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This case study aimed to determine the frequency of murder cases in the municipality

of Carles, Iloilo during the year 2015-2016. Specifically, it found out the crime volume,

offense and clearance rate, and trend of murder incidents when classified according to

circumstances where murder falls. It utilized the documentary analysis in analyzing the

data. It was conducted on December, 2016 at Carles, Iloilo. The data gathered were

the murder cases reported on the year 2015-2016. The researcher first asked

permission from the Chief of Police of Carles Municipal Police Station before getting a

copy of the pertinent information. All gathered data were subjected to frequency.

Statistical tools used were the three basic crime indicators used in uniform crime

reporting program such as the crime volume, rate, and trend. The researcher came out

with the following results: First, In the year 2015, there were two (2) murder cases

filed: one (1) or 50% of these categorically fell into treachery and other one (1) or 50%

into with evident premeditation. Meanwhile, there were no taking advantage of

superior strength, with the aid of armed, by means of motor vehicle, and with cruelty-

related murder incidents transpired during the said year. Moreover, in the year 2016,

the crime volume recorded was four (4) a little bit higher as compared with the

previous year, two (2) or 50% of which were attributed to treachery, while one or 25%

to both with the aid of armed men and with evident premeditation. Second, for offense

rates, in 2015, there were 5.6 crimes per 100, 000 populations recorded at Carles, 2.8

of which was emphatically from treachery and other 2.8 from with evident

premeditation. Meanwhile, significant figures were reported by Carles Municipal Police

Station with 11.2 offense rates during the year 2016, almost rate of ten were

increased. When classified individually, treachery got 5.6 offense rates, while with aid

of armed men and with evident premeditation both had 2.8. Third, for the percentage

of all murder cases cleared, there were 50% clearance rates reported in 2015 and

suddenly increased to 75% during the period of 2016. Of the two murder cases filed in

2013, only one or 50% was considered cleared and it was accounted to treachery

which was considered 100% cleared; while in 2016, out of 4 incidents, 3 or 75% were

considered cleared which are consisted of 50% of murder with treachery, 100% of both

with the aid of armed men and with evident premeditation. On the other hand, other

variables got no clearance because there were no murder cases committed with such

kind of circumstances. Lastly, a significant figure of 100% increase was noted on the

year 2016 in which 4 cases were recorded. The trend was based on the data reported

during the year 2015 in which 2 cases were filed.

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