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Mystery & Suspense

Mrs. Hauber
Times Available: 2nd hour, 3rd hour, and B Lunch

Course Description​: Throughout this course we will learn to participate in literary analysis, using multiple
literary lenses, while we read and watch several mysteriously suspenseful works by a number of different
authors/directors. We will practice this literary analysis through many essay assignments, both standard
essay assignments, and creative visual essay assignments. This class will rely heavily on participation in
discussions, both large and small group.

What We Will Read and Watch​ (tentative): Edgar Allan Poe: “The Black Cat”, “Tell Tale Heart”, “Annabel
Lee”, William Shakespeare's “Macbeth”, A variety of short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, BBC’s ​A
Study in Pink, ​Cormac McCarthy’s ​No Country for Old Men, a​ nd Alfred Hitchcock's ​Psycho.

Communication Protocol​: Feel free to contact me via email, because I am a student teacher all of your
emails should be sent to Erica Chiarkas ( with the subject “For Mrs. Hauber”.
Feel free to also arrange a meeting with me during my available hours listed above.

Grades​: This course heavily focuses on students abilities to read and analyze texts, this will be gauged
by in class analysis and reading of the texts, along with several quizzes/ reading checks. The next big
factor for student grades in this course is writing. Students will be given several writing assignments and
projects, both creative and analytical that will be used to demonstrate their understanding of the topics
discussed in class and the materials being read. This course is discussion based. Students will be
required to participate in both large group (class) and small group (table) discussions in order to pool their
knowledge together.
Reading/Analyzing 30%

Writing/Projects 30%

Discussion 20%

Exams 20%

Supplies Needed​: Students will be expected to come to class daily with some sort of writing utensil,
paper, chromebook, any handouts they have been given, and any reading materials.

Class Rules:
● Respect
○ Others- Be kind, consider others opinions, ideas, and feelings. Listen when others are
○ Yourself- Be confident, ask questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question.
○ The Classroom- Clean up after yourself. If you borrow something from the classroom or
myself please return it.
● Be Responsible For Your Own Learning
○ Work Hard - Know that you have to do the work to get the grade you want.
○ Come Prepared - Have all homework and materials with you daily. Know what you need
and bring it to class.
○ Don’t Cheat- Respect yourself. Have confidence that you know what you are doing, and
ask questions if you do not understand something.
○ Be On Time - Do what you can to be on time for class each day.
● Remember the School Wide Phone Rule
○ No phones inside the classroom- Please, put away phone before entering the room.
● Food and Drink
○ Quiet Snacks Only.
○ Make sure no one in the room has an airborne allergy to anything you are eating.
○ Clean up after yourself, there is a broom in the room if needed.
○ Water only. No soda or sports drinks.
● Class is almost over?
○ Remain at your desks until the bell rings.
○ Please do not line up at the door.
● Class is NOT over but you have completed all your work?
○ Grab a book and read quietly or work on other school work.
Class Procedures and Expectations:
● Tardy Policy
○ 1st Tardy- Verbal Warning from Teacher

○ 2nd Tardy- Teacher Detention and Phone Call Home

○ 3rd Tardy- Teacher Detention and Phone Call Home

○ 4th Tardy- Office Referral and 5 Lunch Detentions

○ 5th Tardy- Office Referral with Consequences TBD

● Absent Work
○ Please check with your classmates to gather an understanding as to what we discussed
in class on the day/s you have missed. Then check with me to see if there are any
materials you may need, and to clarify anything about the class you have missed. Finally,
if there are any assignments due or tests/quizzes the day you return, please meet with
me to discuss how to go about finishing these tasks.
● Late Work
○ This course allows for numerous assignments to be complete and/or started during the
class period. If these assignments are turned in late you will receive 50% of points
earned on the late assignment.
● Bathroom Breaks
○ Should not be done while instruction is happening or directions are being given, or other
students are presenting to the class.

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