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Tej K. Zadoo, India

n my previous article the method
Dr. Tej K. Zadoo born on Deepawali day for gauging the life span of a
person was highlighted. By that
1948 at Srinagar, Kashmir in a Brahmin method we can see if a person will
family. Got introduced to astrology in have a long (Puran-aayu), medium
(Madhya-aayu) or a short (Alp-aayu)
1966, mostly self study of classical texts,
span of life. In the present article we
he has a Ph.D. degree in Physics, was will discuss a method which can tell
working in the education deptt. of J&K us the age in years up to which a person
will live. We will make use of Bhrighu
Govt. as a teacher and retired recently.
Chakra Padhatti (BCP), Sarva-Ashtakvarga
Besides astrology he is interested in (SAV) and the lord of the 8th house in
'Ramal' shastra and paranormal subjects. this method.
AshtakVarga is an outstanding
He can read write Urdu, Hindi and
system of prediction. Shri C S Patel has
Sanskrit. written a great treatise on this system
of prediction. In one of his articles he

1“Longevity …some stray thoughts” … ‘ Saptarishis Astrology

Magazine’ Vol 9 article
2 “Use of collective Ashtakavarga in prognostication” in the
book ‘ Predicting through Navamsa and Nadi astrology 143,
Sagar Publications
“Samudayashtak varga is very helpful in estimating the periods of great prosperity and adversity
from the transit of planets through houses containing highest or lowest number of bindus. If one
house has the minimum bindus (e.g. 18) and the very next house has maximum bindus (e.g. 36)
, the person experiences sudden rise in life. Conversely if one house has the maximum bindus
and in the next house there are the minimum bindus, the person experiences sudden fall or
calamity in life.”

In the article, he has observed that at the time of death of a person, generally
Saturn transits a house containing least number of bindus or the next lowest house. In the
present article we will use this concept for fixing the year of the death of a native.

To find the probable lifespan of a native, we work in three steps. In first step we
find the probable lifespan, in second step we use BCP and SAV to fix the probable years
of death and in the third step we use the lord of the 8th house and the lord of the
nakshatra in which the 8th lord is placed to pinpoint the year of death.

Step 1:

heck in what type of rasi, the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 8th house
are stationed.

(a) Short Life: If both of them are in ‘Sthira’ (fixed) rasi, the native has a short span of
life (Alp-aayu). Same result is applicable if one of them is in ‘Chara’ (moveable) rasi
and the other is in a ‘Dwiswabhava’(dual) (Ubhaya) rasi.
(b) Medium Life: If the two lords under consideration are in Ubhaya (Dual) rasis then
native has medium span of life ( Madhya-aayu). Same is the result if one of them is
in a ‘Chara’ rasi and other is in a ‘sthira’ rasi.
(c) Long Life: If the two lords are in ‘Chara’ rasis, or one of them is in ‘sthira’ rasi and
the other is in ‘dwiswabhava’ rasi, then the native has a long span (puran-aayu) of

1st Option 2nd Option

Asc L & 8L In Way To Remember Way To Remember
Short Fixed (F) F Mov & Dual MD (Monetary Deposits)
Medium Dual (D) D Mov & Fixed MF (Mutual Fund)
Long Moveable (M) M Fixed & Dual FD (Fixed Deposits)

Table A3

3 We have created this table for young astrologers who find it difficult to remember this important broad method of longevity determination. In Life
there are two things important ‘Longevity & Money’. The 1st option is to be remembered like this ‘ One who flexible in life (moveable) will Live
Longer, one who is adamant in life will live Shorter, one who is on the middle path both flexibile and fixed at the same time (dual nature) will get
Now apply above mentioned rules to ‘Lagna and Moon’, ‘Lagna and Hora Lagna’ and
to ‘Saturn and Moon’ .

Important Rule

1. If all the combinations give the same span of life, accept that as the span of
life. If three of them give same span, accept that as the age span.

2. If two of them give one type and other two another type, accept the lower

3. If all the four give different results, rely upon the one given by ‘Lagna and
Hora Lagna’.

4. However if Moon is in Lagna or in the 7th or has a relation with Lagna lord,
accept the value given by the groups containing the Moon .

5. Least weight-age is to be given to the value given by Saturn and Moon.

Step 2 :

ong span of life is considered as 96 years or 108 years or 120 years. Similarly
middle life is considered as 64 years or 72 years or 80 years, and short life is
considered as 32 or 36 or 40 years .

