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Violence and Abuse (9-12 questions)

Violence Defined:
Violence: The intentional use of force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself,
another person, or a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of
resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.
Interpersonal Violence: Violence between 2 people (assault, rape, etc)
Intrapersonal Violence: Violence to oneself (suicide, cutting, etc)
Institutional Violence: Violence that is part of an intuitional design (prisons)
Structural Violence: Violence that is part of a societies make up (?)

Factors associated with risk of being involved in violent situations:

 Sociologic
o low socioeconomic status
o involvement with gangs
o drug dealing
o access to guns
o media exposure to violence
o community exposure to violence
o a change in social/economic conditions*
o access to guns*
 Developmental/Psychologic
o alcohol/drug abuse
o rigid sex role expectations
o peer pressure – adolescents esp
o poor impulse control
o history of mental illness
o increased stress level
o poor self esteem
o manual laborer, unemployed or underemployed
o under 30 years old
 Family
o history or intergenerational abuse
o social isolation
o verbal threats from parents
o increased family stress
o 2 or more kids
o multiple demands on one person*
o access to guns*
 Community
o crowded living situations
o social isolation
o lack of community resources (ie playgrounds, parks, etc)
o culture
o economic conditions
Types of Societal Violence:
Youth/School Violence
Workplace Violence
Community Violence
Gang Violence
Mass Violence and War
o When committed by strangers it is usually related to drugs
o Most often homicide is committed by a friend, acquaintance or family member
o Within families it is usually proceeded by abuse
o rates are increasing in adolescents
o #1 cause of death for black men and women ages 15-34
o Firearms!
o Often unreported
o includes marital and date rape
o majority of rape of women is intimate partner violence
o increase incidence reported in cities between the hours of 8pm-2am, on weekends
and in the summer
o Men are also a victim, more often goes unreported
o common violence in prisons

Types of Domestic Violence:

Emotional and Psychological Abuse
Financial and Economic Abuse
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Child Abuse and Neglect
Intimate Partner Violence
Elder Abuse and Neglect



Child abuse:
o Sometimes the abuse is inflicted on all of the children in the family but often one
child is singled out
o Children who are considered different or have a disability are at increased risk
o Child abuse is familial and often there is a hx of intergenerational violence
o When dealing with these children the RN should be careful to not talk badly about
the parents, the child still has loyalty to their parents.
o Black children highest risk, Asian children lowest risk
o Often goes unreported
o Low socioeconomic status increases risk
o Physical Abuse:
o punching, beating, burning, etc
o Child Neglect:
o the failure to provide for the child’s basic needs
o Physical, educational or emotional
o Poor maternal bonding increases risk
o Sexual Abuse:
o most underreported form of child abuse
o includes incest, exhibitionism and commercial exploitation through
prostitution or pornography
o Emotional Abuse:
o cause serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders
o very hard to detect

Intimate Partner Violence:

NO mandatory reporting requirements
o Physical, Sexual & Emotional
o Abusers: jealous, controlling, possessive and emotionally dependant
o 3 Phases
o Tension-building Phase
o Battering Phase
o Apologetic Phase

Elder Abuse:
o VERY under reported
o Physical, Emotional & Financial
o Neglect*
o Happens across all socioeconomic and educational levels
o Adult children (sandwich generation: a person who is raising children and caring
for their aging parents) are most often the abuser
o Elders who live in facilities, have disabilities or dementia are at increased risk
o Often times the caretaker needs support in order to avoid the frustration that leads
to violence.

Strategies to Reduce Violence:

Primary Prevention:
o Focus on
o prevent cycle of abuse
o nonviolent conflict resolution and anger mgmt
o increasing abilities to deal with stress and eliminate or reduce factors
contributing to stress
o Teach alternative methods of conflict resolution, anger mgmt and coping
strategies in schools or community centers and after school programs
o Organize parenting classes to assist families in developing effective parent-child
and intimate partner relationships by assisting with communication and
anticipatory guidance of expected age appropriate behaviors
Secondary Prevention:
o Focus on
o early identification, diagnosis and treatment of abuse
o screening those at risk for abuse and of those who are potential abusers
o ensure safety of all involved
o support services: shelters, legal services, etc
o Privacy and confidentiality must be respected*
o Includes provision of a 24/7 support and emergency services for treatment and
temporary shelter
o assess and evaluate any unexplained bruises or injuries of any individual, many
bruises of different stages of healing is a major warning sign*
o screen all pregnant women for signs of abuse (not only are they at increased risk
but also this might be the only time a woman see’s health professionals on a
regular basis)
Tertiary Prevention:
o Focus on
o dealing with the consequences of violence and prevention of reoccurrence
o rehabilitative services
o empowering clients to have the strength to change conditions and gain
control of their situations
o Includes the treatment of adults who were abused as children*
o Establishes parameters for long-term follow-up and supervision, including that of
mental health professionals
o Must develop a trusting relationship and focus on the client

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