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International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science

Vol. 7(1), pp. 598-612, January, 2020. ©, ISSN: 2167-0449

Research Article
Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on
Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
*Kasaye Abera1, Tamado Tana2 and Abuhay Takele3
1Department of Agronomy, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Mehoni Agricultural Research Center, Mehoni,
2Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Eswatini, Eswatini
3Department of Agronomy, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Debrzeyet Agricultural Research Center,

Debrzeyet, Ethiopia

A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of rates and time of nitrogen fertilizer
application on yield and yield components of sorghum in northern Ethiopia. The treatments
consisted of four rates of nitrogen (23, 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha-1) and three time of N application (1/2
dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative, 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting
stage, 1/3 dose at sowing, 1/3 dose at mid vegetative and 1/3 dose at booting stage). The main
effect of rate of N application showed signficantly the highest days to flowering, days to
physiological maturity, plant height, panicle length and biomass yield (10716 kg ha -1) at 92 kg N
ha-1. Similarly, the highest days to flowering, leaf area index (2.86) and panicle weight were
obtained from three split application and the maximum biomass yield (10142 kg ha -1) was
recorded from two split application of N (1/2 dose each at mid-vegetative and at booting stage).
The interaction of rates and time of application of nitrogen had significantly the highest 1000
kernels weight (44.67 g), grain yield (4635 kg ha-1) and harvest index from 69 kg N ha-1 in three
split application. Economic analysis showed that maximum net benefit of 33053.23 ETB ha-1 from
69kg N ha-1 in three split application. Based on the results, it can be concluded that application of
69 kg N ha-1 in three splits to be appropriate to increase the productivity of sorghum in the study

Keywords: Sorghum, rate of nitrogen fertilizer, time of nitrogen application, Yield

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important multiple purposes and its ability to cope up with
cereal crop belonging to the grass family Poaceae unfavourable growing conditions, sorghum will continue to
(Poehlman and Sleper, 1995). It is the world’s fifth most feed the world’s expanding populations. Moreover, it will
important cereal crop after wheat, rice, maize and barley be the crop of the future due to the changing global climatic
in terms of production (Kumara et al., 2011). It is a staple trends and increase in use of marginal lands for agriculture
food for more than half a billion people in the world, 60 (Paterson et al., 2008). Sorghum is widely grown in the
percent of whom are in Africa. It is a highly versatile crop high lands, low lands and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia;
with many uses including human food and animal feed, for especially in moisture stressed parts where other crops
brewing and bio-fuels. can least survive (Tesfaye et al., 2008).

In Africa, sorghum represents a large portion of the total *Corresponding Author: Kasaye Abera; Department of
calorie intake in many countries and it is the most widely Agronomy, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research,
spread staple food crop. It is the second most important Mehoni Agricultural Research Center, Mehoni, Ethiopia.
cereal (after maize) in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of Email:;
production. Sorghum is among the most important grain Co-Author Email:;
crops in the world including Ethiopia. Because of its

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 599

In Ethiopia, during 2016/17 cropping season

(1,881,970.73 hectares) of land area was covered by Proper timing of application is the most important factor for
sorghum with the average yield productivity of 2.5 ton ha-1 N fertilizer management. Plant use efficiency of N depends
(CSA, 2017). It is known for its versatility and diversity, and on several factors including application time, rate of N
is produced over a wide range of agro-ecological zones. applied, cultivar and climatic conditions (Kidist, 2013). The
Main sorghum producing regions are Oromia, Amhara, management of N application time is essential to ensure
Southern Nations and Nationalities and Peoples sustained nutrition at the end of vegetative growth.
(S.N.N.P.) and Tigray. The leading sorghum producing Therefore, the total amount of N should be divided into
zones are East and West Hararge Zone in Oromia, North suitable fractions to be applied to best satisfy the
Gondar and North Shoa Zone in Amhara (Demeke and Di requirement of the growing sorghum crop. The aim is to
Marcantonio, 2013). In Tigray region, sorghum was avoid increasing early vegetative growth and to encourage
produced on 253757.11 hectares of land with average the development of the upper most green parts directly
yield productivity of 2.8 tons ha-1and in Southern Zone of involved in grain formation. Too late application, may lead
Tigray sorghum was produced on 48947.55 hectares of to N starvation where as too early supply may also
land in the year 2016/17 cropping season with with increase tillering and vegetative growth.
average yield of 2.1 ton ha-1 (CSA, 2017).
However, farmers in Ethiopian low land area apply N
In the study zone, the average yield of sorghum is even fertilizer in the form of urea at sub-optimal blanket rate of
below the national yield average. The low productivity of 46 kg ha-1 of N in the form of urea mostly only once or
sorghum in developing countries including Ethiopia can be twice at the time of sowing, and this limits the potential
attributed to many biotic and abiotic factors, like erratic rain productivity of cereal crops (Bekele et al., 2000). Farmers
full, disease and pest and low soil fertility (CSA, 2017). Low in Raya Valley district also apply low amounts of N in the
soil moisture or drought can reduce nutrient uptake by form of urea only one time at sowing or at a vegetative
roots and induce nutrient deficiency by decreasing the growth stage for sorghum production (Personal
diffusion rate of nutrients from soil to root, creating observation). Thus, there is lack of information on the
restricted transpiration rates and impairing active transport response of sorghum to rate and time of N fertilizer
and membrane permeability (Yared et al., 2010). This application in South Tigray Zone of Northern Ethiopia. In
indicates that considering soil moisture or rainfall general, blanket recommendations, regardless of
distribution of an area is very important to limit the amount considering the physical and chemical properties of the
of fertilizer to be applied. soil, the soil moisture status; varieties grown etc as well as
Low soil fertility, particularly N and P deficiencies are application of maximum dose of fertilizer at one time do not
among the major biophysical constraints affecting lead to increased yield of the crop. This may lead to low N
agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to Sanchez uptake efficiency of crops due to erratic rain fall
et al., (1997), soil fertility depletion in smallholder farmers' distribution. Therefore, the objectives of the study were:
holdings is the fundamental biophysical root cause of ➢ to assess the effects of rates and time of N fertilizer
declining per capita food production. Nitrogen (N) is application on yield components and yield of
commonly the most limiting nutrient factor for crop sorghum;
production in the majority of the world's agricultural areas ➢ to estimate the most economic rate and time of N
and therefore adoption of good N management strategies fertilizer application for increased yield of sorghum in
often results in large economic benefits to farmers. the study area.
Fertilizer N has contributed more than any other fertilizer
towards increasing yield of grain crops, including sorghum.
Consequently, N has become the foremost input in relation MATERIALS AND METHODS
to cost and energy requirement in advanced agricultural
production systems (Yousf, 1993). Description of the Study Area

