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Relationship Between Level of Academic Burnout and Coping Level

Among Grade 12 Students in CEIS- Makati

Balceda, Leanne Kim G.

Pajara, Janella Charisse A.

Penuela, Red M.

Tan, Rav Cheizy C.

Torres, Justy R.

Mrs. Sonia Garcia

October, 2019


This research entitled, “Relationship Between Level of Academic Burnout and Coping Level
among Grade 12 in CEIS-Makati”, prepared and submitted by Leanne Kim G. Balceda, Janella
Pajara, Red Penuela, Rav Cheizy Tan, and Justy Torres in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Senior High School-STEM Strand has been examined and recommended for acceptance
and approval for final oral examination.

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _________ on October 2019.


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Senior High School.

Regina M. Mapua


Foremost, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to Mrs. Sonia

Garcia, Practical Research II Adviser for her continuous support towards this research, for

her patience, motivation, enthusiasm and wisdom. Her guidance for the researchers really

helped improving this thesis. We are grateful for having Mrs. Sonia for being our research


Similarly, the researchers would like to thank Mr. John Samuel Rebutoc and Mr.

John Mark Closa for helping the researchers to solve the statistical treatment. Their

patience in us and passion in mathematics helped the researchers to determine the results

for this thesis.

Additionally, the researchers would like to give thanks to the participants and the

panel for participating in this research. Without them, the researchers would not be able to

correlate the variables and determine the results. Additionally, without the questions and

comments of the panel, this research would not be successful.

Also, the researchers would like to offer they’re thanks to Centro Escolar Integrated

School - Makati for the foundation of our knowledge on our Senior High School years.

Without this school, the researchers would not have the preparation and knowledge for this

coming college.

Lastly, the researchers would like to give honor and gratitude to God for this work,

for his power, and wisdom to help the researchers finish this research. To God be the Glory!


The researchers dedicate this study for those students who are experiencing

academic burnout. Stress, depression and anxiety are currently common issues; hence, it is

important to know what “academic burnout” is and how to cope up with a certain burnout.

Although it is normal to go through obstacles in life, learning what coping style and

applying it would be a big help to attain success.

Lastly, the researchers would also like to dedicate this study to the teachers. This

will them to be aware of what level of academic burnout their students are acquiring and

to understand them whenever they experience burnout. Moreover, this may also serve as

their guide to help them in their endeavors.

Table of Contents

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables vii

Abstract 1


Background of the Study 2

Statement of the Problem 6

Hypothesis 6

Scope and Delimitation 8

Significance of the Study 9

Definitions of Terms 10


Related Literature

Academic Burnout 13


Coping Level and Burnout Level

Related Studies

Synthesis 19

Theoretical Framework 7

Conceptual Framework 7


Research Design 21

Context and Participants 22

Instrumentation 22

Data Procedure 23

Data Analysis 25


Table 1. Levels of Academic Burnout of Grade 12 Students of

CEIS-Makati SY 2019-2020.

Table 2. Levels of Coping of Grade 12 Students of

CEIS-Makati SY 2019-2020.

Table 3. Relationship between Levels of Academic Burnout and

levels of Coping among Grade 12 Students of CEIS-Makati
SY 2019-2020.


Summary 31
Conclusion 32
Recommendations 33
Appendix A

Bibliography 35

Appendix B
Letters 37
Survey 39
Raw Data 41
Appendix C
Curriculum Vitae 56

List of Tables


Table 1. Student Adjustment Needs 26

Table 2. Academic Burnout 29

Table 3. Significant Relationship on the Student Adjustment 30

Needs to the Academic Burnout.



Students dealing with constant pressure and tension academically results to emotional

exhaustion and less motivation in school that conceivably lead to burnout. The researcher

aims to help students in determining their coping level that could be an aid to decrease the

levels of academic burnout. The study is only limited on the levels and how the variables

correlate with each other. The correlational study determines the academic burnout and

coping levels using “Student School Burnout Inventory” by Christina Maslach and Susan

E. Jackson and “Coping Inventory Style” with a total of 175 respondents from CEIS-

Makati. With the use of Pearson’s R formula the researchers came up with a result that

there is a negligible correlation between the two variables. Furthermore, This research

could be a source to formulate coping strategies thus a basis to decrease student academic





This chapter divides its discussion on determining the correlation of the academic

burnout and levels of coping. It aims to correlate the relationship of the levels of academic

burnout and the levels of coping among Grade 12 students of Centro Escolar Integrated

School Makati in S.Y. 2019-2020. As this chapter discusses the study, it is divided into the

following sections: background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and

delimitations, and significance of the study.

