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Hey You !! Welcome to “ My Home My Products” section of Smart Secretzz!!

Since childhood I always love making my own Homemade soaps , Homemade shampoos, Homemade
shaving cream , Homemdae cloth detergent , Homemade dish wash powder and few other homemade
provisions as it makes me feel I am devoid of all chemicals and industrial agents which is used in those
products that toss my skin, hair and health of my family . Also You will be surprised to see how your
living expenses is coming down because of experimenting all products of this section. It this section you
can find an ocean of products which is feather lite easy to make yourself and you sure will get a
satisfactory feel that the products your kids and your family use day in day out are 100%
unadulterated .

So I told homemade…….. I am gonna give you list of ingredients…….. Anyways its gonna cost a little….
then how come I am saying its gonna cut down your living expense….. Thats exactly my point. I am being
thought to make homemade products out of good waste For eg : orange peel , lemon peel , papaya
seeds Pomogranate peel , Mint stem , Coriander stem . Anyways after eating those fruits / Herbs you
are gonna through them away isnt it? Hence I wil brand them as free of cost raw materials .. Fair call?
Ok also I have few low cost ingredients too to do the magical trick but overall you wil enjoy using all my
homemade products . Before digging into this section promise me to leave a comment on the most
enjoyed homemade product!! I would luv to know that !!

Enjoy hands on !! Enjoy Smarting!!!

Homemade DIY Dishwash or Utensils washing Powder with Crystal Clear Cleaning ; Elegant Fragrance
and Natural Foam


1. Lemon peel
2. Orange peel
3. Mozambhi ( Sathukudi ) peel
4. Mint leaves / Stem
5. Soap nut ( It’s a herb not soap)
6. Sikakai pads

Looks like funny ingredients put together ? Watch it turning smart you smartiee!!! .

I am gonna impress you with lot of pics and few crux of instructions to make your magical dishwash
powder . To help you I have mentioned one month quantity. Means if you allocate 30 minutes per
month you can clean your untensils devoid of chemical and all industrial powders. Lets smart in!! I
request everyon ei meet to not use industrial bars or liquids sinc ethe thin white flim they leave after
washing vessel will cause health issues esspecially on children tak care

Soap nuts to be dried and grinded

This is one of the very few low cost ingredient I mentioned in My Home My products section .

we are gonna use this in Home made shampoo , homemade furniture cleaner , Home made floor
cleaner , Home made shaving cream . So you better buy in good quantity in one go to avoid all transport
charges !!! Smartieee move :DDDDD

You can find low cost hIgh quality deals of soap nuts here .

Lemon orange mozambhi peel to be dried and grinded together/ separately. Any one citrus feel also is
enough .

Sikaki pads to be dried and grinded I always prefer using sikakai pads since sikakai powder will be
adelterated with many other ingredients.

Mint leave and stems to be dried and grinded. Just stems will also do gud

Mix it all . Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa Your dish wash powder is ready

The easy way of abov ereceipe is just use sikakai any one peel (Orange/lemon) . you wil not get foam but
dun worry about it the vessels will be cryatl clean without white line as it would it your usual wa\]\\

I always love g

So now You got your homemade dish wash powder right? You have gotta give a name to it right ?
Ofcoarse its your product…….. your handmade… your handmade precious product…..

Come on give a name to it and share with us in the comment below:

Am so excited to know the same.. Surprise me :DDDDDDDD

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