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Gateonlinex.com GATE: 2008 RE : Electrical Engineering Duration : Three Houre Da Maximum Marke +150 Read the following instructions carefully 1, Using HB poneil, darken the appropriate bubble - letters corresponding to your paper code. “indo cach digit of your ropatration number andthe 2. All the questions in this question paper are of objective type. 3. Questions must be answered on Objective Res ¥ ive Response Shect (ORS) by dark (marked A, B,C, D) using HB peneil against the + on the le Each question has only one correct answer. answer completely. More than one answer bubbled is the appropriate bubble question number on the left hand side of the ORS. In case you wish to change an answer, erase the old ‘against a question will be treated asa wrong answer. 4. Questions 1 through 20 aro J-mark questions and questions 21 through 85 are 2-mark questions s Questions 71 through 73 is one set of common data questions, questions 74 and 75 is another pair of common data questions. The question pairs (76, 77), (78, 79), (80, 81), (82, 83) and (84, 85) are questions with linked answers. The answer to the second question of the above pairs will depend on the answer to the first question of the pair. If tho first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is un-attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 6. Un-attempted questions will carry zero marks. 7. NEGATIVE MARKING: For Q.1 to Q.20, 0.25 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For Q.21 to Q.75, 0.5 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For the pairs of questions with linked answers, there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question, ie; for @.76, Q.78, Q.80, Q.82 and Q.84, 0.5 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.77, Q.79, Q.81, Q.83 and Q.85. 8. Calculator without data connectivity is allowed in the examination hall, 9. Charts, graph sheets and tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. i 8 ‘the end of the 10. Rough work can be done on the question paper itself, Additional blank pages are given at question paper for rough work. 21= 0.20 carry one mark cach, 1. The number of chords in the graph of the given circuit will be @s3 4 7 5 @6 2. ‘The Thevenin’s equivalent of a cireuit operating at w= 5 rad/s, has V,, = 0.712 ~15.9° V and Z,= 2.58 ~ 40.667 2. At this frequeney, the minimal realization of the Thevenin's impedance will have a (a) resistor and a capacitor and an inductor _() resistor and a capacitor © resistor and an inductor (d) capacitor and an inductor 3. Asignal e~* sin(wt) is the input to a Linear Time Invariant system. Given K and @ are constants, the output of the system will be of the form Ke* sin(vt + 6) where (a) B need not be equal to a but v equal too (®) wneed not be equal to © but 6 equal to « (©) Bequal toa and v equal tow (2) ined not be equal to a and v need not be equal to w 4. Xisa uniformly distributed random variable that takes values between 0 and 1. The value of E {X*] will be 1 @o Oy 1 1 OF @ > 5. The characteristic equation of a (3 x 3) matrix P is defined as a (ih) =PI-Pl=04+ 224 241-0, If I denotes identity matrix, then the inverse of matrix P will be (@) (P+ P +21) @) 4P+y © -@+P4+D @) -(+P +20 6. Ifthe rank of a (6 x 6) matrix Q is 4, then which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Q will have four linearly independent rows and four linearly independent columns () Q will have four linearly independent rows and five linearly independent columns (©) QQ" will be invertible @) QQ will be invertible Gateonlinex.com Gateonlinex.con equation auto “de + ¥tt) = 6(t) 3(t) is the iverniatnn 7 —" soning ero initial condition, and 4 oe “ane