Nitrogen is a major input in sorghum production, affecting The experiment was conducted at Mehoni Agricultural
both yield and quality through influencing those Research Center (Fachagama) located in Northern
components which have great contribution in increasing Ethiopia, Tigray regional state, Southern zone under Raya
grain yield of sorghum (Wondimu, 2004). But in Ethiopia, Valley in main season from July to October 2017 under
throughout the country, farmers use this fertilizer supplementary irrigation. The geographical location of the
(nitrogen/urea) as a blanket recommendation 46 kg N ha-1 site is at 12º 41' N latitude and 39º 42' E longitudes and at
which is the same rate of fertilizer application without an altitude of 1578 metere above sea level (m.a.s.l) and
considering the soil moisture condition and the fertility about 678 km north from Addis Ababa and 120 km south
status of the soil of an area even though soil moisture of Tigray regional capital, Mekele. The area has minimum
content and soil fertility status vary from place to place. and maximum average annual temperatures of 13.19ºC
This problem is also common in the Southern Tigray area and 23.95ºC, respectively. The average annual rainfall is
which is one of the most sorghum producing areas of the 539 mm (MhARC, 2017).

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 600

Experimental Materials a spacing of 75 cm between rows and 20 cm between

plants. The net sampling plot size was 2.25 m × 3.2 m (7.2
The sorghum variety used in this experiment was Meko m2) in all the cases, in which the two outer most rows and
which was released by Melkassa Agricultural Research one plant at both ends of the row considered as borders
Center. The variety is adapted to lowland altitudes < 1600 leaving three middle rows for sorghum with the length of
masl, early maturing type, its productivity under research 3.2 m for data collection and measurement.
field ranged from 2.2-3.3 tons ha-1 and in farmer field
condition 1.7 tons ha-1. Urea (46% N) and triple super Experimental Procedure and Field Management
phosphate (TSP) with 46% P2O5 were used as source of
nitrogen and phosphorus respectively (MARC, 1997). Land preparation was done at the beginning of June with
tractor, harrowed and leveled before planting. The seeds
Soil Sampling and Analysis were planted at row spacing of 75 cm and plant spacing of
20 cm recommended for sorghum and done by hand in the
Soil samples at a depth of 0-30 cm were taken from five rows as uniformly as possible and covered with soil
random spots diagonally across the experimental field manually at rate of two seeds per hill then, after
using auger before planting. The collected soil samples emergence it was thinned to one seedling per hill.
were composited to one sample. The bulked soil samples
were air dried in shade house to reduce contamination, Sorghum was planted on half of July, 2017. Nitrogen
thoroughly mixed and ground to pass 2 mm sieve size fertilizer in the form of urea (46% N) was applied as per
before laboratory analysis. Then the samples were treatment 5 cm away from the sorghum. The in-situ soil
properly labeled, packed and transported to Mekele soil moisture conservation practice (tied ridging) was made to
laboratory. After that, soil organic carbon, total N, soil pH, harvest water. The full dose of P (46 kg P2O5 ha-1) was
available P, cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), applied uniformly in band application in the form of triple
electrical conductivity (EC) and texture were analyzed at super phosphate (TSP) at planting time of sorghum for all
Mekelle Soil Laboratory Research Center. experimental units.

The soil pH was measured in the supernatant suspension All other necessary agronomic management practices like
of a 1: 2.5 soil to water ratio using a standard glass weeding and crop protection measures were carried out
electrode pH meter (Rhoades, 1982). The Walkley and uniformly are recommende for sorghum. Supplementary
Black (1934) method was used to determine the organic irrigation was used when there was shortage of rainfall
carbon (%). Total N was determined using Kjeldhal during the execution of the experiment. When rain was
method as described by Bremner and Mulvaney (1982). stop at critical time sorghum was irrigate three times in one
Available P (mg kg-1) was determined by employing the week interval up to maturity. The supplementary irrigation
Olsen et al. (1954) method using ascorbic acid as the was made using ground water resource through furrows.
reducing agent. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) in
cmol (+) kg-1 was measured using 1M-neutral ammonium Data Collection and Measurement
acetate method (Jackson, 1973). Electrical conductivity
(EC) was determined in the soil to water suspension of 1:5 Crop phenology
(Jackson, 1973). The soil particle size distribution was
determined using the Bouyoucos hydrometer method Days to 50% flowering: was recorded as the number of
(Bouyoucos, 1962). days from planting to the date at which 50% of the plants
in a plot produced flower.
Treatments and Experimental Design Days to 90% maturity: It was also recorded on the date
at which 90% of the panicles per plot reached physiological
The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block maturity. The development of black layer on the kernels,
design (RCBD) with three replications. Improved, early which appears immediately above the point of kernel
matured sorghum variety (Meko-I) was used for the trial. attachment base, is an indication of maturity.
Factorial combination of four rate of nitrogen (23, 46, 69
and 92 kg ha-1) and three time of N application were Growth parameters
adjusted according to Zadoks et al., (1974) decimal growth
stage for sorghum. Timings of N application were adjusted Leaf area (LA): Five plants per net plot were randomly
as follows: T1 (1/2 dose at sowing + 1/2 dose at mid- taken to measure leaf area per plant (cm2) at 50% heading
vegetative); T2 (1/2 dose at mid-vegetative + 1/2 dose at using the method described by Sticker et al., (1961) as:
booting stage) and T3 (1/3 dose at sowing + 1/3 dose at leaf area = length of the leaves × maximum width of leaf
mid-vegetative + 1/3 dose at booting stage) were applied ×0.75 where, 0.75 is the correction factor for sorghum and
as treatments. leaf area index (LAI): the leaf area index was calculated as
the ratio of unit leaf area per plant to the ground area
The gross size of experimental plot was 3.75 m ×3.6 m covered by the plant (Radford, 1967). .
(13.5 m2) accommodating five rows of sorghum planted at

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 601

Plant height: was measured at physiological maturity Data Analysis

from the ground level to the tip of panicle from five
randomly taken plants and was averaged on per plant Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance
basis. (ANOVA) using the Genstat 15 edition, (GenStat, 2012)
and interpretations were made following the procedure
Panicle length: It is the length of the panicle from the node described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). When ever the
where the first panicle branches emerge to the tip of the effects of the treatments were found significant, the means
panicle which was determined from an average of five were compared using least significance difference (LSD)
randomly taken panicles per net plot. test at 5% level of significance.

