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Finance THESIS (MBA)

S.No. Student Name TOPIC Year Call No. Status Supervisor

Sheher Bano The Impact of bilateral exchange rate volatility on
1 2014 FIN-A Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
(0116) Pakistan trade with asian countries

Impact of macro economic variables on stock return:

2 Hassan Farooq (359) 2014 FIN-B Available Mirza Amin ul Haq
empirical evidence from Pakistan

The causal relationship of domestic, foreign and

Muhammad Fahad Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
3 national savings on GDP: empirical evidence from 2015 FIN-01
Muhammad Ibrahim Impact of working capital management on profitability Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
4 2015 FIN-02
Khan in automobile sector of Pakistan.
Bank's specific factors and bank's asset quality during Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
5 Nida Fatima 2015 FIN-03
banking industry consolidation.
The impact of US macroeconomic indicators on stock Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
6 Ammad Ullah Khan 2015 FIN-04
prices-a study of Karachi stock exchange.
Macroeconomics factors of exchange rate volatility: an Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
7 Naveed Ahmed Kidwai 2015 FIN-05
evidence from south Asian economies.
Attitude and behavior in every day finance: evidence Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
8 Muhammad Hammad 2015 FIN-06
from Karachi stock exchange.
Impact of selected banks specific financial ratios on Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
9 Sarah Ashraf 2015 FIN-07
profit potential of commercial banks in Pakistan.
Impact of capital structure on firm's performance in Available Mirza Amin ul Haq
10 Tooba Furqan 2015 FIN-08
food sector of Pakistan.

11 Faiza Sajjad Impact of oil prices on stock markets of Pakistan. 2015 FIN-09 Available Dr. Naveed R Khan

A camel model financial performance analysis of Available Mirza Amin ul Haq

12 Basharat Ali 2015 FIN-10
commercial banks in Pakistan.
Muhammad Usama Inflation and banks profitability empirical evidence Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
13 2015 FIN-11
Nasir from Pakistan.
Has privatization of state-owned enterprises in Pakistan Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
14 Abdul Samad Mufti 2015 FIN-12
led to improved performance?
Impact of macroeconomic factors on economic growth: Available Dr. Naveed R Khan
15 Adeel Alvi 2015 FIN-13
empirical evidence from Pakistan.
Factors affecting banks Profitability: Evidence from Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
16 Malik Imran Zaheer 2015 FIN-14
Pakistan' banking industry.

Madiha Ahmed Effects of monetary policy shocks on macroeconomics Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
17 2015 FIN-15
Siddiqui aggregates: Evidence from Pakistan.

18 Shoaib Ali Hashmi Performance analysis: islamic vs conventional Banks. 2015 FIN-16 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Islamic vs conventional bank-post crisis performance Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

19 Talha Ramzan 2015 FIN-17
The impact of fiscal policy on economic growth-an Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
20 Humera Nadeem 2015 FIN-18
evidence from Pakistan.
Determinants of capital structure in cement sector of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
21 Orangzaib Anwar 2015 FIN-19

The factors which influence dividend decisions of non- Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
22 Kaleem Ullah 2015 FIN-20
financial firms listed on karadchi stock exchange.

Determinants of financial distress: evidence from Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

23 Obaid Gulraiz 2015 FIN-21
banking industry of Pakistan.
Impact of inventory on financial performance of cement Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
24 M. Faizan Qureshi 2015 FIN-22
industry in Pakistan.
Impcat of Pakistan's financial development on its Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
25 Masroor Saeed Khan 2015 FIN-23
economic growth.
The role of islamic banking in economic growth of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
26 M. Talha Qaiser 2015 FIN-24

27 Musarrat Rukhsar Effect of exchange rate volatility on trade openness. 2015 FIN-25 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Comparative analysis of performance of islamic and Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
28 Faiq najam 2015 FIN-26
conventional mutual funds using CAPM.
Empirical study of detrminant of dividend payout ratio Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
29 Mehwish Raqeeb 2015 FIN-27
in textile industry of Pakistan.