Age Age Age

Short 32 Or 36 Or 40
Medium 64 Or 72 Or 80
Long 96 Or 108 Or 120

medium life.’ The 2nd option is to be remembered via Money, via this statement, Monetary Deposits of a Financial Institution is first in Mutual Funds
and then in Fixed Deposits for security – the MD (Short), MF (Medium), FD (Long) – SA Publisher

4Jyotishacharya Pt. Vindhyeshwari Prasad Diwedi .. “Janama – Patra- Dipaka” ..( Seventh edition 1987)…. Chowkhamba Publishers. Also see “ Al –
Najoom” By Maulvi Sayed Mohd. Mushtaba Sahib ....(Revised and edited by Hussain-al-Din Ahmed ..( 2nd print 1913).

5 P.M. Gopalachary the article “ Longevity and life span” .. ‘SA Magazine’ vol 8, page -1225. has also given a similar idea but in the present
article we are considering the effect of Saturn and Moon as well. The number of years contributed by different groups is also different than
his write up.

6 Jyotishacharya Pt. Vindhyeshwari Prasad Diwedi .. “Janama – Patra- Dipaka” ..( Seventh edition 1987)…. Chowkhamba Publishers. Also see “ Al –
Najoom” By Maulvi Sayed Mohd. Mushtaba Sahib ....(Revised and edited by Hussain-al-Din Ahmed ..( 2nd print 1913).
Which one of these values is to be taken depends on the contributors as given
below :

Suppose ‘Lagna Lord and 8th Lord’ are both in dual rasi then as per the above rule the
life span will be medium. In this case the life span is 80 years. If ‘Saturn and Moon’
are in ‘sthira’ and ‘dual’ rasi then age span is again medium but it is only 72 years.
The different cases are given below in a tabular form:

Case A Case B Case C

Contributors Short Span Medium Span Long Span
1 Lagna Lord and 8 Lord 40 years 80 years 120 years
2 Saturn and Moon 36 years 64 years 96 years
3 Lagna and Hora Lagna 32 years 72 years 108 years
4 Lagna and Moon 32 years 72 years 96 years

In case of middle span (i.e. case ‘b’) :

‘Lagna Lord and 8th lord’… being contributors give ……….80 years
‘Saturn and Moon’ ……… ,, ,, ,, ………64 years
‘Lagna and Hora Lagna’ ….. ,, ,, ,, ……….72 years
‘Lagna and Moon’ ……… ,, ,, ,, ………72 years

In case of long span (i.e. case ‘c’) :

‘Lagna lord and 8th Lord’ give 120 years

‘Saturn and Moon’ give 96 years
‘Lagna and Hora Lagna’ give 108 years
‘Lagna and Moon’ give 96 years

In case of short span (i.e. case ‘a’) :

‘Lagna Lord and 8th Lord’ give 40 years

‘Saturn and Moon’ give 36 years
‘Lagna and Hora Lagna’ give 32 years
‘Lagna and Moon’ give 32 years

After choosing the planets that are contributing to longevity, ( using the
‘chara, sthira and dwiswabhava’ conditions as given above), sum up the values
contributed by these planets and find their average. This will be the probable life
span of the native7 ( suppose it is A years).
Now sum up the degrees of these planets (that are contributing to the
longevity, planets from first three groups only to be considered) and find the average ( i.e
.. if three planets are contributing to longevity then divide the sum by three, if five
planets are contributing then divide the sum by five etc,). Multiply the result
(degrees, minutes, seconds) by (basic years) 32 or 36 or 40, and divide by 30 . Suppose
the quotient is. ‘X’ Now multiply the remainder by 12 and again divide by 30. Let the
result be ‘Y’ and remainder be ‘Z’. Then subtract X years, Y months and Z days from
the value of probable age as got above ( i.e. A years). This will be the most probable
life span of the native.
If Moon is in 7th house, then degrees of Moon not to be considered, only Lagna
degrees to be taken, if Moon is in 1st then, degrees of Moon to be considered and not of the

Step 3:

ow rectify and then verify the result got in step 2.
Let me explain the procedure by an example. Suppose the age as got after step
2 is 74 years 6 months and 12 days. Because in BCP each cycle is of
twelve years, we can say that the longevity of the native is greater than 72 years (
which we will write as + 72). Then 73rd year will be represented by the 1st house
(Lagna), 74th by 2nd house, 75th by 3rd house, and so on. Now study the
Sarvaashtakvarga chart (SAV). Look for those two consecutive houses where the number of
bindus abruptly changes from a large number to a small number. For example let number
of bindus be 33 in 3rd house and 21 in 4th house and again 28 in 10 th house and 19
in 11th house. Then houses 3rd and 4th and 10th and 11th are to be considered. 3rd
house represents 75th year and 4th represents 76th year, 10th house represents 80th year
and 11th house represents 81st year. We can now safely say that age will be either 75
years or 80 years.
Now look at the 8th lord and the lord of nakshatra in which 8th lord is
placed. First see the 8th lord ( and then the nakshatra lord). See which of the houses
out of the ones selected above are connected with 8th lord by position, aspect or
otherwise. Then the age represented by this house will be the longevity of the