Yield components and yield Partial Budget Analysis

Initial stand count: It was recorded by counting the The economic analysis was carried out by using the
number of plant after thinning from the net plot area. methodology described in CIMMYT (1988) in which
prevailing market prices for inputs at planting and for
Stand count at harvest: It was determined by counting outputs at harvesting were used. All costs and benefits
the number of plants from the net plot area at the time of were calculated on ha basis in Birr. The concepts used in
harvesting. the partial budget analysis were the mean grain yield and
stalk yield of each treatment, the gross benefit (GB) ha-1
Number of productive tillers: It was recorded by (the mean yield for each treatment) and the field price of
counting those tillers which bear panicle with grains from fertilizers (Urea and the time of application costs). The
the net plot area. benefit of biomass yield was included in the calculation of
Panicles numbers: It was determined counting the total the benefit since the farmers in the area use it.
number of sorghum panicles found in the net plot area
including panicles from the tillers. Marginal rate of return, which refers to net income obtained
by incurring a unit cost of fertilizer and its application, was
Panicle weight (g): Samples of five panicles were calculated by dividing the net increase in yield of sorghum
weighed after harvesting and sun drying to determine due to the application of each fertilizers rate.
weight per panicle.
Unadjusted grain yield (UGY) (kg ha-1): is an average yield
of each treatment.
Thousand kernels weight (g): was determined by
counting 250 grains in duplicates and weighting them on
Adjusted grain yield (AGY) (kg ha-1): is the average yield
an electronic balance. The weights obtained were
adjusted down ward by a 10% to reflect the difference
multiplied by two to get the 1000 kernels weight. The
between the experimental yield and yield of farmers.
weight was adjusted to 12.5% moisture level.
Unadjusted stalk yield (USY) kg ha-1): is an average stalk
Above ground dry biomass (kg): It was measured after
yield of each treatment.
the plants from the net plot area were harvested and sun
dried till constant weight. Adjusted stalk yield (ASY) kg ha-1): is the average stalk
yield adjusted down ward by a 10% to reflect the difference
Grain yield (kg): It was obtained from all plants of net plot between the experimental yield and yield of farmers.
area. It was determined using sensitive balance after the
panicles were threshed, cleaned and sun dried and the Gross field benefit (GFB) (ETB ha-1): was computed by
yield was adjusted to 12.5% moisture level. Then, it was multiplying field/farm gate price that farmers receive for the
converted to kg ha-1 basis. crop when they sell it as adjusted yield. GFB = AGY ×
field/farm gate price for the crop.
Harvest index (HI): It was computed as ratio of grain yield
to the bio mass yield per plot as: Total variable cost (TVC) (ETB ha-1): was calculated by
HI = Grain yield per plot (kg) x100 summing up the costs that vary, including the cost of urea
Aboveground dry biomass per plot (kg) fertilizer (988.55 Birr ha-1 ) and for each time of application
cost (5 person 50 birr / day) and the average open price of
Agronomic efficiency (AE) sorghum price at Mehoni market was Birr 8 kg-1 in January
2017 during harvesting time.
Agronomic efficiency is defined as the economic The net benefit (NB) was calculated as the difference
production obtained per unit of nitrogen applied and was between the gross benefit and the total cost that vary
𝐺𝑓 (𝑘𝑔)−𝐺𝑢(𝑘𝑔)
calculated as: AE (kg kg-1) = where, AE (TCV) using the formula, NB= (GY × P) – TCV
stands for agronomic efficiency, Gf and Gu for grain yield Where GY x P = Gross Field Benefit (GFB), GY = Adjusted
in fertilized and unfertilized plots, respectively, and N for Grain yield per hectare and P = Field price per unit of the
quantity of fertilizer applied. crop.

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 602

Actual grain and stalk were adjusted downward by 10% to when soils having organic matter value in the range of 2-
reflect the difference between the experimental yield and 3% are considered low.The organic matter content of the
the yield farmers could expect from the same treatment. soil is taken as a basic measure of fertility status, improve
water-holding capacity, nutrient release and soil structure.
The dominance analysis procedure as described in [It is estimated indirectly from the organic carbon
CIMMYT (1988) was used to select potentially profitable determination by OM% = 1.72 x % OC (Walkley and Black,
treatments from the range that was tested. The discarded 1934]. The low amount of organic matter in the soil might
and selected treatments using this technique were referred be due to low addition of crop residues to the soil.
to as dominated and undominated treatments, Therefore, regular application of organic manure such as
respectively. For each pair of ranked treatments, % crop residue, compost etc is important.
marginal rate of return (MRR) was calculated using the
Change in NB (NBb−NBa) The soil reaction (pH) of the experimental site was 7.3
formula MRR (%) = × 100
Change in TCV (TCVb−TCVa)
which rated as neutral according to Tekalign (1991) who
Where, NBa = the immediate lower NB, NBb = the next rated in the range of 6.73 to 7.3 as neutral soils. FAO
higher NB, TCVa = the immediate lower TCV and TCVb = (2000) reported that the preferable pH ranges for most
the next highest TCV. The treatment with highest net benfit crops and productive soils to be from 4 to 8. Thus, the pH
and MRR > 100 was considered for recommendation. of the experimental soil was with in the range for
productive soils. Tekalign (1991) has classified soil total N
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION content of <0.05% as very low, 0.05-0.12% as poor, 0.12-
0.25% as moderate and >0.25% as high. According to this
Soil Physico-Chemical Properties of the Experimental classification, the soil samples were found to have poor
Site level of total N (0.12%) (Table 1), indicating that the
nutrient is a limiting factor for optimum crop growth. As
Selected physico-chemical properties were analyzed for sorghum is highly exhaustive crop for nitrogen, the
composite soil (0-30 cm depth) from the samples collected production potential of it is highly affected by N deficiency
diagonally from five spots in every replication before (Onwueme and Sinha, 1991). Therefore, there is a need to
planting. The results indicated that texture of the soil in the apply nitrogen to the crop.
experimental site was dominated by the clay fraction. On
the basis of particle size distribution, the soil contained The analysis revealed that the available P of the soil was
sand (30%), silt (26%) and clay (44%) Table 1. According 16.42 mg kg-1 (Table 1). Indicative ranges of available
to the soil textural class determination triangle, soil of the phosphorus have been established by Cottenie (1980), as
experimental site was clay. The texture indicates the <5 mg kg-1 (very low), 5-9 mg kg-1 (low), 10-17 mg kg-1
degree of weathering, nutrient, and water holding capacity (medium), 18-25 mg kg-1 (high) and >25 mg kg-1 of soil
of the soil. High clay content might indicate better water (very high). Thus, the soils of the experimental site were
and nutrient holding capacity of the soil in the experimental considered as medium in available P content which is
site. The composite soil sample had 2.51% soil organic satisfactory for optimum sorghum growth and yield.
matter which is rated as low according to EthioSIS (2014)
Table 1. Selected physico-chemical properties of the experimental soil before planting
Physical properties Chemical Properties
Particle size Distribution (%) OM % pH TN % Av.P (mg kg-1) CEC cmol (+) kg-1 EC (ms m-1)
Sand Silt Clay Textural Class
30 26 44 Clay 2.51 7.3 0.12 16.42 40.0 0.34

Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is an important rated soils having the EC values less than 4 ms m-1 is
parameter of soil as it indicates the type of clay mineral considered as non-saline and suitable for cereal
present in the soil and its capacity to retain nutrients production.
against leaching. According to Hazelton and Murphy
(2007), top soils having CEC greater than 40 cmol (+) kg-1 Phenological and Growth Parameters of Sorghum
are rated as very high and 25-40 cmol (+) kg-1 as high.
Thus, according to this classification, the soil of the Days to flowering (DF)
experimental site had high CEC (40 cmol (+) kg -1 soil)
(Table 1). Cation exchange capacity (CEC) describes the Analysis of variance showed that the main effect of the N
potential fertility of soils and indicates the soil texture, rate and timing of N application significantly (P≤0.01)
organic matter content and the dominant types of clay influenced days to flowering. However, the interaction
minerals present. In general, soils high in CEC contents effect was not significant (Table 2).
are considered as agriculturally fertile. The EC of the
experimental site was 0.34 (ms m-1) and this is rated as The days to flowering of the plants was hastened under
non-saline according to Hazelton and Murphy (2007) who lower rates compared to the higher N rates. Thus,

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 603

increasing the rate of nitrogen from 23 to 46, 69, and 92 kg ha-1 and the minimum (103.4 days) was recorded at rate of
N ha-1 prolonged the days to flowering by about 5.66%, 23 kg N ha-1 (Table 2). Delay in days to maturity could be
11.32%, 14.47% and 17.83% respectively. This showed due to application of higher level of nitrogen increased
that the most prolonged duration to flowering was recorded vegetative growth and delayed reproductive period as
under plant grown at the rate of 92 kg N ha-1 (68.78 days) nitrogen boosts vegetative growth of the plants and make
whereas the shortest duration to flowering (62.33 days) them stay green for long period of time. This result was
was recorded for plants grown at at the rate of 23 kg N ha- complimentary with Kidist (2013) who report that maturity
1 (Table 2). Moreover, delay in days to 50% flowering with was more prolonged at the rate of 174 kg N ha-1. Similarly,
application of higher level of N might be due to that Dawadi and Sah (2012) reported that nitrogen rate
nitrogen increased vegetative period and it delays significantly delayed days to maturity of maize with the
reproductive period. This could be related to the vigorous application of maximum nitrogen dose of 200 kg N ha-1
growth that resulted in higher number of days for flowering with average of 151.3 days as compared to other
compared with days to flowering obtained for the rate of 23 treatments.
kg N ha-1. Generally, the number of days to flowering
recorded over all the fertilized plots significantly higher The time of N application had significant (P≤0.01) effect on
than the rate of 23 kg N ha-1 (Table 2). This result was days to 90% maturity of sorghum (Table 2). Even though
complimentary with Moges (2015) who reported that it was statically significant, the days to maturity ranged
nitrogen fertilizer increasing N from 23 kg N ha-1 to 128 kg from 108.4 days to 109.9 days which was only 1.5 days
N ha-1 that increased duration of tasseling time of maize. difference (Table 2). The delay in maturity of sorghum
Similarly, Abdulatif (2002) in chat/ maize intercropping also plants in response to the split applications of N, 1/2 at mid-
reported delayance of days to tasselling and silking of vegetative and 1/2 at booting stage might be because of
maize with increased rate of applied N up to 92 kg N ha-1. the fact that two-time applications in critical time promoted
vigorous vegetative growth and development of the plants
Sorghum accumulates more thermal time up to booting, possibly due to synchrony of the time of need of the plant
heading and flowering with increasing N rates (Amanullah for uptake of the nutrient and availability of the nutrient in
et al., 2009). In contrast with this result, Buah and the soil. In agreement with this result, Ma and Dwyer
Mwinkaara (2009) reported that maximum N fertilized (2000) reported that application of N before silk
plants flowered earlier than those that were minimum development prolonged the maturity of maize crop when
amount fertilized plants. This result was in line with that of nitrogen application was in two split (at mid-vegetative and
Imran et al., (2015) who stated that delay in days to booting stage).
tasseling was observed with increase in N rate (210 kg ha-
1) by 5 days. The results also agreed with Kawsar et al., Table 2. Days to flowering,days to physiological maturity
(2012); and Akmal et al., (2010) who observed that maize and leaf area of sorghum as affected by N rate and time
took higher number of days to tasseling with the of N applications
application of high amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Treatments Days to 50% Days to 90% Leaf area
flowering physiological (cm2)
Timing of nitrogen application showed significant effect on maturity
days to flowering (Table 2). The maximum days to Nitrogen rate (kg
flowering (66.33 days) was for three split application, N ha-1)
i.e.1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd 23 62.33d 103.4d 3401d
dose at booting compared to the other time of application 46 65.33 c 108.8 c 3944c
(Table 2). The prolonged duration to flowering with three 69 67.00b 111.1b 4481a
split application of nitrogen might be that the fertilizer is 92 68.78a 113.0a 4230b
used efficiently to promote active vegetative growth and LSD (0.05) 0.84 1.05 250.0
plants use nutrients efficiently. This result is in line with the N application
finding of Ma and Dwyer (2000) who reported that time (NT)
application of N before heading and silk development T1 65.17b 108.4b 3848b
prolonged the flowering of sorghum and maize crops, T2 66.08a 109.9a 3894b
respectively. T3 66.33 a 108.9 b 4300a
LSD (0.05) 0.72 0.91 216.5
Days to physiological maturity (DPM)
CV (%) 1.3 1.0 6.4
Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient
Days to 90% physiological maturity was significantly
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
(P≤0.01) affected due to nitrogen rate and time of N
at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid-
application, but not due to interaction (Table 2).
vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of
1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at
The rates of 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha-1 significantly delayed
booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are
maturity as compared to 23 kg N ha-1. The maximum days
not significantly different according to LSD Test.
to 90% maturity (113.00 days) was recorded from 92 kg N

