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Case Studies

Received 3.6.05 | Revisions Received 3.16.05 | Accepted 3.17.05

Neck Pain and Rash in an 18-Year-Old Student

Monte Willis, MD, PhD, Michael Roth, MD, Peter Gilligan, PhD
(Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC)

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DOI: 10.1309/YWACB7N08JJ2KWD6

Patient Past Medical History tachycardia, hypotension, and purpuric lesions

18-year-old Caucasian college student. The patient had no history of abdominal pain, on his arms, legs, trunk, and genitals (Image 1).
tick bites, sick contacts, sexually transmitted He was acutely ill in appearance, but oriented
Chief Complaint diseases, or recent travel. The patient received with nuchal rigidity on neurologic exam (positive
Headache and skin rash. quadravalent Neisseria meningitidis vaccination Brudzynski and Kernig signs).
at the County Health Department 6 months
History of Present Illness prior to his admission. Principal Laboratory Findings
The patient reported having a sore throat within At presentation (Table 1).
the past week. One day prior to admission, he Family History
experienced nausea and vomiting. On the day Non-contributory. Results of Additional Diagnostic
of admission, while attending class, he noticed Procedures
“spots” on his arms, legs, trunk, and abdomen. Physical Exam An echocardiography revealed mild left
Shortly before his presentation to the Vital signs: temperature, 36.8°C; heart rate, ventricular enlargement with decreased
emergency department, he developed fatigue, 114 beats per minute; respiratory rate, 24 per function [estimated ejection fraction = 30%
headache, neck pain, and photophobia. minute; blood pressure, 88/34 mm Hg. (Normal >60%)]. A chest x-ray demonstrated
Pertinent physical exam findings included pulmonary edema.

Questions: and 3) disorders of coagulation (eg, von Willebrand’s disease,

proteins C, S, antithrombin III deficiencies).1 Nuchal rigidity is
1. What are this patient’s most striking clinical and laboratory the inability of a patient to place their chin to their chest pas-
findings? sively without involuntary muscles spasms preventing it. This
2. How do you explain this patient’s most striking clinical and represents inflammation of the meninges, the delicate
laboratory findings? membranes that cover the brain, and is often the result of an
3. What condition(s) is (are) suggested by this patient’s most infectious agent. Normocytic anemia, or the decrease in normal
striking clinical and laboratory findings? sized red cells, may be associated with several diseases such as
4. What additional test(s) should be ordered on this patient chronic inflammation (infection, connective tissue disease),
and why? chronic renal failure, endocrine failure, hepatic disease, or blood
5. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis? loss. Significantly decreased platelets (thrombocytopenia) can be
6. How is this patient’s condition typically treated? caused by: 1) decreased platelet production; 2) splenic sequestra-
tion, hypersplenism; and 3) increased platelet destruction. De-
creased production may be seen in processes that affect the bone
marrow directly such as leukemia, viral infections, and radiation.
Possible Answers: Increased platelet destruction can be non-immune or immune
1. Clinically, the most striking findings in this patient are mediated. Non-immune mediated destruction is seen in dissemi-
purpuric skin lesions located on his legs, arms, trunk, and genitals; nated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and thrombotic thrombo-
tachycardia; hypotension; and nuchal rigidity. Significant labora- cytopenia (TTP), while immune mediated destruction is seen in
tory findings include normocytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, pro- alloimmune thrombocytopenia, post-transfusion purpura, and
longed PT and PTT, elevated D-dimer, decreased fibrinogen and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).1 A prolonged PT
ATIII activity, elevated creatinine, decreased calcium, magnesium, and PTT suggests that an excessive activation of the coagulation
phosphorus, and an elevated AST and ALT (Table 1). cascade has occurred, resulting in the formation of fibrin. This
activation of the coagulation cascade is further evidenced by the
2. Purpura represents bleeding into the skin and mucosal decreased fibrinogen, which is used to make a fibrin matrix for
membranes resulting in a dark (purple) non-blanching rash clotting. Factors that prevent coagulation (specifically anti-
that may be caused by a variety of conditions. Generally pur- thrombin III) are decreased in this patient. When D-dimer, a
pura may be categorized by 3 major etiologies: 1) vascular dis- degradation product of fibrin, is elevated, fibrinolysis is occur-
orders (eg, viral illnesses, sepsis); 2) abnormalities in platelet ring. A prolonged PT and PTT, decreased fibrinogen and anti-
number and function (eg, infections, autoimmune diseases); thrombin III, and an elevated D-dimer in the context of this July 2005 䊏 Volume 36 Number 7 䊏 LABMEDICINE 419