Background of the Study

Students are the essential part of institutes thus the progress of institutes depends on

them; similarly, they mainly contribute to the prosperity of the country. But recently,

students are suffering from many problems in their institutes, due to the burden of work

and technological changes they are getting stressed and which unfortunately leads to

burnout. It is explained by Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen, and Nurmi (2009) that burnout

is a continuous phenomenon of stress. Meanwhile Fradelos, et al., (2014) defined burnout

as a physical, emotional and psychological disorder and illness that can occur when work

is psychologically very challenging and also requires continuing efforts, participation,

and contribution from a particular person. According to the study of Friedman (2017)

there is a positive association existed between academic performance and academic


burnout. It specified that overachievers are prone to burnout, because they always seek

ways to improve their performance.

According to Farajpour, Ashkezari and Shaye (2018) Burnout refers to a state of

mental and emotional fatigue resulted from chronic stress syndrome, high pressure from

role and time limits, and a lack of necessary resources to carry out the responsibilities.

The concept of burnout was proposed by Fredenberger for the first time in the early 1970s.

In the beginning, burnout was paid attention in professional interaction among individuals

with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships among demanders and suppliers.

Nowadays, burnout variable has expanded to other situations including educational

situations which is called academic burnout. Burnout is the main inevitable consequence

of stress. As what stated by Daphne Norez (2017) burnout is unavoidable and should be

treated seriously when a student seeks help due to serious academic and mental issues.

Thus, it is a physical, emotional and psychological disorders and an illness that

contributes to decrease motivation (Zhang, Klassen, & Wang, 2013). This said issue is

common to students throughout the years and negatively contributes to a student’s safety

and health without proper self-care. In accordance with Mohammad Hossein Khani,

Mohsen Mohammadi, Fateme Anvari, and Mahbube Farsi (2017) adolescents tend to

experience high academic burnout when their parents and their teachers have high

expectations for them and because of this, students mostly spend their time studying. In

this framework, this burnout can be a factor of depression and anxiety that’s why most

adolescents encounter these kinds of psychological issues.

On the other hand, the word “coping” has been used to denote the way of dealing

with the stress or burnout to master the conditions of harm, threat or challenge when routine

or automatic response is not readily available (Park & Adler, 2003). Coping focuses mainly

on how an individual is able to modify their coping style on how they cope up with

situations (Heffer, 2017). Also, the level of coping varies from one person to another.

According to Dioneda and Ligutan (2012), coping can be affected by the relationships of

an individual to others and its environment. This can mean that an introverted individual

has a different coping from an extrovert. It represents that an individual is able to create

their own coping due to the circumstances they had encountered. Millennials commonly

experience depression or anxiety. As what was tackled on the previous literature, burnout

can simply be a factor of those issues. On the other hand, coping is a way of handling

different problems of current situation. It was proven by Ahmad, Al-Gamal and Alzayyat

(2017) that coping is an effective action to handle certain problem.

Human beings are complex beings living complex lives in which people are not

always able to cope up with the difficulties that are faced. As a result, people are subject to

feelings of tension and stress that could possibly lead to burnout. However, some students

can cope up academically. Centro Escolar Integrated School (CEIS) – Makati is an

academic institution that facilitates senior highschool. In the case of this investigation, the

researchers opted to focus on Grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management (ABM)

and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students.

Senior High School Curriculum aims to equip the students with essential skills and

knowledge for a better and successful future. However, students are emotionally

exhausted and less motivated in school. This is supported by a study of Yang (2004)

students display a state of emotional exhaustion, a tendency to depersonalization, and

feelings of low personal accomplishment due to stress, course load or other psychological

factors, Thus became the reason the researchers came up to perceive if CEIS-Students

experience academic burnout and identify the levels of coping of the respondents that

may serve as a helping tool to decrease levels of academic burnout.

Statement of the Problem

This research seeks to determine the levels of academic burnout and the

levels of coping among Grade 12 students in Centro Escolar Integrated School -

Makati in the school year of 2019 – 2020.

The researchers will be guided by the following specific questions:

1.2.1 What is the level of academic burnout according to the highest frequency of

the respondents?

