Portuguese Experience in GPR Road Inspections - IWAGPR-GRANADA 2009

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About Portuguese experience in GPR road inspections

A. Costa
Vila do Conde, Portugal

 as a tool to support economical development; to allow equal

Abstract—This paper presents a perspective of the actual opportunities between interior zones of the country and the
panorama in Portugal of GPR related with road pavements coastline ones, and to reduce the high levels of road
inspections, through the experience of one of the operating sinistrality. The importance of road construction, and other
companies in this field. First steps dealing with GPR inspections;
demands of equipment and software upgrades; doubts and results
sectors of activities related with roads, becomes very effective
concern to GPR inspections, in the perspective of a engineer in national economy.
geologist. Even during 2008, financing, design, building and operating
(FDBO) contracts of several hundreds of kilometers of roads
Index Terms— GPR, road, pavement, inspection.
have been launched in Portugal. Significant part of these
I. INTRODUCTION contracts is related with beneficiation of old roads. However
some of the information about this old roads it is integrated in
With a significant experience in roads (geotechnics and
a national road data base, there is a huge need of information
pavements), related with project, construction, fiscalisation
to support design decisions related with the reinforcement of
and maintenance, the perspective to use GPR in road
these pavements. Without any doubts, GPR have here a role to
inspections becomes 3 years ago. The contact with the work
and results obtained by companies and organizations that were
dealing with this method, especially in Finland [1]-[2] and IV. GPR EQUIPMENT
U.S.A.[3]-[4]-[5], increased our interest, motivates research
and oriented the first field experiences. Final decision was A. Initial configuration
supported by the favorable panorama that exists in Portugal to First field experiments were done along 6 km of paving
commercial services related with GPR road inspections. construction, with a very simple configuration of equipment:
SIR20 equipped with odometer and 2GHz air launched
II. GPR ROAD INSPECTION IN PORTUGAL antenna (Fig. 1). Using default configuration of the GPR
The first publication related to the application in Portugal of system [11], have been achieved proper similitude between
GPR method in road inspections [6], by researchers of GPR thickness layers evaluation, and “ground truth”
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), it is supported by coring control quality [12].
related with the detection of carsic holes beneath the highway In successive experiments, in longer survey inspections, the
A1-Torres Novas/Fátima, with ground coupled antennas of 50 contact with some difficulties lead us to the need of equipment
and 200 MHz of central frequency. Nowadays, LNEC has upgrade and changes in methodology, because of four major
GPR equipment to different kind of applications, and also to aspects:
road inspections at “high-speed” with air coupled antennas, - 2GHz antenna has not always the sufficient depth
and still research and promote this method as can be showed penetration to inspect the pavement until the bottom;
by recent works [7]-[8] dedicated to non destructive methods - Location of data it is of major importance. Accurate
in road inspections. calibration of odometer to, for instance, a 30 km
However the good results obtained and the experience of survey it is not as simple as that. When comparing data
more than a decade, and even when GPR becomes gradually of different tests (FWD, IRI, …) located with different
used in archeology, utilities, concrete structures, odometers, distances varies, what can have a big
geotechnics,… the use of this technology applied to road significance and can creates many difficulties and
pavements didn’t grow as could be expected. Inclusive, the doubts;
recent interest about GPR railroad inspection [9] – [10], allow
us to think that, nowadays, the focus it is pointed out to other
objects than roads.