30 Farhan Ahmed Impact of microfinance on protfolio volatility. 2015 FIN-28 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Determinants of non performing loans: an empirical Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

31 Syed Pervaiz Javed 2015 FIN-29
evidence from Pakistani banking sector.

32 Umair Tariq Determinants of leverage: A case of cement sector. 2015 FIN-30 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

A comparative analysis of islamic and conventional Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

33 Zain Rattani 2015 FIN-31
banks in Pakistan by using data envelopment analysis.

Muhammad Arif A Comparative Analysis of Pre-Merger and Post- Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
34 2015 FIN-32
Sheikh Merger on Corporate Performance in Pakistan.
Role of foreign direct investment in stock market Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
35 Faris Uddin Fakhri 2015 FIN-33
development of Pakistan.
Empirical analysis of macroeconomic factors Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
36 Neera Kolachi 2015 FIN-34
determining FDI inflows in Pakistan.
Impact of domestic and international macroeconomic Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
37 Fahad ul Haq 2015 FIN-35
indicators on stock markets.
Capital structure and financial performance: an Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
38 M. Saad Khan 2015 FIN-36
evidence from Oil & Gas sector of Pakistan.
Factors effecting audit fees-A case of pakistani Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
39 Rehan uddin faridi 2015 FIN-37

40 M. Nabeel Farooqui Effect of Non-interest income on bank risk and return. 2015 FIN-38 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Impact of external debt on private investment and

41 Anum Qazi economic development: empirical evidence from 2015 FIN-39 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Impact of Remittance on economic growth of Sub- Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
42 Atiq Hanif 2015 FIN-40
Continentals countries.
Dividend Initiation Announcements and its effect on Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
43 Mazna Abrar 2015 FIN-41
Cumulative Abnormal Returns (car).
Future Earnings Growth; effect of dividend payout and Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
44 Asmara khan 2015 FIN-42
firm size.
The imapct of GDP,investment and consumption on Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
45 Ayesha Khan 2015 FIN-43
stock prices evidence from south asian countries.
Dynamic Effects of Trade and Output on the Trade Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
46 Ali Anjum Rasheed 2015 FIN-44
Growth Nexus: Evidence From Pakistan.

Did global financial crisis affect financial performance? Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
47 Waqas Ata ur Rehman 2015 FIN-45
evidence from construction industry of Pakistan.

Impact of investment in infrastructure development on Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

48 Rehana Habib 2015 FIN-46
GDP an evidence from south Asian countries.
Impact of Accruals on Future Cash Flows: evidence Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
49 Fouzia Kanwal 2015 FIN-47
from the Chemical Industry of Pakistan.

Mohammad Salman Measuring the relationship of cash conversion cycle Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
50 2015 FIN-48
Qureshi with Liquidity, Invested Capital, Performance of SME's.

Muhammad Fahad Can Market Index Return and Exchange Rate Predict Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
51 2015 FIN-49
Iqbal Stock Returns? An Evidence from Automobile Industry.

52 Jawad Qureshi The Impact of Corporate Governance and Ownership 2015 FIN-50 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Structure on Capital Structure.

53 Omair Faisal The role of islamic banking and monetary policy 2015 FIN-51 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
tranmission on economic growth of Pakistan.
Muhammad Arif Stock Return Volatility and Trading volume in case of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
54 2015 FIN-52
Anwer Karachi Stock Exchange.

55 Jawwad Saeed Net Operating Working Capital Behavior Across The 2015 FIN-53 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

56 Fauzia Jabeen The Impact of Gender Towards Risk and Investment 2015 FIN-54 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
The effect of agriculture, manufacturing and non-
57 Aurangzaib Adil manufacturing industry on economic growth of 2016 FIN-55 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Muhammad Azhar Modelling Liquidity Management for Pakistani FMCG Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
58 2016 FIN-56
Malik Firms.
The relationship between modified cash conversion Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
59 Rameez Ahmed 2016 FIN-57
cycle and comapnies profitability.
Ifluence of Corporate Governance in Relation with Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
60 M. Hasnain Khokhar 2016 FIN-58
Capital Structure on Capital Investment.
The determinants of capital structure of power
61 Dawood generation and distribution firms listed in Karachi of 2016 FIN-59 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Muhammad Talha The Valuation Effects of Long-Term Changes in Capital Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
62 2016 FIN-60
Mallick Structure.
63 Amir Ali Jivani Impact of oil prices on Export Demand of Pakistan. 2016 FIN-61 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

64 Hira Amir Captial Structure Dynamics Across The Industries. 2016 FIN-62 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Efficiency and Productivity Change of Public Sector Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

65 Reeja Siddiqui 2016 FIN-63
Determinants of foreign banks' involvement in Pakistan Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
66 Fayyaz A.Shaikh 2016 FIN-64
Asian Stock Market Synchronization after Global Crisis Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
67 Khan Umar bin Shahid 2016 FIN-65
of 2008.