1.2.2. What is the level of coping according to the highest frequency of the

respondents ?

1.2.3. Is there a correlation between levels of academic burnout and levels of

coping of the respondents?


Ho: There is no significant correlation between the levels of academic burnout and
levels of coping.

Significance of the Study

The researchers attempt to make this study beneficial to the following:

Parents and Guardians 1. The study aims to help the parents to be knowledgeable of

their child's academic burnout and coping levels. The research will help parents to

empathize with their children’s situation in school.

Educators 2. The study aims to help educators to identify whether the students are

experiencing academic burnout. By doing so, They will be aware of their students’

well-being and guide them in their academic endeavors.

Students 3. The study aims to raise awareness to the students of their level of

academic burnout and level of coping.

Researchers 4. The study will help the researchers to complete their partial

requirement in Practical Research II.

Future Researchers 5. The study may serve as a literature or reference that supports

other researchers in enhancing and innovating studies related to the topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The respondents of the study will only be coming from grade 12 students of

Centro Escolar Integrated School – Makati mainly composed of 175 respondents. The

study aims to know the highest frequency of the level of academic burnout and the

highest frequency of the coping level, as well. Moreover, the study also aims to

determine the correlation between levels of academic burnout and coping levels while

the research limits to the other factors affecting the two variables. This paper only

focuses on the levels and how the variables correlate with each other. Thus, the

respondents are highly encouraged to answer the given questions truthfully.

Definition of Terms

The researchers mentioned and defined the important terms that are found in the

study. The following terms are provided with operational and contextual definitions:

Academic Burnout. Is the difficulty in committing to a task at hand, feel detached,

dissatisfied of their work, and are less productive (Leiter & Maslach, 2003). In this

study, it refers to the incapability to do a given task combined with stress to achieve

an accomplishment or goal.

Academic Burnout Level. A degree in which a student experiencing burnout have

difficulty committing to the task at hand, feel detached and dissatisfied with their work,

and are less productive (Leiter & Maslach, 2003)

Coping. To deal successfully with a difficult situation. It has been used in the study to

denote the way of dealing with stress or effort to master conditions of harm, threat, or

challenge when a routine or automatic response is not readily available. (Park & Adler,


Coping Level. An extent to which an individual can adapt as an important construct

in understanding how they react to the extensive stressors and adjustments they

experience. (Garcia, 2010).




Academic Burnout

According to Farajpour, Ashkezari and Shaye (2018) Burnout refers to a state of

mental and emotional fatigue resulted from chronic stress syndrome, high pressure from

role and time limits, and a lack of necessary resources to carry out the responsibilities.

The concept of burnout was proposed by Fredenberger for the first time in the early

1970s. In the beginning, burnout was paid attention in professional interaction among

individuals with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships among demanders and

suppliers. Nowadays, burnout variable has expanded to other situations including

educational situations which is called academic burnout. Burnout is the main inevitable

consequence of stress.

As what stated by Daphne Norez (2017) burnout is unavoidable and should

be treated seriously when a student seeks help due to serious academic and mental issues.

Thus, it is a physical, emotional and psychological disorders and an illness that

contributes to decrease motivation (Zhang, Klassen, & Wang, 2013). This said issue is

common to students throughout the years and negatively contributes to a student’s safety

and health without proper self-care. As studied by Schaufeli et al. (2002) student burnout

refers to exhaustion due to study demands, attaining a cynical and detached attitude

toward study, and feeling incompetent as a student. In this context, academic burnout

also causes absenteeism, low motivation, and relatively high dropout rates. In accordance

with Mohammad Hossein Khani, Mohsen Mohammadi, Fateme Anvari, and Mahbube

Farsi (2017) adolescents tend to experience high academic burnout when their parents and

their teachers have high expectations for them and because of this, students mostly spend

their time studying. In this framework, this burnout can be a factor of depression and

anxiety that’s why most adolescents encounter these kinds of psychological issues.

When a student experience high levels of depression, he/she can possibly have high

academic burnout (Aliyeva, 2018). Moreover, students with high performing grades

appear to experience higher levels of academic burnout than those with low performing

grades and that they need more relaxation (Jabeen, Samia & Khan, Mahmood, 2013).

In addition to this, Rosen, Gimotty, Shea, & Bellini ( 2006) stated that academic burnout

has increased incidences of sleep disturbance and fatigue and metabolic syndrome.

