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. LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN ARTIKEL ILMIAH KESESUAIAN WISATA PANTAI DULANGA DESA BONGO KECAMATAN BATUDAA PANTAI KABUPATEN GORONTALO PROVINSI GORONTALO OLEH: ZEKLIN AGNESTESYA HUSIN 1131415016 Telah Disetujui dan Memenuhi Syarat Untuk Diterima Oleh : Komisi Pembimbing Pembimbing I Pembimbing IL Copier Faizal Kasim, S.UK, M.Si Sri Nuryatin Hamzah, S.Kel, M.Si NIP. 19730716 200012 1 001 NIP. 19800421 200604 2 001 Mengetahui, Ketua Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan SUITABILITY ANALYSIS OF DULANGA BEACH IN BONGO VILLAGE, BATUDAA PANTAI SUBDISTRICT, GORONTALO DISTRICT, GORONTALO. PROVINCE 2Zeklin Agnestesya Husin, Faizal Kasim, *Sri Nuryatin Hamzah 17 Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, State University of Gorontalo Abstract The research aimed at analyzing the suitability of Dulanga Beach in supporting the sustainable management of beach tourism. This research was conducted from March to September 2019. The research sites were divided into 3 stations. Moreover, the data collection technique was conducted through direct observation at the field by using a qualitative descriptive method and interview, which was done through the distribution of Questionnaires to the community and tourists in Dulanga Beach area, as well as the parameter measurement of beach suitability. Meanwhile, data analysis employed tourism suitability analysis. The research finding based on the analysis of Tourism Suitability Index revealed that tourism recreational category was highly suitable conducted at whole of Stations (I-III) with a range of value from 83,3% to 96,7%, sports category was highly suitable conducted at Station 1.& Il with the same value for 92,85%, fishing cats highly switable conducted at Station IE with the value for 90,9196, and swims yas highly suitable conducted at Station I & I with the value respectively Keywords : Dulanga Beach, Tourism Beach

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