7 After fixing the life span of the native as short , Medium or Long , we have to check if there is ‘ Vridhi’ in which case the life span will
increase… ..short becoming medium , medium becoming long. Again if there is ‘ Hrasa’ then long span will become medium, medium will
become short and short will become very short. See “Al-Najoom” ( Ref.3) and Sh. Gopalacharyas article (Ref.4). However to make things simple
and not making the article too long we have not taken this into consideration in the present article.

8 If
Lagna lord and 8th lord are contributing to lifespan then multiply By 40. If Lagna and Hora lord or Lagna and Moon are contributors then
multiply by 32
native. Suppose in the example given above 3rd house has 8th lord in it or this house
is aspected by the said lord then we can easily say that the longevity of native is 75
years. Now it may happen that both the houses under consideration are being aspected by the
8th lord, then in that case the house representing the lower age is to be taken. For example
in above case if Saturn is the 8th lord and placed in the Lagna, then it will aspect
both the 3rd as well as the 10th house. In this case we will accept the value given by
3rd house and say that the longevity of the native is 75 years.
Also see the connection of 12th lord as 12th is the house of exit from the world and
then make a conclusion.
Below are given some practical charts about the longevity of the persons :


1. Albert Einstein: Born : 14 March 1879. Died: 18 April 1955

Life Span: 76 Years 1 month and 4 days.
Birth details: 14 March, 1879, 11:30 (0:40 East), 10E0, 48N 2

As : 19 Ge 29 Su : 1 Pi 20 Mo : 22 Sc 21 Ma : 4 Cp 44 Me: 10 Pi 59 Ju : 5 Aq 19 Ve : 24
Pi 49 Sa : 12 Pi 01 Ra : 9 Cp 18 Ke: 9Cn 18 HL: 5 Le 22

Lagna Lord is Mercury in Pisces, a dual rasi, and the 8th lord is Saturn in Pisces, a dual
rasi.. this combination gives a medium life span of 80 years .
Lagna is Gemini, a dual sign and Moon is in Scorpio a fixed sign, this combination
gives a long life of 96 years.
Lagna is Gemini, a dual sign and Hora Lagna is Leo a fixed sign, this combination
gives a long life of 108 years.
Saturn is in Pisces, a dual sign and Moon is in Scorpio, a fixed sign, this combination
grants a life span of 96 years.
Three of the four combinations grant a long span of life, so we can say that the
native will have a long life.
The probable life span will be the average of 96, 96 and 108 ( the values of long life
granted by the three groups, the fourth value of medium life is neglected) i.e. 100
years [ ( 96 + 108 + 96)/3 = 300/3 =100 ].
The contributors to life span are Lagna, Moon and Hora Lagna . Take degrees of these
contributors and find the average. i.e.

Degrees of Lagna = 19 – 29

Degrees of Moon = 22 - 21
Degrees of Hora Lagna = 25 - 31
Sum = 67 - 21

Average = (67 - 21)/3 = 22 - 27

Multiply this by 32 and divide by 30. The quotient is 23. neglect the remainder . Now
subtract 23 from the age calculated above (i.e. 100 years). The result is 77 , which can
be taken as the most probable life span of the native. This value being greater than 72
( multiple of 12), so we call it + 72.

Now study the SAV chart and use BCP to get the final value. SAV chart for this
nativity is given below:

24 27 22 25 30 22
30 25 27
20 30
29 24

40 30 25 30 20

30 35 25 29 35 40
9 If
the remainder is not neglected we will get a value of 23 years 11 months, which when subtracted from 100 years gives 76 years and 1
month as the probable life span of native which is again +72 years.
As the age got is + 72, we consider the BCP cycle from 73 to 84 years. 1 st house
represents 73rd year, 2nd 74th year, and so on, the 12th year the 84th year.
In the SAV chart one can see that the number of bindus have large decrease in
value when we go from :

4th to 5th house …. from 29 to 25 ……age 76 - 77

6th to 7th house …. from 35 to 30 ….. age 78 - 79
8th to 9th house …. from 40 to 20 …. age 80 - 81
11th to 12th house… from 27 to 22 …. age 83 - 84

above we have calculated the probable as +72, so any one of these can be the actual
age of the native.
Here look at the 8th lord, which is Saturn. Saturn is in Pisces in UttarBadha
nakshatra whose ruler is again Saturn. In the birth chart Saturn is aspecting the 4th,
7th and 12th house. Starting from the Lagna, 4th house is the first among the houses
under influence of Saturn…Again Venus as 12th lord is aspecting the 4th house…
4th house represents 76th year, so the longevity of native is 76 years ( i.e. between 76
and 77 years.)

