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English Pre Final-II

100 Marks


I. Answer any Two from the following Annotations. 2x4=8M

1. “There can glory in failure and despair in success.”

2. “Rapid improvements in advanced sensors would make it possible to have
such sensing systems at affordable prices in many sectors.”
3. “Her oxygen was critically low and her sherpa warned her that she might
4. “Some modern technologies like ATM , automatic cheque clearing systems ,
telephonic banking ,credit cards and electronic fund transfers are being introduced
in a small way and will be prevalent in most of the banks in coming years.”

II. Answer any Two Annotations from the following. 2x4=8M

1. “The poor mechanic porters crowding in their heavy burdens at his narrow
2. It was a long time ago I have almost forgotten my dream….. in front of me
bright like a sun-My Dream.
3. Strike , strike at the root of penury in my heart.
4. And then the wall rose , Rose slowly , slowly, between me and my dream,
Rose until it touched the sky-The wall. Shadow I am black.

III. Answer any two questions from the following. 2x4=8M

1. How can the teacher instill faith , love and courage in Lincoln’s son?
2. How does the information technology , according to Abdul kalam and Rajan
change the agriculture sector ?
3. Why was Arunima Sinha desperately trying to get a job?
4. Why is marketing communication crucial in economic development of a

IV. Answer any two questions from the following. 2x4=8M

1. How unique is Tagore’s prayer to God?

2. “Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go ,life is a barren field frozen with
snow”. How did Langston Hughes hold fast to his saying as he grew older?
3. What are Tagores views on Equanimity?
4. According to Shakespeare , what are the lessons that human beings must
learn from honey bees ?

V. Answer any one question from the following 1x8=8M

1. Sketch the character of Gangu ?

2. How is the last leaf by O. Henry a story of hope, friendship and sacrifice?
3. Give an account of series of problems the narrator experienced in the wake
of winning a road engine?

VI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 1x5=5M

The capitalist system of society does not foster healthy relations among human
beings. A few people own all the means of production and others though nominally
few have to sell their labor under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of
capitalism being on the supreme importance of material wealth the intensity of its
appeal is to the acquisitive intensity. It promotes worship of economic power with
little regard to the means employed for its acquisition and the end that it serves. By
its exploitation of human being to the limits of endurance its concentration is on
the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus the division of human
family is done on the basis of economic circumstance. All this is injurious to
division of human dignity . And when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of
religion for succor , they rather offer a subtle defense for the established order.
They promise future happiness for their present suffering and conjure up visions of
paradise to redress the balance to soothe the suffering and the revolt of the tortured
men . The system imposes injustice the religion justifies it.

1. Does the capital system maintain healthy relations ?


2. Which promotes the worship of economic power ?

3. On what basis is the division of human family done ?

Ans :

4.What is the antonym for “impose” ?

Ans :

5 What justifies the injustice imposed by the system ?

Ans :

VII. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. 1x5=5M

Gary Chapman in his book, Love was a Way of Life uses the vivid metaphor for
words as being either ‘bullets or seeds’. Ife we use our words as bullets with a
feeling of superiority and condemnation , we are not going to be able to restore the
relationship to love . If we use our words as seeds with a feeling of supportiveness
and sincere good will, we can rebuild a relationship in positive and life-affirming
ways. When we need to talk candidly about something difficult with another
person , we must focus on the conversation with keen attention and purpose.
During the conversation we must listen patiently , speak tactfully , and tell the truth
as we understand it. We must align our words , voice inflection and tone , eye
expression , body language, and actions with our inner wareness in an honest

1.What is the title of the book written by gary chapman?


2. How does the writer describe words ?


3. How can we rebuild a realtionship in positive and life –affirming ways ?


4.What is the noun form of the word ‘patiently’?

5.Find word in the passage which means the same as the word ‘frankly’ ?



VIII. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’ or ‘the’. 6x1/2=3M

1. Do you know where I left ___ book.

2. India is ____ SAARC Country.
3. My heart is like _____ apple tree.
4. Let us form ____ Union.
5. ____Mr.Shyam wishes to speak to you.
6. Hockey is ____ interesting game.

IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 6x1/2=3M

1. I was born ____ a auspicious day.

2. Ammajee spoke ____ womens problems.
3. He poured the tea ____ the mug.
4. I gave him a chair to sit ____.
5. The pandits have lived here ____ 1985.
6. Not many people work _____ Christmas and new year’s day.

X. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the brackets.

1. Yesterday I ____ up at 6 o’ clock. (Get)

2. Mom thinks dad ____ home early to night. (come)
3. He ______ don’t disturb him now. (study)
4. We _____ football at this time yesterday. (play)
5. We ____ in this street for 20 years (live)

XI. Rewrite the sentences as directed. 1x5=5M

1. The tiger was chasing a buffalo. (Change the voice)

2. Afreen said , “ these are my glasses”. (change into direct speech)
3. Copper is he best conductor. (rewrite using “better”)
4. She is preparing sincerely. She will get the job. (Combine using “to”)
5. Don’t talk to him during the lesson. (add question tag)

XII. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part.(The

entire sentence must be written) 1x5=5M

1. Each of the students are studying for the test.

2. Dolly goes to temple in mornings.
3. Sanjana is going to home.
4. He is remembering my address.
5. Can you tell me where is the station ?

XIII. Use ANY THREE of the following phrasal verbs in your own sentences.

1. Break into:
2. Live up:
3. Queue up:
4. Abide by :
5. End up :
6. Take after :

XIV. Identify the silent consonants in the following words. 6x1/2=3M

1. Calm
2. Numb
3. Honest
4. Laugh
5. Leopard
6. Wreath

XV. Identify the parts of the speech of the underlined words. 6x1/2=3M

1. Seema wanted those, but decided to compromise on these.

2. The children ran happily to their father.
3. Emma is smart and beautiful.
4. There were a lot of ifs in the insurance policy.
5. This location can provide protection from the sun.
6. The bridegroom looked so handsome.

XVI. Match the words in column A with their meanings / definitions in

column B. 6x1/2=3M

Column A Column B

1. Extraneous ( ) a. turning around

2. Lunacy ( ) b. irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being
deal with
3. Precisely ( ) c. to shake or move from side to side
4. Harangue ( ) d. the state of being a lunatic; madness
5. Whirling ( ) e. a deep narrow valley
6. Wobble ( ) f. in exact terms; without confusion
g. unhappy , annoyed
h. a lengthy and aggressive speech

XVII. Read the following Table and convert it into a Paragraph 1x5=5M

XVIII. Find the odd sounds from the following. 5x1=5M

1. This There Think

2. One Orange Often
3. Thunder Author Rather
4. Fire Fine Pain
5. Knight Knife King

XIX. Write the number of syllables for ANY SIX of the following words.

1. Vacation 2. Distraught 3. Infidelity 4. Fruitful 5. Surrender

6. Penury 7.Substantial 8. Disaster 9. Protocol 10. Vulnerability

XX. Complete the following dialogue. 4x1=4M

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