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(Literature review)

Sharvari Kelkar sem X


The development of human civilization has encouraged many changes in different

aspects of life .The technological advancement has changed way of living ,thinking
,working conditions etc. Connection to different parts of the world has resulted in
cultural exchange. Today every person has its own individual thinking capacity to
rationalize situation or events occurring ,without getting influence by different powers
of society .Metropolitan cities are global economic powerhouses and are sources of
contemporary trends within a country .This articles focuses on how these cities affect
different aspects of one`s life .
The ever-changing fast pace life of city functions in a very practical way and sticks
to a tight schedule of meetings, target completion which leaves very less room for
mental wellbeing, emotional attachment and has led to imbibing a moving on attitude
towards events occurring in daily life. The city demands punctuality, calculability and
to the point behaviour in order to maintain financial stability. The basic purpose of
barter system was to have social impact but has been changed to more of economical
impact .A city works similar to a machine in which stability is maintained unless all
parts work in co-ordination, whereas in a city if one function gets delayed all the
interdependent processes stop working .A status or character of a man in a city is
judged by the thing he owns and thus finds happiness in material things .Small town
or a village is based on closely knitted community .Each and every person is attached
to one and another and share an emotional bond .But these small social groups try to
inflict a set of rules for conducting life .This somehow deprives an individual of self
-awareness, rational thinking ,independence etc.
A city functions on demand and supply more people using a commodity more
business will occur. All the problems in a city are solved through a arithmetic formula.
The amount of concentration of population that is found in city is reciprocal to the
number of workforce available. A city provides chance to economically sustain in life
but it also creates competition for earning a decent livelihood .A metropolitan is source
of creating unique needs among people and selling new product which later becomes
a new trend or becomes part of a culture . New trends can transform citizens' sense
of place and sense of self. Cities use local cultural resources and creativity to inspire,
catalyse, and drive social and economic change, enhancing local resiliency
and development potential.
A city offers lot of opportunity to a person to evolve in different aspect
of life such as emotionally, socially ,economically etc. An individual may adopt some
characteristic and alter some part of its personality .As personality is not a individual
element but is influenced by many social elements .There is anexchange of values
between an individual and a city ,both become interdependent on each other .
Sharvari kelkar sem X

1. Mumbai rains are something which happens every year and every time due to
heavy rainfall flooding happens .The city comes to standstill for a day or two
.The trains stop working ,people are stuck in offices, schools. Still after few
days people resume their daily routine. The city`s fast paced life eliminates
emotional thinking .
2. Barter system was invented to have some form of exchange in terms of
values, money and as well as increase interaction with others. Today the least
interaction is by receiving a message on the user`s phone from the
producer .Technological advancement has reduced travel time but also
isolated people from human contact .Such kind of online shopping facilities
are prevalent in cities which has change the face of economy.
3. While visiting an artisian village in Bhubaneshwar I could see a closed knitted
community who share the art of painting and has passed on this tradition to
next generation .Each person has emotional relationship with one another and
help each other in selling their painting to tourists .They believe that looking
out for each other will help in safeguarding their traditions

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