SSseting the unit tap function by ©) ewit) we ue) The equivalent eireuite of a diods, the figure. ° © @ ww as7y we} i take 8. Two B-bit ADCs, one of single slope integrating type and other — agproxinat 7 a T, and Tr, times to convert 5 V analog input signal to equiv: a een oe abe signal is reduced to 2.5V, the approximate time taken by the two ADCs T, a) TT, 0) a, . te 7, @ 2 ns 10. An input device is interfaced with Intel 8085A microprocessor as memory mapped V/O. The addrens of the dovice is 2500H, In o input — IH. In order to input data from the device to accumulator, the sequence of instructions (@) LXE H, 2500H () LXL Hi, 2500H MOV A.M MOV MA (©) LHLD 25008 (@) LELD 25008 MOV A; M Mov M,A 11. Distributed winding and short chording employed in AC machines will result in. (a) increase in emf and reduction in harmonics.(é) reduction in emf and increase in harmonics, (©) increase in both emf and harmonics, (2) reduction in both emf and harmonies. 12 Three single-phase transformers are connected to form a 3-phase transformer bank. The transformers are connected in the following manner ‘The transformer connection will be represented by (a) Yao a‘ ' once: | not a" ® ya bo ‘ - Pi TT iy ot * () ¥d6 I. ‘ ke ERT | és @) Yan vm ! seedy 13, Ina stepper motor, the detent torque means (a) minimum of the static torque with the phase winding excited, (®) maximum of the statie torque with the phase winding excited (©) minimum of the static torque with the phase winding unexcited (d) maxinsura of the static torque with the phase winding wnexcited. ive sequence impedance of 14. Atwo machine power system is shown below. Transmission line X¥ has posi Z, Q.and zero sequence impedance of Z, 2. ‘An ‘a’ phase to ground fault with zero fault Bus voltage at X and line current from X to F for the phase ‘a’, are respectively. Then, the impedance measured by the ground distance relay located at the Tine XY will be given by impedance oceurs at the centre of the transmission line. given by V, Volts and 1, Amperes, terminal Xof 4a @ 3 Gateonlinex.com 15. An extra high voltage transmission line oflength 300 km, propagation constant 6 = i . 6 =0.00127 radia canbe approsimated bya will be given by ms per km. Then th, ical ag © Percentage ratio, line havi (a) 24.24% tage ratic ofline length to wavelengty ©) 19.05% ® 12.19% (@ 6.06% 16. Ad-phase transmission line is shown in the f Voltage di s i ven 66 drop across the transmission line is given by the followis ing equation awlel2, Zz 20 i AVe} [Zn 2m Zy I, Shunt capaci : te cence ohne ie Potitive sequence impc2onchof 15.0 and (@) 2,=31.59;2,=1650 ees (6) Z,=269:Z7 = 110 st 2 (©) %,=1650;2, =3160 Sy (@) Z=u : au : 17. Inthe single phase voltage controller cireuit showa in the fi erin in the figure, for what range of triggering angle (a the output voltage (v,) is not controllable? oe (a) fe) @) 2 sla 32. H(z) is a transfer function of a real system. When a signal x(n] = (t + j)" is the input to such a system, the 12 output is zero. Further, the region Of Convergence (ROC) of 0 -3" ‘) H (2) is the entire Z-plane (except z= 0). It can then be inferred that H (2) can have a minimum of (6) one pole and two zero (a) one pole and one zero (d) two poles and two zeros (c} two poles and one zero with [2] > a, the residue of X(z)z"-! at z= a for n> 0 will be 83. Given X(2) = 7 @-a ‘ () a (d) nae! (a) a + (©) na 34. Consider function f (x) = (x? — 4)? where x is a real number, Then the function has G) only one minimum (®) only two minima (© three minima (d) Three maxima = 0 is required to be solved using Newton's method with an initial guess x, = - 1. 