68 Khadija Empirical evidence of financial performance of 2016 FIN-66 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
commercial banks of Pakistan.

69 Faizan Rehman The impact of financial development on economic 2016 FIN-67 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
70 Faizan Siddiqui Real Investment and Stock Prices in the Pakistan. 2016 FIN-68 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign

71 Anam Musharraf Aid and Remittances to Growth: An empirical Analysis 2016 FIN-69 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Dynamic cyclical co-movement of oil prices with
72 Taha Qamar unemployment, stock prices, Industrial production and 2016 FIN-70 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
consumer price.

73 Shoaib Ahmed Explaining Pakistan's Import demand behavior: A 2016 FIN-71 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
bound testing approach.

74 Atif Ahmed Assessing The Macroeconomic Effect of Fiscal Policy 2016 FIN-72 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
in Pakistan.

75 Shaikh Bilal Ahmed Contributing factors of loan losses: evidence from 2016 FIN-73 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Pakistan banking industry.
Muhammad Mussab Impact of Energy Consumption on Economic Growth: Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
76 2016 FIN-74
Aqeel Empirical Evidence from Pakistan.

77 Areeba Fatima Zaidi Effects of Defense Expenditure on Economic Growth: 2016 FIN-75 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Empirical evidence for Pakistan and India.

78 Junaid Yousuf Impact of leverage on firm investment: evidence from 2016 FIN-76 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
manufacturing industries.

79 Raheel Shahzad Ali Impact of Book to Market ratio on stock returns across 2016 FIN-77 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
industries: Evidences from KSE.

80 Saad Abdul Karim Effects of Devaluation on Aggregate Output in 2016 FIN-78 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

81 Shahrukh Khurshid Impact of inflation Growth & Unemployment in South 2016 FIN-79 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Asian Countries.

82 Faraz-ul-Haq Measuring the financial capability of mutual fund 2016 FIN-80 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

83 Muhammad Noman The J-curve dynamics of Pakistan’s bilateral trade with 2016 FIN-81 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Mohammad Adil Islamic Home Financing Adoption: An investigation to Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
84 2016 FIN-82
Abbas understand the phenomena in Pakistan.

85 Muhammad Talha Assesing the Impact of the Month January on the Stock 2016 FIN-83 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Market: Evidence from KSE.
Empirical analysis of factors affecting firm's Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
86 cash holding. 2016 FIN-84
Asma Khalid
87 Syed Nabeel Ali The role of Raw material prices in renewable 2016 FIN-85 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
energy diffusion.
An empirical analysis of the Determinants of
88 Areeba Inayat cash conversion cycle in kenyan listed non 2016 FIN-86 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
financial firms.
89 Roheena Naz Asset Prices and Monetary Policy nexus in 2016 FIN-87 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
90 Irshad Khan Does optimal cash level increase firm's Value? 2016 FIN-88 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
An empirical evidence from PSE 100.