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 604

Leaf area (LA) observed with increased N application rates which might
be due to improved leaf expansion in plants due to
Leaf area influences interception and utilization of solar optimum nitrogenous fertilizers. In line with the result
radiation of sorghum crop canopies and, consequently, Moges (2015) reported that increase in leaf area with the
sorghum dry matter accumulation and grain yield (Boote et increase of nitrogen level from 0-128 kg N ha-1 and
al., 1996). As indicated in the table 2, the main effect of N attributed to the more vegetative growth due to nitrogen
rate and time of N application had highly significant application, as it is a general truth that N enhances
(P≤0.01) effect on the leaf area; however, no significant vegetative growth in maize. Nitrogen deficiency
interaction effect between rate and time of N application. accelerates senescence as revealed by strong decrease
in chlorophyll concentration under low N as compared to
The highest leaf area (4481 cm2) was obtained from 69 kg non-stressed conditions. In line with this result, Kidist
N ha-1; while the lowest leaf area (3401 cm2) was obtained (2013) reported as that increasing the rate of N from 0 to
from rate of 23 kg N ha-1 the fertilizer application (Table 130.5 kg N ha-1 linearly increased leaf area index of maize.
2). The increase in the leaf area with application of N In line with this result, Gebrelibanos and Dereje (2015)
increase is attributed to the more vegetative growth due to reported that application of high fertilizer dose increased
nitrogen application, as it is a general truth that N the leaf area index of sorghum. Similarly, Haghighi et al.
enhances vegetative growth in sorghum. The result was (2010) and Asim et al., (2012) reported an increasing trend
also supported by Debebe (2010) who reported that in LAI on maize due to an increase in N fertilizer application
maximum application of 105 kg N ha-1 resulted in higher rates. Jasemi et al., (2013) also reported higher LAI of
leaf area. In conformity with this result, Uhart and Andrade maize associated with nitrogen treated plants have been
(1995) reported that N deprivation reduced leaf area index, probably due to increased leaf production and leaf area
leaf area duration and radiation interception of sorghum. duration.
Imran et al., (2015) also stated that increasing N
application from 0 - 210 kg ha-1 increased leaf area from Time of N application also high significant (P≤0.01) effect
1973 cm2 to 2757 cm2 in maize linearly and significantly. on the leaf area index wherethe application of nitrogen in
These results indicated that sorghum with higher leaf area three splits, i.e. application of 1/3rd dose at sowing, 1/3rd
can produce more food through photosynthesis as leaf is dose at mid-vegetative; and 1/3rd dose at booting stage of
responsible part for preparation of food and may have growth led to the highest leaf area index (2.86) than the
higher biomass or grain yield. Similarly, Berhane et al., other time of application. However, there was no
(2015) reported that application of high N fertilizer at 61.5 significant difference among the other time of application
kg N ha-1 increased leaf area of sorghum. (Table 3).

Time of N application also had high significant effect on the Plant height (PH)
leaf area. Application of N in three split, i.e. 1/3rd dose of N
at sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd dose at The main effect of nitrogen application rate had high
booting stage had the maximum leaf area (4300 cm2) than significant (P≤0.01) effect on plant height. However, main
other application time. However, there was no significant effect of time of N application and interaction effect of rate
difference among the other application time (Table 2). The and time of N application did not significantly affect this
highest leaf area with three split application of N may lead parameter.
to efficient recovery of the nutrient by roots and there by When the rate of nitrogen application increased plant
enhanced leaf area of the plant. This result is in line with heights was also increased (Table 3). The result showed
the finding of; Ma and Dwyer (2000) who reported that that with increase in rate of nitrogen from 23 to 92 kg N ha-
application of N before heading and silk lead to plants use 1, plant height increased by 6.49%. The tallest plant (167.7
nutrients efficiently this increases leaf area of sorghum and cm) was recorded from 92 kg N ha-1 and the shortest plant
maize crops, respectively. (155.10 cm) was recorded from rate of 23 kg N ha-1 (Table
Leaf area index (LAI) 3). The increase in plant height with respect to increased
N application rate indicates maximum vegetative growth of
Leaf area index is major factor determining photosynthesis the plants under higher N availability due to the increase
and dry matter accumulation (Moosavi et al., 2012). The in cell elongation as nitrogen is essential for plant growth
main effect of rate and time of nitrogen fertilizer application process including chlorophyll which is responsible for dark
had highly significant (P≤0.01) influence on leaf area green color of stem and leaves which enhance vigorous
index. However, the interaction effect of rate and time of N vegetative growth. In agreement with this result, Maral et
application had no significant effect on leaf area index. al., (2012) obtained significant increase in plant height of
sorghum when supplied with higher rates of N. Similarly,
The highest leaf area index (2.98) was recorded from 69 Adeniyan (2014) reported significant increase in various
kg N ha-1; while the lowest (2.26) was recorded from rate growth parameters of maize when supplied with higher
of 23 kg N ha-1 (Table 3). Thus, 69 kg N ha-1 application rates of N fertilizer. Likewise, Kidist (2013) reported that
resulted in 23.02% more leaf area index than lower rate of increasing the rate of N from 0 to 174 kg N ha-1 linearly
fertilizerd plot. Generally, an increasing trend in LAI was increases plant height from 250.1 cm to 265 cm of maize.

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 605

Table 3. Leaf area index, plant height and panicle length Yield Components and Yield of Sorghum
of sorghum as influenced by N rate and time of N
applications Panicle number
Treatments Leaf area Plant Panicle
index height (cm) length (cm) The analysis of variation showed that panicle number per
Nitrogen rate net plot was not significantly affected either the main effect
(kg N ha-1) of rate and time of N application nor interaction of the two
23 2.26c 155.10d 23.06d effects (Table 4).
46 2.62b 160.20 c 24.16c
However, the maximum panicle number (52.5) was
69 2.98a 163.60b 25.03b
recored from 46 kg N ha-1 and the minimum value 50.56
92 2.82ab 167.70 a 25.95a was obtained from rate of 23 kg N ha-1, though most study
LSD (0.05) 0.1678 1.895 0.706 showed that the rate of N application and panicle number
Time of N application showed a positive relationship, the result of this study
(NT) showed that this parameter was no affected by any of the
T1 2.56b 162.02 24.38 factors (Table 4).
T2 2.59b 161.77 24.54
Table 4. Panicle number per net plot and panicle weight
T3 2.86 161.12 24.72
of sorghum as influenced by N rate and time of N
LSD (0.05) 0.14 NS NS applications
CV(%) 6.4 1.2 2.9 Treatments Panicle Panicle weight
Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient number panicle-1 (g)
Nitrogen rate (kg N ha- ) 1
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid- 23 50.56 72.08d
vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of 46 52.50 77.09c
1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at 69 50.67 94.84a
booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are 92 50.89 84.71b
not significantly different according to LSD Test. LSD (0.05) NS 2.17
N application time (NT)
Panicle length (PL) T1 50.25 82.3ab
T2 50.83 80.79b
Panicle length of sorghum was significantly affected T3 51.67 83.44a
(P≤0.01) by the main effect of rate of N application. But LSD (0.05) NS 1.881
main effect of time of N application and interaction of two CV (%) 2.9 2.70
factors were not significant. Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
The highest panicle length (25.95 cm) was recorded for 92 at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid-
kg N ha-1 and the minimum panicle length (23.06 cm) was vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of
recorded from rate of 23 kg N ha-1 (Table 3). An increasing 1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at
the rate of nitrogen from 23 to 46, 69 and 92 kg N ha-1 booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are
markedly increased the panicle length by about 1.38%, not significantly different according to LSD Test
2.03%, 2.54% and 3.09%, respectively. The increase in
panicle length with respect to increased N application rate Panicle weight (PW)
indicates maximum vegetative growth of the plants under
higher N availability due to the increase in cell elongation The analysis of variance showed that the main effect of
as nitrogen is essential for plant growth process. In rate of N application had highly significant (P≤0.01) and
conformity with this result, Haftom et al., (2009) reported time of N application had significant (P≤0.05) effect on
that panicle length increased significantly in response to panicle weight, while the two interaction effect was not
increasing rate of nitrogen application with the maximum significant.
panicle length being obtained at the highest rate of 200 kg
N ha-1. Similarly, Kidist (2013) reported that the length of The maximum panicle weight per panicle (94.84 g) was
ears per plant was significantly affected by N application obtained from application of 69 kg N ha-1, where as the
rate in which the maximum length of ear 21.43 cm was minimum panicle weight (72.08 g) was recorded from the
produced in response to applying 130.5 kg N ha-1. rate of 23 kg N ha-1. When nitrogen increases from 23 up
Generally, the trend showed that decrease in ear length to 69 kg N ha-1, the panicle weight also increased but no
occurred with decrease in nitrogen rate (Kidist, 2013). further increase with rate of 69 kg N ha-1 (Table 4). This is