In this extent, the longitudinal study conducted by Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, and Nurmi

(2008), with 773 participants composed of 297 girls and 314 boys, resulted that senior

high school taking academic track appear to experience more exhaustion than those

taking vocational track. On this matter, girls assume to have the three components of

burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and professional inefficacy).


Coping focuses mainly on how an individual is able to modify their coping

style on how they cope up with situations (Heffer, 2017). Also, the level of coping varies

from one person to another. According to Dioneda and Ligutan (2012), coping can be

affected by the relationships of an individual to others and its environment. This can mean

that an introverted individual has a different coping from an extrovert. It represents that

an individual is able to create their own coping due to the circumstances they had

encountered. Millennials commonly experience depression or anxiety. As what was

tackled on the previous literature, burnout can simply be a factor of those issues. On the

other hand, coping is a way of handling different problems of current situation. It was

proven by Ahmad, Al-Gamal and Alzayyat (2017) that coping is an effective action to

handle certain problem.

Coping levels and burnout level

The word “coping” has been used to denote the way of dealing with the stress

or burnout to master the conditions of harm, threat or challenge when routine or automatic

response is not readily available (Park & Adler, 2003). Coping strategies or style are

classified into three main categories: 1) Appraisal Focused Coping Strategies, this occurs

when an individual modifies the way they perceive or think. 2) Problem Focused

Strategies, these are efforts to do something to ease the stressful circumstances. 3)

Emotion Focused Strategies, these involves realizing emotions, distracting oneself. In

addition to this, this includes to regulate the emotional consequences of stressful or

potential stressful events (Moos and Billings, 1982). On the other hand, stages or levels

of burnout are classified into 5 categories namely Honeymoon phase, Onset of stress,

Chronic Stress, Burnout, and Habitual Burnout (Calmer Blog, 2019). Honeymoon Phase

occur when an individual may experience predicted stresses of the job. Second stage of

burnout is Onset of stress, these affects the physical, mental and emotional aspect of an

individual, this is also the decrease of optimism. The third stage of burnout is the Chronic

stress, this occurs when an individual may experience stress frequently. In addition, a

person may experience intense symptoms of the first two levels or stage. Fourth stage of

burnout is the burnout itself. This is where symptoms become critical and needs

intervention. The stage or level of burnout is Habitual burnout, this means that the

symptoms of burnout are embedded in one’s life and experience significant physical,

emotional problem.

Related Studies

According to the study by Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen, and Nurmi (2009),

school-related burnout is described as being composed of exhaustion due to school

demands, cynical and detached attitudes toward school, and feelings of inadequacy as a

student. The author described burnout as a continuous phenomenon of academic stress to

major burnout. This study was conducted with a total of 1418 participants (709 girls, 709

boys) from 13 post-comprehensive schools (6 upper secondary high schools; 7 vocational

schools), the mean age of participants was 16 years (SD = 1.73). The results indicate that

those experiencing burnout have higher rates of absenteeism and turnover. They are prone

to feelings of failure and depression. Depression was associated with all three factors of

school burnout. Lower academic achievement and lower school engagement encouraged

more cynicism toward school and a sense of inadequacy. However, this study did not

conclude the specific causes of academic burnout.


Furthermore, “Academic burnout and eating disorders among students in Monash

University Malaysia” by Tommy, Chen & Thoo. (2016), revealed that 17.4% of the

university students in Monash University, Malaysia, suffered moderate level of academic

burnout while 73.5% suffered a high level of academic burnout. Students who

encountered difficulties in challenges to adapting environment were more likely to be

vulnerable to academic burnout. In addition to this, academic obstacles had a significant,

positive, strong relationship with academic burnout (Friedman, 2014). It is supported by

the previous researcher, Salanova et al. (2010), that academic obstacles were positively

and strongly associated with academic burnout, arguing that the more obstacles perceived,

the more burnout students suffer. Students who are confronted with many obstacles in

their degrees, such as meeting deadlines, running from class to class, making hard

decisions, and dealing with crisis situations experience higher levels of burnout (Van der

Merwe & Rothmann, 2003). However, this study did not include the possible solution to

academic burnout.