2. Indira Gandhi: Born : 19 Nov 1917 Died : 31 Oct 1984

Life Span : 66 years 11 months 12 days

Birth details : 19 Nov 1917, 23:11:40 (5:30 east), 81E51, 25 N 27

Asc: 27Cn 23 Su: 4 Sc 7 Mo: 5Cp 35 Ma: 16 Le 22 Me: 13Sc 14 Ju® : 14 Ta 59 Ve: 21 Sg 0 Sa :
21 Cn 4 Ra: 10 Sg 33 Ke: 10 Ge 33 HL: 25 Pi 49

To save space we make a table :

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Moon Saturn
Capricorn Cancer Cancer Capricorn Cancer Pisces Cancer Capricorn
Chara Chara Chara Chara Chara Ubhaya Chara Chara
Long…. 120 Years Long ….96 Years Short.. 32 Years Long …96 Years

As Moon is in 7th house it is to be given importance. So the mean of the two

groups containing Moon is 96 years.

The contributors to longevity are Lagna, Moon and Saturn. As per the rule Saturn (when
contributor in 4th group) is not to be taken. As Moon has been given importance its
degrees are not considered, so only degrees of Lagna i.e. 27º-23' are taken. Multiplying
by 32 and dividing by 30 gives 29 years, 2 months and 15 days which when subtracted
from 96 gives 66 years 9 months and 15 days which is the probable span of life.

This figure is greater than 60, so we call it +60.

Now use SAV and BCP for getting the final value :

27 25
33 31 32 25
37 24 32

25 24 30 31

22 27
29 22 33

22 29 30 37 22 25

In SAV there is a large decrease in the number of bindus when we go from 3 rd to

4th house, from 5th to 6th house and from 11th to 12th house. Using BCP they
represent 63rd year and 64th year, 65th and 66th year and 71st and 72nd year. 8th lord is
Saturn in nakshatra of Mercury . Mercury is 12th and 3rd lord. It occupies 5th house .
So we will consider this group i.e. 65 years to 66 years… The longevity of native is 66

(I wonder if we can say that 6th and 7th house has same number of bindus, so we also
consider the 7th house which is under the aspect of Sani, 7th represents 67th year or longevity
will be between 66 and 67 years.)

3. J L Nehru: Born: Nov 14, 1889 Died: 27 May 1964
Life span: 74 years 6 months and 13 days
Birth details: 14 Nov 1889, 23:21 hours, (5:30 east) 81E52, 25 N 28

Asc: 26 Cn 20 Su: 0 Sc 17 Mo: 18 Cn 00 Ma: 9Vi60 Me: 17 Li 10

Ju: 15 Sg 11 Ve: 7 Li 23 Sa: 10 Le 48 Ra :12 Ge 44 Ke : 12 Sg 44 HL: 28 Pi 34

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Moon Saturn
Cancer Leo Cancer Cancer Cancer Pisces Leo Cancer
Chara Sthira Chara Chara Chara Ubhaya Sthira Chara
Medium … 80 Years Long ….96 Years Short.. 32 Years Medium..64 Years

As Moon is in Lagna so it is to be given importance. The two groups having Moon

are giving long life of 96 years and medium life of 64 years, We take the age given

10At places in this article, the display chart Lagna Degree does not match with the ones used in text. Readers are supposed to make a note of this. At
the same time, in some charts the author departs from time of birth of known personalities that have been used in traditional magazines. It means the
author has rectified the birth time. Young ones must note that the issue at hand is not the authenticity of the celebrities horoscopes but the
superiority of the technique, which this article clearly demonstrates. – SA Publisher.
by Moon and Lagna as the probable age because Moon sign and Lagna are same i.e.
Cancer. So the probable age is 96 years.
Moon is in Lagna so only its degrees are to be considered. Multiply the Moon degrees
i.e. 18º by 32 and divide by 30, we get 19 years 2 months and 10 days. Subtracting it
from 96 we get the most probable age as 76 years 9 months and 20 days i.e. age is +72

27 25
33 31 32 25
37 24 32

25 24 30 31

22 27
29 22 33

22 29 30 37 22 25

If we study the SAV chart we see that there is a large decrease in number of bindus
at three places. Houses involved are 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th and 11th and 12th. 8th lord is
Saturn in the Magha nakshatra of Ketu. Saturn is aspecting the 4th house hence the
age represented by 3rd and 4th house will be taken.. Again Mercury as 12th lord is
posited in 4th house So we can conclude that the native will live for 75 ( 3rd house)
years .