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 606

due to optimum nutrient providing crop to grow to full reported that the application of the highest rate of N
maturity, rather than taking long maturity time. This could fertilizer gave highest thousand kernels weight. Likewise,
be due to the role of the essential nutrients in enhancing Miao et al., (2006) and Raja (2003) indicated that higher
the seed holding capacity of the panicle. This result is in rate of N level increased kernel weight in maize.
line with the finding of Berhane et al., (2015) who reported
that panicle weight of sorghum was significantly increased Table 5. Thousand kernels weight (g) as influenced by the
with the application of high amount of nitrogen. interaction of N rate and time of N application
Time of N application (NT)
The time of N application had significant effect on panicle Nitrogen rate (kg T1 T2 T3
weight (Table 4). The maximum panicle weight (84.44 g) ha-1)
was obtained from three split application of 1/3rd dose at 23 26.33g 29.00g 32.67f
sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd dose at 46 34.67ef 37.33cde 39.67bc
booting and it was statistically at par with combination of 69 41.00b 44.33a 44.67a
69 two split application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2 at mid 92 36.67 cd 37.67 cd 37.67cd
vegetative growth stage (82.3 g) while the minimum LSD (0.05) 2.748
panicle weight (80.79 g) was recorded in two split CV (%) 4.4
application at 1/2 at mid-vegetative and 1/2 at booting. Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient
Maximum panicle weight was recorded from three split of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
application due to efficient use of nutrients in each stage at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid-
of sorghum. In line with this result, Limaux et al., (1999) vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of
reported that supplying N in two or three applications are 1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at
a good recommendation to increase N use efficiency in booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are
sorghum. not significantly different accordingto LSD Test
Thousand kernels weight (TKW) Grain yield (GY)
The result indicated that thousand kernel weight was The analysis of variance showed that the main effect of
significantly (P≤0.01) affected by the main effect of N rate of N application and time of N application and their
fertilizer rate and time of N application and the interaction interaction was significant (P≤0.01) on grain yield of
effect of the two factors (Table 5). sorghum.
The highest thousand kernels weight of (44.67 g) was The highest grain yield (4635 kg ha-1) was recorded for
recorded from 69 kg N ha-1 applied at three times of split application of 69 kg N ha-1 in three split of 1/3rd dose at
application (1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd dose at
1/3rd at booting stage) and it was statistically at par with the booting stage followed by the combination of 69 kg N ha-1
combination of 69 kg N ha-1 at two time of split application at two split application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2 at mid-
(1/2 at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting growth vegetative growth stage (4363 kg ha-1). On the other hand,
stage (44.33 g). In contrast, the lowest thousand kernels the lowest grain yield (2638 kg ha-1) was obtained from 23
weight of (26.33 g) was recorded from 23 kg N ha-1 at two kg N ha-1 at two time of split application (1/2 at mid-
time of split application ((1/2 dose at sowing + 1/2 dose at vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting growth stage (Table 6).
mid-vegetative) (Table 5). Increased kernel weight with Grain yield increased with the increase in the rate of
increasing nitrogen up to optimum levels might be due to nitrogen across the increased number of split application
efficient use of nutrients and this led to the formation of (Table 6). The highest grain yield at the higher N rates
more leaf area which might have intercepted more light might have resulted from improved root growth and
and produced more carbohydrates in the source which increased uptake of nutrients and better growth that
was probably translocated into the sink (the grain) and enhanced yield components and yield.
resulted in more increased kernel weight.
Sorghum yield increase with increase in the rate of
Increasing N rates increased the enzyme activity in nitrogen application, but no further increase when the rate
sorghum which may result in maximum thousand kernels of N application was beyond optimum which could be
weight. In line with this result, Limaux et al., (1999) excess supply of nitrogen favoured more growth of the
reported that supplying N in two or three applications are plant parts which increased the biomass yield rather than
a good recommendation to increase N use efficiency in grain yield.
sorghum. Similarly, Cassman et al., (2002) described that
greater synchrony between crop demand and nutrient Likewise increasing the number of split application from
supply is necessary to improve nutrient use efficiency, and two to three equal doses at sowing, mid vegetative and
split applications of N during the growing season, rather booting stage significantly increased grain yield at 46 and
than a single, more application, are known to be effective 69 kg N ha-1 (Table 6). This may be because the plants
in increasing N use efficiency. Iqtidar et al., (2006) also may have been able to take up balanced amounts of