Moreover, in regard to the study of Umesh, A.M. and Jebaseelan, S. (2014),

pertaining to the academic achievement of students it's found that about 44.4% of the

students are in the average level. From the Karl Pearson Coefficient of Correlation test,

there was a connection between the coping and academic achievement of students. These

connections may be due to factors, such as the school environment and family

relationships, in deciding the style of students in managing their academics. The factors

that affect the coping can be either a positive or negative effect, depending on how it

would be handled. To summarize, burnout is a factor of coping, where coping is a solution

to academic burnout.


Burnout worsens a condition of a person through making the person be torpid. It

refers to the exhaustion or frustration a person feel that leads to the lack of motivation

to do something. Thus, according to Cumberledge (2018) academic burnout is about the

effects of extreme stress on students, commonly on students who receives high

expectations, pressure from the midterms or finals, and disregards proper self-care. In

accordance with that, academic burnout is usually caused by the difficulties experienced

by a student towards the school related things (Kiuru, Leskinen, Nurmi, & Salmela-Aro,

2009). It means that the students that feels pressured by the turn-out of events are prone

to academic burnout. In addition, students have a hard time adapting to their

environment are likely to encounter burnout. Burnout is denoted as the loss of meaning

in one's work. It is also associated with mental, emotional, or physical exhaustion as the

result of long-term, unresolved stress. Symptoms of it may include such as low in

productivity of work, depleted energy levels, and detachment of work. Thus, students

that experience burnout have low resolve in doing certain tasks given by the school.

Also, as said by Aliyeva (2018) depression and anxiety are factors that can lead to

burnout, whereas students with high level of depression and high performing grades

tend to have academic burnout, rather than the other students. It is due to the reason that

they do not give themselves much time to relax. A person in such condition must be

given proper treatment to avoid further result in being disincentive. It is provided by

Ahmad, Al-Gamal, and Alzayyat (2017) that the use of coping is effective. Therefore,

coping can be used to treat academic burnout, because coping deals with creating the

proper behavior used in order to overbear a problem, avoiding further encounter on the

said trouble. Although coping was proven to be an effective way to solve academic

burnout, there are still factors that could affect the significance of the variables. In

addition, from the study of Abril, Demarzo, Gascon, Marin, and Campayo (2014)

different coping are associated with diverse burnout subtypes. Thus, there are factors

that can affect coping.

Theoretical Framework

The Multidimensional Theory of Burnout by Christina Maslach (1998)

conceptualizes burnout in terms of three core components: emotional exhaustion,

depersonalization and self-inefficacy. This theory states that burnout in an individual

stress experience. The empirical research on contributing factors have found that

situational variables are more strongly predictive of burnout than the personal ones. It is

added that in terms of impaired physical and mental health, burnout is also linked to

personal dysfunction. Studies often find correlation between burnout and coping styles.

However, it is often presumed that burnout participates negative effects in terms of mental

health. Another possibility is that people who are mentally healthy are often better to cope

with stress and thus less likely to experience burnout.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Conceptual Diagram

Figure 1 summarizes the key concepts overriding this study about the levels of

academic burnout and levels of coping of grade 12 students of Centro Escolar Integrated

School - Makati in the school year 2019 – 2020. This research starts with the concept of

Academic Burnout which is defined as three-dimensional syndrome which includes

emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and proficiency efficacy (Cumberledge, 2019). This type

of burnout can negatively impact students’ overall well-being if the proper self-care is not

conducted. As a result of academic burnout, this study includes three levels: low, moderate,

and high. In other words, levels of academic burnout is the variable that can explain the

association between academic burnout and coping of the students.

Figure 1



This chapter discusses the methods and procedures involved in order to effectively

conduct the study entitled “Relationship Between Level of Academic Burnout and Coping

Level of Grade 12 Students in CEIS-Makati”.

Research Design

This study intends to describe the relationship regarding the levels of academic

burnout and coping of 175 senior high school students. Descriptive correlation research

design is used to describe what are the levels of academic burnout and coping and to

measures two variables and assesses statistical relationship between them. Moreover, this

study also utilizes inferential statistics that includes Pearson-R to determine the correlation

of academic burnout and coping levels. Therefore, this study is a descriptive correlational


Context and Participants

The respondents of the study are from grade 12 students in CEIS-Makato S.Y.

2019-2020. The researchers used a sampling technique and used Slovin’s formula. As a

result, the questionnaires were distributed to the 175 students.