91 Shahid Iqbal Impact of Income Structure on Risk of Islamic 2016 FIN-89 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Banks of Pakistan: Evidence from GCC Countries.
Debt financing of Corporate Enterprises in
92 Saqib Naseem AhmedPakistan: A study showing impact of Industry, 2016 FIN-90 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Size & Age Factor.
Role of Disaggregated earnings in explaining
93 Mehwish Saleem dividend change: use of general least square 2016 FIN-91 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Impact of Competitive banking and financial
94 Sameen Siddiqui limitations on firm investment - an evidence 2016 FIN-92 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
from Pakistan using Panel Regression.
The Effect of Cash Conversion Cycle on
95 Muhammad Shiraz Profitability of the firm Non-financial Sector of 2016 FIN-93 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Pakistan : A Panel Analysis.
96 Noman Effect of oil price on Industrial and Agriculture 2016 FIN-94 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
products in Pakistan.
97 Sunaira Qamar Does Dollarization reduce or produce 2016 FIN-95 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Inflation: evidence from Pakistan.
Corporate governanace and financial policies:
98 influence of board characteristics on dividend 2016 FIN-96 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Sumiya Wahid policy of Pakistani firm.
The impact of corporate governance on
99 Faraz Rafat working capital management efficiency of 2016 FIN-97 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Pakistani manufacturing firm.
100 Muhammad Ali Determinants of corporate debt maturity. 2016 FIN-98 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

101 The performance evaluation of life insurance 2016 FIN-99 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
M.Hashim Abbas companies of Pakistan.

102 The impact of government debt on economic 2016 FIN-100 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Sehar Riaz growth.
Agriculture export and economic growth of
103 Hafiz Tariq Abbas Pakistan: Cointegration approach. 2016 FIN-101 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

104 Ambar Tariq Feldstein-Horioka puzzle and capital mobility 2016 FIN-102 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
in Pakistan From 1980-2015.
105 Urooj Aamir Financial innovations and performance of 2016 FIN-103 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
commercial banks in Pkaistan.

Audit committees composition, structure

106 Siraj Uddin and the performance of audit committee: 2017 FIN-104 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
a study of pakistani firm.
107 Corporate governance and income samoothing in 2017 FIN-105 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
M.Saud Saleem Pakistan.
108 Noman Ghani Awan Risk management practices in Islamic and 2017 FIN-106 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
conventional banks of Pakistan.
109 Nazia Neak Ali Impact of capital structure and ownership 2017 FIN-107 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
structure on performance.
Impact of source of information on trading behavior of
110 Muntaha Laiq investors inPakistan future market : Does personality of 2017 FIN-108 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
investor matter? An empirical study.
The Determinants of Household and Private Saving in Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
111 M.Rehan Qureshi 2017 FIN-109
112 Nouman Ownership Structures Influence on Audit Fee. 2017 FIN-110 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

113 Fariha Noor How Firm Characteristics Affect Capital Structure. 2017 FIN-111 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Impact of dividend policy on share price volatility firms Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
114 Aniq Ur Rehman 2017 FIN-112
listed pakistan stock exchange.
115 Muhammad Shuja Loan Loss Provisions by banks in Pakistan 2017 FIN-113 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Effect of Corporate Governance Components on ROA Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
116 Muhammad Haseeb 2017 FIN-114
of listed companies in PSX.
The impact of cash holdings and external financing on Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
117 Javariya Muhammad 2017 FIN-115
investment- cash flow sensitivity.
Oil Price Uncertainity and equity Returns :Evidence
118 Summaya Arshad from Oil Importing and Exporting countries in the 2017 FIN-116 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
SAARC and OPEC regions.
The impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate on Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
119 Mehwish Obaid 2017 FIN-117
Bank's Stock Return.
Testing Pecking Order Against Static Trade-off models Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
120 Nishat Kanwal 2017 FIN-118
of capital structure in pakistani firms.
A Performance Evaluation of Selected Equity Mutual
121 Muhammad Ibrahim Funds in Pakistan using Fund Specific and Market 2017 FIN-119 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Specific Factors.
Technological, & financial Literacy and stock market Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
122 Naveed 2017 FIN-120
Interrelation among Capital Structure, Dividend Policy Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
123 Nargis 2017 FIN-121
and Ownership-Evidence from Pakistan.
Association between Money Market and Economic Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
124 Hina 2017 FIN-122
Determinants of Profitability: A Comparative Study of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
125 Hafsa Basharat 2017 FIN-123
Islamic and Conventional Banks.
Atta Ullah Asad Non-Professional Investors' Behavior: An Empirical Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
126 2017 FIN-124
Mawya Ghaznavi Study of Female Pakistani Investors.

