Personnality Disorder PDF

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- Person’s characteristic totality of emotional B) Cluster B – seen as DRAMATIC, EMOTIONAL, PARANOID PD (CLUSTER A)
and behavioral traits seen in ordinary life, ERRATIC
- long standing suspicious and mistrust of
totality is stable and predictable 1) Borderline PD
2) Histrionic PD
3) Antisocial PD BHAN -
often hostile, irritable, angry
common in men vs women
- Enduring subjective experiences and 4) Narcissistic PD
- seen as a formal person
behavior which deviated from cultural - Have genetic base
- seen a business like and efficient
standards, rigidity pervasive, onset in - Antisocial PD are dissociated with alcohol use
- generate fear or conflict in others
adolescence or early adulthood, stable thru disorders
- treatment: psychotherapy and
- Depression and mood disorder seen in family of
time, leads to unhappiness and impairment
pts. with borderline PD
pharmacotherapy P.P.
People with personality disorder: - Pts. With histrionic PD also have overlapping of HISTRIONIC PD (CLUSTER B)
a) Denial symptoms of somatization D/O
(Briquet’s Syndrome/Hysteria) - seen as excitable and emotional
b) Refuse professional help
- with an overdramatic and colorful life
c) Do not feel anxiety
C) Cluster C – seen as ANXIOUS, FEARFUL - cannot have a long-lasting relationship
Causes: 1) Obsessive-compulsive PD - seen more in women vs men
a) Genetic 2) Dependent PD - affective display is common
b) Biological factors 3) Avoidant PD - shows a high degree of attention seeking
c) Psychoanalytic factors - Obsessive compulsive traits seen in behavior
d) Temperamental, familial, environmental monozygotic twins vs. dizygotic and also seen - shows tantrums, crying when not in center
factors of attention
depressed pts/
G, B, P AND T, F and E - Pts. With avoidant PD have very high anxiety - seductive behavior common
levels - they are very vain, fickle-minded, self-
A) Cluster A – seen as ODD and ECCEENTRIC - Patients with PD uses several defense absorbed
1) Paranoid PD mechanisms to abolish their anxiety or - needs constant reassurance V.F.S
2) Schizoid PD depression - with strong dependency needs
3) Schizotypal PD - Could be reason why they are reluctant to alter - treatment: psychotherapy and
- These types more common on relatives of pts. their behavior pharmacotherapy
With schizophrenia - Example of defense mechanism used:
- Among the 3 types, schizotypal P.D are more 1) Fantasy
common among relatives with schizophrenia 2) Dissociation
3) Isolation
4) Projection FDIPSPAP
5) Splitting
6) Passive aggression
7) Acting out
8) Projective identification
- With constant feeling of emptiness and
- characterized by emotional constriction, - not capable to conform with social norms
borderline with lack of self-identity
orderliness, stubborn, perseverance and - characterized by continuous antisocial or
- Usually diagnosed before 40 years old when
indecisive criminal acts
he attempts to establish his life
- more common in men vs women - seen more in men vs women
- Cannot deal with the normal stages of the
- they lack spontaneity and usually in serious - Onset before 15 yrs. Old
life cycle
mood - pt. looks composed but underneath feels
- Treatment: pharmacotherapy, intensive
- follows rules and regulations rigidly tensed, hostile, irritable and full of rage
- keeps in thinking of orderliness, neatness, - with history of lying often, misses school
details, perfection without permission, running away from AVOIDANT PD (CLUSTER C)
- lacks of sense of humor home, thefts, fights, drug abuse and into
- Extreme sensitivity to rejection thus
- due to fear of making mistakes, ruminates illegal acts
withdraws socially – is the main criteria
about making decision - suicide threats and common somatic
- Very shy but loves to have a friend
- have few friends complaints
- With severe inferiority complex
- can have a stable marriage and work - they are usually hustler/crooks
- Feels anxious, nervous, tensed if
- anything that can threaten the stability in - promiscuity, spouse abuse, child abuse and
life causes anxiety drunk driving are common
- Desires to have a relationship but lacks self-
- treatment: groups and behavior tx - lack of remorse or lack of conscience very
confidence to have one
SCHIZOTYPAL PD (CLUSTER A) - Tends to misinterprets person’s comments
- height of antisocial behaviors seen in late
a making fun of herself
- really odd and eccentric even to lay men adolescence but decrease as one grows
- Can function in a protected environment
- this person has magical thinking, peculiar older
- If the support system fails, pt becomes
BORDERLINE PD (CLUSTER B) anxious, anger and develops depression
- diagnosed based on the pts. Odd thinking,
- Treatment: psychotherapy and
behavior or appearance - stands on the border between neurosis and
- with unusual way of talking psychosis
- claim to have special powers of thought and - “ambulatory schizophrenia”
insight - With prevalence of major depression,
- with poor interpersonal relationship alcohol and substance abuse to 1st degree
- isolated with few friends relative of BPD
- under stress pt. may develop psychotic - Person appears to be always in state of
symptoms but only for a short time crisis with mood swings
- studies showed pts. With schizophrenia has - Does repetitive self-destructive acts for
schizotypal PD attention or express anger to self
- treatment: Psychotherapy, - Feels both dependent and hostile so have
Pharmacotherapy erratic relationship


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