35, Equation e — ‘Then, after one step of Newton's method, estimate x, of the solution will be given by (a) 0.71828 (8) 0.36784 (©) 0.20587 (@ 0.00000 96. Ais a m x n full rank matrix with m > n and I is an identity mat i 2 rix, Let matrix At = (ATA)! AT. ‘Then, which one of the following statements is FALSE? . @) AAA=A (0) (AA) = AAP (©) AA=I (@) AWA=At st 4. Gateonlinex.com jfferential oquatio; nit) has A differential equation SF (O has to he solved using trapensidal rule of integrat th, 5. Function u(t) indica vtecawen size h = 0.01 s, Function w(t) indicates a unit step function. 1fx(0-) «0, th : sen =O, then value of at t= 0.01 9 wilt (@) 0.00099 ©) c.00195, ( 0.0089 @) 0.0198 Let P be a 2 x 2 real orthogonal matrix and is 1 vector ‘ 4 is a real vector {x,, x,F" with length tigi = {2 |i (d) No relationship can be established between | x|| and |P || 1 1 Let x(t) = rect (:-}) (where rect (x) = 1 for ->Sx £5 and zero otherwise), Then if since in xx) Sin tee | the Fourier Transform of xit} + x(- €) will be given by @= 7X : ( ine ® @) sine| 3 ) asine( 2.) ve) (3) wel) GG (c) 2sine| an} C82 (d) sinc] bx} 8, ‘Two perfectly matched silicon transistors are connected as shown in the figure. Assuming the f of the transistors to be very high and the forward voltage drop in diodes to be 0.7 V, the value of current I is sy \: (a) OmA (6) 3.6mA (©) 43mA wv 1g is closed at t = 0, Assuming diodes the steady (@) 5.7 mA In the voltage doubler circuit shown in the figure, the switch D, and D, to be ideal, load resistance to be infinite and initial capacitor voltages to be zero, state voltage across capacitors C, and C, willbe |) (@) ¥, = 10V,v,.=8V (6) v= 10V, v,=-5V Sint ©) v= 8V,v,.= 10V (d) y,, = BY,v,,=—10¥ 42, The block diagrams oftwo types of half wave rectifiers are shown in the figure. The transfer el es of the rectifiers are also shown within the block. naracteristicg Teis desired to make fll wave rectifer using above two half-wave rectifiers, The resultant circuit willbe (a) Oo} f : © (a) k R 43. A3 line to 8 line decoder, with active low outputs, is used to implement a 3- variable Boolean function as shown in the figure. 314 BL Decoder ‘The simplified form of Boolean function F (A, B, C) implemented in ‘Product of Sum’ form will be (@) K+ (K+ ¥ 42) 042) () (X4Z). K+ V4). (F 4) ©) (X4¥ +2. (K+ V+D.K4 ¥ 4D, Gateonlinex.com @) (K+ F 42). (K+ V4), K+ V2). Gateonlinex.com 44, The truth table of a moneshot shown in the 1s given in the table belo in le below ri {MPT a) ane [72 1 ‘Two monoshats, one positive edge triggered and other negative edge triggered, are connected an sh are ‘as shown 5 S| in the igure, The pulse widths of the two monoshot outputs, Q, and Q,. 2, are Tow, and Tox, respectively RS Ro ‘The frequency and the duty cycle of the signal at Q, will respectively be 1 (@) f= an : Ore 1. = oN ‘0 + 1 * TON, ‘ON, *7ONy ‘ON, * TON, 1 Ton, Ton, Ro @ te 74 pe ON, ON “TON, ‘ON, ‘on, * Ton, 45. The contents (in Hexadecimal) of some of the memory locations in an 8085A based system are given below ‘The contents of stack pointer (SP), program counter (PC) and (H, L) are 2700H, 2100H and 0000H respectively. When the following sequence of instructions are executed, 2100H: DAD SP 21018: PCHL the contents of (SP) and (PC) at the end of execution will be ‘ (8) (PO) = 2700H, (SP) = 2700H (@) (PC) = 2102H, (SP) = 2700H (d) (PC) = 2A02H, (SP) = 2702 “@) (PC) = 2800H, (SP) = 26 FEH. 46. A waveform generator circuit using OPAMPS is shown in the figure. It produces a triangular wave ay point ‘P' with a peak to peak voltage of 5 V for v, = 0 V. @ ow (d) 47. A230 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, single-phase induction motor is rotating in the clockwise (forward) direction ata speed of 1425 -rpm. If the rotor resistance at standatill is 7.8 Q. then the effective rotor resistance in the backward branch of the equivalent circuit will be @20 @) 42 (©) 782 (d) 1569 48, A400 V, 50 Hz, 30 hp,three-phase induction motor is drawing 50 A current at 0.8 power factor legging. ‘The stator and rotor copper losses are 1.6 kW and 900 W respectively. The friction and windage losses are 1050 W and the core losses are 1200 W. The air-gap power of the motor will be (@) 23,06 kW (6) 24.1 kW (© 25.01 kW (d) 26.21 kW .. The core of a two-winding transformer is subjected to a magnetic flux variation as indicated in the figure. ateonlinex.com 51. 