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Department of Education

Region X
Puerto, Cagayan de Oro City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in SCIENCE 7

1. Students will describe properties or characteristics of metals and non-metals.
2. Students will classify objects as Metals and Non-Metals according to their characteristics.

Topic: Metals and Non-Metals
References: Science Learning Material pages 75-78
Science Link Book and Teachers Guide
Materials: TV, Activity Notebook, Pen and Laptop


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good morning Grade 7 Jacinto. Good morning maam, we are delighted to see you today.

Please be seated. Thank you Maam.

Today, you are going to perform an activity which is related to

our next topic. But before that I would like to remind everybody Yes Maam.
on the following rules to follow the moment we start. Would that
be okay?

Okay Very Good.

Here are the rules:
First, You are not allowed to make noise within your group.
Discussion is acceptable but unnecessary noise is
Second, No one is allowed to go out from the classroom.
Fourth, Stay in your group area. Yes Maam
Do I make myself clear?

Now, proceed to your group area

(Arrange the chairs into a big circle within your group)
(Students form a circle within their group.)
Elements are the simplest form of compounds. This means that
whatever you do with elements, it remains the same. The
physical appearance may change but the identity will be the
same. Do you understand class? Yes Maam

In this last module, you will learn more on elements and you are
also expected to describe the properties of certain groups of
elements. Kindly read our objective for today’s lesson. Students read the objective.

Thank you students.

Observe. What can you say about the picture? Student 1: Maam, there are objects everywhere.
Group 1?

Very Good. How about group 3? Student 3: There are people that do something to the objects.

Yes. Exactly. The picture shows different objects scattered

everywhere and they are operated by people.


a. Presentation
Look around you. Which objects are made up of metals and non- (Students will name materials/objects found in their classroom)
metals? You name 3 materials you think that are metals and non-
metals. Do this in 2 minutes.

b. Motivation
Okay. Time is up. We will start with the Group 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Group 1: Metals: Grills, Fire Extinguishers and Nails
One representative from each group will share their answers. Non-Metals: Board, Chairs and Teacher’s Table
(Groups 2 until 5 will do same process)
Today, you are going to perform a very simple Group activity. I
have here different objects (iron nails, chalk, wood, tire wires,
charger, rubber, pencil, eyebrow, concrete nail, padlock?
Group 1,2 and 3 will group these objects and you will tell me on
what are your bases in the grouping activity.

Group 4 and 5 will choose 2 obviously different objects and you

will write three adjectives or words that describe the object.

I will give you 10 minutes to do that. And you will choose one Yes Maam 
member from your group to present your answers. Do I make
myself clear?

Ten minutes is over, are you ready now? Yes Maam 

One minute.
( One member from each group proceeds in front and
Let us start from Group 5, 4,3, 2 and 1. share their answers in the class.)

Thank you for your cooperation and lively participation. I hope

you find the activity not boring.

c. Video Showing Activity.

Class, chemists uses specific characteristic to identify materials.
In the past lessons, we discussed the locations of metals, non-
metals and metalloids in the periodic Table. Now, I want you to
watch the video and take note.

(Video Presentation on the properties of metals and non-


What was the video all about? Maam, the video is all about metals and non-metals

Yes, Exactly. The video showed us that metals have properties

and characteristics that make them different to non-metals.
Remember class, that the properties of non-metals are just
opposite to the properties of metals.

Are metals Shiny? Yes Maam.

Are Non-Metals Shiny? No Maam

Metals are also Malleable. Everybody Read Malleable please. (Students’ read) MALLEABLE

It means that metals can be drawn into sheets. Even if you are
going to hammer, it will not break easily. Do you understand? Yes Maam.

What is the other property of metal? Maam, metals are also ductile.
How about the other groups? None? Okay, activity starts now.

What do you mean by ductile? Metals can be drawn in to wires.

Very Good. Just like electrical wires at home.

What else students? Maam, metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

Very Good. Yes, because electrons of metals are freely moving

so that it allows heat and current to travel along. What else?

