Tecnical Report Prom EDM Machine English

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Tecnical report Prom EDM Machine – Plasticos Nacionales

We had two visits a Prom EDM machine. On first visit we search for mechanical errors. We
found an error in Lubrication system with a damaged tube.

On second visit we checked all electronics part.

1. We measured if there is any position error of Z axis. There was a position error of +-
0.003mm. This is typical for this kind of machines.
2. We simulate the error reported with operator of machine. Machine worked some
minutes and when we stopped machine there is a position error between 0.1 to
0.9mm in Z Axis.
We noticed that LCD of control is not showing the real position of encoder lineal in Z-
3. We checked with Panaterm Software position and movement of servo amplifier. We
noticed that machine works with analog interface. Closed loop is between machine
and EDM control. The PID of Servo amplifier is not used. The encoder of Servo Motor
of Z axis has no influence of positioning of Z axis. We test movement and following
error with external digital indicator and counter parameter of amplifier. I checked
following error between analog command from control and positioning of Servo
Result: All Panasonic parts are working well and do what they must do.


We can´t see real position of Z-Axis. Display of machine isn´t showing the real position from
Encoder Lineal and we can’t find in software any function to see real position of Z- Axis
Encoder lineal. I checked mechanical installation of Encoder lineal, without any observation.

So error must be with Mitutoyo Encoder lineal or is an software problem. I never saw Mitutoyo
Encoder lineal in sinking EDM Machine. Why producer don’t change it for Haidenhain products
like other companys in Taiwan.


I recommend implantation of service function for representation of position of Encoder

Lineal real position.

Changing Encoder Lineal of Z-Axis with product from a other supplier.

Tecnican: Jörg Krösel

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