The researchers have used a survey-questionnaire to serve as the instrument of data

collection for the study. It consists of close-ended modified questions split mainly two

parts, the first of which is the “Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey” by (Schaufeli,

Salanova, et al., 2002) to measure academic burnout. Respondents were instructed to rate

each academic burnout according to a scale of 1-5 that indicates the level of academic

burnout each respondent acquire. The second portion of the questionnaire is named,

“Coping Inventory Style” by Ying Ming Lin and Farn Shing Chen (2010) which consists

of 28 questions to measure the coping level of the respondents. Respondents were also

instructed to rate each coping according to a scale of 1-4 which indicates the frequency on

what an individual practice, however the researchers did not use the coping styles given

and focused only on the levels of coping from the results.

Data-gathering Procedure

The researchers allotted vigorous time in finding the questionnaire.

I. Preparation

Researchers gathered data through the use of reference materials, literature,

and other studies that are relevant to the study. The researchers then find for a

survey-questionnaire with the appropriate questions under the supervision of

their research adviser.

II. Validation

The methodology, sampling procedure, and instrumentation of the study

were proposed to and approved by their research adviser.

III. Administration

The researchers asked for the consent of the respondents before conducting

the survey. They facilitated the dissemination of their survey sheets to the

selected respondents and assisted the respondents if there are questions

regarding the questionnaire. The participants were given ample time to answer

the forms before collecting the answered surveys.

Data Analysis

Treatment Verbal Interpretation


n = no. of samples

N = total population

e = error margin / margin of error


Slovin’s Formula represents the

appropriate sample size of a population.

X = Mean of X variable
Y = Mean of Y variable

Pearson-R’s Formula is a statistical

technique. that measures the strength, direction

and probability of the linear association between

two interval or ratio variables. It is used to

determine whether there is a relationship between

the burnout levels and coping levels; whether they

share variance (covary), if the relationship is

positive or negative, and the degree to which they




This research revolves around the academic burnout and coping levels of Grade 12

of CEIS-Makati in the school year 2019-2020. This chapter contains the discourse on the

findings of the study in order to elaborate on implications and interpretations derived from

the collected data. Data are summarized and presented using table of mean and standard

deviation for the and correlation.

Table 1. Levels of Academic Burnout of Grade 12 Students of CEIS-Makati SY 2019-


Frequency Mean

Low 2 1.97

Moderate 73 3.21

High 100 4.19

Total 175

Mean scaling: 1-2.33 means low level, mean score within the range of 2.34-3.67 is

moderate and mean score of 3.68-5 is high level of coping.


The first problem in this study dealt with the levels of academic burnout among the

students. As a result, it can be gleaned from Table 1 that the levels of academic burnout

and their frequencies 100 of 175 respondents show a high level of academic burnout having

a mean score of 4.19, followed by 73 of 175 respondents with moderate level of academic

burnout with a mean of 3.21. A total of 2 respondents have a low level of academic burnout

with a mean score of 1.97. It shows that most of the respondents experience high level of

academic burnout while the least number of the respondents experience low level of

academic burnout. Therefore, most of the students from Grade 12 experience a high level

of academic burnout.

Table 2. Levels of Coping of Grade 12 Students of CEIS-Makati SY 2019-2020.

Frequency Mean

Low 4 1.96

Moderate 161 2.56

High 10 3.15

Total 175

Mean scaling: 1-2 means low level, mean score within the range of 2.1-3 is moderate and

mean score of 3.1-4 is high level of coping.

The second problem dealt with the levels of coping of Grade 12 students. Table 2

presents the levels of coping and the frequencies. 161 of 175 respondents have a moderate

level of coping who scored 2.56, followed by 10 of 175 respondents with high level of

coping with the score of 3.15. A total of 4 respondents have a low level of coping with a

score of 1.96. It shows that most of the respondents experience moderate level of coping

while least of the respondents experience low level of coping.

Table 3. Relationship between Levels of Academic Burnout and levels of Coping among

Grade 12 Students of CEIS-Makati SY 2019-2020.

