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Semester - VI

Course Course Title Credit Max. Marks Max. Marks Total

Code External Internal Marks
BCH 601 Corporate Governance & Society 04 70 30 100
BCH 602 Research Methodology 04 70 30 100
BCH 603 Accounting Software & SPSS 04 70 30 100
BCH 001 Human Values & Ethics 02 50 - 50
BCH 604 Project Work & Viva-Voce 04 100 - 100
Paper-I( Elective-II) 04 70 30 100
Paper-II(Elective –II) 04 70 30 100
Total Credits 24

Elective –II

Course Course Title Credit Max. Marks Max. Marks Total

Code External Internal Marks
BCH E05 Consumer Behaviour 04 70 30 100
BCH E06 Fundamental of Insurance 04 70 30 100
BCH E07 International Trade 04 70 30 100
BCH E08 Rural Marketing 04 70 30 100

Total Credits 146


Objective: The objective of this paper is to enable the students about the role of business towards
society and concept of corporate governance for business organisations.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

The Study of Business, Government and Society (BGS): Importance of BGS to Managers – Models of
BGS relationships – Market Capitalism Model, Dominance Model, Countervailing Forces Model and
Stakeholder Model – Global perspective – Historical Perspective, Key environments of Business –
Power dimensions of Business – Theoretical perspective – Sociological perspective

Corporate Governance: Introduction, Definition, Market model and control model, OECD on corporate
governance, Issues in corporate governance, relevance of corporate governance, need and importance
of corporate governance, benefits of good corporate governance, the concept of corporate, the concept
of governance, theoretical basis for corporate governance, obligation to society, obligation to investors,
obligation to employees, obligation to customers, managerial obligation, Indian cases.

The role of public policies in governing business, Government and public policy, classification of public
policy, areas of public policy, need for public policy in business.
History of environmentalism, environmental preservation-role of stakeholders, international issues,
sustainable development, costs and benefits of environmental regulation, key strategies for prevention
of pollution, environmental audit, Laws governing environment
Business Ethics: Meaning of ethics, business ethics, relation between ethics and business ethics,
evolution of business ethics, nature of business ethics, scope, need and purpose, importance,
approaches to business ethics, sources of ethical knowledge for business roots of unethical behavior,
ethical decision making, some unethical issues, benefits from managing ethics at workplace, ethical

Corporate Social Responsibility: Types and nature of social responsibilities, CSR principles and
strategies, models of CSR, Best practices of CSR, Need of CSR, Arguments for and against CSR, CSR
Indian perspective, Indian examples

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective, Text and Cases – John F. Steiner,
12/e, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
 Business and Government – Francis Cherunilam, HPH.
 Corporate Governance: principles, policies and practices – Fernando A. C, 2/e, Pearson, 2011.
 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - Ghosh B. N, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.
 Business Ethics - Bajaj P. S & Raj Agarwal, Biztantra, 2012.
 Corporate Governance - Keshoo Prasad, 2/e, PHI.
 Corporate Governance, Ethics and social responsibility - Balachandran V, & Chandrashekharan
V, 2/e, PHI, 2011.


Objective: The present paper intends to provide comprehensive knowledge about the research
methods that are employed to investigate the business problems. The paper discusses various steps in
business research and introduces the concepts, tools and techniques that are used in research.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

Introduction to Business Research-Meaning and Significance of Research in Business; Different
Approaches to Research – Scientific Methods and Non-scientific Methods; Types of Business Research;
The Research Process; Ethics in Business Research.

Research Problem Identification and Research Design Determination-Formulation and Definition of
Business Research Problem; Formulation of Research Hypotheses, Business Research Design –
Meaning and Formulation; Research Design Classification – Exploratory Research Design (Secondary
Data & Qualitative Research), Descriptive Research Design (Survey & Observation) and Causal
Research Design (Experimentation); Potential Sources of Errors in Research,

Sampling Design and Measurement Techniques-The Sampling Design Process; Types of Sample Design
– Probability and Non-probability Sampling Designs; Size of Sample; Sampling Errors; Concept of
Measurement and Scaling; Important Scaling Techniques – Comparative and Non-comparative;
Reliability and Validity of Measurement.