Another property? Maam, metals are heavy maam. And also hard,

Yes. Very Good student. Metals are also denser and hard
compared to non-metals. So the metals do not break easily. I am
delighted that you’re able to take note and remember the basic
properties of metals. Class, always put in your mind that the
properties of non-metals are just opposite to the properties of
metals. If the metals are hard, non-metals are ____? Soft maam. (answer in chorus)

Very Good. If the metals are shiny. Non-metals are ___? Not shiny Maam. (answer in chorus)

Do you have additional questions? Group 1? No Maam.

How about from the other groups? None so far Maam.

Okay so let us classify the materials I have here as Metals and
Non-Metals. Are you ready? Yes Maam 
(iron nails, chalk, wood, tire wires, charger, rubber, pencil,
eyebrow, concrete nail, padlock)

One member from every group will share what
they have learned from the activity.

In your activity notebook, write the elements
present in the Earth’s crust and body of humans.
Goodbye Maam Carrie. Thank you for teaching us. God Bless
That would be all for this day. Goodbye Grade 7 Jacinto. You.

Prepared by:
Carrie M. Macarayo

Noted by:
Rosanna Q. Ubalde, Ph.D
Principal I
Department of Education
Region X
Puerto, Cagayan de Oro City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10

1. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned from weight management, active recreation and first
2. Students will perform the assigned task with Mastery, Confidence, and Relevance to the lesson.

Topic: Cheer dance.
References: Physical Education and Health Learning Material pages 156-157
and Teachers Guide
Materials: Printed Photos, Activity Notebook, Pen, upbeat music for Warm Up Exercises and Zumba,
Speaker, Laptop
Through dancing, you will be able to develop sense of self discipline to become healthier, fit,
confident and great deal of commitment to oneself.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Learning Activities Good morning Maam Carrie. We are delighted to see you
Good morning Grade 10 Einstein. today.

Thank you Maam

Please be seated.

Today is a wonderful day because you will be performing

different activities. But before anything else, I would like to
remind each one of you your responsibilities when one
group stays here in front and perform the tasks assigned to
them. Do you have any idea on what is your responsibility?
Yes Maam. No one is allowed to go out unless if it is very
Nezren? Please stand up. important or personal necessity.

Very Good Nezren. Okay you may sit down.

One of the things to remember when someone is (Michael, raises his hand)
performing is to listen. Listening is a sign of respect not only
to the teacher but as well as to your classmates.
Another is when you are told to do something relevant to
the activity, you will ___________?
Cooperate Maam.
Okay Michael. Stand up. What is your answer?
Yes Maam.
Excellent. I hope each one of you will do what Michael says
if you want to learn and get a good score. Do I make myself

Since we are already done forming your groups. ( Students form a circle within their group)
(Random Process) and the topic is already given to you
yesterday, kindly stay in the place your group wants and
form a circle. But you still need to face board. Okay.
Proceed quietly.

Girls, will you please read our first objective. (Printed) Demonstrate knowledge and skills learned from weight
management, active recreation and first aid.

Very Good. Thank you girls.

Boys, Kindly read second objective. Perform the assigned task with Mastery, Confidence, and
Relevance to the lesson.

Thank you Boys.

Those are the objectives that will be accomplished today.
(Collaboration Activity)
Kindly get your manila paper here and marker.
For one minute, write 10 foods that you love to eat and five
exercises that you love to do. If you will hear this “bell”, that Yes Maam.
will mean stop and tape your answers on the wall close to
you. Do I make myself clear?

Okay, In 5,4,3,2,1…Start…. (Group Activity. Students start to write their answers)

Time is up….Paste your answers….

Now, you choose one member from your group to check (One member will do the checking)
your answers. Reminder, in checking, if your answer
happens to be the same with other groups, it will be marked
wrong. The group that gets the highest score will receive
RIBBON worth 5 points.

Okay Congratulations Group 1, you will receive a ribbon. Yehey. Thank you Maam.

B. Lesson Proper

a. Presentation
Before we’ll proceed, you obtained yesterday your height (Students read together)
and weight. I want you calculate your BMI using the formula
BMI= Weight(kg) / Height2 (meters)
Below 18.5 = underweight
18.5-24.9= normal
25-29.9 = overweight
30 above = obese

Are you done? Not yet maam.

Okay. One more minute.

Let us have a quick review on your prior knowledge about

recreational activity. Students, I want you to read the words
(printed in the bond paper)

Thank you. Do you know what is active recreation? Can (One student raises her hand)
you still remember?
Okay Judel, stand up and tell us what is active recreation. Maam, active recreation is a type of recreational activity
that needs power or strength.

