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All my football team and friends deserve to walk that stage. For the reason that they
work hard to graduate, and I couldn't be happier for them, or more proud. Graduations
are jubilant occasions. Efforts are crowned after periods of study or training. They are all
worth it to pass and graduate this 2020, all their hard works and breakdowns in terms of
academics, I’ve seen many faces cried and became stress for all the pressure, my friends
who’s been there with me all time. Countless food runs, leisurely time spent in the
afternoons and movie nights- those memories were my favorite because of the fun we
had. It was nice to have a friend who’s been down through the good times and bad.
Thinking that after this semester all my teams and friends where going separately that
made me feel sad and I will always remember that one restaurant we tried out or that
road trip we went on. Honestly, our escapades were my favorite part of senior high. I
loved how we shared the thrill of adventure and exploring the town. Those memories will
keep me laughing forever. I couldn't imagine going through college without them. My
team are a true delight and such an inspiration in my life. Their daily advice always
improves my day. Most of all, for the constant support. Through thick and thin- they've
been there. As graduation gets closer, their perseverance and efforts are reward for them
to graduate. friendship means to me. The memories and laughs that I’ve shared
throughout the years are priceless. I'm grateful to share those moments with them. Our
friendship has not only positively impacted my senior high experiences, but my life in
general. I know this isn't where our memories end, but a new beginning for us both. I
can't wait to see what amazing things they do in the future. they deserve the best. There
is every reason to bless them, for them that they’ve conquered the challenges and
emerged the best among our mates, their determination should make it paid big time.
They’ve crossed another mile comes to fruition, what a great feat they’ve achieved! I am
proud they keep accomplishing remarkably wonderful things as they go through life. As
I have watched them work so incredibly hard over these past years. I feel blessed to have
been there through it all helping them move freshman dorm, the acceptance to the
honors program, and surviving a brutal projects. and they are doing it all with a smile on
their face. the past four years haven't been easy. There were many a night they’ve went
to bed without eating, and we went days without really talking because we were just too
busy with school. And when the going got tough, they’ve never gave up. And for that, I
admire them. I couldn’t be prouder for all they’ve accomplished. But truly, the best is yet
to come, when they were worried, they wouldn't make it through, I always knew you
were going to be OK- that no matter what, they would succeed. Even though they
doubted themselves sometimes (we all do), they never, ever gave up. Every day you
inspire me to work hard and stay true to myself, especially when times get hard. When I
doubt myself, all I have to do is look at them, they are my real-life role model, they are
my personal definition of success. I've watched them blossom from an 18-year-old high
school, watching them grow up and become successful has given me faith in myself, and
I know that they would never let me fail. what it means to have hard work and
unwavering dedication pay off. And thank you for teaching me that even in the darkest
times, there is always a glimmer of hope. And thank you for believing in me, as I have
always believed in you. I cannot say congratulations enough and with so much to show
for it. They are on their way to do great things, beyond both of our imaginations. And I'll
be here every step of the way, supporting them, and cheering them no matter what. I'll
always be their biggest fan. the time when my team were finally able to breathe, finally
able to sleep at least eight hours, and finally able to party without feeling guilt. It is the
time when students earn what they have worked for years, when sleepless nights pay
off, and when dreams turn into reality. And that they are deserving to graduate. I am
going to miss their daily high fives in the hallway and hearing their laugh from three doors
down. I’m going to miss the trips and late-night ice cream runs. I’m going to miss driving
around with the windows down, singing our hearts out to Kendrick Lamar songs. But
most of all I’m going to miss seeing the way they impact each and every person in the
high school. But enough about what I’m going to miss, for being my best supporter, for
all the basketball and football games we carpooled to, for all the memes they tagged me
in and all the silly videos they’ve showed me. for the Infinitea stops and dozens of
Frappuccino’s. For always telling me the truth. Without them calling me out on the stupid
things I do, I don’t know where I would be today. For letting me cheat on quizzes for
letting me borrow their pen and for giving me crosswise and 1 whole paper, for teaching
me in the lessons I’ve missed and don’t understand. Next year is going to be amazing,
but I would be lying if I said it isn’t going to be difficult. It’s going to hard not seeing
them every day or hearing their voice. It’s going to be hard not hanging out on the
weekends or going to drama rehearsal without them. But I am excited for the things that
are yet to come. After all, 14 hours, 10 minutes, and 878 miles away isn’t that far, right?
After all the breakdowns and hard works, Sure, they'll be the much-deserved recipient of
graduation gifts, professional senior high awards and honor. They are worth to walk
that stage and that is the day of our graduation.

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