127 Muhammad Irfan Tax Reforms and revenue mobilization in pakistan. 2017 FIN-125 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

OFDI and Home Employment: An Evidence from Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

128 Muhammad Zain Khan 2017 FIN-126
Pakistan using ARDL and Bound Testing.
Muhammad Aamir Earnings Per Share VS Cash Flow Per Share as a Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
129 2017 FIN-127
Shad Predictor of Dividend Per Share.
Stock prices and exchange rate dynamics in Asian Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
130 Waqar Ahmed 2017 FIN-128
countries: A Bivariate Analysis.
Dynamic Performance, Financial Leverage and Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
131 Areeba Sohail 2017 FIN-129
Financial crisis, Evidence From Pkistan.
Electric Power consumption, Foreign Direct Investment
132 Ali Yousuf and Economic Growth (A Comparative study of 2017 FIN-130 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Bangladesh and Pakistan)
A Causality test of Co2 Emmissions, Energy Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
133 Salman Ahmed 2017 FIN-131
Consumption ans Economic Growth in Pakistan.
Effects of Financial Inclusion on economic growth: An Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
134 Hina Nasir 2017 FIN-132
evidence from EAGLE economies of the world.

Indicators of stock price of banking sector in Pakistan: Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

135 Sidra Naz 2017 FIN-133
An Evidence from Panel Regression Analysis.

The effect of financial factors on firms financial and tax Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
136 Haris Shoaib 2017 FIN-134
reporting decision.
The relationship between foreign direct investment in Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
137 Syed Nasir 2017 FIN-135
Pakistan's manufacturing export.

The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

138 Malik Yasir 2017 FIN-136
Growth in EAGLE Nations: An Empirical Investigation.

139 Zaniab Farooq Determinants of Interest rate. 2017 FIN-137 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Syed Hassan ur Factors that Ascertained dividend Payout Ratio of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
140 2017 FIN-138
Rehman Cement Industry of Pakistan.
Impact Of Corporate Governance on Financial Distress
Muhammad Abdullah Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
141 and performance in banking industry: evidence from 2017 FIN-139
Gulf Countries.
Impact of exchange rate movements and macro-
142 Uzair Akhtar economic factors on agriculture export: An empirical 2017 FIN-140 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
study on EAGLE countries.
Evaluating the skills of mutual fund manager by Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
143 Syed Furqan Ali 2017 FIN-141
random portfolio.
Syed Tasneem-ul- Identification of Falsified Financial Statements by using Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
144 2017 FIN-142
Haque Beneish M-Score model.
Impact of interest rate, yield curve on bank's Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
145 Hira Naz 2017 FIN-143
profitability: evidence from Pakistan.

The impact of bank specific and macroeconomic factors Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
146 Javeria Usman Khan 2017 FIN-144
on bank profitability: evidence from Pakistan.

Rationality and behavioral biases in investment Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

147 Sajel Zarrar 2017 FIN-145
decision making: evidence from Pakistan.
Factors Effecting Capital Structure of Automobile Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
148 Waleed Asrar 2017 FIN-146
Firms of Pakistan.
Hafiz Muhammad Financial crises and financing behaviour of Pakistan Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
149 2017 FIN-147
Farhan stock exchnage listed firms.
Real Exchange rate misalignment and economic growth Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
150 Noureen Jawed 2017 FIN-148
in Pakistan.
Determinant factors of the capital structure of a firm an Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
151 Marzooq Hussein 2017 FIN-149
empirical analysis.
Determinants of capital structure: Evidence from
152 Muhammad Anus manufacturing companies before and after financial 2017 FIN-150 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
What elements spell out stock market hindrance Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
153 Zainab Karim 2017 FIN-151
evidence from South Asian Countries.
Earning Quality and Cost of Debt: Evidence from Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
154 Makhdoom 2017 FIN-152
Pakistan Stock Exchange Listed Companies.
Corporate Governance and Corporate Liquidity Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
155 Imran Shahab Khan 2017 FIN-153
evidence from Family Firms.

Studying the impact of foreign institutional investment Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

156 Zeeshan-ur-Rehman 2017 FIN-154
on dividend payout policy; evidence from Pakistan.

Rabia Amjad Ali Determinants of Capital Structure When Taxes are Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
157 2017 FIN-155
Thobani Removed - Evidence from Bahamas.

