities

Researchers need complete record of data (data base/ archives) regarding the problem

they are going to conduct a study but actually records are not provided to them by


Journals are not Available

Journals which take the record of past published studies are not available to


Sample not Representative

Sampling as is known is the process of selecting the individuals from population for

the study in such a way that they can represent the population from which they are

selected but representative samples are not available mostly which affects results and

generalization. A good study requires appropriate sample and sampling techniques.

Researchers are not familiar with the techniques of sampling.

People Drop-Out from Sample

People who are taken as samples drop out from sample in many cases mostly when

study period is getting longer. It affects the whole research study. As the samples serve

as representatives of target population and when sample changes, results of the study

are also, resultantly, changed.

Data Collection Difficulty

In the course of study researcher cannot rely on one or two sources of data rather they

have to collect data from various sources. Hence there is no easy access to the sources

of data.

Time and Money

Every kind of research study requires costing. Researchers have to invest money as

well as time but required timing and money is not being invested on the research which

obviously gives no satisfactory results.

With the problems, that students encounter. Emotional health is affected, it causes

stress and can even lead to depression if one is desperate to pass research paper on their

deadline but have little or lacking of time.

Stress as defined, is the process by which an individual or a person react when

opened to external or internal problems and challenges. "the organism processes

numerous systems to coordinate such adaptive responses both at systematic and cellular

levels "by this, stress has direct effect on the brain and the whole anatomy of the body

as such failure to adapt to a stressful condition can result in brain malfunction,

physiological problem and also many areas of psychological challenge's in the form of

depression, anxiety, pain and burnout.

According to (Wheeler 2007,2), stress is physics word which refers to the amount of

force used on an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force

applied to human life. Examples financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts

with friends, all carry force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of the

pressure or force originate from the environment but most often comes from within a

person's head in the form of worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low


Therefore, stress is basically force applied to a person and may result in a strain

which is as a result of an unmanaged stress that is when a person is not able to handle

a challenge or problem encountered strain result. To some people, the effect minimal

which means they are able to endure pressure whiles in others the effect is enormous

and have an adverse effect.

In personal factors as source of stress, new responsibilities and financial difficulties

can lead to stress.

New responsibilities

Responsibilities related to holding a job while in school will certainly compound to

a heavy academic load which is bound to result in stress. This is really challenging, as one

has to financially rely on a job for sustenance.

Financial Difficulties

It is definitely not a conducive experience when a student has to handle dual

challenges of academics and financial constraints. Life becomes very challenging when a

student is behind on bills payment; for when deadlines are not met and bills stares at you,

it is enough to get a student tensed and depressed.

In academic factors as a source of stress, language difficulty and many hours of study

was coined which actually needed in conducting research.

Many hours of studies

Every student has a life outside the academic curriculum and environment. When a

student has to compromise and use their personal time for other activities for studies, they

turn to get bored and lose interest in studies. At the long run, this situation stresses them

up which causes them to lose focus on academic work. As the saying goes "all work and

no play make Jack a dull boy ", it also applies to students since they will become dull if all

they do is to use their private time for studies and not have time for themselves.

Language difficulties

Language proficiency may have a profound effect on an individual's ability to learn

and develop, due to its key role in the transmission of information and regulation of

cognitive processes (Binder & Smith 2013). Language is one factor that has so much

influence on the life of a student. Language is the only means to communicate freely, so if

students are having issues understanding the language been used in the academic process

it becomes a big challenge to them and they will eventually start thinking about it. Once

this happens they become frustrated and stressed up when even they have communicated

and at the long run affects their performance.

Stress affecting students academically leads them to have bad performance in school

work. Students experience a lack of concentration. Stress in college students can affect

the ability to concentrate, and there have been studies conducted that prove that stress

interferes with a student's ability to concentrate, Stress in students is not something we

can take likely. Ironically stress Improves concentration for a short term because when

students are little stressed up they then to focus to try to get the issue in question which

stresses them away but these concentrations doesn't last for long since they will have

more school work or others assignments to do which demand long-term concentrations

rather than the short term.