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 607

nitrogen throughout the major growth stages due to better ha-1 gave the highest biomass yield. Similarly, Buah and
synchrony of the demand of the nutrient for uptake by the Mwinkara (2009) and Hugar et al., (2010) reported positive
plant and its availability in the root zone in sufficient effect of nitrogen on grain yield and yield attributes of
amounts. In line with this result, Limaux et al., (1999) sweet sorghum. In line with this result Amanullah et al.,
reported that supplying N in two or three applications is a (2009) reported the highest biological yields of 14.70 t ha-
good recommendation to increase N use efficiency in 1 were attained in maize in response to the N application

sorghum. Cassman et al., (2002) also reported that greater at the rate of 180 kg ha-1. In consistent with this result,
synchrony between crop demand and nutrient supply is Habtamu (2015) reported the highest biomass yield of
necessary to improve nutrient use efficiency, and split maize at 90 kg N ha-1. Similarly, Yohanes (2014) reported
applications of N during the growing season, rather than a that increasing the rate of nitrogen from 0 to 138 kg N ha-1
single, more application, are known to be effective in significantly increased above ground dry biomass of
increasing N use efficiency. Kidist (2013) reported that wheat.
increasing the rate of nitrogen from 130.5 to 174 kg N ha-1
decreased the grain yield by 5.4%. Thus, the optimum Biomass yield was significantly influenced by the main
grain yield was obtained at 130.5 kg N ha-1. effect of time of N application. Significantly the highest
biomass yield (10142 kg ha-1) was obtained from two split
Table 6. Grain yield of sorghum (kg ha-1) as influenced by application of 1/2 mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at booting
the interaction of N rate and time of N application stage (Table 7). From this result, it is evident that N
Time of N application (NT) availability must be adequate at the vegetative stage of
Nitrogen rate (kg ha-1) T1 T2 T3 growth to ensure the maximum biomass yield. This resultis
23 2792h 2638h 3143g in agreement with Settimi et al., (1998) who reported that
46 3517f 3848d 4109c maize starts to take up N rapidly at the middle vegetative
69 4363 b 4301bc 4635a growth period and maximum rate of N uptake occurs near
92 3775 de 3585ef 3572ef silking stage. Hence, application of N at mid-vegetative
LSD (0.05) 241.9 and silking stage should be one of the best ways of
CV (%) 3.9 supplying the nutrient N to meet this high demand and the
Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient crop never experienced with N stress in the later growth
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2 stage to maintain prolific dry matter production.
at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid-
vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of Table 7. Biomass yieldof sorghum as influenced by N rate
1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at and time of N application
booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are Treatments Biomass yield (kg ha-1)
not significantly different according to LSD Test -1
Nitrogen rate (kg N ha )
23 8361c
Above ground dry biomass yield (AGBY) 46 10124b
69 10070b
The above ground dry biomass yield of sorghum was
92 10716a
highly significant (P≤0.01) for the main effects of N fertilizer
LSD (0.05) 373.7
rate and time of N application. But there was no significant
N application time (NT)
interaction effect of nitrogen rate and time of N application
T1 9540b
on this parameter.
T2 10142a
The highest above ground biomass yield (10716 kg ha-1) T3 9771b
was obtained from 92 kg N ha-1 while the lowest biomass LSD (0.05) 323.7
yield (8361 kg ha-1) was recorded from 23 kg N ha-1. In CV (%) 3.90
general, as the nitrogen rate increased, the biomass yield
was increased (Table 7). Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
The increase in biomass yield with increased N rate might at mid-vegetative; T2= N application 1/2 at mid-vegetative
be attributed to the enhanced availability of N for and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of 1/3rd at
vegetative growth of the plants and LAI and accumulation sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at booting.
of photo assimilate due to maximum days to maturity by Variable means followed by the same letters are not
the crop, this higher photosynthetic rate also results in significantly different according to LSD Test.
higher accumulation of dry matter. In conformity with this
result, Ali et al., (2005) and Iqtidar et al., (2006) reported Harvest index (HI)
the highest biomass yield was recorded in the highest rate
of nitrogen application. Biomass in larger amounts of The physiological efficiency and ability of a crop for
nitrogen, investment of assimilates to leaves and stems converting the total dry matter into economic yield is known
increased and finally increased dry matter yield. as harvest index. Here, the analysis of variance showed
Complimentary with Zerihun (2015) application of 92 kg that harvest index was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) affected

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 608

by the main effect of rate and time of N application and The highest agronomic efficiency (40.68 kg grain yield kg-
significantly (P≤ 0.05) influenced by the interaction effect 1 N) was obtained from 46 kg N ha -1 in combination with

of two factors (Table 8). three split application of 1/3rd N each at sowing, mid
vegetative and booting stage and it was statistically at par
The highest harvest index (0.45) was recorded from 69 kg with the combination of 23 kg N ha-1 with three split
N ha-1 at the three split application of 1/3rd N each at application (39.34 kg grain yield kg-1 N applied). On the
sowing, mid-vegetative and booting stage and it was other hand, the lowest agronomic efficiency (14.49 kg
statistically at par with the combination of 69 kg N ha -1 at grain yield kg-1 N) was recorded at 92 kg N ha-1 in three
two split applications. In contrast, the lowest harvest index split application of nitrogen (Table 9).
(0.29) was obtained from 23 kg N ha-1 in combination with
two split application of 1/2 N (at mid-vegetative and at Decline in agronomic efficiency at higher level of N may be
booting stage) (Table 8). attributed to nutrient imbalance and decline in indigenous
soil N supply. In agreement with this result, Craswell and
The highest harvest index at 69 kg N ha -1 might be that Godwin (1984) asserted that high agronomic efficiency is
greater improvement in grain yield compared to the obtained if the yield increment per unit N applied is high
corresponding increase in biomass yield, while the highest because of reduced losses and increased uptake of N.
N rate (92 kg N ha-1) gave more biomass than the grain Similarly, Karim and Ramasamy (2000) obtained higher
yield. In consistent with this result, Cassman et al., (2002) fertilizer use efficiency which is always associated with low
reported that greater synchrony between crop demand fertilizer rate, cultural practices meant for promoting
and nutrient supply is necessary to improve nutrient use integrated nutrient management will help to save the
efficiency, and three split applications of N during the amount of fertilizer applied to the crops and to improve
growing season, rather than single, more application are fertilizer use efficiency.
known to be effective in increasing N use efficiency and Thus, the goal of N-fertilizer research has to maintain high
plants uses nutrients effectively. In line with this result, levels of crop productivity with minimum nitrogen input, i.e.
Lawrence (2008) reported that harvest index in maize to improve the agronomic efficiency of N. Agronomic
increased when nitrogen rates increased. Similalry, efficiency of N can be increased by increasing plant uptake
Merkebu and Ketema (2013) reported that harvest index and use of N and by decreasing N losses from the soil-
of maize was significantly increased when the application plant system. Agronomic approaches, such as fertilizer
of N increased from 0 to 60 kg ha-1. Similarly, Orkaido placement, proper level of fertilizer application in optimum
(2004) reported that increasing N level from 0 to 120 kg N plant density, time of fertilizer application and use of
ha-1 increased harvest index of maize. In contrast, Abdo nitrogen efficient varieties are some of the practices that
(2009) reported highest harvest index from treatments with can be used to improve nitrogen use efficiency. The result
the lowest rate of nitrogen application in wheat. of the study is in conform with Settimi et al., (1998) who
reported that maize starts to take up N rapidly at the middle
Table 8. Harvest index of sorghum as influenced by the vegetative growth period and maximum rate of N uptake
interaction of N rate and time of N application occurs near silking stage. Fageria and Baligar (2005) also
Time of N application (NT) asserted that high agronomic efficiency is obtained if the
Nitrogen rate (kg ha-1) T1 T2 T3 yield increment per unit N applied is high because of
reduced losses and plants enhanced use of nutrients
23 0.34def 0.29g 0.38bc
bcd cde effectively.
46 0.36 0.36 0.39b
69 0.43 a 0.42 a 0.45a Table 9. Agronomic efficiency (kg grain kg-1 N) as
92 0.35 cde 0.31 g 0.33ef influenced by the interaction of N rate and time of N
LSD (0.05) 0.0319 application
CV (%) 5.10 Time of N application (NT)
Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient Nitrogen rate (kg ha-1) T1 T2 T3
of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2 23 24.07cd 17.40de 39.34a
at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid- 46 27.79 c 34.99 ab 40.68a
vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of 69 30.80 bc 29.89 bc 27.41c
1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at 92 16.70 e 14.63 e 14.49e
booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are LSD (0.05) 7.18
not significantly different according to LSD Test. CV (%) 16.00
Where, LSD= Least significant difference; CV= coefficient
Agronomic use efficiency (AUE) of variation and T1= N application of 1/2 at sowing and 1/2
at mid-vegetative; T2= N application of 1/2 at mid-
The analysis of variance showed that agronomic efficiency vegetative and 1/2 at booting and T3= N application of
was highly significantly (P ≤0.01) affected by the main 1/3rd at sowing, 1/3rd at mid-vegetative and 1/3rd at
effect of rate and time of N application or thier interaction booting. Variable means followed by the same letters are
effect of the two factors (Table 9). not significantly different according to LSD Test.

