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• {Muhammad Bin Qasim}

• “According to Hindu shastras, the country was destined to fall into the hands of
Muhammdans and therefore it was useless to fight.”(Majumdar)
• “The people of Hind wept for Muhamma.”(Baldhurii)
• “For a long time it was held by western writers that Islam was spread by sword in
• “Islam presented a striking contrast to Hinduism.” S.M.Ikram
• "The conquest of Sindh was a temporary event without any effect."(V.A.Smith)
• "The Arab conquest of Sind an episode in the history of Indiaand of Islam, a triumph
without result."(Lane-Poole)
• {Mahmuud Ghaznvi}
• "First pioneer and pathfinder of Islam in country."(V.A.Smith)
• “Tamples were broken for reasons other than religion, but in times of peace, Mahmood
never demolished even single tample.”(Ishwari Parsad)
• “Conquest of Somnath is one of the greatest feasts of military adventure in the history of
Islam.”(Dr. M Nazim)
• “Wealth, not territory, the extirpation of idolatory and not conquest were the objects of
his raids and when these were accom[plishec, he cared nothing for the myriad people of
Indai.”(Dr. Ishwari Parsad)
• “A great soldier and man of infinite courage and indefatigable energy of mind and
• “Mahmud was undoubtedly one of the greatest kings of the world.”(Gibbon)
• “He(Mahmud) made the work of later Muslim conqurers easy.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “He maintained a large number of Hindu officers and troops.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “Folly is the illness for which there is no medicine,and nindus believe that, there is no
country but theirs, jo kings like theirs, no religion like theirs and no scoience like theirs”.

• “Shahab-ud-Din Ghori who exploited this situation did not find himself like Mahmud, to
military raids and glory, but laid firm foundation of the Muslim Empire in the Indo-pakistan
sub-continent.” S.M.Ikram.

• “No slave bought at a price has ever become a king except among the Turks.”(author of
Nishat Nama)
• “Iltutmish was, for practical puposes, the first independent muslim ruler of India”.

• “it was the biggest blow(Mongols) which Muslim World ever suffered and is great dividing
line in its history”.S.M.Ikram.
• “The supreme catastrophe”.
• “No army more disciplined and more cruel has walked on this earth.”
• “He would order whatever he considered to be in the interest of the relation, weather it
was or was not sanctioned by Islam”. Barani.
• ”Iltitumish had only outlined the institution, it was left to Balban to regenerate and raise
it to its full stature.”(Habibullah)
• “The heart of king is special repository of God’s favour and in this he had no equal among
• Balban said, “All that I can do is to crush the cruelty of cruel and to see that all persons
are equal before law.”
• “Balban, the slave, the water carrier, huntsman, general, statesman and sultan is one of
the most striking figures among many notable men in the long line of kings of Delhi.”(Lane-
• “A great warrior, ruler and statesman, who saved the infant state from extinction at a
critical time.”(Ishwari Parsad)
• {Ala ud Din}
• "Market regulations of Alau ud Din died with him."(Dr. K.S.Lal)
• Tarikh-e-warsaf “had proclaimed him(Alauddin) universally as the greatest champion of
Muhammdon religion”.
• “All the prosperity and success intoxicated him.”(Barni)
• “To Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji belongs the credit of organizing the Indian army on a model”
Dr Qanungo.
• “If consolidation of Muslim rule was the work of Balban, Muslim India attained cultural
maturity in the days of Ala-ud-Din khalji”. S.M.Ikram.

{M.B. Tughluq}
• “M.B.Tughluq was unquestionably the ablest among the crown heads of middle ages of
India.”(Ishwari Parsad)
• “A man with ideas far beyond his age.”(Lane-Poole)
• “To him what seemed good must be one at once.”(Lane-Poole)
• “Tighluq was most striking figure in medieval India.”(Lane-Poole)
• “No ruler in India has so much discussion concerning his policy and
• “Sultan was affected by some degree of insanity.”(Elphinstien)
• “Tughluq was not devoid of justice and public welfare.”(Ferishta)
• “Of all men, he most loves justice.(Ibn e Batuta)
• “He was perfect in humanities of day.”(Lane-Poole)
• “He had no understanding of human psychology.”(I.H.Qyreshi)
• "The King was freed from the people and they from the king."(Badauni)
• "His rule brought misery to the people and materially weekened the government."