Impressive. Thank you Judel.

Yes. Active is a type of recreational activity that requires (Reymart raises his hand)
effort and strength. How about the passive?

Okay Mr. Aliminto, what is passive recreation? It is the opposite of active. Strength or power is not needed.

Very Good, Mr. Aliminto. Those are the two type of

recreational activity. Now I want you to analyse the printed
photos that I am going to show to you. Utilize the other side
of manila paper that you use a while ago. Ready…..

(Teacher does the Picture Analysis Strategy. Present 10 (Students start writing their answers.)
printed photos of recreational activity and student will
identify what type it belongs.)

Okay. Paste your manila paper on the wall. And let us

check. The group that gets the highest score will receive a

Thank you students for your cooperation. Now, I am sure

you are ready to perform your tasks. Just a quick reminder,
Group 1 will perform a role play about Weight Management.
Group 2 will discuss the importance of Vegetables in our
meal and demonstrate how to plant vegetables at
Group 3 will demonstrate First Aid focusing on minor
sprains, dislocations and lacerations. (Science)
Group 4 will present a Zumba and everyone will participate.
Group 5 will Give comments using one word and reflections
on the different tasks performed. (ENGLISH)

b. Motivation
I am requesting everyone to please form 8 lines outside.
(Proceed in front of the stage).
Let us do 2 minutes warm up exercises. One person leads Yes Maam.
every line. Are you ready?
(Students do 2 minutes of warm up exercises)

(After 2 minutes)
Time is up. Please go back inside the classroom. Awake maam.
How do you feel?

That’s good to know so that you won’t feel sleepy and be

attentive in listening to your classmates.

First to present…Group 1, the floor is yours now. (Group 1 will present their role play)

(After the role play)

Okay, very good group 1. Nice presentation. You’re able to
show that there’s a realization among the family members.
Instead of always holding cell phones or watching TV,
there’s a sudden shift, that involving active recreation is a
worthwhile activity. Let us give them a big round of
applause. Your score is 30 points. Thank you Maam 
Okay, Next group. Group 2. The floor is yours.

(After five minutes)

Thank you Group 2. Your discussion is perfect. It’s just that
your printed materials are not that big enough for those who
are at the back. But the delivery of the topic is perfect. And I
am happy that you also included the thought of using
plastics which are recyclable materials in planting vegetable
at home. It lessens the number of plastic thrown.
Let us give them a big round of applause. Still your score is
30 because printed materials are not part of the criteria. Thank you Maam 

Now, let us proceed to Group 3.

(After five minutes)

Thank you Group 3. Demonstration is wise. I am impressed
because you have your materials that make your
demonstration realistic. I am happy that you also give short
discussion about muscles which is a Science topic. It shows
that you really read and study your task. The demonstration
is also perfect it’s a bonus points you have members of Girl
scouts, boys scouts and first aider. Just like the previous
groups, you’ll get 30 points. Thank you Maam 

Now, to lead us the Zumba, A round of applause for group (Group 4 requests the entire class to proceed outside for
4. the Zumba.)

(After 5 minutes)

Thank you Group 4 for that very energetic routines of Thank you Maam.
Zumba. Since the entire class participated and enjoyed the
whole routines, I will give you perfect score, 30 points.

Group 4, I have a question, How can a student like you (The leader raises his hand)
benefit from doing Zumba dance?

Yes, Michael..Please. Maam, it helps me to become fit and it also a way of

burning calories.

Very Good. That’s correct. If you want to become active

and avoid getting fat body, Zumba is the best solution.

Now, let us give the floor to the last group for comments (The last group gives their comments or opinions and
and reflections. A big round of applause please. reflections)

Thank you Group 5 for the honest opinions and reflections.

As a summary, Involving active recreation, eating the right

kind of food and learning the importance and ideas of first
aid are factors that can affect our way of living. Attaining a
healthy lifestyle. Tomorrow, I will give a short quiz before
we start to our new topic. It is just a 10 items quiz.
Do you have any clarifications? No maam.

Write the Essentials and Basics of Cheerdancing in your activity notebook.