53. The induced emf (c,,) in the secondary winding as a function of timo will be of the form @ Ca El : ~ a ! | ' CL rs say, 1 3 © ie) @ ay Ch “A Ld Voltage phasors at the two terminals of a transmission line of length 70 km have a magnitude of1.0 per unit but are 180 degrees out of phase, Assuming that the maximum load current in the line ia dt of minimum 3-phase fault current, which one of the following transmission line protection schemes will NOT pick up for this condition? {e) Distance protection using mho relays with zone-1 set to 80% of the line impedance (8) Directional overcurrent protection set to pick up at 1.25 times the maximum load current (©) Pilot relaying system with directional comparison scheme (d) Pilot relaying system with segregated phase comparison scheme A lossless transmission line having Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of 2280 MW is provided with a uniformly distributed series capcitive compensation of 30%. Then, SIL of the compensated transmission line will be (a) 1835 MW () 2280 MW (e) 2725 MW (d) 3257 MW Alossless power system has to serve a load of 250 MW. There are two generators (G1 and G2) in the system with cost curves C, and C, respectively defined as follows CP.) = Po, + 0.055 « Py,* O(P,,) = BP, + 0.08 x P,,! where P,, and P,, are the MW injections from generator G1 and G2 respectively. Then the minimum cost dispatch will be (a) P,, = 250 MW; P., = 0 MW () Py (c) P,,= 100 MW: P., = 150 MW (a) Po, 150 MW; P,, = 100 MW OMW, P,, = 250 MW A lossless single machine infinite bus power system is shown below 1,026 pu 1.00 pu Gateonlinex.com ‘The synchronous generator transfers 1.0 per unit of power to the infinite bus. Critical clearing time of circuit breaker is 0.28 s. If another identical syenchronous generator is connected in parallel to the existing egnerator and each generator is scheduled to supply 0.5 per unit of power. Then the critical clearing time of the cireuit breaker will (a) reduce to 0.14 s (6) reduce but will be more than 0.14 5 (©) remain constant at 0.28 s (d) 4increase beyond 0.28 5 Single line diagram of a 4-bus single source distribution system is shown below. Branches ¢,, ¢,,€, and ¢, have equal impedances. The load current values indicated in the figure are in per unit, Distribution company’s policy requires radial system operation with minimum loss. This can be achieved by opening of the branch fae (oe (ee, @e, A single phase fully controlled bridge converter supplies a load drawing. constant and ripple free load current. If the triggering angle is 30°, the input power factor will be (a) 0.65 (6) 0.78 (c) 0.85 (d) 0.866 A single-phase half controlled converter shown in the figure is feeding power to highly inductive load. The converter is operating at a firing angle of 60°. Gateonlinex.com rte ; MAY otate voltage (v,) waveform of th 8 Converter wl, @ (we 57. A220 V. 20 A, 1000 rpm, separately excited de motor has an armature resistance of 2.5. The motor i controlled by'a step down chopper with a frequency of kHz, The input de voltage to the chopper is 250 V. The duty cycle of the chopper for the motor to operate at « speed of 600 rpm delivering the rated torque