4. Mahatma Gandhi: Born : Oct 2,1869 Died: 3o Jan, 1948

Life Span: 78 years 3 months and 28 days
Birth Details: Oct 2, 1869, 7:11 ( 4:38 east) 69E36, 21N3
As; 4 Li 29 Su: 16 Vi 54 Mo: 27 Cn 56 Ma : 26 Li 22 Me: 11 Li 44
Ju ( R ): 28 Ar 08 Ve: 24Li 24 Sa: 20Sc20 Ra:12Cn09 Ke: 12Cp 09 HL:25 Li03

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Venus Venus
Libra Libra Libra Cancer Libra Libra Scorpio Cancer
Chara Sthira Chara Chara Chara Chara Sthira Chara
Long.. ..120 Years Long ….96 Years Long..108 Years Medium..64 Years

Three groups are indicating Long age, taking mean of 120, 96 and 108, we get 108 as
the probable age. Adding the degrees of the contributors viz. Lagna lord Venus, 8th lord
Venus, Lagna, Hora Lagna and Moon and taking the mean we get 18-45, multiplying
by 40 and dividing by 30, gives 24 years, 7 months and 24 days. Subtracting this
from 108 years we get 83 years 4 months as the most probable life span which is

Now we study the SAV chart, there is a large decrease in the number of
bindus when we go from 6th to 7th house ( representing 78th and 79th year) and when
we go from 11th to 12th house ( representing 83rd and 84th year).

24 27
33 21 26 25
28 22 39

30 35 27 35

27 39
30 21 25

28 24 22 27 33 26

8th lord is Venus in ‘Vishakha’ whose lord is Jupiter. 7 th house is aspected by Venus
and retrograde Jupiter is posited there. Again 12th lord is Mercury which is aspecting
the 7th house. So age represented by 7th house i.e. the longevity of the native is between
78 years and 79 years .
5. JC BOSE : Born : 30 Nov, 1858 , Died : 23 Nov, 1937
Life Span : 78 years 11 months 23 days
Birth Details: 30 Nov, 1858. 16 :25 ( 5:45 east) 86 E 18, 24 N 11

As : 04 Ta 05 Su : 16 Sc 06 Mo : 19 Vi 13 Ma : 20 Cp 57 Me: 02 Sg 52
Ju :25 Ta 46® Ve : 06 Sg 46 Sa :20 Cn 23 Ra :11 Aq 55 Ke: 11Le55 HL:13 vi 35

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Venus Jupiter
Sagittarius Taurus Taurus Virgo Taurus Leo Cancer Virgo
Ubhaya Sthira Sthira Ubhaya Sthira Sthira Chara Ubhaya
Long.. 120 Years Long ….96 Years Short.. 32 Years Short…36 Years

Two groups are giving short life and other two are giving long life. In this case we take
the lower value of long age i.e. 96 as the probable age span. Contributors to long
span are the lagna lord Venus, the 8th lord Jupiter, Lagna and Moon. Adding their
degrees and taking the mean we have 13-44. Multiplying by 40 and dividing by 30
we get a figure of 18 years. Subtracting 18 from 96 we get the most probable life
span as 78 years which is + 72.
We study the SAV chart and see that there is a large decrease in the number
of bindus when we go from 1st to 2nd house ( representing 73rd and 74th year ), 6th to 7th
house ( representing 78th and 79th year) and 10th to 11th
20 28
30 28 32 20
28 32 30

35 28 28 35

20 28
29 28 20

21 28 38 29 38 21

8th lord Jupiter is in 1st house and is aspecting the 7th house. We take the age
represented by the 7th house i.e. 79 year as the maximum possible age, so life span of
the native is between 78 years and 79 years.