158 Arsalan Abdul Khaliq Foreign investments and its effect on stock market: 2017 FIN-156 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange.
Dividend Payout Policy of Large Cap Vs Small Available Syed Ali Raza
159 Maria Manzoor 2018 FIN-157
Cap Companies Listed in KSE 30 Index.
Impact of Firm size, Leverage and asset tangibilty
Muhammad Saad Available Syed Ali Raza
160 on firm growth: empirical evidence from KSE 100 2018 FIN-158
The Impact of changes in Oil Prices, Labor Force
161 Abdul Jabbar and Gross Fixed Capital Formation on Economic 2018 FIN-159 Available Syed Ali Raza
Growth: evidence from Next 11 Countries.
The impact of Urbanization, Energy Consumption,
162 Zain Jawed GDP, Trade Openness, Financial Development on 2018 FIN-160 Available Syed Ali Raza
CO2 Emission: evidence from BRICS Region .
Factors affecting determinants of current account Available Syed Ali Raza
163 Aisha Iftikhar 2018 FIN-161
balance: evidence from Asian countries.
Impact of global economic policy uncertainity on Available Syed Ali Raza
164 Salman Ahmed Kazi 2018 FIN-162
cash holdings: A case of Pakistani firms.
The relationship between healthcare expenditure
165 Kainat Nizar Ali and disposable personal income in south Asian 2018 FIN-163 Available Syed Ali Raza
Impact of dividend policy on price earnings ratio:
166 Sohaib Aijaz evidence on Non-Financial firm chemical industry 2018 FIN-164 Available Syed Ali Raza
of Pakistan.
The effect of short term debt and long term debt on
167 Sarib Aijaz firm's profitability: evidence from Pakistan 2018 FIN-165 Available Syed Ali Raza
manufacturing chemical industry.
The factors effecting the financial development: Available Syed Ali Raza
168 Saima Khalil 2018 FIN-166
evidence from South Asian countries.
The impact of remmittances, financial development
Syed Hussain Raza Available Syed Ali Raza
169 and trade on economic growth: evidence from top 2018 FIN-167
10 remmittance receiving countries.
Impact of Oil prices, inflation, Industrial
170 Tazeen Seema production index and exchange rate on stock 2018 FIN-168 Available Syed Ali Raza
market of G-7 countries.
The Impact of M.3, exchange rates and inflation
171 Zubair Mushtaqrates on stock prices: evidence from BRICS 2018 FIN-169 Available Syed Ali Raza
How strong is the relationship between energy
Muhammad Bilal Available Syed Ali Raza
172 consumption and globalization among CO2 2018 FIN-170
emission countries?
Impact of GDP, exchange rate and CPI on oil prices Available Syed Ali Raza
173 Asad Bashir 2018 FIN-171
in G5.

174 Imdad Hussain The impact of remittances on poverty in Pakistan. 2018 FIN-172 Available Syed Ali Raza

The impact of socioeconomic and institutional Available Syed Ali Raza

175 Shanza Khan 2018 FIN-173
factors on domestic bond: evidence from Pakistan.
Impact of economic growth on environmental Available Syed Ali Raza
176 Samreen Bano 2018 FIN-174
degradation in next 11 emerging economies.
Impact of working capital management on firm's
177 Muhammad Junaid profitability: evidence from top Non-Financial 2018 FIN-175 Available Syed Ali Raza
companies of Pakistan.

178 Asad Khan Factors affecting Bitcoin prices: evidence from US. 2018 FIN-176 Available Syed Ali Raza

Effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on home-

Shaeikh Danish Available Syed Ali Raza
179 country export competitiveness: evidence from 2018 FIN-177
Asian Countries.
Effect of Macroeconomic Variable on Government Available Syed Ali Raza
180 Syed Mushaf Badar 2018 FIN-178
spending: evidence from Pakistan.
Impact of Financial Development on Income Available Syed Ali Raza
181 Asad 2018 FIN-179
Inequality in Pakistan.
Muhammad Zubair The causal effect of U.S stock market on G-6 Available Syed Ali Raza
182 2018 FIN-180
Husain countries stock market.
Muhammad Faizan Impact of macroeconomic varaiable on stock prices Available Syed Ali Raza
183 2018 FIN-181
Khan in United Kingdom.
Family Control and Auditor choice with respect to
184 Syed Irfan Shamim Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Pakistan's 2018 FIN-182 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Syed Zeeshan Murtaza Intellectual Capital, Financial Performance and Market Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
185 2018 FIN-183
Rizvi Value: A Study of Pakistani Banking Sector.