Researchers in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) study the ways in

which the immune system and the nervous system communicate with each other and

impact people's mental and emotional health. Even though the field is relatively new,

many studies have been designed to examine the influence of immune and nervous

systems on the psychological consequences of stress. PNI research suggests that

chronic stress can lead to or exacerbate mood disorders such as depression and anxiety,

bipolar disorder, cognitive (thinking) problems, personality changes, and problem


Some students with stress may show some outwards signs of anxiety fidgeting,

biting their fingernails, and tapping their feet. In other people, chronic activation of

hormones can contribute to severe feelings of anxiety examples are, racing heartbeat,

nausea, sweaty palms feelings of helplessness and a sense of impending doom. These

feelings make the student vulnerable to anxiety feelings.

A Student who are stressed up also get discourage easily, this is because they have

a lot on their head and always have the feelings that whatever they will do will not go

on well or has planned and due to this give up in the middle of whatever projects.

they are doing. They also then to always make excuses for mistakes they do instead

of taking responsibilities. Mood swings is another common effect of stress on students.

Students are unable to have a particular mood for a long period of time. Although mood

changes are common for every student but the rate at which it changes is very fast with

students who are stressed up and depressed. This mood swing makes it difficult for

others students to even communicate or help them out. This frequent changing of

moods ruins the days of student and makes them not to be able to concentrate.

Lastly, stress causes irritability and bad temper in students. Students who stressed

easily get annoyed with the least thing that another person. Stress in its own way kills

the tolerance of student making them vulnerable temper issues. Student tries to be calm

but because they are worried and disturbed they lose that control easily.

Since we Filipinos are often poor. We try to survive survived with our live by being

able to buy the enough food that will fulfill our hunger. And having financial expenses

to our children by sending them to school for Fulfillment of their dreams is tough for

them. Not also does research takes time. It takes money to be compiled.

Financial problems has caused a lot of effect on the educational sector, the increase

exorbitant cost formal education constitute the major excuse most parents or guardians

gives for not educating or withdrawing their children and wards from school to learn a

trade, they do not bother to put or contribute their money in the education of their


Financial problems have caused a lot of effect on the educational sector, the increase

exorbitant cost formal education constitute the major excuse most parents or guardians

gives for not educating or withdrawing their children and wards from school to learn a

trade, they do not bother to put or contribute their money in the education of their




This research foretells the effects research work to the financial and emotional aspects

of students like wise it tends to explain on how students or researchers react in conducting

research. This gives importance on the researchers as well, at the same time we will be able

to elaborate why they are having a hard time conducting research and how they react to the

challenge in compliance of the research paper at the given deadline. Methodology is

composed of research method, research design, and sampling where it includes the survey

and how the research was conducted.

Research Method

This research is a mixed method research can be also classified as a quali-quantitative

type of research. Quantitative research is a structured way of collecting and analyzing data

obtained from different sources. Quantitative research involves the use of computational,

statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. It is conclusive in its purpose as it tries

to quantify the problem and understand how prevalent it is by looking for projectable

results to a larger population. Quantitative research is typically looking to measure extent

and looking for statistical results that are interpreted objectively. This kind of research is

unbiased in nature prior to the data gathered on the study. On the other hand, qualitative

research was also established. Qualitative research is a process that seeks in depth

understanding of social phenomena of social setting. It focuses on the “why” rather than

“what” of social phenomenon and relies on the direct experiences of human beings.

The research conducted is a quali-quantitative research it uses mathematical basis and

in depth understanding of the topic in order to come up with a better conclusion. At the

same time, research with statistical basis are more evident that the research conducted was

thoroughly conducted by the researchers to explain the problem or topic being discussed.

Survey research represent one of the most common types of quantitative, social

science research. In survey research, the researcher selects a sample of respondents from a

population and administers a standardized questionnaire to them. Survey research is used

in the study to discussed the topic accurately with the needed data for this study. "It is this

capacity for wide application and broad coverage which gives the survey technique its great

usefulness..."(Angus and Katona, 1953, p. 16).