Case Studies

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Image 1_The patient’s skin lesions during the first 24 hours after admission to the hospital. The distribution of the rash was over his entire body.

patient’s history is highly consistent with DIC. Moreover, DIC Hypocalcemia is commonly associated with critically ill patients
leads to purpura fulminans, thrombocytopenia, and normocytic and correlates with the severity of illness.4,5 Decreased magne-
anemia described above and can result from bacterial sium has also been associated with sepsis.6 Decreased phospho-
sepsis/meningitis. rous levels are associated with malnutrition, refeeding syndrome,3
Creatinine is continuously released from muscle and cleared sepsis, trauma, diuretics, and steroid therapy.7,8 The transami-
by renal excretion. Its elevation can be an indicator of decreased nases aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotrans-
renal function. Decreased circulating calcium may be associated ferase (ALT) are sensitive indicators of liver injury and are used to
with decreased PTH secretion or with hyperphosphatemia lead- detect diseases such as hepatitis. Alanine aminotransferase is
ing to calcium precipitation. Decreased circulating magnesium is found mainly in the liver, while AST can be found in the liver as
generally associated with a decreased intake, an increased loss due well as muscle, organs, and erythrocytes. Acute elevations of AST
to renal magnesium wasting, and acute myocardial infarction.2 and ALT, such as those seen in this case, are seen in disorders
Decreased phosphorous can be due to inadequate intestinal phos- with extensive hepatocellular injury such as viral hepatitis,
phate absortion, excessive kidney excretion, or the shift of phos- ischemic liver injury (eg, severe cardiac dysfunction, shock, sep-
phorous from extracellular to intracellular compartments.3 sis), or drug/toxin mediated liver injury.

420 LABMEDICINE 䊏 Volume 36 Number 7 䊏 July 2005

Case Studies

Table 1_Principal Laboratory Findings

Test Patient’s Result “Normal”

Reference Interval

WBC Count 5.4 4.5-11.0 x109/L
28.4 (24 hours)
46.7 (48 hours)
RBC 3.51 4.50-5.90 x1012/L
Hgb 11.6
Hct 33.0 41.0-53.0%
MCV 94 80-100 fL
Platelets 87 150-440 x109/L
67 (24 hours)