will be (@) 0518 @) 0.608 (©) 0.862 (@) 0.902 58, A220 V. 1400 rpm, 40 A separately excited de motor has an armature resistance of 0.40. The motor is fed from a single phase circulating current dual converter with an input ac line voltage of 220 V (rms). ‘The approximate firing angles of the dual converter for motoring operation at 50% of rated torque and 1000 rpm will be (a) 43°, 137° (6) 43°, 47° (o) 39°, 141° (a) 39°, 51° 59. Avingle phase voltage source inverter is feeding a purely inductive load as shown in the figure. The inverter is operated at 50 Hz in 180° square wave mode. ‘Assume that the load current does not have any de component. The peak value of the inductor current i, will be (@) 637A () 104 (© 2A (d) 404 60, a1 Gateonlinex.com 2400 50 Ha, 4 pole, 1400 rpm, star gene i Parameters referred te the stator " — er has the Biewg Ry = 1.00,X, Waditcsie (©) ‘To poles and two zeros — < ota (@ One pole and two zeros l Arps) 67. Figure shows a foedback system where K > 0. aa ‘The range of K for which the system is stable will be given by (@) 0390 68. ‘The transfer function of a system is given as q—20 This system is 3 420s +100 (a) an overdamped system (6) anunderdamped system (6) acritically damped system (@) an unstable system dual channe] CRO. are applied to X and Y inputs ofa 69, ‘Two sinusoidal signals plo,t) = Asin o,tand qo,) own below ‘The Lissajous figure displayed on the screen is sh The signal q(o,t) will be represented as i (a) glo, = Asin o,f, «, (6) ala,t) = Asin oy, o, (©) qla,t) = Acos wf, o, = 20, ) q(o,t) = A cos w,t, 0 Gateonlinex.com 70. The ae bridge shown in the figure is used to measure the impedance Z. If the bridge is balanced for oscillator frequency f= 2 kHz, then the impedance Z will be (a) (260 +50) (6) (0 + j200).0 Los (©) (260 - j200) 0 (ad) (260 + 3200) 0 Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 71, 72 and 73: Consider a power system shown below: Va x © Z| ——z,.- a Given that: Via = Ve = 1.0 +500 pu; ‘The positive sequence impedance are Z,, = Z, = 0.001 + j0.01 pu and 2, = 0.006 + j0.06 pu. S-phase Base MV A= 100 Voltage base = 400 kV (Line to Line) Nominal system frequency ~ 50 He The reference voltage for phase ‘a’ is defined as vit) A symmetrical three phase fault occurs at centre of the line, ie, point ‘Fat time ty. The positive sequence impedance from source 8, to point ‘F equals 0.004 + 0.04 pu. The waveform corresponding to phase'a’ fault current from bus X reveals that decaying de offset current is negative and in magnitude at its maximum initial value. Assume that the negative sequence impedances are equal to positive sequence impedances, And the zero sequence impedances are three times positive sequence impedances, V,, c08 (at). BL. The instant (t,) of the fault will be (@) 4.682 ms (6) 9.667 ms (c) 14.667 ms (@) 19.667 ms + The rms value of the ac component of fault eurrent (I) will be {@) 3.59 kA (8) 5.07 kA ©) 718 kA (@) 10.15 kA. 78. Instead of the three phaso fault, ifa single line to ground fault occurs on phase ‘a’ at point ‘F’ with zero fault impedance, then the rms value of the ac gomponent of fault current (,) for phase ‘a’ will be (@) 497 pu ) 7.0 pu fo) 14.9: pu pu “ Gateonlinex.com Common Dats for Questions 74 and 75: “Ag-phase, 440 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, slip ring induction motor i ‘shown in the figure, . cH Induction Motor F=—f=—{ nes J) Ss Auto Trarsforiner + 20 ‘The motor is coupled to a 220 V, separately excited. de generator feeding power to fixed resistance of 10 0. ‘Dwo-wattmeter method is used to measure the input power to industion motor. The variable resistance is adjusted such that the motor runs at 1410 rpm ang the following readings were recorded W, = 1800 