6. Swami Vivekananda: Born : 12 Jan, 1863 Died : 4 July, 1902

Life Span : 39 years 5 months 22 days
Birth Data : 12 Jan, 1863, 6:33 (5:53 east), 88 E 22, 22 N 32

Asc11: 28 Sg 10 Su: 29 Sg 25 Mo: 17 Vi 27 Ma: 6 Ar 20 Me: 11 Cp 47

11The Asc degree as provided by the author does not match with the more widely used Asc degree of Swami Vivekananda. Still the authors
technique is more valid and important than the originality of the Asc degree which can always be debatable depending on the software used. - SA
Ju: 4 Li 01 Ve: 7 Cp 07 Sa: 13 Vi 34 Ra : 22 Sc 15 Ke : 22 Ta 15 HL: 21 Sg 56

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Jupiter Moon
Libra Virgo Sagittarius Virgo Sagittarius Sagittarius Virgo Virgo
Chara Ubhaya Ubhaya Ubhaya Ubhaya Ubhaya Ubhaya Ubhaya
Short …40 Years Medium…72 Years Medium..72 Years Medium..64 Years

Three groups give medium life span, their mean being 69 years 4 months. The
contributors are Lagna, Hora Lagna, Moon (and Saturn which is not to be taken). Adding
their degrees and dividing by three we get 22-31. Multiplying by 32 and dividing by
30 we get almost 24 years . Subtracting this figure from 69 years 4 months we get 45
years 4 months as the probable life span of the native which is +36.
Studying SAV chart it is seen that there is a large decrease in the
number of bindus when we go from 4th to 5th house (representing 40th and 41st year), 6th
to 7th house (representing 42nd and 43rd year) and 8th to 9th house (representing 44th
and 45th year).

25 31
27 21 35 27
30 24 33

30 32 27 31

25 21
21 27 21

24 31 33 31 35 32

8th lord is Moon in its own nakshatra ‘Hasta’ and aspecting the 4th house, so we can
say that year represented by fourth house will be the life span of native which is
40th year . Thus life span of native will be between 39 years and 40 years.

7. Male: ( Refer ‘Predicting through Navamsa and Nadi Astrology’ by CS Patel….page

Life Span : Died in his 29th year
Birth details : Born at Ahmedabad (India) on 22-3-1936 at 17h 15m

As : 17 Le 29 Su : 8 Pi 43 Mo : 28 Aq 52 Ma : 29 Pi 17 Me : 21 Aq 34 Ju: 0 Sg 53 Ve: 13 Aq 01
Sa : 22 Aq 09 Ra : 15 Sg 38 Ke: 15Ge 38 HL: 22 Cp 59

Lagna 8th Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Saturn Moon

Lord Lord Lagna
Sun Jupiter
Pisces Sagittarius Leo Aquarius Leo Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius
Ubhaya Ubhaya Sthira Sthira Sthira Chara Sthira Sthira
Medium ..80years Short --32 years Medium.. 72 years Short ….36 years

As moon is in 7th house it is to be given importance, so the probable life span is

short and the mean of 32 and 36 which is 34 years.
Taking only the degrees of Lagna (Moon degrees are not to be considered as it has been
given importance, Saturn belongs to 4th group so its degrees are not to be taken) i.e. 17- 29.
Multiplying by 32 and dividing by 30 we get 18 years 7 months and 23 days,
Subtracting it from 34 we get the probable life span as 15 years 4 months and 7 days.
As we can see this result is nowhere near the actual lifespan of the native . In this
case the probable lifespan got by the method given is not correct.
However if we take the life span as +24 (as is known ) and study the SAV chart
we see that there is a large decrease in the number of bindus when we go from 3rd
to 4th house ( representing 27th and 28th year) 5th to 6th house (representing 29th and
30st year) and 11th to 12th house ( representing 35th and 36th year.)
30 27
20 30 27 33
37 21 33

16 27
29 27

30 21 41 16 30

41 29 37 30 30 20

8th lord is Jupiter in the nakshatra of Ketu, so 5th house is involved and we can
easily say that life span of the native will be between 29 and 30 years.

8. Male: (Refer Sh. CS Patel’s book, page 151 )

Birth details: Born on 30-6-1961 at 00h 05m (am) at Anand (India)
Life Span: Died in his 16th year

As: 5 Pi 46 Su: 14 Ge 26 Mo: 1 Cp 52 Ma: 7 Le 09 Me(R) :10 Ge 55

Ju(R ):11Cp 58 Ve: 29 Ar 02 Sa(R ): 4 Cp 37 Ra:6Le30 Ke:6Aq 30 HL: 16 Sg 10
Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Jupiter Venus
Capricorn Aries Pisces Capricorn Pisces Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn
Chara Chara Ubhaya Chara Ubhaya Ubhaya Chara Chara
Long..120Years Short --32 years Medium.. 72 years Long--96 years

If we look at the life span given by the different groups it is seen that
they are different. We use the rule that value given by the Hora Lagna and the
Lagna is the actual value which is 72 years. ( We have to consider ‘Hraasa’ in this
case to get the correct result. Saturn is with Lagna lord and Hora Lagna lord, so life
span will not be medium ( 72 years) but short ( 36 years). Taking degrees of Lagna
and Hora Lagna and finding the mean we get 10- 28. Multiplying by 40 and
dividing by 30 the result is 14 years. Subtracting this figure from 36 years we get
the most probable life span as 22 years which is +12.