Department of Education
Region X
Puerto, Cagayan de Oro City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10

1. Students will discuss the different health related policies.
2. Students will perform differentiated tasks that shows the importance of the different health related laws in
safeguarding people’s health

Topic: Health Trends, Issues and Concerns in the National Level.
References: Physical Education and Health Learning Material pages 232-246.
and Teachers Guide
Materials: Printed Reading Materials, Activity Notebook, Pen, Laptop
Develop sense of self-discipline and responsibility in order to protect one from the different
concerns looming in our community.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Learning Activities

Good morning Grade 10 Einstein. Good morning maam Carrie. We are delighted to see you

Please be seated. Thank you Maam.

Let us have a grouping first. I want you to count 1 until 5 1…2…3..4..5….etc.

starting from the first rightmost column. Start….

All members of group 1 will stay in my left-front part, (Students will start moving)
number 2 will follow at the back…three on my right-front..
Four will follow at the back of three. And five will stay at the
back portion of this aisle. Proceed.

Form a circle within your group. Every time I ask questions,

and when your group is able to answer, I will give additional
points in the form of ribbon. Okay?

Today, we will be focusing in the HEALTH component. In

what to KNOW PHASE, I am going to let you read a
sample of Mail in which it will assess your prior knowledge.
Are you ready? Yes Maam.

Kindly read the sample mail in the board (Written in Manila (Students read together)
Thank you students. I have a question? Be ready every Maam, the complainant is Ms. Carina Santos
representative from the group. Who is the Complainant?
Any representative from group 5?

Very Good. Here is your ribbon. Next. The problem of the sender is that the biscuits she bought
What do you think is the dilemma of the sender? Group 3? has a bad taste.

Exactly. Thank you Group 3. The sender found out that the
product she bought is not in good condition and it has a
rancid taste. A ribbon is given to group 3.
This problem is actually related to our previous topic which
is all about the Rights of Consumer. Now, What do you
think is the Consumer Right that the sender is practicing? Maam, the right to redress.
Group 1?

Very Good Group 1. It is right to redress. Consumers have

the right to be compensated for any goods or unsatisfactory
services. Kindly get this ribbon group 1. Does anyone from
you experience this? Yes Maam.

How did you handle the situation? (Juhary raises his hand)

Okay Juhary, stand up… I bought bread. when I opened the pack, I found few
molds. So I brought it back right away to the store with the
receipt. And I was given with a new one.
Okay. It is really an advantage if you are aware on your

B. Lesson Proper

a. Presentation
Representative from every group, come forward and get
this manila paper and marker.

Look at this photo.

(Printed photo of students that look very concern and
surrounded with question marks). Using concept map, write
examples of health issues, you experience as teenagers
that pertain to your well-being. Do this in 2minutes.
(students show their answers in manila paper)
Time is up. May I see your answers?

Very Good. Today, we will be discussing topic which will

help you understand policies because they embody your
rights as a citizen in this country. Be aware. Practice your

b. Motivation
To awaken our mind and body, shall we all stand for a short (Students follow the baby shark execution of stepping)
energizer. Just follow my simple steps. Everybody stand
(Teacher demonstrates the steps of baby shark)

Let us all be seated. Thank you for your cooperation.

I am going to give you these short readings. You are given

five minutes to discuss with your group on the topic given to
you. After 5 minutes, every group will present the task
assigned to them related to the topic. Group 5 will identify
what is being expressed in the task or the main idea. If they
identifies correctly, it will mean, the task is done perfectly.
Yes Maam.
GROUP 1 Will present a Song related to Using and
Harmful effects of Dangerous Drugs. Topic is related
GROUP 2 Will present a Short Poem related to Philippines
AIDS Prevention and Control Act
GROUP 3 Will present Role Play about Tobacco regulation
Group 4 Will present a short debate about Cybercrime Act.
Group 5 will evaluate the performance of 4 groups.

c. Generalization
The entire performance of the different groups is well
presented. They are able to deliver the topic well even in a
short time. I am confident that you are able to understand
now that our government works with different institutions
and with people in community to fight the different issues.

Open your PE and Health Learning Material. Answer the 10 items quiz. Choose from the box the correct answer
of the description of each policy given.

In your activity notebook, Write 2 of the most usual issues that concern your Safety in the Environment as a
member in the community.

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