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Treas ures o f t he W or ld' s C ul tur es:

The B ri tish M use um af ter 2 50 Y ears

As we look back at the course of the development of human race over the millennia, we
cannot help but sense and admire the great artistic and cultural achievements of our
ancestors. Only by maintaining an attitude of pondering, tracing, and cherishing the vast
cultural heritage of humanity, combined with a sense of adventure for exploration, can we
experience the subtleties and grandeur of the wisdom of great cultures around the world, as
well as the stimulating inspiration and creativity in the process of cultural interaction. By
shuttling through the corridors of history and retracing the steps of civilizations, we can
further appreciate the brilliance of the cultural legacy of humanity. Art and artifacts from
different regions and periods allow us to understand more fully the multi-faceted and
diverse cultures of the world, which lies at the heart of the goal the National Palace
Museum attempts to achieve in hosting this special exhibition.

Founded in 1753, the British Museum is renowned throughout the world for its extensive
collection of more than seven million objects that covers the legacy of humanity from
almost every region and every period over two million years of history. Marking the first
collaboration between the National Palace Museum and the British Museum, the exhibition
Treasures of the World's Cultures: The British Museum after 250 Years has been two
years in the making, and it is intended to offer the audiences in Taiwan a rare opportunity
to appreciate cultural treasures from around the world without embarking on journeys

This exhibition is divided into the following thirteen sections:

• Glimpses of Morning Glory: Dawning of Human Civilizations

• Fusion and Transformation: the Diverse Cultures of Mesopotamia
• In Pursuit of Immortality: the Artistic Spirit of Ancient Egyptian Culture
• Land of the Gods: Ancient Greek Civilization and Art
• Reaching the Four Corners: Facets of Art in the Roman Empire
• Regional Charms: Artistic Styles in Early Europe
• The Realm of Christianity: Europe in the Middle Ages
• Revisiting the Classical Age: the Renaissance and Modern Europe
• Tranquil and Profound: Cultural Aspects of South and East Asia
• Brilliance and Magnificence: the Islamic World
• Mystery and Inspiration: the Allure of African Cultures
• Pearls of the Pacific: the Island Cultures of Oceania
• Expansive and Diverse: Unraveling the Cultures of the Americas

The selection of 271 works on view provides glimpses at the cultural legacy of humanity
from the Paleolithic Age up to the 20th century that stretches from Europe, Middle East,
and Asia to Oceania, the Americas, and Africa. The exhibition includes works of sculpture
and painting, as well as historical and cultural artifacts in a wide range of materials, such
as precious objects, glass, gold, silver, bronze, stone, wood, and ceramic. Such a diverse
and pluralistic display not only offers audiences in Taiwan a cultural and artistic feast for
the eyes, it also provides a first-hand understanding of the developments in world cultures
as well as the glorious achievements of humanity over the ages.

Being able to examine in Taipei this group of artistic and cultural treasures from the
British Museum represents a door opened by the National Palace Museum onto the
cultures of the world that is unavailable in any textbook of history. It is hoped that this
door will inspire audiences in Taiwan a new perspective of the great cultures of humanity.

世界文明瑰寶:大 英博物館 250 年收藏展


大英博物館的收藏舉世聞名,目前館藏已突破 700 萬件,幾乎網羅世界各地重

合作,舉辦「世界文明瑰寶:大英博物館 250 年收藏展」,使國人無須遠渡重洋,


• 晨曦乍現:人類文明的曙光
• 交融轉化:美索不達米亞的多元文化
• 追求永恆:古埃及文化的藝術精神
• 眾神國度:古希臘的藝術與文明
• 廣被四鄰:羅馬帝國的藝術成就
• 地域風韻:早期歐洲的藝術風格
• 基督世界:中世紀的歐洲
• 古典再生:文藝復興與近世歐洲
• 寧靜深邃:南亞與東亞文化
• 光彩瑰麗:伊斯蘭世界
• 神祕靈感:非洲文明的啟示
• 藍色文明:大洋洲諸島的文化鏈
• 遼闊多元:解讀美洲文明



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