Research Design

The effects of research work to the financial and emotional aspect of students is a

survey research. Can be also classified as causal comparative type of study. In contrast,

causal comparative study seeksto identify the association's among variable. The study is

also classified as causal comparative, because it involves two or more groups and one

independent variable. As explained, causal-comparative design is a research design that

seeks to find relationships between independent and dependent variables after an action or

event has already occurred. The researcher's goal is to determine whether the independent

variable affected the outcome, or dependent variable, by comparing two or more groups of


And as told on research design, survey research is used in data gathering. In

survey research, the researcher selects a sample of respondents from a population and

administers a standardized questionnaire to them. The questionnaire, or survey, can be a

written document that is completed by the person being surveyed. Questionnaire is the

instrument or the data gathering tool, that is used for this research, the answer of the

respondents will be the outcome of this study. The questionnaires are administered by the

researchers themselves,.This was needed before respondentso answers the questions.T he

researchers debrief the respondents on what to do, and how important their cooperation

for the research that is conducted.

Sampling Methods

Data gathering is essential, this is blood of research were if the study is conducted

without any process or investigations. The study will be considered useless. Thus, every

researchers seek a will provided answers from the respondents. The respondents should

also be enough to gather the necessary informations. This will be the outcome of a better

conclusion. The chosen sample size s enough to come up the information needed. The

number of respondents does not required a large population. The respondents will provide

the answers ample enough for the researchers to discussed the study.

Non probability sampling was used , specifically purposive sampling. Purposive

sampling was chosen as the sampling method, to choose the respondents that will be the

bestly appropriate with the studies.Hence ,the researchers seek for a nice outcome.They

choose the respondents that will answer the the questionnaire productively or usefully. The

grade 12 was chosen as the respondents, they are the appropriate research subject. Thus,

what will be their opinion and what do they feel knowing that research is a first time subject

to handle. Are they having a hardtime or not?

Steps in Data Gathering

The effects of research work to the financial and emotional aspects of the students

was chosen by the researchers. To give notice and even importance to what other

researchers feel in conducting research. Furthermore, this study will help them evaluate on

what is the main cause of the hardship. And how are they going to dealt with it, at the same


The survey research instrument was questionnaire. Where it is the appropriate

data gathering tool regardless of the topic. This was examined by the researchers for them

to further get the necessary information, in compliance of a well- defined research.

The data gathering was conducted by the researchers among the grade 12 students.

The questionnaire was handed to the respondents by the researchers. The gathered data will

be analyzed and interpreted by the researchers. The results of the data gathered will be the

outcome of this research. Nevertheless, the answers of the respondents was compiled as a

proof that this research undergo the necessary process that need to be undertaken.

Data Analysis

The research conducted used frequency table as the mathematical technique in

interpreting the gathered data. This tries to describe the effects of research work to the

financial and emotional aspect of students.



The following chapter discussed about the result of the gathered data. Where in, it is

analyzed by using tables and graphs to further elaborate the result of this study. This study

is conducted at Samar National Pilot Opportunity School of Agriculture Grade 12 students

and how do research work affect the emotional and financial aspects, on having the same

research process that we undergo.


Table 1. Q1: Does research boost your leadership?

Frequency Percentage

Always 68 40%

Often 22 22%

Sometimes 64 37%

Rarely 12 7%

Never 5 3%

With the following data obtain from the respondents, 40% says that research always

boost their leadership. Followed by sometimes 37%, often 22%, rarely 7% and never which

is 3%. This means that research always boost students leadership throughout the process

making the study.










Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 2.Q2: Does research makes you stress?

Frequency Percentage

Always 51 30%

Often 36 21%

Sometimes 70 41%

Rarely 12 7%

Never 2 1%

The answers found on the table above states, 41% agree that research work

sometimes affect their studies . Followed by always 30%, Often 21%, Rarely 7%, and

Never 1%. Thus, it assert that research can sometimes affect the studies of students.










Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 3. Q3: Does research help your well-being?

Frequency Percentage

Always 27 16%

Often 46 27%

Sometimes 77 45%

Rarely 19 11%

Never 2 1%

With the answer from the table above, 45% agree that research sometimes help their

well-being . Subsequently followed by, 27% of Often ,16% of Always, 11% of Rarely and

1% of Never.

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 4. Q4: Are you having a hard time complying on the deadline of research work?

Frequency Percentage

Always 38 22%

Often 46 27%

Sometimes 75 44%

Rarely 9 5%

Never 3 2%

The illustration above shows that sometimes student’s are having a hard time complying

in the deadline of the research work. Then it was followed by Often 27%, Always 22%,

Rarely 5%, and Never 3%. And as a result , students sometimes have difficulty in

complying the given deadline of the research work.











Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 5. Q5: Does research work affects your studies?

Frequency Percentage

Always 26 15%

Often 22 13%

Sometimes 68 40%

Rarely 26 15%

Never 29 17%

With the answer that was gathered, 40% says that research sometimes affects their

studies . Subsequently followed by, Never which is 17%, Always / Rarely with 15% and

Often having 3% of students that agree ,according from the illustration above.










Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 6. Q6: Does research work affects your relationship with peers?

Frequency Percentage

Always 9 5%

Often 10 6%

Sometimes 68 40%

Rarely 34 20%

Never 50 29%

From the answers of the respondents illustrated above, 40% says that research

sometimes affects their relationship with peers. Preceded by, 29% which is never, Rarely

with 20% Often 6% and Always 5%.










Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never



Table 1.Q1: Do you pay in the expenses of research?

Frequency Percentage

Always 68 40%

Often 22 13%

Sometimes 64 37%

Rarely 12 7%

Never 5 3%

From the table above 40% agreed, that they pay for research expenses. Followed by

sometimes having 37%,Often with 13%,rarely with 7% and never having 3%.










Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 2.Q2.Does research work affects your allowance?

Frequency Percentage

Always 26 22%

Often 17 19%

Sometimes 106 35%

Rarely 10 13%

Never 12 11%

In the illustration above ,that shows how allowance can be affected with research

work. Sometimes, having 62% was chosen the most and was consequently followed by

Always -15%,Often -10%,Never -7% and Rarely having 6%.









Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


Table 3.Q3: Is it hard for your classmates to comply the necessary amount in compliance

of research?

Frequency Percentage

Always 26 15%

Often 17 10%

Sometimes 106 62%

Rarely 10 6%

Never 12 7%

In compliance of the necessary amount for research, the table above shows 62% answers

Sometimes, Always having with 15%, Never 7%, and Rarely having 6%.









Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Table 4. Q4: Does your group mates give the needed money in making research?

Frequency Percentage

Always 36 21%

Often 29 17%

Sometimes 78 46%

Rarely 21 12%

Never 7 4%

The table above shows, Shows the answer whether research groupmates give the

needed money, in complying of research. With Sometimes having 46%, Always 21%,

Often 29%, Rarely12% and Never having 4%.


50% 46%
25% 21%
20% 17%
15% 12%
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Highest Percentage Rate of all the Gathered Data based from the Questions Answer

Emotional Answer Frequency Percentage

01 Always 68 40%

02 Sometimes 70 41%

03 Sometimes 77 45%

04 Sometimes 75 44%

05 Sometimes 68 40%

06 Sometimes 68 40%


01 Always 68 40%

02 Always 60 35%

03 Sometimes 106 62%

04 Sometimes 78 46%

The illustration above clearly states the answers of the highest percentage rate among

the questions. With the question having mostly the result of Sometimes and Always.

Following the majority role, that was chosen from the given chives which are Rarely, Never,

Often, Aways, and Sometimes.It is concluded that research have both effect in financial

and emotional aspects of the students, having enough number of respondents with the

conducted in the study that assures the research is reliable.



