Ignition System For Hybrid Rocket Engine (Electrostatic Arc System)

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Ignition system for Hybrid Rocket Engine

- Ayush Dhiman

The ignition process negates the hybrid motor inherent simplicity or safety and its inability to restart
the motor. This view on the ignition system for hybrid rocket engine to demonstrate a restart able,
miniature rocket motor using electrostatic arc ignition which is used on the stand-alone thrusters or a
hot gas ignitor for the ignition of larger motors. The ignition system consists of the electrode
embedded into the rocket fuel grain, where which the high voltage sparks is formed. The sparks
ablate the solid fuel into the oxidizer and provides the initiation energy required for the ignition of the
hybrid rocket motor. This initial combustion causes fuel ablation leading to a self-sustaining reaction.
As the concepts uses a spark to directly ignite the main propellants, no extra ignitor reactants are
required and single flow ignition system is possible.

Background on hybrid rocket motor

The hybrid rocket consists of the liquid oxidizer combined with the solid fuel grains. For the process
of mixing of the propellants, the combustion is to be established in the thrust of the chamber
causing the pyrolysis of the fuel gain surface. This gaseous pyrolysis combines with the oxidizer and
combust creating the self-sustain reactions. Because of the single liquid propellant, the required
feed system is simplified, requiring the fewer valves, lines and tanks. The primary benefits of the
hybrid motor lie in the safety. Combustion is required to ablate the solid grain and mix the
propellant, there is no un burned fuel and oxidizer to mix. Hybrid are less prone to start up
overpressure events caused by delayed ignition. Because of the low regression rate of the solid fuel
used in hybrid rocket engine, typical motors must be designed with the longer chamber lengths or
increase in grain complexity in order to provide the sufficient burning surface area.

Background on rocket ignition methods

The issue of the ignition has one of the most challenge of the rocket propulsion. The system using
the mono-propellant and bi-propellant liquid is critical to avoiding the hard start. For the hybrid
rocket motor propellant as reactant has proven very difficult due to the relative inertness of
common hybrid. Different approaches have been used to ignite the hybrid rocket motor. These
includes hypergolic reactants, resistive element (low voltage), augmented high voltage spark,
pyrotechnics, catalysed monopropellant and high-power plasma arcs.

Background on the electric background

The concept presented here overcomes the disadvantages of current ignition system by directly
initiating the combustion of the solid fuel and fluid oxidizer using spark electrically. The fundamental
of the electric arc system is based on hight voltage breakdown. When strong voltage is applied
across the insulator, electron pulled from the material resulting in the electrons avalanche is
referred as electrical breakdown.

Voltage for electrical breakdown in gases in what has come to be known as Paschen’s law

Vb =


ln (pd) + b

This equation gives the relationship between breakdown voltage and product of pressure and
electrode spacing distance and the A and B are specific gas constant. The voltage and current
required to maintain the arc depend on the number of environment factor including the free stream
gas composition, interaction with the electrode shape and velocity of the gas caused by the free
conventional or forced flow.

Application of electrical breakdown to the hybrid electrostatic arc

ignition concept

This concept of the ignition system provides a number of benefits. A number of conditions are
required to cause self-sustaining combustion within a hybrid motor. In a hybrid propellant
combination, the solid fuel and gaseous or liquid oxidizer will not mix in a way that causes a
combination mixture without pre existing source of energy to ablate the solid fuel into gaseous by-
products which can mic with the oxidizer.

For the hybrid rocket motor ignition in order to attain mixed reactants, the first condition that must
exist is ablation of the solid fuel into the fluid component which may the freely mix with the
oxidizing fluid.

The direct spark ignitor concept where high voltage leads are incorporated directly into the igniter
grain. The spark gap is formed between the embedded electrodes. When the sufficient voltage is
applied, there is an electric breakdown at the port across the spark gap. The sufficient current input
from the high voltage supply the plasma resistivity dissipates sufficient energy that the very small
amount of gas in the path of the arc is maintained at plasma temperature by joule heating and
pseudo stable circuit is formed. The location where the arc is in contact with grain surface heat
transferred take place from plasma causes ablation of solid fuel. The gaseous product and oxidizer
then mix an activation energy is provided by the plasma spark. The combustion causes further
ablation of solid fuel and the reaction progresses until port pressure rises and hybrid combustion
become self sustaining.
The use of fuel electrodes or spark which travels along the surface of grains is the key concept in
order to cause ablation of solid fuel. In order to cause ablation, this type of spark gap is needed to
heat the bulk oxidizer between the spark location and fuel surface to sufficient temperature to
decompose solid fuel. Heating the bulk gas to the solid fuel ablation temperature would require
much large power and total energy input then are envisioned for the electrostatic arc ignition
system, essentially creating a traditionally gas arc igniter.

The application of this observation to the ignition of hybrid motor is the fundamental principle which
allows very low energy spark discharge ignition


Michael I. Judson Jr

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