Data Collection Tools and Data Processing-Questionnaires and Observation Forms; Questionnaire
Design Process; Collecting Primary Data through – Observations, Semi-structured Interviews, In-depth
Interviews and Questionnaire; Processing of Research Data – Editing, Coding, Classification and

Analysis of Data-Exploring, Displaying and Examining Data; Basic Data Analysis – Descriptive
Statistics; Univariate Statistics – Hypotheses Testing; Bivariate Analysis – Test of Differences and
Measures of Association; Multivariate Analysis. Business Research Report-Importance of the Report &
Presentation; Business Report Format; Report Writing; Oral Presentation; Research Follow-up

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Cooper and Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
 Malhotra N.K., Marketing Research – An Applied Orientation, Pearson Education, New Delhi
 William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Cengage Learning, New Delhi
 Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill: Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson Education, New
 Panneer Selvam, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India,Delhi
 Beri G.C , Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
 Karlinger, Fred N., Foundations of Behavioural Research.
 Mohsin, S.M. , Research Methods in Behavioural Research.


Objective: The present paper intends to provide comprehensive knowledge of accounting software
and research software.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 2–0–2


Creating a new company, Creation of essential ledgers, Capital account, Purchase account, Sales
account, Direct expenses, Cash account, Profit & Loss account, Debtors account, Creditors
account, Creation of inventory, Stock group, Unit of measure, Stock item, Creation of ledgers
Single ledgers, Multiple ledgers, Voucher posting sales order, Making actual sales
Purchase order, Making actual purchase, Returns accounting for receipts and payments
1. Construction of Frequency tables: Univariate Frequency tables -- Cross- Tabulation
2. Graphical representation of Data: Bar diagram – Simple Bar diagram, Multiple Bar
Diagram, Sub divided Bar Diagram, Histogram Pie Diagram
3. Calculation of Measures of Central Tendencies: Mean, Median and Mode, Geometric mean
4. Calculation of Methods of Dispersion, (a) Standard Deviation, (b) Quartiles, (c) Skewness,
(d) Kurtosis
5. Calculation of Correlation Coefficient: (a) Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient,
(b) Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient
6. Calculation of Regression Trend: (a) Trend Line
7. Test of Significance for Single and two Samples – Large Sample Test (Z-Test)
(a) Test for Mean
(b) Test for Proportion
(c) Test for Standard Deviation
8. Test of Significance for Single and two Samples – Small Sample Test (t-Test, F-test)
(a) Test of Mean
(b) Test of Variances
9. Non-Parametric Test
(a) One –Way Chi-square test (test for Homogeneity)
(b) Two–Way Chi-square test (test for Attributes)
10. Test of Homogeneity of Means for more than 2 samples
(a) One –Way ANOVA
(b) Two–Way ANOVA

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Tally Bible by V. Sundaramoorthy

 Tally – V. Palanivel , Margham Publications, Chennai
 SPSS for Beginners, 1999 Vijay Gupta, Published by VJBooks Inc.
 Levine’s Guide to SPSS for Analysis of Variance.2nd Edition, Melanie C. Page, Sanford
Mahwah, New Jersey, London.


Objective: To help the students appreciate the complementarily between “Values” and “Skills” to
ensure sustained happiness and prosperity which are the core aspiration of all human being.

Credits: 02 Semester VI L–T–P : 2–0–0

Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education: Understanding the
need, basic guidelines, content and process for Value Education. Self Exploration–what is it? - its
content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential Validation- as the mechanism for self
exploration ,Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations
Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself!, Understanding human being as a
co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’ . Understanding the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’
- Sukh and Suvidha , Understanding the harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Swasthya; correct
appraisal of Physical needs, meaning Practice Exercises and Case Studies will be taken up in Practice

Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human- Human Relationship
Understanding the meaning of Vishwas; Difference between intention and competence, Understanding
the meaning of Samman, Understanding the harmony in the society (society being an extension of
family): Samadhan, Samridhi, Abhay, Sah-astitva as comprehensive Human Goals, Universal Order
(Sarvabhaum Vyawastha )- from family to world family! - Practice Exercises and Case Studies will be
taken up in Practice Sessions
Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Co-existence
Understanding the harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment among the four
orders of nature- recyclability and self-regulation in nature, Understanding Existence as Co-existence
(Sah-astitva) of mutually interacting units in all-pervasive space , Holistic perception of harmony at all
levels of existence - Practice Exercises and Case Studies will be taken up in Practice Sessions.

Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics, Natural
acceptance of human values ,Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct , Basis for Humanistic
Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order , Competence in professional
ethics: a) Ability to utilize the professional competence for augmenting universal human order,

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and HarperCollins, USA
 E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered, Blond &
Briggs, Britain.
 A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya ek Parichay, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak.
 R.Pradeep Kumar, 2013, Jeevana Vidya to Na Prayanam, Hyderabad
 Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted 1986, 1991
 PL Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth Purblishers.
 A.N. Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers


Objective: This paper seeks to make the student aware of his/her rights as a consumer, the social
framework of consumer rights and their behaviour. It also provides an understanding of consumer on
time of buying the product.
Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

Consumer behaviour and consumer research; importance of consumer behaviour; evolution of
consumer behaviour; methods of studying consumer behaviour; consumer decision process model;
variables affecting the decision process; types of decision process; factors influencing the extent of
problem solving; pre purchase processes; need recognition; internal and external search; pre
-purchase evaluation.

Different types of purchase situations; retailing and the purchase process; determinants of retail
success or failure; point -of-purchase materials; consumer logistics; location based retailing; direct
marketing consumption behaviours; consumption experiences.

Customer Satisfaction: Importance of customer satisfaction; factors affecting satisfaction level;
demographics and consumer behaviour; economic resources and consumer behaviour; personality
and consumer behaviour; personal values; lifestyle motivational conflict and need priorities;
motivational intensity; motivating consumer

Importance of consumer knowledge; types of consumer knowledge; sources of consumer knowledge;
consumer beliefs; consumer feelings; consumer attitudes; consumer intentions; culture and its effect
on consumer behaviour, changing values and its effect on marketing; determinants of social class;
social class and consumer behaviour; importance of families and households on consumer behaviour;
role behaviour and its influence on the decision process; family life cycles; changing roles of women;
children and household consumer behaviour

Group and personal influences on individuals; word of mouth and opinion leaders in advertising and
marketing strategy; diffusion of innovations; diffusion process; reaching the consumer; gaining
consumer’s attention; shaping consumer’s opinion; opinions change; product’s and advertising’s role
in shaping consumer opinion; cognitive learning; retrieval of information; company’s role in helping
consumers to remember

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Banerjee - Consumer Beaviour; 10 e, Pearson

 Loudon - Consumer Behaviour; Tata McGraw Hill
 Nair - Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective ; Himalaya
 Hawkins –consumer Behaviour, 11e, McGrawHill
 Loudon D.L. and Bitta Della - Consumer Behaviour (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 4th Ed.)
 Schiffman Leon G. and Kanuk Leslie Lazar - Consumer Behaviour (Pearson/ Prentice Hall, 9th
 Hawkins, Best and Coney - Consumer Behaviour (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 9th Ed.)


Objective: This paper seeks to make the student aware about basic principle of insurance and
understand the various type of insurance products.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

Introduction to insurance- Origin, History, Nature of insurance, Insurance in India, Market potential-
Emerging scenario. Principles of insurance, utmost good faith, Insurable interest, Material faith,
Indemnity, Causa Proxima.

Insurance Law and Regulations- Agreement- Insurance Act, LIC Act, GIC Act, IRDA Act, Consumer
protection Act. Ombudsman. Life Insurance- Selection of Risk and Policy conditions. Risk Management
and Reinsurance. Selection of Risk- Computation of premium

Life Insurance Products- Team Insurance- Whole Life- Endowment- Annuities. Insurance Documents-
Proposal Forms, Agents Confidential Report, Declaration of Good Health, Medical Report, Policy Form,
Policy Conditions and privileges- ages Admission, Revival, Loans, and Claims.

Introduction to general insurance. Fire Motor, Marine, Health, Miscellaneous. Group Insurance
Schemes- Group Insurance, Group Gratuity, Superannuation and pension. Rural Insurance and
Insurance for weaker section of society.

Marketing of Insurance Products- Selling Processes of insurance products. Behaviour of Indian
consumer about insurance products.

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Life insurance – Institute of Insurance, Mumbai

 General Insurance – Institute of Insurance, Mumbai
 Sharma. R.S. – Insurance: Principles and Practice, Vora Publishing, Bombay
 Arifkhan. M. – Theory and Practice of Insurance, Educational Book House, Aligarh
 Srinivasan – Principles of Insurance Law, Ramanuj Publisher, Banglore


Objective: The objective of the course is to expose students to the concept, importance and dynamics
of international business and India‟s involvement with global business operations.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

International Trade Theories: Introduction Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage Theory Comparative
Cost Theory, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory, Product Cycle Theory. IMF: Role of IMF, IBRD, Features of IBRD,
WTO, Role and Advantages of WTO. Regional Economic Integration in Europe, Regional Economic
Integration in U.S.A., ASEAN, SAARC, Integration for Business.