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Abera et al. 609

Partial Budget Analysis of N Fertilizer Rate and Time net benefit 21122.90Birr ha-1 was obtained from rate of 23
of Application kg Nha-1. The highest marginal rate of return (2144.74%)
was obtained from the plot treated with 46 kg N ha-1 in two
The interest of producers in applying fertilizer is not limited split application (1/2 dose at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose
to increasing yield alone, but also to make profit out of it. and booting stage). However, the dominated treatment
Towards maximizing profit, the amount and time of was rejected from further economic analysis to distinguish
fertilizer application as well as costs of fertilizer are treatments with optimum return to farmer’s practice;
determining factors. In the study area the demand and marginal analysis was performed on non-dominated
market price of sorghum is important. Due to this fact treatment. For treatment to be considered as advisable to
increasing both grain yield and biomass yield can increase farmers, between 50% and 100% marginal rate of return
farmers’ income. (MRR) was the minimum acceptable rate of return
(CIMMYT, 1988). Therefore, 843.36% was recorded from
As indicated in the Table 10, the partial budget analysis application of 69 kg N ha-1 in three split (1/3rd dose at
showed that the highest net benefit of 33053.23 Birr ha-1 sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid- vegetative and 1/3rd dose at
was obtained in the treatment that received 69 kg N ha-1 in booting stage) with highest net benefit and MRR is
to three split application of 1/3rd at sowing +1/3rd at mid profitable and recommended for farmers in Mehoni district
vegetative and 1/3rd at booting stage. However, the lowest area and others similar agro-ecological condition.
Table 10. Partial budget analysis of sorghum yield as influenced by N fertilizer rates and time of application at Mehoni
(kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (ETB ha-1) (ETB ha-1) (ETB ha-1) (%)
23 T1 2512.8 4698.9 22216.9 1094 21122.90 260.09
23 T2 2374.2 5679.0 21549.15 1120 20429.15 D
23 T3 2828.7 4482.9 24646.90 1258 23388.90 2144.74
46 T1 3165.3 5394.6 27749.97 1762 25987.97 515.68
46 T2 3463.2 6031.8 30419.91 1782 28637.91 D
46 T3 3698.1 5581.8 32096.61 1998 30098.61 676.25
69 T1 3926.7 5134.5 33724.12 2261 31463.12 518.82
69 T2 3870.9 5146.2 33282.99 2296 30986.99 D
69 T3 4171.5 4938.3 35594.23 2541 33053.23 843.36
92 T1 3397.5 6115.5 29931.97 2720 27211.97 D
92 T2 3226.5 6717.6 28834.92 2770 26064.92 D
92 T3 2314.8 7159.5 21740.17 3125 18615.17 D
Where, NR= Rate of nitrogen, NT= Time of N application, AGY= Adjusted grain yield, ASY= Adjusted stalk yield, GFB=
Gross field benefit, TVC = total variable cost, NB= Net benefit, MRR= Marginal rate of return, D= Dominated treatments.
Market price of sorghum 8 ETB kg-1, Cost of Urea = 988.55 ETB ha-1; Labour cost for application of nitrogen = 5 persons
ha-1,each 50 ETB day-1, Price of stalk =0.45 cents kg-1, ETB= Ethiopian birr, T1= N application of 1/2 at (sowing and mid-
vegetative); T2= N application of 1/2 at (mid-vegetative and at booting) and T3= N application of 1/3rd at (sowing, mid-
vegetative and at booting).

CONCLUSION Therefore, field experiment was conducted during the

2017 main cropping season at Mehoni Agricultural
Sorghum is one of the major staple crops in Ethiopia in Research Center to assess the effect of nitrogen fertilizer
terms of both production and consumption. Even though it rates and time of application on yield and yield
is such an important cereal crops in Ethiopia, it is giving components of sorghum; and to determine economically
low yield due to many production constraints such as appropriate rates of nitrogen and time of application for
minimum use of improved varieties, diseases, weeds, and sorghum production. The experiment was laid out as a
low soil fertility and lack of location specific fertilizer Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three
recommendation in Ethiopia in general and in Southern replications using a sorghum variety ‘Meko’ as a test crop.
Tigiray Zone in particular. The treatments consisted of four levels of N (23, 46, 69
and 92 kg ha-1) and three time of nitrogen fertilizer
In Northern Ethiopia, farmers in Raya valley district of low application (1/2 dose at sowing and 1/2 dose at mid-
land area apply N fertilizer in the form of urea at sub- vegetative, 1/2 dose at mid-vegetative and 1/2 dose at
optimal blanket rates and use low amounts of nitrogen in booting, 1/3rd dose at sowing, 1/3rd dose at mid vegetative
the form of urea only one time at sowing or at a vegetative and 1/3rd dose at booting stage).
growth stage for sorghum production.

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 610

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Copyright: © 2020: Abera et al. This is an open-access
assimilation efficiency of maize leaves under nitrogen
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
stress at different stages of plant development. Soil
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
Science, Plant Analysis.29: 777-792.
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are cited.

Effect of Rates and Time of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Yield Components of Sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] at Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia

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