This chapter look at the summary findings, conclusion, recommendations and suggestion

for further research.


Research work as define is a study to find new knowledge and answers the

problem of the society. While financial aspect refers to the expenses of the student

regardless with their study. The term emotion is emotional aspect of the students with

regards to the emotions that the student encounter while conducting their study. This

research is a survey mixed method research, a third methodological category in which the

researchers come to understand the problem of combining research method approach. This

research is conducted among Grade 12 students of Samar National Pilot Opportunity

School of Agriculture, having 171 respondents as obtain from using slovin’s formula with

the data interpretation using frequency table. The study reviewed literature concepts was

about the emotional and financial aspects affects student life in term of research. What are

the factors influencing this sources, And the results was obtain from the analysis that it



From the study conducted, it was found out that:


 Research always boost students leadership.

Being able to handle a group and communicate with them

effectively to have the expected output of the research conducted.

 Research can make student stress.

Involving yourself in an activity were hard work is necessary and

patience is required can lead to stress.

 Research helps students well-being.

Being able to experience research work can mold your social skills

and behavior. This includes time management.

 Students are having a hard time in complying the deadline of research .

This are due to external factors like lack of materials use for research

completion. Also with the lack of cooperation within the group.

 Research can affect studies.

Research is a requirement for completion specially with graduating

students. Being unable to comply the said requirement will lead to low

academic performance or in some instances students will not be able to


 Research work can affect your relationship with peers.

Research can affect your relationship with other people. You use

your time on conducting the study. And in that sense, you’ll not be able to

join your friends. But in a practical manner lets set aside the friendship for



 Students pay in the expenses of research.

Students pay expenses because that’s the only thing that they can

contribute. They are not interested in conducting the research. So, they just

pay for expenses.

 Research can affect allowance.

Printing expenses and other money usage can affect students

allowance. Students first prioritize school requirements from their personal


 Researcher’s are having a hard time complying the necessary amount in

compliance of research.

It is normal in this students state that we cannot fight the verge of

poverty. Hence, at time of complying research expenses, we are not able to

contribute the necessary amount.

 Research groupmates can give the needed money in making research.

Researcher’s give the necessary amount of money to complete the study

they have conducted.


We recommend this research for students who are having hard time or they perceive

that research is a hard subject. Furthermore, this will explain to them the nature of research.

 For Future researchers,

We recommend this study, having the main focus on the effects of research

work to the financial and emotional aspects of students. And with regards to the

conducted study, the mathematical tools may not be able to describe the analysis

clearly. And for those, who see this research as an interesting topic. May you use a

better statistical tool, for o clarification. And better enrichment of the topic. We

hope that our study had help you gain more knowledge with regards to research

field demonstration.




Dear Respondents,

Good Day! The researchers are here to conduct a survey about the effects of

research work to the financial and emotional aspects of students. Please do cooperate

and we’ll assure you that your names will remain confidential.

Thank you!

Approved by:

Ms. Jessa Lyn Acala


Vanessa Lipata

Maegan Beth Gayo

Anjanette Brozas

Hannah Flor Opena

Rinaliza Operario

Nyzel Antonette Dista

Joshua Jayco

Kubricks Gunda



Name: Age:

Section: Strand:

Directions: Put a check mark ( ) on the choices that corresponds your answer.

Please answer the questions HONESTLY!

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always


Does research boost your


Does research make you


Does research help your


Are you having hard time in

complying on the deadline of

research work?

Does research work affect

your studies?

Does research work affect

your relationship with


Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always


Do you pay the expenses of


Does research affect your


Is it hard for your

classmates to comply the

necessary amount in

compliance of research?

Does your groupmates give

the needed money in

making research?


Gyorgi, A.(n.d) research Retrieved from

Research(n.d) Retrieved from

What is qualitative research? (n.d) Retrieved from

Bhat, A.(n.d).What is researcher? Retrieved from

Financial need (2007) Retrieved from

Research guide(n.d) Retrieved from

Difficulties Encountered by students (n.d) Retrieved from



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