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1. What do you understand by levels of management ?

Why is the segmentation of

management necessary?
Ans: Levels of Management refers to managerial positions with respect to the organization.
The organization is divided into three different levels that is
a) Top level Management
b) Middle level Management
c) Lower level Management

a) Top Level: Top Level Management is made up of the top most position in the organization
which includes Board of directors, CEO, President, Secretary who has complete authority
and controls the organization and they are accountable to the shareholders of the

b) Middle Level: Middle Level Management is made up of mid position which includes
managers or the executives and they have the authority to control and direct the lower level
management. They are accountable to the top level management.

c) Lower Level: Lower Level Management refers to the operative level managers, their
responsibility is to motivate the employees and assign the task and supervise them, they
are accountable to the middle level management.

The segmentation of levels is necessary in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the
organization, and to know the responsibilities of every individual or an employee so that there
should be increase in productivity and to run the organization efficiently.

2. What do you understand by the term open gate policy ? Why is it pivotal in organizational
structure ?
Give your inputs on Zero tolerance policy towards bullying, sexual harassment , inequality and
biasedness in an organization. How does it affect the organization and the employee .
Help us understand with examples.
Ans: Open Gate Policy means, It is to avoid discrimination in the organization, basically this policy
states that all the employees should be treated equally, there should be a good rapport between
upper level management and lower level management, and the lower level management should
have the right to communicate with the upper level management when ever it is required to them
without any hesitation and they can share their idea and suggestions with them.
Pivotal in organization is to know what work has to be done, who should do the work, what is the
reason for that work or why that particular work should be performed, how it is going to he
performed, what strategies to be adopted and so on, Therefore the structure is made in order to
understand the organization as a whole.

The Zero tolerance policy towards bullying, sexual harassment, inequality and biasedness in the
The organization should have a separate team who can monitor these acts and meanwhile in the
organization every individual should respect each other whether he or she is from different
category, caste, religion, gender, race, or different class. Firstly the upper level management should
treat their subordinates equally, and should share a friendly relationship with them in order to avoid
inequality, biasedness, bullying and harassment. And in order to avoid these acts the separate team
should spread a word that if someone performs one of the acts then the strict action will be taken
against them.

This acts will effect the employees in the organization in a harmful ways,
Firstly it will affect the employee’s physical and mental health, the employees will loose their
career paths, and also it will reduce their self confidence and morale and they are always disturbed
due to that they are unable to concentrate on the assignments or work, and there is a chance that
the employees might leave the organization.

The example can be insulting employees in front of everyone rather than speaking with them
personally and telling them where they are wrong, but even speaking personally the employees
should be spoken in a polite manner so that they can work on their mistakes.
The another example can be women facing sexual harassment in the organization, firstly when the
women employees joins the organization, the environment of the organization should be in such a
way that the women employees should feel safe and protected.

3.You are a manager handling a team of 100 people. There are people who are not following your
orders and targets / deadlines are not being achieved. What all steps will you take to make sure
that the team members are achieving the target and also maintaining the standards set by the
Ans: The steps to be taken to make sure that the team members are achieving targets and
maintaining the standards set by the management will be:
Firstly communicating with them, asking them what is the problem that they are unable to follow
the orders and not meeting the deadlines, listening to them carefully and in case they have any
problem, solving that problem.
Conducting programs on motivation and also motivating them personally to perform better.
Telling them clearly about the expectations of the organization and telling them if they don’t follow
the orders what steps will be taken by the organization whether it’s firing that employee or reducing
their salary etc..
The organization can try some fun activities which will lead the employees to perform better and
meet the deadlines.
In past if the employees have done a good job then don’t forget to reward them or appraise them
so that they can be same in the present and future as well.
First understand the employees skillset and according to assign the work do that the employees
will love what they are doing and also they can follow the orders.
If there is any conflict between the team members then solving it in a mature way.
Make strategies for time management so that the employees can give equal time for both
professional life and as well as personal life.

Therefore there are various steps to be taken to motivate the employees and helping them meeting
the deadlines and achieving targets.

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