Impact of Unemployment, Literacy, and Energy Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

186 Umair 2018 FIN-184
Consumption on GDP of BRICS Countries.
Testing Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
187 Junaid 2018 FIN-185
Pakistan's Textile Firms.

The Impact of Individual Investors sentiments on Stock Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

188 Kehkashan Nizam 2018 FIN-186
Return and Risk: Evidence From Asian Stock Markets.

Effects of Monetary Policy of Inflation Targeting on

189 Sehrish Shiraz Ali Real Exchange Rate and Trade Balance: Evidence from 2018 FIN-187 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
SAARC Countries.
The Role of Trade Openess and Financial Liberalization
190 Jawad Ahmed Khan in Economic Growth: The case of Pakistan and 2018 FIN-188 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
The Impact of Insurance on Economic Growth of Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
191 Mutabir Shaikh 2018 FIN-189
192 Ghazal Tahir Impact of Political Stability on FDI in Pakistan. 2018 FIN-190 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
The Impact Of Corruption on Debt Financing and Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
193 Maaz Uddin 2018 FIN-191
corporate Ownership.
The Relationship Between Firm Value and Dividends Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
194 Mathew Joel 2018 FIN-192
Payments in Pakistan.
Impact of Growh and Financial Distress on Cash Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
195 Urooj Mazhar 2018 FIN-193
holdings: empirical evidence from Pakistan.
The Consequence of Cororate Governance on Firm
196 Fahad Bin Naveed Performance and Financial Distress: Evidence from 2018 FIN-194 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Pakistan Stock Exchange.
Syed Muhammad Factors effecting dividend payment behaviour: New Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
197 2018 FIN-195
Salman evidence from Pakistan.
Moderating effect of financial literacy on relationship
Muhammad Hassan Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
198 between emotional intelligence, risk aversion and locus 2018 FIN-196
of control and risky investment.

The Impact of income, trade, urbanization, and

199 Ehtesham-ul-Haq finnacial development on CO2 Emissions evidence from 2018 FIN-197 Available Syed Ali Raza
top 5 countries.
Effects of Anticipated Fiscal Policy Shock on Available Syed Ali Raza
200 Ahmed Raza Qadri 2018 FIN-198
Microeconomic Dynamics in Pakistan.
Factors Influencing Foreign Drect investment in Asian Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
201 Saleema 2018 FIN-199
Countries: The first panel differences.

Muhammad Imran The casuality between Tdrs returns of islamic banks and Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
202 2018 FIN-200
Wali (5883) conventional banks in Pakistan Pre & post crisis

Ghulam Mustafa Funding liquidity risk and banks risk‐taking, evidence Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
203 2018 FIN-201
(3968) from Pakistani banks

Zain Abbas (4948) Corporate characteristics and leverage: evidence from Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
204 2018 FIN-202
Investigate the impact of intangible assets
Muhammad Osama
205 and liabilites on firm perfomance: evidence 2018 FIN-203 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Qureshi (4962) from Pakistan
Yameen Balouch
206 Impact of political party control on bank risk 2019 FIN-204 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Amjad Hussain Determinants of banks deposit and non-

207 2019 FIN-205 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(5815) performing loans: a study of Pakistani banking sector

Syed M. Fayyaz Ali IPO performance, evidence from Karachi

208 2019 FIN-206 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Haider(5842) stock exchange

Impact of financial development, income

growth, economic growth, urbanization,
209 Talha Khaliq(6005) population aging, trade openess, and energy 2019 FIN-207 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
consumption on environmental degradation,
study on (BRIC) countries
Md. Usman DOES FEDI,GDP,ER,Inflation affects exports in
210 2019 FIN-208 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Nadeem(6081) Pakistan?
Muhammad Uzair Impact of income, import, export and interest
211 2019 FIN-209 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(8704) rate on outward foreign direct investment
Impact of GDP and elderly age people on public
212 Md. Tahir(5063) 2019 FIN-210 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
health expenditure
The Effect of growth in electricity generation
Syed Junaid Shah
213 through renewable and non- renewable on 2019 FIN-211 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Bukhari(5059) economic growth-Turkey