30 26
32 30 28 32
28 32 27

28 18 32 22

27 32
18 24 39

22 39 26 24 32 26

A look at the SAV chart shows a big decrease in the number of bindus
when we go from 4th to 5th house ( representing 16th and 17th year) 6th and 7th house
(representing 18th and 19th year) and 9th and 10th house ( representing 21st and 22nd
Venus is 8th lord , aspecting the 5th house ( 17th year) and Venus is in
nakshatra of Sun which is posited in 4th house ( 16th year). The life span of native will
be 16 years.

9. Female: (Refer Sh. CS Pastels book page 151 )

Born on 5-12 –1942 at 12h 54m at Bombay (India)

Life span : 12 years

As :20 Aq 48 Su: 19 Sc 28 Mo: 11 Li 14 Ma: 29 Li 43 Me: 21 Sc 49

Ju (R ): 1Cn20 Ve: 24Sc 05 Sa(R ):15 Ta 41 Ra: 5 Le 52 Ke: 5 Aq 5 HL : 15 Ta 40

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Saturn Mercury
Taurus Scorpio Aquarius Libra Aquarius Taurus Taurus Libra
Sthira Sthira Sthira Chara Sthira Sthira Sthira Chara
Short… 40 years Medium--72 years Short ….32years Medium...64years

Out of first three groups two are suggesting a short span of life. So take the
probable life span as the mean of 40 and 32 , i.e. 36. We add the degrees of four
contributors viz : lagna lord, 8th lord, lagna and Hora lagna, divide the sum by four,
the result is 18- 45. Multiply this by 40 and divide by 30 , we get 25 years.
Subtracting it from 36 we get the probable life span as 11.
Study of SAV chart shows a sharp decline in the number of bindus from4th
to 5th house ( representing 4th and 5th years) 7th to 8th house ( 7th and 8th year) and 11th
to 12th house ( 11th and 12th year). 8th lord is Mercury in the nakshatra of Mercury.
Mercury is in 11th house ( Mercury is 29). So the life span of native is between 11 years
and 12 years.
31 25
31 29 28 23
29 25 30

25 33 28 28

25 34
23 34 21

30 28 21 30 33 30

10. Bal GanghaDhar Tilak : Born : 23 July 1856 Died : 1st Aug , 1920
Life Span: 64 years and 8 days
Birth details: 23 July 1856, 06:25, (5:30 east), 73E50, 18 N 58

As : 11 Cn 22 Su : 8 Cn 26 Mo :17 Pi 28 Ma : 03 Li 41 Me : 21 Ge 03Ju : 17Pi16 Ve: 09 Cn 05

Sa : 15 Ge 21 Ra : 27 Pi 31 Ke: 27Vi 31 HL: 15 Cn 01

Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Moon Saturn
Sagittarius Gemini Cancer Pisces Cancer Cancer Gemini Pisces
Ubhaya Ubhaya Chara Ubhaya Chara Chara Ubhaya Ubhaya
Medium … 80 Years Short ----32 years Long…. 108 years Medium..64 Years
Two groups give medium lifespan. The one given by the Lagna lord and the 8th
lord is the probable life span viz. 80 years. The mean of degrees of Moon and Saturn
is 16-25. Multiplying by 32 and dividing by 30 we get 18 years. Subtracting 18 from
80 we get the probable life span as 62 years which is + 60.
A study of SAV chart shows a sharp decrease in the number of bindus
when we go from 2nd to 3rd house (representing 62nd and 63rd years), 3rd to 4th house
(64th and 65th year), 7th to 8th house (67th and 68th year) and 11th and 12th house (71st
and 72nd year).
Saturn as 8th lord is in 12th house from where it aspects 2nd house, Saturn is in
nakshatra of Jupiter which is aspecting 3rd house, so we conclude that the life span of
native will be the age represented by 2nd and 3rd house, i.e. the native will live for 63

34 19
25 36 34 19
23 24 34

25 24
31 36

32 34
27 32 25

27 27 31 23 27 25

11. C.S Patel : Born : 31 Dec 1915, Died : 14 Aug, 2007

Life Span: 91 years 7 months 13 days
Birth details: Born on 31 Dec 1915 at 19 hr 44 mts near Ahmedabad, India

As: 8 Cn 53 Su : 16 Sg 10 Mo: 12 Li 13 Ma: 7 Le 9 Me: 25 Sg 13 Ju: 29 Aq 29 Ve: 13 Cp 14

