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A flash support file is a VIN specific solution and can only be used for the vehicle that it is specifically

created for. Please

note that the screenshots below will be slightly different than what you see, however the directions are still the same.

To save the flash support file from XSF, select the flash support file in the attachments window and click Save as. If you
received an EXF version of a flash support file, just save it to the root directory (top folder level) of an empty USB stick
and proceed to the control unit programming section on page 2. If you received a ZIP version of a flash support file,
please proceed to the section below.

Zip version of a flash support file

1. Open the ZIP folder
2. In the subsequent window, you should see multiple files. Highlight all of the files, right click, select copy, and
then right click and paste them into the root directory (top folder level) of your USB stick.
3. Now there should be multiple files on the root directory (top folder level) of the USB stick, one of which will be
the usual EXF version of a flash support file along with other files that are necessary for proper operation of the
flash support file.
Note: If you received a zip file that only has one EXF file and a subfolder, the subfolder contains the other
necessary files and you will need to ensure that those files are copied onto the root directory (top folder level)
of the USB stick alongside the EXF file.

Control unit programming

1. Launch a fresh diagnostic session; do not use a currently opened active diagnosis session.
2. Plug the USB stick into the Xentry Connect before entering the control unit menu. You will have to use one of
the USB ports on the Xentry Connect, NOT the Xentry Tab.
3. Go through manual initial start-up of the control unit and at the “online connection absolutely essential”
section, select “Assistance from User Help Desk” then click the icon next to “Query of control unit software” or
“Flashen” only once for the telephone icon to appear then continue.

Continued on next page

4. After a short time of loading, on the next screen, select “Load Response Data”

5. A pop up window will appear. Now navigate to the USB stick and select the EXF file. Once highlighted press
“Open” to upload the flash support file from the USB stick. Shortly afterwards the page with the control unit
software detected will be displayed. Select “continue” to carry out the programming.

NOTE: In the occurrence of failed programming with a flash support file, please provide a new event log for further

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