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46 (48 hours)
Sodium 136 135-145 mmol/L Image 2_Gram stain of a representative CSF with multiple intracellu-
Potassium 4.1 3.5-5.0 mmol/L lar gram-negative diplococci (arrows) in neutrophils identified as
Chloride 104 98-107 mmol/L Neisseria meningitidis. 1,000x magnifcation.
CO2 22 22-30 mmol/L
BUN 19 7-21 mg/dL
36 (24 hours)
Creatinine 2.7 0.8-1.4 mg/dL 4. The early recognition of acute infections of the nervous
Calcium 7.0 8.5-10.2 mg/dL system is necessary to initiate antimicrobial therapy quickly, which
Magnesium 1.0 1.6-2.2 mg/dL
Phosphorus 1.4 2.4-4.5 mg/dL can be lifesaving. Therefore, the identification of the offending
AST 51 15-45 U/L organism is most important. In this patient, blood culture should
673 (24 hours) be performed in order to isolate an infectious cause of this
ALT 48 patient’s possible meningitis and shock (Image 2). Since the pa-
484 (24 hours) 10-40 U/L tient was in DIC, a lumbar puncture for CSF was not performed
ALP 126 65-260 U/L
GGT 45 13-68 U/L because of the high risk of bleeding. Aerobic blood cultures turned
CK 181 70-185 U/L positive within 24 hours and gram-negative diplococci were iden-
CK-MB 1.2 0.0-6.0 ng/ml tified on a Gram stain smear of the blood cultures. The blood cul-
Lactate Dehydrogenase 874 340-670 U/L tures were plated on chocolate blood agar at 35°C in 5% CO2.
Troponin T <0.029 0.000-0.029 ng/ml The organisms were found to be oxidase-positive and had the abil-
PTT 84.1 22.6-32.4
PT 20 11-14 ity to utilize maltose and glucose. The culture was sent to the State
INR 1.8 of North Carolina Public Health Laboratory, as required by law,
D-dimer 23.4 0.0-0.5 where serogrouping was performed.
Fibrinogen 107 150-504
ATII Activity 59 70-118 5. Most likely diagnosis: Neisseria meningitidis bacteremia
WBC, white blood cell; RBC, red blood cells; HCT, hematocrit; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; and meningitis.
BUN, blood urea nitrogen; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; In the United States, sporadic Neisseria meningitidis meningo-
ALP, alkaline phosphatase; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; CK, creatine kinase. coccal disease presents in approximately 1/100,000 people per
year.10 There are 2 peak ages of infection: infants 3 to 9 months
of age in whom protective antibodies have not yet formed (10 to
15 cases/100,000 infants/year) and teenagers subjected to
3. In patients with clinical findings suggestive of menin- crowded conditions such as dormitories and barracks (<1
gitis (fever, headache, nuchal rigidity), the differential diagno- case/100,000 people/year).10 The patient in the present case is a
sis should include bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, college student living in a dormitory. The highest incidence of
encephalitis, focal infections (brain abscess and subdural disease occurs during the winter months when respiratory viral
empyema), and infectious thrombophlebitis. Fever, headache, illnesses are at their peak.
and nuchal rigidity occur in >90% of meningitis cases along Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is subdivided or
with mental status changes in >75%. Each of these infections grouped based on the antigenic structure of the capsular polysac-
can start with a fever and headache in a previously healthy charides (A, B, C, Y, W-135). Meningococci colonize the upper
individual.9 In community-acquired bacterial meningitis in respiratory tract of about 10% of healthy individuals.11 Infection
adults, Streptococcus pneumoniae (51%), Neisseria meningitidis occurs by either direct contact or by respiratory droplets.
(37%), Listeria monocytogenes (4%) are the most common eti- Meningococci are internalized by non-ciliated mucosal cells
ologies.9 Profound alterations in consciousness are less com- and/or cross them to enter the submucosa and the blood stream.
mon in viral meningitis than that seen in bacterial meningitis. However, it is not essential that the organisms infect the blood
Meningitis is unique from other brain infections such as en- for survival.10 The virulence traits of meningococcus include an
cephalitis, focal infections, and infectious thrombophlebitis, anti-phagocytic capsule and outer membrane proteins such as
which largely result in focal neurological deficits. The patient LOS (lipo-oligosaccharide or endotoxin) and pili to facilitate
in this case had symptoms consistent with meningitis (nuchal adhesion.10 Multiple host factors play a role in keeping N.
rigidity, headache, mental status changes) in addition to evi- meningitidis at bay in the nasopharynx. To prevent growth, anti-
dence of bacteremia that possibly initiated the diffuse intravas- bodies with bactericidal activity are needed, in addition to op-
cular coagulation and skin purpura. sonic antibodies and phagocytes. These antibodies are serogroup July 2005 䊏 Volume 36 Number 7 䊏 LABMEDICINE 421

Case Studies

for the more fulminant disease that meningococcus causes com-

pared to sepsis caused by other gram-negative bacteria.10
The major pathways of meningococcus pathogenesis are
outlined in Figure 1. Endotoxin is released from meningococci
and activates the immune system by 3 major pathways. First,
LOS interacts with toll-like 4 (Tlr-4) receptors on monocytes,
neutrophils, and endothelial cells releasing cytokines and other
mediators.13 Meningococci also invade endothelial cells directly
producing pro-inflammatory molecules as well as upregulating
adhesion molecules for leukocytes.13 The main pro-inflamma-
tory mediators that have been identified include TNF-α, IL-1β,
IFN-γ, and IL-8.13 The second major pathway involves the co-
agulation system. Pro-coagulant and anti-fibrinolytic