Sa (R): 20 Ge 42 Ra:17 Cp 6 Ke: 17Cn 6 HL :25 Sg 43
Lagna Lord 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Moon Saturn
Libra Gemini Cancer Libra Cancer Sagittarius Gemini Libra
Chara Ubhaya Chara Chara Chara Ubhaya Ubhaya Chara
Short .. 40years Long ….96 Years Short.. 32 Years Short--36 years

Three methods are suggesting a short span of life, and only one is
suggesting a long span. So it seems that the method of fixing the longevity as
Long, medium or short on basis of Lagna lord , 8th lord etc fails here.
For academic interest we use the following rules (7) which give a long span of life :
1. Ascendant lord in a quadrant and malefics occupy the 6th and 12th house.
2. Ascendant lord is in a Kendra and receives the aspect of Jupiter or Venus.

Thus we can say that the native will have a long span of life i.e. 96 years. Contributors to
( long ) life span are Lagna and Moon. Adding their degrees and finding the mean we get
10- 33.

31 25
21 26 30 25
29 25 30

30 25
28 26

34 31
23 34 21

33 23 28 29 33 30
Multiplying this figure by 32 and dividing by 30 we get 11 years 3 months. Subtracting it
from 96 we get the probable life span as 84 years 9 months which is + 84.
Looking at the SAV chart we see that there is a large decrease in the number of
bindus when we go from 4th to 5th house (representing 88th and 89th year), 7th to 8th
house ( 91st and 92nd year) and 11th and 12th house ( 95th and 96th year). Saturn as 8th
lord is aspecting 9th house (93rd year), Saturn is in the nakshatra of Rahu, Rahu is
placed in 7th house ( 91st year), so we can conclude that the life span of native will be +
91 years.

12. Female: Born : 7 Feb, 1946, Died : 7 May, 2011

Life Span : 65 years 3 months
Birth details : Born Feb 7, 1946 at 7:09 PM at Srinagar, Kashmir, India

As: 8 Le 56 Su: 25 Cp 5 Mo: 3 Ar 53 Ma: 22 Ge 19 Me: 22 Cp 27 Ju:4 Li 14 Ve: 26 Cp 32 Sa:

26 Ge 18 Ra: 4 Ge 23 Ke: 4 Ge 23 HL: 14 Cp 58

Lagna 8th Lord Lagna Moon Lagna Hora Lagna Saturn Moon
Sun Jupiter
Capricorn Libra Leo Aries Leo Capricorn ru Gemini Aries
Chara Chara Sthira Chara Sthira Chara Ubhaya Chara
Long ..120years Medium.72years Medium. 72 Years Short--36 years
Two groups are giving medium life span of 72 years, which will be considered.
Adding the degrees of contributors viz. Lagna, Moon and Hora Lagna and taking the
mean we get 9- 16. Multiplying by 32 and dividing by 30 we get 9 years 10 months
18 days which when subtracted from 72 years yields a probable life span of 62 years 1
month and 12 days which is +60.

32 21
28 27 28 34
× 28 31 34

25 21
35 28

27 31
21 25 27

21 35 28 32 27 28

SAV chart shows a large decrease in number of bindus when we go from 4 th to 5th
house ( 64th and 65tth year) and from 11th to 12th house (71st and 72nd year). 8th lord
Jupiter is in 3rd house aspecting 11th house, Jupiter is in ‘Chitra’ a nakshatra of Mars.
Mars is in 11th house aspecting the 5th house (5th house has Ketu in it). So we take
the lower value of the two values (65 represented by 5th house and 71 represented by
11th house), thus 65 years is the probable life span.

C onclusion:
We have seen that we can roughly fix the life span of a
native using the position of Lagna lord , 8 th lord, fixed, moveable or dual
rasis. However it is seen that this is not a fool proof method, and in some cases it does
not give correct results. One of the reasons may be that in the present article we
have not taken into consideration the increase or decrease in life span .. Vridhi and
Hraasa..(See note 5 below). Also it is seen that in case of large life spans ( above 90)
and very short life spans (less than 20) the method does not work well, probably
some different combinations of planets are responsible for these extreme life spans.
We will present our research on this subject in another article. One interesting thing
is that SAV chart and BCP give correct result in all the charts (8).
By the present method we can fix the life span in years; exact month and
day cannot be found.
In our next article we will write about a method for fixing the day of death
..i.e. what lunar day it will be whether Panchami or Ekadashi or some other day, and
also the lunar month..i.e. we can say whether it will be Baisakh, or Aashad , or
Sawan etc. We can also find the week day i.e. whether it will be a Sunday or a
Monday or any other day.

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