{Firoz Tughluq}
• "In religious policy, Firoz was a prototype of Aurangzeb."
• "Firoz's secterianism was an orthodox answer to his predecessor's liberalism."(Ishwari

• “Delhi was, after the sack of Baghdad in 1258, perhaps the most important cultural center
in the Muslim East.” S.M.Ikram.
• “No feudal lord in Europe exercised a grates check on royal power than the nobles in
India.” I.H.Quereshi
• “Architectural activity under the sultanate commenced immediately with the
establishment of Muslim empire.” S.M.Ikram
• “Sufism is essentially a religion of love without creed or dogma.”(Davis)

• “The Mughal era has personality and ethos of its own”(Prof. Spear)
• {Babur}
• "India was likely to be an easy prey to an invader who had the strength and will to
attempt her conquest."
• “Without depriving Akbar of his well deserved greatness, it can be maintained that the
seeds of his policy were sworn by his illustrious grandfather(babur).”(Dr. Tripathi)
• “Of all the eastern conqurers, Babur was most humane.”(Abdul Qadir)
• “Babur was most brilliant Asiatic prince of his age and worthy of a high place among the
sovereigns of India.”(V.A.Smith)
• “The country of Hindustan is extensive, full of men and full of produce.”(Babur)
• “Babur is one of the most humane and interesting personalities in the history of
• “Babur was a soldier of fortune and not an architect of empire.”(Lane-Poole)

• {Humayan}
• “Thus the main recruiting ground of Mughal army was cut off.”(Lane-Poole)
• “His name means fortunate and never was an unlucky sovereign more miscalled.”(Lane-
• “His political assessments were wrong.”(Dr. Tripathi)
• “Humayun tumbled through life and tumbled out of it.”(Lane-Poole)

• {Sher Shah}
• “Sher Shah had more the spirit of the legislature and guardian of his people than any
prince before Akbar.”(William Eriskien).
• “The greatest administrative and military genious among the afghans."(Dr. Qanungo)
• “He was greates of all the Muslim kings of India”(Haig)
• “Sher Shah was on the throne of Delhi for not more than five years, but his brief reign is a
landmark in the history of the subcontinent.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “Instead of relying on the method of estimation, the method of measurement was
• “No government not even British has shown so much wisdom as this Pathan.”
• “If the Sher Shah hsd been spared, the Great Mughals would not have appeared on the
stage of history.”(Dr. Smith)

• {Akbar}
• “Akbar was the real founder of the empire of Mughaks, the first successful conqueror of
Rajput independence.”(Col. Tod)
• “The divine faith was monument of Akbar’s folly and not of his wisdom.”(V.A.Smith)
• “The greatest administrative and military genious of all the Mughals.”(Dr. Qanungo)
• “Din-i-Ilahi was not a relegion, but it was a sect.”(Abdullah Yousuf Ali)
• “It was crowning expression of Akbar’s idealism.”(Sri Ram Sharma)
• “Akbar was not only a great conqueror, but also a capable organizer and a great
• “The new Mughal state as the creation of Akbar was above race, caste and
creed.”(Ishwari Topa)
• “One of the wisest, most humane and most cultured of all the kings known to
history.”(Will Durant)
• "The revenue system of Akbar worked well and it took sufficient care of the interests of
the people."(Ishwari Parsad)
• “The Muslims were still the dominant group in the state, but it had ceased to be a Muslim
• “The primary object of Akbar in founding Din I Ilahi was to set up a national religion under
a national king.”(Col. Mellson)
• “Din I Illahi was an experiment of religious synthesis with political aim.”(S.R.Sharma)
• “When the disciple met each other, one would say “Allah-o-Akbar” and the other
responded “Jall-i-Jalalahu””(S.M.Ikram)
• “Akbar seems to have believd that his understanding of Islam was more rationl than that
of the theologian with whom he differed.”(I.H.Qureshi)

• {Shah Jahan}
• “In the reign of architecture and other forms of art, it is unquestionable that the works of
highest quality in the Mughal period belong to the reign of Shah Jahan.”
• “In Shah Jahan’s reign the Mughal Empire attained the zenith of prosperity and
• "It is in the domain of literature, art and architecture that the reign of Shah Jahan is most
• "The Central Asian adventure of Shah Jahan was nothing but an ambitious dream."

• {AurangZeb}
• “The ablest monarch that ever reigned over Hindustan.”(Omre)
• “He wanted to convert dar ul harb into dar ul Islam.”
• “A period of strong government began. Everywhere the provincial viceroys began to
assert imperial prestige.”(Sarkar)
• “There were more Hindu officers under him than any Mughal emperor.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “There was mo ban on the employment of Hindus.”(S.M.Ikram)
• Aurangzeb’s religious policies”also played some role in its disintegration.”(I.H.Qureshi)
• “Under Shah Jahan the royal patronage of cultural activities was at its zenith. Aurangzeb
completely altered the position.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “Aurangzeb is perhaps the most controversial personality of the Indo-Pak
• “Undaunted bravery, grim tenacity of purpose, and ceaseless activity were some of his
prominent qualities.”(Majumdar)
• “His dress, food and recreations were extremely simple.”(S.M.Ikram)
• “He abstained scrupulously from all food, drink or luxury forbidden by his faith.”(Will
• Iqbal has called him the first exponent of Muslim nationalism in the Indian subcontinent.
• “Even in his life time, he was known as Alamgir Zinda Pir.”(S.M.Ikram)
“According to Hindu shastras, the country was destined to fall into the hands of
Muhammdans and therefore it was useless to fight.”(Majumdar)
“The people of Hind wept for Muhamma.”(Baldhurii)
“For a long time it was held by western writers that Islam was spread by sword in
“Islam presented a striking contrast to Hinduism.” S.M.Ikram
"The conquest of Sindh was a temporary event without any effect."(V.A.Smith)
"The Arab conquest of Sind an episode in the history of Indiaand of Islam, a triumph
without result."(Lane-Poole)