Foreign Exchange Determination Systems: Basic Concepts Relating to Foreign Exchange, Various
types of Exchange Rate Regimes, Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Brief History of Indian Rupees
Exchange, Special Financial Facilities, Export Import Bank of India, E.C.G.C. Export Pricing, Mechanism
of Price Fixation, Benefits to India Exports.

Formalities of Registration and Export Documentation: Naming the Enterprise, form of Ownership,
Opening a Bank Account, General Registrations, Registrations with RBI, Registration with Licensing
Authorities, Registration with Appropriate EPC’ /CB’s Defining Export Documentation, Main
Commercial Documents, Additional Commercial Documents, and Statutory Documents for Export’s
Country, Statutory Documents for Imports Country and Documents for Claiming Export Benefits.

Structure of Shipping Industry and World Seaborne Trade: Different type of Ships, Shipping Routes,
Operating Ships-Linear and Tramp, Organization of a Shipping Company. Volume and value of World
Trade, World Tonnage, Flags of Convenience, Conference System, Chartering. Freight Structure and
Role of Intermediaries: Principles of Freight Rates.

Indian Shipping and Containerization: Ports in India, Developments in India Shipping, Ports
Infrastructure Development, Shipping Association, Shipment of Govt. Controlled Cargo. Concept of
Containerization, Classification of Constraints in Containerization, I.C.D’s. International Air transport:
Concept of Air Transport, Advantages of Air Transport, Constraints, Air Cargo, Tariff Structure, I.A.T

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Aswathappa- International Business, McGrawHill

 Cherunilam, F - International Trade and Export Management ,Himalaya
 Hill - International Business, McGrawHill
 Muthiah- Logistics Management andWorld Seaborne Trade,Himalaya
 Sharan- International Business , Pearson
 Murphy- Contemporary Logistics, PHI

Objective: The objective of the course is to expose students to the concept, importance and scope of
rural marketing. This paper also emphasis on behaviour of rural consumer.

Credits: 04 Semester VI L–T–P : 4–0–0

Introduction: Definition, scope of rural marketing, concepts, components of rural markets,
classification of rural markets, rural vs. urban markets, Rural marketing environment: Population,
occupation pattern, income generation, location of rural population, expenditure pattern, literacy
level, problems in rural marketing, rural demand, rural market index, Agriculture Inputs(Seeds,
Fertilizers, Farm Machineries)

Rural Consumer behaviour: Consumer buying behaviour models, Factors affecting Consumer
Behaviour, Characteristics of Rural consumer- Age and Stages of the Life cycle, Occupation and Income,
Economic circumstances, Lifestyle, Personality and Brand Belief, Information Search and pre purchase
Evaluation, Rise of Consumerism, Consumer Buying Process,

Rural Marketing Strategies: Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning, Product Strategy: Introduction,
Marketing Mix Challenges, Product concepts classification- Five Levels Products, Classification of
Products, Rural Product Categories, New Product Development: Consumer Adoption Process, Product
life cycle, Product Mix, Branding in Rural India- Brand building in Rural India, Brand Spectrum
in Rural, Brand Loyalty Vs Stickiness

Distribution Strategy: Introduction: Accessing Rural Markets, Coverage Status in Rural Markets,
Channels of Distribution-Wholesaling, Rural Retail System, Vans, Rural Mobile Traders: The last Mile
Distribution, Haats/Shandies, Emerging Distribution Models- Corporate –SHG Linkage, Satellite
Distribution, Syndicated Distribution, ITC’s Distribution Model, Ideal distribution model for Rural

The future of Rural Marketing: Introduction, Focused Marketing Strategies, Market Research,
Consumer Finance, Rural Vertical, Retail and IT Models, Rural Managers, Glamorize Rural Marketing,
Public-Private partnership and e-Rural marketing.

Reference Books/ Text Books / Cases

 Rural Marketing - Pradeep Kashyap & Siddhartha Raut, Biztantra

 Rural Marketing - Gopal Swamy T. P, 3/e, Vikas Publishing House,
 Rural Marketing - Dogra & Karminder Ghuman, 1/e, TMH.
 Rural Marketing - Sanal Kumar Velayudhan, 2/e, Response SAGE Publication 2007
 Rural Marketing – Krishnamacharyulu C. G & Lalitha Ramakrishnan, Pearson Education.
 Rural Marketing – Habeeb Ur Rahman,1/e, HPH, 2004.
 Rural Marketing – Sukhpal Singh , Vikas Publishers

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