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Qno1- How would Pakistan be evaluated for forest cover? Support your answer by
giving some percentages of forested areas in Pakistan?

Qno2- List the types of forests found in Pakistan along with their locations?

Qno3- How are forests used in northern highlands?

Qno4- Explain why forests are considered as valuable natural resources? Give
examples to support your answer?

Qno5- What is the importance of mangrove forests specially for fishing?

Qno6- where does in Pakistan mangroves are found?

Qno7- Explain the difference between Deforestation and Afforestation?

Qno8- Explain the difference between productive and protective forest?

Qno9- What are the reasons of deforestation?

Qno10 – What are the effects of deforestation?

Qno11- how can we reduce the effects of deforestation?

Qno12- To what extent has been deforestation been successful in Pakistan?

Give examples to support your answer?

Qno13- what are the threats to mangrove forests and how can they be reduced?
Identify the forests in the above map?

Qno1- Why is fishing considered as the minor sector of Pakistan’s natural resources? Support your
answer with figures?

Qno2- What is the volume of laboured force employed in the sector?

Qno3- Explain the difference between marine fishing and inland fishing?

Qno4- List and explain the terms which the marine catch is classified?

Qno5- Name the marine regions of marine fishing in Pakistan?

Qno6- How much fish does each region account for (percentage)?

Qno7- What account for the higher catch in one region?

Qno8- What are the problems and threats to fishing in coastal areas?

Qno9- What are the consequences of these factors?

Qno10- What has the ratio been for inland vs. marine fishing?

Qno11- List the sources of inland fishing ?

Qno12- Name the province with the largest share in inland fishing?

Qno13- In which regions is cold water fish found? Name some example of cold water fish?

Qno14- In your opinion What are the threats to inland fishing sources?

Qno15- Has fish farming been effective in improving inland fishing. Explain?

Qno16- In what ways can inland fishing be supported?

Qno17- What is the importance of the type and quality of fishing vessels used for marine fishing?
Give two examples?

Qno18- Fishing is a primary industry. Describe its secondary storage, and what value it has in human
and monetary terms?

Qno19- List the countries to which fish and fish products are exported?

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