Levels of Academic

Levels of Coping Low Moderate High

Low 0.407 0.088 -0.002

Moderate -0.017 0.011 0.049

High -0.057 0.024 0.012

The third problem tackles the relationship among the levels of academic burnout

and the levels of coping of the respondents. In this research, the researchers used Pearson

- R to determine the correlation between the respondent’s academic burnout and levels of

coping. Table number 3 illustrates the R- value interpretation of each correlation levels. In

this table, the relationship between low level of academic burnout and low level of coping

is 0.407 this means that there is weak correlation between both levels. On the other hand,

the relationship between low level academic burnout and moderate level of coping is -

0.017 which means that there is no associated correlation. Then, the relationship between

low level of academic burnout and high level of coping is -0.057 this means that the

correlation between both levels is no association. Moreover, the relationship between

moderate level of academic burnout and low-level coping is 0.088 this means that the

correlation between the two variables is no association. In addition to this, the relationship

between moderate level of academic burnout and moderate level of coping is 0.011 this

means that the correlation between both variables is no association. Additionally, the

relationship between moderate level of academic burnout and high level of coping is 0.024

this means that the correlation is no association between both variables. The level of high

academic burnout and low level of coping is -0.002 which means that there is no

association. On the other hand, the relationship high level of academic burnout and

moderate level of coping is 0.049 this means that there is no association between two

variables. Lastly, the relationship between a high level of academic burnout and high level

of coping is 0.012 this means that the correlation between the two variables is no


Mean SD Pearson-R N

Burnout 3.76 0.60 -0.037 175

Coping 2.58 0.27 175

The overall results showed that academic burnout has a mean of 3.76 with a

standard deviation of 0.60. This means most students have a moderate level of burnout.

Meanwhile, coping has a mean of 2.58 with a standard deviation of 0.27, meaning most

students have a moderate level of academic burnout. The computed correlation is -0.037.

Therefore, there is a negligible correlation between the levels of academic burnout and

levels of coping among the respondents. The correlation is too weak to be considered. The

levels of academic burnout have nothing to do with the levels of coping.




This chapter presents a summary of the study, and discusses the findings and

conclusions that were drawn based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter, along with

corresponding recommendations. The study was conducted with the general objective of

determining the correlation of academic burnout and coping levels of Grade 12 students in



The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the level of

academic burnout coping level of grade 12 students, whether students are able to cope

effectively with their academic burnout level. the researchers seek to find the level of

academic burnout of the respondents, the level of coping and the correlation between levels

of academic burnout and levels of coping in terms of low, moderate and high.

An inventory of Academic burnout and coping was used for the 175 Grade 12

students of CEIS-Makati who were eligible for and willingly answered the questionnaire

for this study, the range of responses were gathered and evaluated to determine the

academic burnout level and coping. It includes the levels of academic burnout acquired by

the respondents in terms of: low, moderate and high, using “Student School Burnout

Inventory” by Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson, as well as the levels of coping

acquired by the respondents in terms of: low, moderate and high administered by the

“Coping Inventory Style”. Statistical analysis was carried out with Microsoft Excel.

The results that indicate in general, grade 12 students of Centro Escolar Integrated

school experience high level of academic burnout and a moderate level of coping with a

negligible correlation between the levels of burnout and levels of coping among the



This research determines the correlation between academic burnout and coping

levels of Students in CEIS - Makati. Based on the analysis, interpretation and results of this

research the following conclusion is presented.

1.) The results showed that most of the respondents of this study experienced

high level of Academic Burnout while least of the respondents shows low

levels of Academic Burnout.

2.) As based on the result, students have a high level of academic burnout and

moderate level of coping.

3.) Using the Pearson-R, the result showed that there is a negligible correlation

between levels of academic burnout and coping level. The correlation is too

weak to be considered. The levels of academic burnout have nothing to do

with the levels of coping.



The researchers suggest the following recommendations from their conclusions of the

study to the following:

Students. Students may use this study as a guide in coping up with academic

burnout. They may use the result in order to see if they are experiencing academic burnout

and how good they are in coping up. In addition, they are also encouraged to tailor their

own coping to personal factors.

Teachers. Teachers inspire and encourage their students on how to cope up with

academic burnout. They may help to minimize its level by providing support and

motivation to their students.

Parents. It will help the parents to know if their child experienced academic

burnout. They may help their child who likely experience academic burnout to spend time

with them and leisure activities that reduces burnout.

School Counselors. School counselor plays a significant role in helping students

mediate conflicts in school. They may the students in coping with academic burnout in

partnership with the teachers. In addition, They can provide education to the parents about

academic burnout.

Other researchers. This study can be used by other researchers to enhance their

study. They may also research about other coping styles of students. It will help other

students improve their coping with academic burnout. Further research may also examine

the effects of coping on students’ academic burnout.



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