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HVAC application

Post 1 Do you know what?

Heat ventilation and air conditioning describes the functions of an HVAC system. This
mechanical system’s design is primarily an attempt to take control of the environmental conditions
inside the space you work. The main function of HVAC is is designed to control the environment
achieving this by controlling temperature through heating and cooling.

Post 2 Do you know when?

The applications are different depending on the country as well as the seasons. Heating of
air is done usually in winter and similarly cooling of air is done in summer season or we can say
there are country who just need cooling or during a season you require both cooling and heating.

Post 3 Do you know how?

HVAC system works on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat
transfer. All these fields and knowledge come into play in various components of HVAC. Indoor
air quality is the quality of air inside the building, mostly related to health and safe keeping of its
occupants or items/goods placed. Indoor air quality is changed with inclusion or contamination
with gases and uncontrolled mass & energy transfer.

Post 4 Do you know where?

This HVAC system are used for heating and cooling as well as air condition in homes,
building, vehicles and other industry. As time goes this passage of the application of HVAC are
increasing and more research is in-progress in this field.

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