"First pioneer and pathfinder of Islam in country."(V.A.Smith)

“Tamples were broken for reasons other than religion, but in times of peace, Mahmood
never demolished even single tample.”(Ishwari Parsad)
“Conquest of Somnath is one of the greatest feasts of military adventure in the history of
Islam.”(Dr. M Nazim)
“Wealth, not territory, the extirpation of idolatory and not conquest were the objects of his
raids and when these were accom[plishec, he cared nothing for the myriad people of
Indai.”(Dr. Ishwari Parsad)
“A great soldier and man of infinite courage and indefatigable energy of mind and
“Mahmud was undoubtedly one of the greatest kings of the world.”(Gibbon)
“He(Mahmud) made the work of later Muslim conqurers easy.”(S.M.Ikram)
“He maintained a large number of Hindu officers and troops.”(S.M.Ikram)
“Folly is the illness for which there is no medicine,and nindus believe that, there is no
country but theirs, jo kings like theirs, no religion like theirs and no scoience like theirs”.

“Shahab-ud-Din Ghori who exploited this situation did not find himself like Mahmud, to
military raids and glory, but laid firm foundation of the Muslim Empire in the Indo-pakistan
sub-continent.” S.M.Ikram.

“No slave bought at a price has ever become a king except among the Turks.”(author of
Nishat Nama)
“Iltutmish was, for practical puposes, the first independent muslim ruler of India”.
“it was the biggest blow(Mongols) which Muslim World ever suffered and is great dividing
line in its history”.S.M.Ikram.
“The supreme catastrophe”.
“No army more disciplined and more cruel has walked on this earth.”

”Iltitumish had only outlined the institution, it was left to Balban to regenerate and raise it
to its full stature.”(Habibullah)
“The heart of king is special repository of God’s favour and in this he had no equal among
Balban said, “All that I can do is to crush the cruelty of cruel and to see that all persons are
equal before law.”
“Balban, the slave, the water carrier, huntsman, general, statesman and sultan is one of the
most striking figures among many notable men in the long line of kings of Delhi.”(Lane-
“A great warrior, ruler and statesman, who saved the infant state from extinction at a
critical time.”(Ishwari Parsad)

"Market regulations of Alau ud Din died with him."(Dr. K.S.Lal)

Tarikh-e-warsaf “had proclaimed him(Alauddin) universally as the greatest champion of
Muhammdon religion”.
“All the prosperity and success intoxicated him.”(Barni)
“To Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji belongs the credit of organizing the Indian army on a model” Dr
“If consolidation of Muslim rule was the work of Balban, Muslim India attained cultural
maturity in the days of Ala-ud-Din khalji”. S.M.Ikram.

“M.B.Tughluq was unquestionably the ablest among the crown heads of middle ages of
India.”(Ishwari Parsad)
“A man with ideas far beyond his age.”(Lane-Poole)
“To him what seemed good must be one at once.”(Lane-Poole)
“Tighluq was most striking figure in medieval India.”(Lane-Poole)
“No ruler in India has so much discussion concerning his policy and character.”(Majumdar)
“Sultan was affected by some degree of insanity.”(Elphinstien)
“Tughluq was not devoid of justice and public welfare.”(Ferishta)
“Of all men, he most loves justice.(Ibn e Batuta)
“He was perfect in humanities of day.”(Lane-Poole)
“He had no understanding of human psychology.”(I.H.Qyreshi)
"The King was freed from the people and they from the king."(Badauni)
"His rule brought misery to the people and materially weekened the government."

"In religious policy, Firoz was a prototype of Aurangzeb."