Finding the impact of economic growth, financial

development energy consumption and industrialization
Md. Faraz Aijaz on environmental degrsadation : 2019 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
214 (4519) FIN-212
evidence from Pakistan

Financial constraints and working capital

Mirza Zain ul
Abideen Baig (8697) management,
215 an evidence from the 2019 FIN-213 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
automobile sector of Pakistan
Syed Hamza bin The role of institutional quality in economic
216 2019 FIN-214 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Khalid (5491) growth:empirical evidence from bric economics
The linkage between exchange rate stock price
217 Noorullah(5497) 2019 FIN-215 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
and interest rate in pakistan
Hammad Ali Sharif
218 Determinants of dividend payout in Pakistan 2019 FIN-216 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Adnan Salim Rajani Fdi and economic growth: role of natural
219 2019 FIN-217 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(5481) resources? A study from Pakistan
Waqar Ahmed Khan Investigating the impact of trade liberalization
220 2019 FIN-218 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(4789) on economic growth: a case of mena region
Impact of exchange rate,budget deficit, foreign
221 Iqra Naeem direct investment & gross domestic product on inflation 2019 FIN-219 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
in Pakistan
Testing for wavelet based time frequency
Nabeel Qureshi
222 relationship between oil, gold, US dollar and 2019 FIN-220 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(5689) stock market: a global analytical insight
Impact of health capital on economic growth in
223 Yasir Ahmes(3984) 2019 FIN-221 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
Pakistan: an ardl approach to cointegration
Muhammad Nabeel
224 Yaseen (5494) Remittance and poverty in developing countries of Asia 2019 FIN-222 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

The impact of financial development and

Umm e Kulsoom
225 foreign direct investment on the economic 2019 FIN-223 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(6002) growth : an evidence from (BRIC) countries

Syed Qamar Abbas The effe3ct of oil price uncertainty on economic

226 Rizvi (8244) 2019 FIN-224 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
activities in Pakistan

Qaim Talha Firm- specefic variables on share price volatility

227 2019 FIN-225 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(4846) [evidence from oil and gas division of Pakistan]
The study of cross herding behavior among
Siraj Uddin
228 Pakistan stock exchanfe and the market of 2019 FIN-226 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(7092) crude oil during financial crises

Muhammad Hassan Impact of rational decision maing process on

229 Saleem (9323) 2019 FIN-227 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
behavioral biases in investment decision

Financial development and economic growth in

230 Zulfiqar Ali (7835) Pakistan a comparative study between islamic and 2019 FIN-228 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
conventional finance

Syed Ahsan Ahmed Impact of CO2emissions,fossil fucls and

231 renewable energy consumption on economic 2019 FIN-229 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
growth in Pakistan
Is Corruption an obstacle for economic growth and
Muhammad Ali foreign direct investment? Evidence from BRIC
232 2019 FIN-230 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(0909) countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China)
Impact of foreign direct investment on domestic credit :
Mirza Waqas Baig
233 an empirical study of BRIC countries 2019 FIN-231 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Sameen Nasir Determinants of capital structure and financial

234 2019 FIN-232 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(8959) leverage
Muhammad Kashif How does working capital management affect the
235 (7135) 2019 FIN-233 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
profitability of Pakistani companies

Muti ur Rehman Government health financing and its effect on

236 2019 FIN-234 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(8152) European countries (29) economic growth
237 Danish Hasan (6856) Determinant of non-performing loan in Pakistan 2019 FIN-235 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash

Mohib ur Rehman Analyzing the impact of book to market ratio,

238 fuyture return on equity, future book to market 2019 FIN-236 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
ratio on stock return
Mubashir Nadeem Impact of determinents of interest rate spread
239 2019 FIN-237 Available Mr.Rakesh Parakash
(2624) over Pakistan

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