W, W, = - 200 W 74, ‘The spoed of rotation of stator magnetie field with respect to rotor structure will be (a) 90 rpm in the direction of rotation. (8) 90 cpm in the opposite direction of rotation, (©) 1600 rpm in the direction of rotation (d) 1800 rpm in the opposite direction of rotation 75. Neglecting all losses of both the machines, the de generator power output and the current through resistance (R,,) will respectively be {c) 96W, 310A (e) 120W, 3.48 A (©) 1804 W, 12.26 A (d) 1880 W, 13.714 Linked Answer Questions: Q.76 to Q.85 carry two marks each. Statement for Linked Answer Questions 76 and 77: ‘The current i(t) sketched in the figure flows through an initially uncharged 0.3 nF capacito. iy mA | (8. ‘The charge stored in the capaeitor at t= 5 ys, will be @) 8nC (b) 10nC iC &) 18nC 16 ni Gateonlinex.com yaso7 89 18) ro Gateonlinex.com V7. ‘The capacitor charged upto 6 us Mo per the current profile given i i No ner the current profile given inthe figure, is connected inductor 005 ml. Then the ale of ellge ares the capecior ater Lae wih ceeen ane (@) 1asv (0) 23.59 (e) ~23.5V (d@) -306V Statement for Linked Answer Questions 78 and 79: ‘The state space equation of a system is described by x=Ax+ Bu y=Cx where x is state vector, u is input, y is output and 78. The transfer function G(s) of this system « stl > SR © em (a) 1 © CD © Jaem 79. Aunity feedback is provided to.the above system G(s) to make ita closed loop system as shown in figure, For a unit step input r(t), the steady state error in the output will be (a) 0 Wy 1 =O 2 ° dn Statement for Linked Answer Questions 80 and 81: Ageneral filter circuit is shown in the figure: Mu Ky AS te 80. IfR,=R,=R, and R, =R,=R,, the circuit acts asa (a) all pass filter (b) band pass filter (c) high pass filter (@) low pass filter Gateonlinex.com ‘The output of the Alter in @.80 . is piven to th circuit sh shown in figure ; ‘The gain vs frequency characteristic of the output (,) will be «) (b) ‘ } } | © oe ‘| —— | ra o> Statement for Linked Answer Questions 82 and 83: ‘A240 V, de shunt motor draws 15 A while supplying the rated load at a speed of 80 rad/s. The armature resistance is 0.5 Q and the field winding resistance is 80 ©. 82. The net voitage across the armature resistance at the time of plugging will be @) 6v (B) 234V () 240V (d) 474V 8%. ‘The oxternal resistance to be added in the armature circuit to limit the armature current to 125% of its rated value is @ 3L19 (@) 3199 (©) 15.19 @) 16.99 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 84 and 85: A synchronous motor is connected to an infinite bus at 1.0 pu voltage and draws 0.6 pu current at unity { power factor. Its synchronous reactanes is 1.0 pu and resistance is negligible f F ‘BA, The excitation voltage (E) and load angle (6) will respectively be () 0.8 pu and 36.86° lead (@) 0.8 pu and 36.96" lag (@ 1.17 pu and 30.96" lag () 1.17 pu and 30.96° lead the load on the motor is increased such that the mater current tor will become (b) 0.995 leading (d) 0.848 leading Keeping the excitation voltage same, increases by 20%. The operating power fac (2) 0.995 lagging ) 0.791 lagging ANSWERS 1@ 26) 3) 4) Wd) ) 7) BR) Ka) 10.(@) Meld) 12.00) ) Ad) 15) GH) THe) 18.16) 19.64) 20.(a) BL) 22.(¢) BB(a) 245) 25.(6) 26.) BAe) BB.) BB.) 80.) B1.() 82.(b) 33.4) BA) BE) 8B.) BTL) 38.06) BBE) 40.46) AL Cd) 42.(6) 48.16) 44.(5) 45.(B) $6. Ce) 47.15) 48.) 49.00) 50.10) BL(5) 5&(c} 6316) BAM) BB.) 56.16) B7.() 5B.) B.C) 60.6) G1() 6206) 6B.le) G16) 6S. (a) GB(c) GT. Lc) GBLe) 89.) 70.(@) TLC) TRC) 7.0) Tela) TB. (e) 7B.) TT.) TB.Ld)—79.(a) 80.) BL.) 82.(d) 83.) BAe) 85. (d) EXPLANATIONS 1. Network Graph of given circuit is ® “

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