"Firoz's secterianism was an orthodox answer to his predecessor's liberalism."(Ishwari
“Delhi was, after the sack of Baghdad in 1258, perhaps the most important cultural center
in the Muslim East.” S.M.Ikram.
“No feudal lord in Europe exercised a grates check on royal power than the nobles in India.”
“Architectural activity under the sultanate commenced immediately with the establishment
of Muslim empire.” S.M.Ikram
“Sufism is essentially a religion of love without creed or dogma.”(Davis)
“The Mughal era has personality and ethos of its own”(Prof. Spear)
"India was likely to be an easy prey to an invader who had the strength and will to attempt
her conquest."
“Without depriving Akbar of his well deserved greatness, it can be maintained that the
seeds of his policy were sworn by his illustrious grandfather(babur).”(Dr. Tripathi)
“Of all the eastern conqurers, Babur was most humane.”(Abdul Qadir)
“Babur was most brilliant Asiatic prince of his age and worthy of a high place among the
sovereigns of India.”(V.A.Smith)
“The country of Hindustan is extensive, full of men and full of produce.”(Babur)
“Babur is one of the most humane and interesting personalities in the history of
“Babur was a soldier of fortune and not an architect of empire.”(Lane-Poole)

“Thus the main recruiting ground of Mughal army was cut off.”(Lane-Poole)
“His name means fortunate and never was an unlucky sovereign more miscalled.”(Lane-
“His political assessments were wrong.”(Dr. Tripathi)
“Humayun tumbled through life and tumbled out of it.”(Lane-Poole)

“Sher Shah had more the spirit of the legislature and guardian of his people than any prince
before Akbar.”(William Eriskien).
“The greatest administrative and military genious among the afghans."(Dr. Qanungo)
“He was greates of all the Muslim kings of India”(Haig)
“Sher Shah was on the throne of Delhi for not more than five years, but his brief reign is a
landmark in the history of the subcontinent.”(S.M.Ikram)
“Instead of relying on the method of estimation, the method of measurement was
“No government not even British has shown so much wisdom as this Pathan.”
“If the Sher Shah hsd been spared, the Great Mughals would not have appeared on the
stage of history.”(Dr. Smith)

“Akbar was the real founder of the empire of Mughaks, the first successful conqueror of
Rajput independence.”(Col. Tod)
“The divine faith was monument of Akbar’s folly and not of his wisdom.”(V.A.Smith)
“The greatest administrative and military genious of all the Mughals.”(Dr. Qanungo)
“Din-i-Ilahi was not a relegion, but it was a sect.”(Abdullah Yousuf Ali)
“It was crowning expression of Akbar’s idealism.”(Sri Ram Sharma)
“Akbar was not only a great conqueror, but also a capable organizer and a great
“The new Mughal state as the creation of Akbar was above race, caste and creed.”(Ishwari
“One of the wisest, most humane and most cultured of all the kings known to history.”(Will
"The revenue system of Akbar worked well and it took sufficient care of the interests of the
people."(Ishwari Parsad)
“The Muslims were still the dominant group in the state, but it had ceased to be a Muslim
“The primary object of Akbar in founding Din I Ilahi was to set up a national religion under a
national king.”(Col. Mellson)
“Din I Illahi was an experiment of religious synthesis with political aim.”(S.R.Sharma)
“When the disciple met each other, one would say “Allah-o-Akbar” and the other
responded “Jall-i-Jalalahu””(S.M.Ikram)
“Akbar seems to have believd that his understanding of Islam was more rationl than that of
the theologian with whom he differed.”(I.H.Qureshi)

“In the reign of architecture and other forms of art, it is unquestionable that the works of
highest quality in the Mughal period belong to the reign of Shah Jahan.”
“In Shah Jahan’s reign the Mughal Empire attained the zenith of prosperity and
"It is in the domain of literature, art and architecture that the reign of Shah Jahan is most
"The Central Asian adventure of Shah Jahan was nothing but an ambitious dream."

“The ablest monarch that ever reigned over Hindustan.”(Omre)

“He wanted to convert dar ul harb into dar ul Islam.”
“A period of strong government began. Everywhere the provincial viceroys began to assert
imperial prestige.”(Sarkar)
“There were more Hindu officers under him than any Mughal emperor.”(S.M.Ikram)
“There was mo ban on the employment of Hindus.”(S.M.Ikram)
Aurangzeb’s religious policies”also played some role in its disintegration.”(I.H.Qureshi)
“Under Shah Jahan the royal patronage of cultural activities was at its zenith. Aurangzeb
completely altered the position.”(S.M.Ikram)
“Aurangzeb is perhaps the most controversial personality of the Indo-Pak
“Undaunted bravery, grim tenacity of purpose, and ceaseless activity were some of his
prominent qualities.”(Majumdar)
“His dress, food and recreations were extremely simple.”(S.M.Ikram)
“He abstained scrupulously from all food, drink or luxury forbidden by his faith.”(Will
Iqbal has called him the first exponent of Muslim nationalism in the Indian subcontinent.
“Even in his life time, he was known as Alamgir Zinda Pir.”(S.M.Ikram)

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