Tabla de Emisividad Conocidas

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AAT irr er eer 15 Tablas de emisividad Esta seccion incluye una serie de datos de emisividad basados en la bibliografia sobre , Infrarrojos y en las medidas realizadas por FLIR Systems. 15.1 Bibliografia 1 Mikaé! A. Bramson: Infrared Radiation, A Handbook for Applications, Plenum press, NY. 2 Wiliam L. Wolfe, George J.Zissis: The Infrared Handbook Office of Naval Research, Department of Navy, Washington, D.C. 3 Madding R.PThermographic instruments and systems, Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin ~ Extension, Department of Engineering and Applied Science. 4 Wiliam L. Wolfe: Handbook of Miltary Inftared Technology, Office of Naval Research, Department of Navy Washington, D.C. 5 Jones, Smith, Probert: External thermography of buildings... Proc. ofthe Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol.110, Industrial and Civil Applications of infrared Technology, June 1977 London. Paljak, Pettersson: Thermography of Buildings, Swedish Building Research Institute, Stockholm 1972. 7 | Vicek, J: Determination of emissivity with imaging radiometers and some emissivities at = 5 im. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Kern: Evaluation of infrared emission of louds and ground as measured by weather sate Iltes, Defence Documentation Center, AD 617 417. ° | Ohman, Claes: Emittansmatmingar med AGEMA E-Box. Teknisk rapport, AGEMA 1998. | (Emittance measurements using AGEMA E-Box. Technical report, AGEMA 1999) 15.2 Tablas Figura 15.1 T:espectro total. OC: 2-5 jm; OL: 8-14 im, OML: 6,5-20 jim; 1: material; 3: especificacién; ‘temperatura en °C; 4: espectro: 5: emisividad; 6: referencia ‘a pan | 7 ar ae a | samara | man | 7 ae Accite de lubrica- | peiculade0,125 | 20 |r fora 2 Publ Ne. 1557 798 Rew. a73~ SPANISH ES) November 2004 119 15.2-Tablas [3 6 ‘Acelte delubrica- | pelicula sobre ba- | 20 T | 00s 2 ion | | | | ‘Acelte delubrca- | recubrimiento | 20 T | os 2 ion grueso = ‘Acerojnoxidable | aleacién:6 Ni, | 500 T ([ 03s 1 18% Cr ‘Aceroinoxidable | enrollado 700 tT [oas 7 ‘Aceroinoxidable | hojaenbrutolige- | 70 oc | 030 9 ramente aranad ‘Aceroinoxidable | hojaenbrutolige- | 70 or | 028 9 ramente arafiada Acero inoxidable | hoja pulida 70 oc 018 9 Aceroinoxidable | hoja pulida 70 oO | ona 9 Acero inoxidable | limpiado con are- | 700 T 0,70 [1 na Aceroinexidable | tipo 18-6,pulido | 20 T | 076 2 Acero inoxidable | tipo 18-8,oxidado | 60 T 08S 7 2 2 800°C | Fajonerade | sn vat 7% oc 080 g Agua cristales de hielo | -10 T | 0.98 2 Agua destilads 2 T | 096 2 Agua hielo, muy cubier- | 0 T | ose 1 [todeescarcha | ‘Agua hielo, suave 10 T 0.96 2 Agua hietosuave | 0 | os7 [a Agua [nieve | [7 [oa 1 Agua nieve =10 T | ons 2 ‘Agua peliciade>o1 [0100 = |T 095-098 1 mm de espesor Alcuin Ia Alquitrén, Papel 20 T 0,91-0,93 | 1 120 Pub Mo. 1557794 Rew273~ SPANISH (ES) November 5.2004 PITTI rir ine 15.2-Tablas Aluminio anodizado, 7 oc 061

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