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1. Which of the following is not part of 'Media Literacy'?

a. One-way.
b. Critically analyzing media content by considering its particular presentation, its
underlying political or social messages
c. Assessing media ownership and regulation issues that may affect what media is
presented in what form
d. Aspects of technology
e. All of the above are part of media literacy.
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three general categories in building media
a. Media grammar
b. Fragmentation of Media Channels
c. Media production practices
d. Commercial Forces Shaping Media Content
e. None of the above
3. The grammar of media includes which of the following?E
a. The size and design of books, newspapers, and magazines
b. The types of camera angles used on television, editing, lighting, sound effects and
music to help cue viewers
c. Use of sound effects, actualities, and voice overs on radio
d. The music genres that the music industry divides music into
e. All of the above
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the main ways of evaluating information found
a. Looking at the brand name. . .is it a trusted brand?
b. Making sure the source is a governmental agency
c. Checking the website's internal information and procedure for fact-checking and
mission, as well as what types of web sites it links to
d. Comparing the information on the website with the same information from an
established media company or with original source material
e. None of the above
5. Which of the following statements about the fragmentation of media channels is
a. The fragmentation of media channels is drastically altering the media landscape,
but this trend is lessened by the World Wide Web.
b. A lack of a common media experience can segment groups and hurt the
establishment of a civil society.
c. A greater diversity of voices now have better chances of reaching a larger media
audience than in the past because of more media outlets.
d. Despite fragmentation, some events still draw record audiences such as big
sporting events or man-made or natural disasters.
e. All of these are correct.
6. Which of the following is NOT true of the commercial forces shaping media content?D
a. Commercial decisions often play a role in the type of media content that is created
b. Most media enterprises in the U.S. follow a profit model for their operation
c. Corporate sponsorship plays a large role in funding public television programs in
the U.S., who get less than a third of their funding from the government
d. Large media companies like Time Warner, Walt Disney, and Viacom are global in
scope and therefore rarely can dominate local media.
e. All of these are true.
7. Concentration of media ownership is driven by which of the following forces?A
a. Economies of scale that media owners can get by owning larger media companies
in a variety of media types
b. Federal rules that require media companies to acquire new media properties;
c. Diversity goals that can be met primarily through broad media ownership;
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
8. Subtext does NOT refer to which of the followingC
a. The technology underlying a particular medium of communication
b. The message beneath the message xx corrrect
c. The explicit message
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
9. One of the most vocal critics of media concentration is the author of the book New Media
Monopoloy, NO ANSWER
a. Sheizaf Rafaeli
b. Robert McChesney
c. Ben H. Bagdikian
d. Rupert Murdoch
e. None of the above
10. The notion that audiences cannot simply be considered consumers anymore but also often
take an active role in producing content or information refers to D
a. Net Neutrality
b. User Generated Content (UGCs)
c. Wikis
d. Produsers

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