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mechanisms are activated in meningococcemia, resulting in the
tendency for fibrin deposition and thrombosis.13 Upon activa-
tion by LOS, monocytes synthesize tissue factor in addition to
pro-inflammatory cytokines. This uncontrolled activation of the
Figure 1_Pathophysiology of meninococcemia infection. These mecha- coagulation cascade results in clotting and deficiencies in regula-
nisms explain the major sequelae seen clinically: 1) capillary leak, 2) tors of the cascade: protein S, protein C, and anti-thrombin
intravascular thrombosis, 3) cardiac dysfunction, 4) multi-organ failure III.13 Moreover, fibrin deposition is favored by the anti-coagu-
due to impaired perfusion. LOS=Lipo-oligosaccharide; LBP=LPS bind- lant tendency from the excessive plasminogen activator
ing protein. Based on: Pathan, et al, 2003 and Stephens et al, 2005. inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) released from endothelial cells and
platelets.13 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 inhibits the forma-
tion of plasmin and the degradation of clotting. Bilateral acute
adrenal gland hemorrhage can result in adrenal insufficiency in
specific, usually of IgG or IgM, and generally bind the capsular meningococci infection. This clinical scenario is referred to as
surface.10 Genetic associations with host determinants of the Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome and is rare. More com-
meningococcus infection have been made with multiple genes monly, partial adrenal insufficiency results and the patient is un-
involved in the innate immune system.12 Meningococcus infec- able to mount a normal hypercortisolemic response to stress,
tion is a complex interaction between bacterial virulence factors increasing the risk of mortality and morbidity.14 The third major
and genetically determined host responses. pathway in the pathogenesis of meningococcus involves the acti-
If N. meningitidis is able to enter the blood stream from the vation of classical complement pathway by antibodies and/or
upper respiratory tract, replication occurs either slowly or rap- mannan binding lectin or by the alternative complement path-
idly. Slow growth allows the bacteria to seed in sites such as the way, which leads to endothelial cell damage. These mechanisms
meninges, joints, and pericardium. Rapid proliferation is associ- explain the capillary leak (hypotension), intravascular thrombo-
ated with meningococemia resulting in petechiae, purpura, DIC, sis, cardiac dysfunction, and multi-organ failure that may be
and shock. When meningococci enter the blood, 2 main diseases seen in meningococcal infections.
result: 1) meningitis; 2) fulminant meningococcemia (purpura
fulminans). In people who develop blood stream invasion, ap- 6. Patients with meningococcemia should be treated with a
proximately 55% will experience meningitis alone, third-generation cephalosporin (eg, cefotaxime or ceftriaxone).
approximately 30% will have meningitis and meningococemia, The third-generation cephalosporin should be combined with
and approximately 15% will have only fulminant meningococ- agents to cover bacteria that can cause similar symptoms (eg, S.
cemia (without meningitis). Based on this patient’s clinical signs pneumoniae and H. influenzae) until the etiologic agent can be
and symptoms, he had meningitis (headache, nuchal rigidity) identified. Penicillin G remains an acceptable alternative for con-
and bacteremia (hypotension, tachycardia, purpuric rash). Based firmed meningococcal disease. However, it should be noted that
on his clinical presentation and laboratory findings of thrombo- an increased prevalence of meningococci with reduced penicillin
cytopenia, DIC, elevated AST/ALT, and identification of susceptibility has been reported.15 Upon admission the patient
meningococcus in the blood, the most likely diagnosis is fulmi- was treated empirically for meningitis with ceftriaxone,
nant meningococcemia/meningitis. vancomycin, and doxycycline. Upon identification of meningo-
Neisseria meningitidis infection results in the most rapid form coccemia, the vancomycin and doxycycline were discontinued.
of septic shock and differs from other organisms by the promi- Meningococcal disease is associated with a high morbidity
nence of hemorrhagic skin lesions and the consistent develop- and mortality.16 Approximately 500,000 cases occur worldwide,
ment of DIC. The dominant pro-inflammatory molecule that of which approximately 10% result in death.17,18 Of the patients
mediates meningococcal disease is its endotoxin (specifically its that survive, deafness, seizures, amputation, and mental retarda-
lipid A moiety). The outer membrane of meningococci contains tion can result.19-22
lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) that is loosely connected to the un- Vaccination. Eighty to ninety percent of immunocompetent
derlying peptidoglycan.10 The loosely connected LOS accounts adults vaccinated with quadravalent meningococcal polysaccha-
for its shedding as the bacteria grow at a much faster rate than ride vaccine against serotypes A, C, W-135, and Y develop pro-
other gram-negative bacteria. The active component in LOS, tective immunity. Children >3 years of age may be vaccinated
however, is identical to that of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found in with multiple doses to prevent serogroup A infection. The dura-
other gram-negative bacteria. The detectable plasma endotoxin is tion of the adult immunity is estimated to be less than 5 years.10
10 to 1,000-fold greater in patients with meningococcal There is currently no vaccine for serogroup B because its poly-
bacteremia than other gram-negative bacteria and may account saccharide is not sufficiently immunogenic.10 While the patient

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