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Glass 1

Tiffany Glass

Philosophy of Teaching Statement

I want to become a teacher because I love children. I love to see children learn. When a

child is excited to come to class and learn that day, I know I have succeeded in making that child

become passionate about school. When a child becomes passionate about learning, they are

drawn to learning. Children that are drawn to learning, want to come to school. They will never

forget the teacher that helped them learn so much. They will remember these teachers for a

lifetime. My goal as a teacher is to enlighten and inspire future generations for years to come.

I believe that each child is a unique individual. I want to make a difference in children’s

lives. I am motivated by the student’s passion to learn. I want to make a positive impact on them.

Some student’s have a poor home life, and it is my job to be a role model. I want them to love to

come to school. Teachers need to be a leader. They need to show good examples.

The most rewarding thing about teaching is the success that occurs for the students.

Success is an achievement that is universally recognized. Educators provide a platform in hopes

that it can be attained by all learners. Students can succeed by immediately connecting with the

material or seeing the student display a creative component inside or outside of the classroom.

Student success allows the teacher to gain pride for being a part of their life.

I believe that the standards are necessary. Educators must follow them to meet the

student’s goals. The standards are very valuable. The standards are needed to create the teachers

lesson plans. I value more skills and theme-based units when designing lessons. I want my

classroom to include quality planning, instruction, assessment. I want my student to learn by

using a hands-on approach. They will be able to learn through experience.

Glass 2

We are going to be a multicultural classroom. I will include maps/globes, music, artwork,

and technology in my classroom that relate to what we are learning. I will incorporate a passion

for poverty and English Language Learners. It is important for me to integrate the experience of

all members of society. I will respect and support my student’s family’s cultures.

There will be students with exceptionalities that are in my classroom. The best approach

is to provide those students with special needs the proper and nurturing environment. I will make

sure the student has accommodations available. I want what is best for them. I will try different

ways of teaching to find what is best for them. I will reflect on what works and what does not. I

want to be original, stay current, be flexible, listen to others, and reflect on my experiences.

My classroom management plan is to establish respect and rules. I must set the tone for

how an academic year will progress. I want to have a laissez faire style classroom but hold

accountability among students. I will hold high expectations for final products of assessments. I

want to keep students interested in relevant connections with my content area. If you overwhelm

the students down with rules it confines them to be more restrictive and they will not likely to

want to participate in the classroom. I must be open for all suggestions from administration,

students, and parents to see what would be best for a positive learning environment.

I want family partnerships to be a big role in my classroom. For most of my reading

assignments, the students will be in charge of reading their reader at home to a family member

that night. This can be anyone including a pet, as long as the student is reading aloud. This helps

boost self-confidence. I want homework to be possible. I do not want homework to get in the

way of spending time with family. They will only have short homework assignments. This will

allow more time for family activities and extra-curricular activities.

Glass 3

Each day is never the same and I enjoy that students provide me a new experience to

share. I believe that each child is a unique individual. I want to make a difference in children’s


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