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I too, am America

By: Langston Hughes


I, too, am America, a poem written by Langston Hughes, which is, through this poem, he wanted
to present how the daily lives of African Americans in the 19th century. Where in, at this time, there was
significant discrimination among black Americans. They were treated like they are different from white
Americans because of their color. There were laws and opportunities that they are not included because
of their color, and it seems like their life at this time was miserable. They were separated from the white
people in the restaurant, in public transportation, and other public utility in America. They are also not
allowed to marry white Americans at this time. It seems like they have a contaminated disease that white
American is trying to avoid. In the last part of the poem, Americans are reminded by the black Americans
that despite their color, they are also part of America by all means. They must have equal treatment and
opportunities as they also belong to America regardless of their color.

Somehow in our life, we also experienced discrimination for being who we are, what family we
came from, and even how we look. Through this poem, we are reminded that we should always put in our
minds that we are all the same in the eyes and the heart of our heavenly Father. Our color, looks, or even
status in life will not matter when times come.

The life you saved maybe your own

By: Flannery O’Connor

One evening, when it is near sunset, Tom T. Shiftlet arrives at the abandoned and messy
farmhouse of Mrs. Lucynell Crater and her deaf-mute daughter, also named Lucynell. He found an old
automobile that he desires, and all of a sudden, Mrs. Lucynell offered him to stay on her farm for free, but
in exchange, he should repair around the place and marry her daughter. Within a short period staying on
the farm, Shiftlet taught Lucynell to speak a single word -bird- and because of this, he gained the trust of
Mrs. Crater. He then turns his attention to his real intention, which is the car that he wanted in the first
place. By this time, Mrs. Crater took the opportunity to secure a husband for her daughter and a
handyman for her farm. To make her daughter look more attractive, he tells Shiftlet that she is only
seventeen were in fact, she is already 32. However, Shiftlet attention seems like focus in the car instead,
and when finally restored the vehicle, he senses his victory to play Mrs. Crater. He was offered to have
the farm, the house, and he will even get pay for paint for the car. Mrs. Crater will also give them money
for their honeymoon.

On the following day, Shiflett and Lucynell got married and began their honeymoon. At some
point, he took this as an opportunity for his real intention when they are already a hundred mile away
from the farm, he stops at the diner called The Hot Spot and leaves their his deaf-mute wife sleeping.


In the story The Life you save, Maybe Your Own is somehow still related and affects our lives
today. This story is telling us that sometimes in our experience, there are things or decisions that we do,
which affect others. Even without any intention, we do something only for our good regardless that we
are already stepping on someone else life. The character in this story seems like they are deciding for their
right only; they never care for other people. A selfish act that anyone can do to pursue his/her goal. We
are doing things to others, thinking that we are helping them or saving them, but we are protecting
ourselves, not them. There are times that we help others, but there should be something for the change.
We help them because we want something from them. Sometimes we should be thoughtful in our actions.

In our society today, there are some officials that do things without considering the life that would
be affected in their decision. They think that they should fight for their right even it means that they will
sacrifice the lives of all people who will also be affected by it.
Things fall apart
By: Chinua Achebe
Things fall apart was written by Chinua Achebe, considered as a modern African novel. This novel
is written in the year 1890. A short story that deals with the life of native African under also
deals with the culture and traditions of the African tribes.

The novel is about the life of a native African name Okonkwo who wants to change his life and
does not want to be like his father since he was a child, who he believed is a weak man. It is a story
showing how their tradition affects their lives. It seems like even before in their time, the discrimination
between men and women already exists. Their beliefs also affect their actions and their culture. In the
part of the story, when the elders will kill Okonkwo's adopted son because it is in their tradition, for him
to keep his masculinity, he killed him for him to look not weak in the eyes of the elders. We can see how
his pride takes over his affection to his adopted son. Because of their tradition, this innocent kid has been
killed by whom he thinks would protect him. In this kind of culture they have, they are killing innocent
children, which they believe is right because of their beliefs.

When the white man came to their village and spread Christianity and build some churches,
Okonkwo wanted to fight them and bring back his community. However, it is already too late because
even their justice system has taken over by the white man, and whoever does things against them, the
white people arrest them and put them in jail. In changing religions, it also destroys family and beliefs.
This kind of scenario in this story is still relevant to our society today. Some countries are trying to use
their religion to invade other countries that cause war.

In the personality of the Okonkwo, He is much influenced by their tradition and his position in
their village. He wanted to be respected and somehow well known in their community. For him to keep
his reputation, he does the things that, in the end, it just give him severe pain that leads him to end his
life. All his action and plan never goes well, and he even lost everything, his family, and even his loving

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