Slušanje Prilagodba 1 R

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Name: Class: Date:

Listening comprehension test A (prilagodba)

1 14 Listen to a review of a TV series. Write one word, number or date in each gap.
( Poslušaj recenziju TV serije i upiši jednu riječ, broj ili godinu na svaku prazninu)
A TV show to remember
The American crime drama True Detective is a series with 1_______________ parts.
The story is set in the USA, and follows 2______________former detectives: Rustin Cohle
and Martin Hart. There appear to be doubts about an investigation they carried out in the
year 3________________ .
The first of the mysteries in the series regards who is the murderer of a young woman.
The second involves the current relationship between the two detectives.
The 4_______________ of the series is Nic Pizzolatto and the leading
5______________are Matthew McConnaughey and Woody Harrelson. True Detective is a

series that is well worth watching.

2 16 Listen to a radio programme about the five most expensive paintings in the world.
(Poslušaj razgovor o najskupljim slikama na svijetu. Zaokruži jedan od ponuđenih
Five most expensive paintings
1 Paul Gauguin When will you marry? costs $ 300 m / 200m.
The previous owner was from Switzerland / Sweden .
2 Paul Cézanne The Card Players cost $ 264 m /274 m
The two card players look very serious / very happy.
3 Mark Rothko Nº 6 $186 m
The colours violet , green and yellow /green and red are mentioned.
The painting was bought by an Armenian /Russian billionaire.
4 Pablo Picasso Les Femmes d’Alger cost $179.3 m/ 197.3 m
The picture was sold in 2015 /2014.
5 Jackson Pollock Nº 5, 1948 $165.4 m
The colours mentioned are brown and orange /yellow.
We don’t know who owns / bought the painting.
Name: Class: Date:

3 [Track 5] You will hear a conversation between Natalie and John. Listen and choose one
of teh answers. ( Poslušaj razgovor između Natalie i Johna i odaberi jedan od ponuđenih
1 Mrs Peters is the Maths /PE teacher.
2 John thinks that Mrs Peters is the best /the worst PE teacher.
3 Natalie once forgot to bring her books/ kit to school.
4 According to Natalie, the school has three / thirty new table tennis tables.
5 Natalie’s friend /cousin told her about the new table tennis tables.
6 Only ten /twelve people can play table tennis.
7 In the end, John decides to play hockey /table tennis.
8 John thinks that Natalie should become a journalist / detective.


4 [Track 3] You will hear a conversation between Jenny and Martin. Choose the correct
answer, A, B or C. (Poslušaj razgovor između Jenny i Martina i odaberi točan odgovor)
1 What do we learn about Martin and Jenny’s local college?
A Martin doesn’t get on well with the people who are planning to go there.
B Most people think it isn’t very good.
C People come to it from all over the country.

2 What does Jenny say about old friends?

A You can still keep your old friends and make new friends.
B You will forget about your close friends when you meet new people.
C It’s very easy to lose touch with old friends.

3 What would Martin say about himself and Jenny?

A He’s more adventurous than Jenny.
B He thinks they would both be happier if they stayed in the same place.
C It would suit him to stay close to home, but not Jenny.

4 What does Jenny say about Kevin Sampson?

A No one likes him because he isn’t fun to be with.
B A lot of people like him, but he is childish.
C He has similar interests to Martin.

5 Which sentence is true about Martin at the end of the conversation?

A He has definitely decided to go to the local college.
B He isn’t sure about whether he wants to continue studying when he leaves school.
C He hasn’t made his mind up about where to study yet.
Name: Class: Date:

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