The Portuguese highways network is very recent, and is still
going on construction. In the last 30 years, successive
Governments trough Public Administration and private
Fig. 1 – Configuration of equipment initially used.
companies, focus the development of a modern road network
- Visual memory of the places, important aspect to data
interpretation, after few days of field work with several
hundreds of kilometers inspected, it is not there
anymore when we get back to the office, and markers
in GPR data supported by written notes are always
- “Ground Truth” is a need in GPR road inspections and
when we are running against time (almost always), it is
important to have that information on time and from a
location 100% correct.
B. Equipment upgrade
The presented initial difficulties needed a response in two
vectors: work methodology and equipment/software.
- Antennas – in road pavement inspections, air launched
antennas have advantages in practical operational
aspects and in the information obtained through the
surface reflection data. However, lower central
frequency ground coupled antennas are important to
reach foundation of the pavements. Final decision, was
about a air launched antenna of 1GHz central Fig.2. Data acquisition and integration
frequency, and considers the posterior acquisition of a it produces high quantities of rubbish. Usually, small problems
ground coupled 400MHz antenna; in field became major ones, later at office. So, it becomes a
- Location – the option to acquired geographical need to have rigorous data acquisition, linked and
coordinates through a GPS, lead to some questions synchronized through specific software.
about the equipment we should use. After some The commercial solutions to these questions are quite few.
research, it seems a good option, a 12 channels RoadDoctor, with Camlink, it is one of the most familiar
receiver with external antenna, with sub meter solutions. Specifically oriented to road inspections, it becomes
differential accuracy through a service of differential the solution to our needs.
GPS broadcast system, and 20Hz of position output The integration of the presented equipment working
data. However the best accuracy GPS equipment can simultaneously, through specific software of data acquisition
give, odometer precision and markers in GPR data, are (Radan from GSSI and Camlink of RoadDoctor from
always of first importance. Simultaneously, digital RoadScanners), gives the capability of inspection
video images also help to this location efforts; simultaneously along two lines in the same lane (Fig. 3), at
- Digital video – the interpretation of GPR data greatly highway speed (more than 50 km/h), with minor efforts related
benefits from the possibility of visualize the surface of to vehicle signalization and no need of other road safety
the pavement and surrounding environment. Record demands.
video images simultaneously from two cameras can RoadDoctor allows processing GPR data; integration of
easily be done with significant advantage during GPR different data relevant to GPR interpretation and road
data interpretation; analysis; synchronized visualization of data, map location and
- “Ground truth” –this information it is sufficiently video images (Fig. 4); and output different kinds of reports.
important and easily to acquired to justified have Very important to those who are not GPR specialists, is the
proper means to collect it. Decide in the proper possibility to have GPR technical assistance/consultancy. In
moment about core location and be sure about the this situation, that role belongs to RoadScanners.
position where it has been collected, are sufficient
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reasons to consider have this tool. Medium capacity

equipment, considering the most frequent targets we
have under our interest, can be a good choice.
The integration of all this data is relevant to road analysis
(Fig. 2).
C. Software and method
High-speed GPR road survey has the capability to acquire
high quantities of good data in little time. As well, if the
system is not working properly, in the very same few time, Fig. 3 – Some possible configurations of the antennas
characteristics of materials need to be considered to evaluate
HMA stripping or air voids, or changes in moisture in granular
bases. Doubts about the reasons of road pathologies, almost
every times have correspondence in responsibilities, and in
that situations, the question that matters is who pays the bill?

After some first experiments, the GPR methodology used to
road inspections became supported by, what we consider
adequate equipment and software.
A diversity of works has already been made, in terms that
Fig. 4 – RoadDoctor screen with (a) video image; (b) map location; (c) confirms the viability of conducting commercial services in
elevation of longitudinal profile with GPR data; (d) interpretated layer in this field.
GPR data; (e) dielectrical variations of the first two layers.
The participations already occurred in previous works, and
in some others still on going, will allow to present during 2009
numerical analysis of GPR data versus parameters achieved
The recent experience working with GPR related to roads, trough other methodologies, and so, more sustainable
have been achieved in contact with different kind of services, conclusions about GPR results obtained.
along several hundreds of kilometers of inspected roads.
A. Quality control VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
GPR inspections during construction have been important The author thanks Professor António Gomes Correia of
to confirm the representativity of core sampling and detect Universidade do Minho, his idea and support to research GPR
particular feature not reflected in core results. applied to road inspections, as well to Dr Timo Saarenketo
and Drª Anja Pälli, for their answer to all the questions.
B. Quality assurance
Post-construction and before open to traffic, recent REFERENCES
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Fig. 5 – Location of principal inspected roads 2007.

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